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A Detailed Lesson Plan

STEM 11- Biology 2

Prepared by: Reina Lizelle C. Tapel

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

` A. describe the function of a nucleotide
B. construct the structure of a polynucleotide chain
C. differentiate the structures between DNA and RNA molecules.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Genetics- Nucleic Acids

B. Reference:

C. Instructional Materials: LCD projector, power point presentation, video

presentation, chalk and board, worksheet.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

A. Preparatory Activities

Good morning class! Good morning ma’am!

Please settle down. Arrange your chairs, and (students arrange their chairs and pick up the
see to it that there are no trashes that are trashes under their chairs)
scattered around.

How many are you in class? Is there anyone

who is absent today? None ma’am!

Very good. It seems that you are enjoying this

subject. And I hope you will maintain your
good attitude towards the semester. Yes ma’am!

B. Developmental Activities

Before we proceed to our lesson, lets us have a
trivia. Who loves trivia's?


We have two dates in here and this two dates

are very important in the discovery of nucleic
In 1870, The first monomer of nucleic acids we
now refer to as DNA was accomplished by Swiss
Johan Friedrich Miescher while studying the nuclei
of white blood cells and in 1920, nucleic acids are
found to be the major components of
chromosomes, small gene-carrying bodies in the
nuclei of the complex cells.

Take note of the name, events and dates you

might encounter them later on for an assessment.

Presentation of the lesson

So class based on the trivia a while back can

you now guess what our topic is all about?
( student raise her hand)
DNA ma’am!
Yes very good. Dna is a type of nucleic acid
together with rna. Nucleic acids are the
molecules that code the genetic information of
organisms. Nucleic acids hold the basic
building blocks for life.
( students raise their hands)

Now who among you can define human

A human cell contains 23 pairs of
chromosomes. 46 all-in-all sir.
Yes ____?

Very good! But today’s discussion will focus

on the human development from fertilization to
( students raise their hands)
As we start our lesson, may I ask first how
many chromosomes a human cell contains?
Fertilization is the union of a human egg and
Yes ____? sperm, usually occurring in the ampulla of the
fallopian tube. The result of this union is the
That is right. The ovum however, has at some production of a zygote cell, or fertilized egg,
stage split, and therefore only contains half the initiating prenatal development.
chromosomes of other cells in the human body.
Similarly, each human sperm only has 23

May I ask therefore what do we mean by

( students raise their hands)
Yes ___?

The average pregnancy lasts for 38 weeks from

the date of conception.

Very good!
Fertilization, also called conception, occurs
when single sperm enters the ovum (egg) and
their nuclei fuse. The two nuclei combine
together to form full 46 chromosome cell.

Now, may I ask the class how long is the

average pregnancy of a woman?

Yes ___?

Yes, that is right. However, doctors usually

date your pregnancy from the first day of the
woman’s last menstrual period- that is the day
the last period started. Using this method, a
pregnancy is said to last 40 weeks.

Now, within 38 hours, cell division begins.

The zygote cleaves by mitosis as it moves
down the uterus.
This stage is called cleavage. To further
understand what is cleavage, it is the division
or separation of form. This is the act or state of ( students raise their hands)
splitting or dividing of the cell particularly
during the telophase of cell division.
Within 38 hours, cell division begins. Firstly In the gastrulation stage sir, the placenta forms
into two, then four etc. around the 2-week old embryo.
The fertilized egg, now a number of cells, Placenta is a temporary organ that joins the
makes its way to the uterus, so by the 10th day, mother and the fetus, transferring oxygen and
it embeds itself in the protective walls of the nutrients from the mother to the fetus and
uterus. permitting the release of carbon dioxide and
This stage is called blastulation. waste products from the fetus.
The embryo forms a hallow ball and 3-6 days
after fertilization becomes implanted in the ( students raise their hands)

For the fourth stage, we now have gastrulation. Definitely, the fetus in the womb of the mother
Who can define what is gastrulation? will die or it will never survive.

Yes ___?

Very good! Can you tell the class what is


(students raise their hands)

Very good! In neurulation stage, the 3-week old embryo,
So, what would likely to happen when there is 2mm in size, develops muscle tissues, blood
no placenta? vessels, and nervous system.

Yes ___?

Correct. And so, with the help of the placenta,

the human development continues.
It is not just the placenta that is a material for
the embryo to get the things needed such us
food and oxygen. It also has umbilical cord.
Umbilical cord is the structure which connects
the embryo to the mother. It serves to be the
single bridge between the placenta and the
embryo. After gastrulation, it proceeds to
What is neurulation?
Yes ___?

