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James Gosling

A Canadian computer scientist, best known as the founder and lead designer behind
the ‘Java Programming Language’
Dennis Mc Ritchie

An American computer scientist who created the ‘C Programming Language’

and with colleague Ken Thompson, the ‘Unix operating system’.
Bjarne Stroustrup

A Danish computer scientist, who is most notable for the creation and development
of the widely used ‘C++ Programming Language’
Kenneth Thompson

An American pioneer of computer science, who designed and implemented the

original ‘Unix operating system’. He also invented the ‘B programming
language’, the direct predecessor to the C programming language, and was one of
the creators and early developers of the ‘Plan 9 operating systems.’
Grady Booch

An American software engineer, who developed the ‘Unified Modeling

Language’ (UML) with Ivar Jacobson and James Rumbaugh. He is recognized
internationally for his innovative work in ‘Software Architecture, Software
Charles Babbage

An English polymath, mathematician, philosopher, inventor and mechanical engineer, Babbage

originated the concept of a digital programmable computer. Considered by some to be a
"Father Of The Computer", Babbage is credited with inventing the first mechanical
computer that eventually led to more complex electronic designs.

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