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Do you believe in the healing power of plants and minerals? Is it possible to cure a disease
with the help of homeopathy? Homeopathy is the practice of using plants and minerals for the
treatment of human illnesses. This kind of alternative medicine is very controversial, because many
supporters of the regular medicine criticize homeopathy for its irregular approach towards treatment.
On the other hand, millions of people devote their health towards homeopaths. Very often, they
manage to cure complicated diseases, which cannot be cured by the means of the regular medicine.

The basic principle of Homeopathy is 'Similia Similibus Curentur' which means similar
similar healers. This means that Homeopathy works on the principle that the disease can be cured by
the same material that may have caused the disease, by being potentized.(Shelton, 2004)

Homeopathy drugs work with the immune system and defend against disease. This means that
homeopathy can stimulate the body's resistance to infection, accelerate healing and prevent
complications without side effects. Homeopathy remedies overall, whether physical, emotional, and
mental. (Kim Erickson, 2010)

Homeopathy drugs mostly come from natural substances derived from plants, minerals or
animals. Homeopathy medicine is safe to eat, no side effects, no toxic or chemicals. The drug is in the
form of liquids, granules, and tablets. Process homeopathy drug making starting from the cutting of
basic materials from plants and animals, and grinding mineral base material (reduced in size). Then
the ingredients are soaked in 90% alcohol, then shaken tight and tightly sealed. Then the solution is
silenced for 2-4 weeks, then filtered into the bottle. This solution is called 'Mother Tincture' is the
original drug or mother abbreviated medicine with Q. (Kim Erickson, 2010)

Every homeopathy drug must be potentized so that the power of toxic or chemical substance
is lost, so that only the power of the medicine is left. From Q can be made with high or low potential.
Potency is made by mixing the original drug with drug medium, that is aquades. Dilution in
Homeopathy uses a decimal size (1:10), centimal (1: 100). 1:10 means that one part of medicinal
substances diluted with nine parts of medicinal medium, so the drug more dilute. The higher the
process of dilution and shaking, making the healing properties increase. (Kim Erickson, 2010)

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