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Pacific Northwest District

House of Delegate
56 Annual District Convention

Bellingham, WA
March 3rd, 2018


Opening/Welcome 2
Credentials 2
Reading of House Rules 2
State of District Address 2
Election of Executive Board 2-3
LT. Governor Elections 4
Bylaw Changes 4-5
Adjournment 6
Stay “K”onnected 6

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Pacific Northwest District
House of Delegate
56th Annual District Convention
Bellingham, WA
March 3rd, 2018

- Governor Cody Li calls the Meeting to Order at 4:09 pm
- DIignitaries:
o Ekanki Chawla, District Secretary
o Greg Wegrich, District Administrator
o Josh Kim, Credentials Chair
o Banna Tesfay, Elections Chair

- All 20 registered delegates present
- 11 majority
- Reiane Abuda, UW, moves to accept the report of credentials committee
o Mohammed Alharbi, SMU, seconds
o Motion passes

Reading of House Rules

- Nathan Coats, UW, moves to accept house rules as read
o Grace Bruncke, Linfield, seconds
o Motion passes

State of District Address

o 13,833.25 service hours
§ Super close to goal of 14,000 hours
o 134 KFRs
o 33 interclubs
o Members paid 325

Election of Executive Board

- Governor
o Kayla Arnesen, WWU, nominates Esmeralda Hernandez
§ Esmeralda Hernandez, WWU, accepts
o Governor’s Debate

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Pacific Northwest District
House of Delegate
56th Annual District Convention
Bellingham, WA
March 3rd, 2018

§ Fishbowl question, 3 minute address

o Cody Li entertains motion to suspend house rules and vote Esmeralda for
office of district governor by acclimation
§ Angel Le, OSU, so moves
§ Nathan Coats, UW, seconds
§ Passes unanimously
o Esmeralda Hernandez, WWU, elected
- Secretary
o Olivia Nowlan, UBC, nominates Anna Mylvaganam
o Anna Mylvaganam, UBC, accepts
§ Fishbowl question, 1 minute address
o Cody Li entertains motion to suspend house rules and vote Anna for office of
district secretary by acclimation
§ Brittney Cartwright, SMU, so moves
§ Lily Suh, UBC, seconds
§ Passes unanimously
o Anna Mylvaganam, UBC, elected
- Treasurer
o Matthew Lee, OSU, nominates Angel Le
o Angel Le, OSU, accepts
§ Fishbowl question, 1 minute address
§ 20 yes, 0 abstentions
o Angel Le, OSU, elected
- Bulletin Editor
o Reiane Abuda, UW, nominates Michelle Chang
o Michelle Chang, UW, accepts
§ Fishbowl question, 1 minute address
§ 20 yes, 0 abstentions
o Michelle Chang, UW, elected

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Pacific Northwest District
House of Delegate
56 Annual District Convention

Bellingham, WA
March 3rd, 2018

LT. Governor Elections

- Rainer Capital LTG
o No nominations
- Cascade Range LTG
o No nominations
- Columbia LTG
o No nominations
- Inland Empire
o No nominations
- Peace Arch
o No nominations
- Snoqualmie
o Reiane Aduba, UW-Seattle, nominates Kelvin Anderson, UW-Seattle
o Kelvin Anderson accepts
o Caucasing to take place immediately after HOD session for Snoqualmie
division delegates

Bylaw Changes
- Article 5, Section 2 (as follows): winter divisionals are no longer hosted, so this
wording is more accurate.

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Pacific Northwest District
House of Delegate
56th Annual District Convention
Bellingham, WA
March 3rd, 2018

- Article 5, Section 3 (as follows): this change removes winter divisional rally because
that no longer takes place

- Article 7, Section 2: Since committee structure changes every year, this requires
change at every HOD. This amendment removes Fall Conference wording because
it’s now termed as PNWLA.
- Governor Cody Li entertains motion to block all said bylaw changes to be voted as

a whole
o Esmeralda Hernandez, WWU, so moves
o Mohammed Alharbi, SMU, seconds
o No discussion. Passes unanimously.
o Vote to accept said changes in bylaws
§ Passes unanimously

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Pacific Northwest District
House of Delegate
56 Annual District Convention

Bellingham, WA
March 3rd, 2018

- Lauren Ho, UW-Seattle, so moves to adjourn 56th session of House of Delegates.
o Esmeralda Hernandez, WWU, seconds.
o Motion passes

Adjournment of House of Delegates by District governor Cody Li at 4:57 p.m.

Stay “K”onnected
- Add us on Snapchat: @pnwcki
- Join our Facebook page:
- Check out our website for club resources:

Submitted by Circle K International Pacific Northwest District Secretary Ekanki Chawla

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