None sir!
That is right!
3 weeks after conception( week 5), the embryo
is the size of the grain of rice (about 2 mm
long) and would be visible to the naked eye. It
has the beginnings of the brain with 2 lobes
and its spinal cord is starting to form.
(students raise their hands)
As the fetus continually grows, it reaches its
organogenesis stage.
In this stage, the one month old embryo is ½
cm in size, and forms body organs. At 6 weeks Continued morphogenesis is when the embryo,
of pregnancy (3-4 weeks after conception), the now 2 months old, shows miniature limbs as
embryo has a head with simple eyes and ears. hands, arms, elbows, legs and knees.
Its heart has 2 chambers and is beating. Small
buds are also present that will form arms and
legs later.

Now, do you have other questions about this

( student raise his hand)
And if that’s the case, let us proceed to the 7th
stage of human development. What is genetic blueprint sir?
The next stage is the what so called continued
Who can tell the class what is continued

Yes ___? Yes sir!

That is right!
In the continued morphogenesis, it is the ( students raise their hands)
shaping of an organism by embryological
processes of differentiation of cells, tissues, Trimester is a period of three or about three
and organ systems according to the genetic months into which a human pregnancy is
blueprint of the potential organism and divided.
environmental conditions.

Yes ___?

Good question. Genetic blueprint is the map of

a living organism’s gene or genome. Meaning,
the genes that an organism is born with define
any of the characteristics it has throughout life.
What is expected for the other if she enters the
Is it now clear to you class? 2nd trimester of pregnancy sir?
As the fetus continue growing, the fetus is now
three months and has complete organs. This
stage is the end of 1st trimester.

Now, what do we mean by trimester?

Yes ___?
Very good! The 1st trimester is from week 1 to
week 12 of pregnancy, so definitely, at the 13th
week, the 1st trimester has already ended and
the 2nd trimester has started.

In the 2nd trimester, there is already a heartbeat What is expected for the other if she enters the
and fine body hairs. The fetus is now 1 foot 3rd trimester of pregnancy sir?
long and 2 ¼ pounds.

Definitely, when the mother reaches her 2nd

trimester of pregnancy, the morning sickness
that plagued you during the last three months
should be fading, leaving you feeling more
energetic and like your old self again.
This is also considered to be the easiest three
months of pregnancy.

As the fetus continually grows, it will reach

the3rd trimester or the last three months.
During the 3rd trimester, the fetus has reached
its period of growth, and reaches 6-9 pounds.

Now that mother reached the 3rd trimester, the

mother is now in the home stretched of
pregnancy. This is considered to be the
challenging part of pregnancy. The mother
could feel backache, bleeding, breast
enlargement, discharge, fatigue, frequent
urination, heartburn and constipation shortness
of breath, spider and varicose veins, and also

After these stages, the baby now is ready to be

born. This is called the childbirth.
Normally, the baby stays in the uterus or womb
for a period of nine months which is called the
gestation period or pregnancy.
Towards the end of the ninth month, the baby’s The baby is born sir!
head is pointed towards the lower end of the
uterus. When the tie for birth comes, the wall
of the uterus starts to contract.
As the wall of the uterus continually contracts,
the head of the baby is pushed toward the birth
canal or the vagina. Shortly after this, the bag
of liquid (in which the baby floats inside the None sir!
uterus) bursts; the liquid gushes out, making
the delivery easier. Yes sir!

And so what happens next?

That is right!

That is how a human develops starting from

fertilization up to childbirth.

Do you have any question class?

Is the human development clear to you now?

Okay. Very good!


Since you have no questions, we will have

again an activity. Please stay in your group as
you do the activity. Yes sir!

Our activity now is titled “Sum Me Up”. The ( students do their activity)
only thing you have to do is to make a graphic
organizer or a flowchart discussing the
different stages in human development. Be
creative. Do that in a 1 whole sheet of bond
paper which I will provide you. Remember,
you are not allowed to open your books but
you can use your notes.
I want you to do that for 5 minutes.
Am I understood class?

Okay begin.
( students watch a video presentation)
(after 5 minutes)

Okay class, pass your outputs now and go back

to your proper seats.


Okay class, for you to comprehend more the

different stages of human development, I will
let you watch a video from fertilization to
Just sit back and relax.
IV. Evaluation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

This time, I have here a 25 item test about
human development. I will distribute this to
you. All you need to do is to answer each item
the best you can.
Am I understood? (see attachment ) Yes sir!

Do that for 10 minutes. ( students answer the quiz)

(after 10 minutes)

Okay class, pass your papers now. ( students pass their papers)

V. Assignment

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

For your assignment, read the topics on pages Yes sir!
162 of your science 10 book.

Okay, so let us call it a day. Goodbye class! Goodbye and thank you Mr. Rolando Aurelio
Name: ___________________________ Grade/Section:____________

Direction: Multiple Choices. Answer the following questions correctly.

 1. The vagina is the passageway through which a baby moves during

____________________ .

A) fertilization
B) birth
C) menstruation
D) contraception

 2. During ______________________, a mature egg leaves an ovary and travels to the


A) ovulation
B) fertilization
C) menstruation
D) ovarization

 3. The process by which blood and tissue lining leave the uterus is called

A) menstruation
B) menestration
C) ovulation
D) ovarization

 4. Fertilization occurs when a sperm cell and an egg cell meet and their
____________________ combine.

A) ribosomes
B) semen
C) nuclei
D) proteins

 5. An egg can be fertilized only after ovulation and only by _____________________.

A) one two-tailed sperm

B) one fast sperm
C) one healthy sperm
D) one super sperm

 6. The new cell produced by fertilization is called a ___________________.

A) ovum
B) zygote
C) clone
D) spermatic cell

 7. A human zygote has _______________ chromosomes in its nucleus. It goes through

several cell divisions while traveling to the uterus.

A) 48
B) 23
C) 46
D) 8

 8. An embryo is a hollow ball of cells attached to the wall of the


A) uterus
B) umbilical cord
C) placenta
D) vagina

 9. I like Science class _______________.

A) a little bit
B) sometimes
C) rarely
D) a lot

 10. An embryo receives nourishment and rids itself of wastes through the

A) placenta
B) uterus
C) vagina
D) umbilical cord

 11. The umbilical cord connects an embryo to the __________________________.

A) uterus
B) placenta
C) vagina
D) oviduct
 12. Birth takes place in three _______________________: labor, delivery, and afterbirth.

A) stages
B) sections
C) processes
D) steps

 13. Birth usually occurs after _____________________ of development.

A) 9 weeks
B) 9 stages
C) 9 steps
D) 9 months

 14. The stages of development in _____________________ are called the human life

A) humans
B) humanid
C) pregnant women
D) mammalian

 15. During _______________________, a person goes through a period of rapid physical


A) childhood
B) infancy
C) adolescence
D) adulthood

 16. _________________________ is the stage at which the physical growth of the body
is complete.

A) Adulthood
B) Adolescence
C) Later Years
D) Childhood

 17. Which structure is correctly paired with its function?

A) testis —produces nutrients for the offspring

B) uterus — produces testosterone used in egg production
C) placenta — allows nutrients to diffuse from the mother to the embryo
D) ovary — provides a place for the internal development of the embryo
 18. Which statement best describes the relationship between the blood of a human fetus
and the blood of the mother?

A) Their blood systems are separate, but certain materials pass from one to the other.
B) The blood flows directly from the mother into the fetus.
C) Their blood systems are separate and no materials are exchanged.
D) Their blood systems are separate only at certain times in development and connected at other

 19. A large number of sperm cells are produced by males every day. This large number
of sperm cells increases the chance that

A) some of the sperm cells will survive to reach the egg.

B) enough sperm cells will be present to transport the egg from where it is produced to where it
develops into a fetus.
C) at least one sperm cell will be reached when the eggs swim toward the sperm cells in the
D) several sperm cells will unite with an egg so the fertilized egg will develop properly.

 20. Which sequence represents the order of some events in human development?

A) fetus → tissues → zygote → egg

B) sperm → zygote → organs → tissues
C) zygote → tissues → organs → fetus
D) zygote → sperm → tissues → egg

 21. Although all of the cells of a human develop from one fertilized egg, the human is
born with many different types of cells. Which statement best explains this observation?

A) Some cells develop before other cells.

B) Mutations occur during development as a result of environmental conditions.
C) Developing cells may express different parts of their identical genetic instructions.
D) All cells have different genetic material.

 22. Which sequence represents the correct order of processes that result in the formation
and development of an embryo?

A) fertilization → mitosis → meiosis

B) fertilization → meiosis → mitosis
C) mitosis → fertilization → meiosis
D) meiosis → fertilization → mitosis

 23. Which hormones most directly influence the uterus during pregnancy?

A) progesterone and estrogen

B) estrogen and insulin
C) testosterone and insulin
D) progesterone and testosterone

 24. Which statement describes one function of the placenta in mammals?

A) It contains fluid that protects the embryo from harm.

B) It removes waste products that are produced in the cells of the fetus.
C) It synthesizes food for the embryo.
D) It allows blood of the mother to mix with the blood of the fetus.

25. Human development starts from fertilization and ends up to childbirth.

A) True
B) False
C) Maybe
D) Never
Answer Key


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