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1. ____A hormone which upon secretion by an organ affects a distant target cell :
A. endocrine B. parahormone C. autocrine D. exocrine

2.____A hormone which upon secretion by a cell affects the same cell:
A. endocrine B. parahormone C. autocrine D. exocrine

3. ____A group of hormones derived from lipids:

A. catecholamines B. eicosanoids C. thyroxines D. nitric oxide

4. ____A hormone with hydrophilic properties:

A. insulin B. cortisol C. calcitriol D. vitamin A

5. ____ A hormone with lipophilic properties secreted through the process of diffusion:
A. antidiuretic hormone C. triiodothyronine
B. adrenaline D. all of the choices

6. ____The receptor of steroid hormones, like 1,25diOHcholecalciferol, is found where:

A. inside the nucleus C. in the cytosol
B. found intracellular D. plasma membrane

7. ____The second messenger utilized by the steroid hormones:

B. 1,2 DAG D. hormone receptor complex

8. ____ A second messenger belonging to the phosphoinositide molecules:

A. cAMP B. cGMP C. inositol 1,4,5 triphosphate D. kinase cascade

9. ____The second messengers, like cAMP and cGMP, this downstream signaling
molecule is in turn activated:
A. protein kinase C. adenylate kinase
B. phospholipase C D. calmodulin

10. ____The effect of the activation of the signaling molecule by second messengers
results to:
A. dephosphorylation of enzymes C. degradation of enzymes
B. proteolytic activation of enzymes D. phosphorylation of enzymes

11. ____A hormone that utilizes the second messenger cGMP:

A. ACTH C. insulin
B. atrial natriuretic peptide D. corticosterone

12. ____The following hormones stimulate the receptor tyrosine kinase, EXCEPT:
A. insulin-like growth factor-1 C. gonadotropin releasing hormone
B. epidermal growth factor D. angiotensin
13. ____An important feature of receptors:
A. cell’s surface has a few of receptors molecules
B. all cells possess the same set of receptors
C. binding is characterized by low affinity
D. binding of ligand is through covalent bonds

14. ____A membrane receptor characterized by a single transmembrane domain:

A. cytokine receptor C. alpha adrenergic receptor
B. beta adrenergic receptor D. ion channel receptor

15. ____The phosphorylation sites of hydrophilic hormone receptors are located in the:
A. amino terminal end of the protein
B. carboxy terminalend of the protein
C. cytosolic third loop of the protein
D. extracellular second loop of the protein

16. ____The nucleotide bound to the inactive G protein:


17. ____The alpha and gamma subunits of the G-protein are bound to the inner leaflet
of the plasma membrane through what kind of molecule:
A. carbohydrate C. protein
B. lipid D. nucleic acid

18. ____True of the effector protein, adenylate cyclase, EXCEPT:

A. has two transmembrane domains, TM1 and TM2
B. has only one domain that synthesizes cAMP
C. two cytosolic catalytic domains responsible for cAMP generation
D. each of the TM1 and TM2 has six transmembrane domains

19. ____Mechanism of the cholera toxin, choleragen is explained by this reaction:

A. Gs + nicotinamide ---------------> GsADP + niacin
B. Gs + NAD+ ------------------------> Gsnicotinamide + ribose-ADP
C. Gs + NAD+ ------------------------> Gsribose-ADP + nicotinamide
D. Gs + ADP -------------------------> Gsadenosine + niacin

20. ____ This glycosaminoglycan serves as the receptor of the cholera toxin on the
plasma membrane of gastrointestinal cells:
A. GM1 B. GM2 C. GM3 D. GM4

21. ____ The amino acid residue of the alpha subunit of G-protein that is covalently
modified by the cholera toxin:
A. glutamine C. tyrosine
B. arginine D. serine
22. ____The R group of the amino acid of the alpha subunit of G-protein that is
covalently modified by the cholera toxin:
A. epsilon amino C. gamma carboxylic
B. beta carboxylic D. guanido group

23. ____True of the fates of the Calcium ions extruded into the cytoplasm from the
endoplasmic reticulum:
A. activates PKC with 1,2DAG*
B. the only one that activates PKC
C. binds with 1,2DAG and activates CaMkinase
D. converts IP3 to IP2 and IP

24. ____These inactive receptor tyrosine kinases have similar configurations, EXCEPT:
A. epidermal growth factor receptor C. IGF-1 receptor
B. platelet-derived growth factor receptor D. nerve growth factor receptor

25. ____The residue of the cytosolic domain that accepts the phosphate group when
A. serine C. threonine
B. tyrosine D. lysine

26. ____ The G-protein whose activation causes the activation of the kinase cascade:
A. Gt-protein C. Ras protein
B. Golf-protein D. Gi-protein

27. ____ The soluble guanylate cyclase receptor serves as the receptor for nitric oxide:
A. atrial natiuretic peptide C. endotoxins
B. nitric oxide D. vasopressin

28. ____ A single tryptophan residue is common to the following,EXCEPT:

A. growth hormone C. insulin-like growth factor
B. placental lactogen D. somatomamotropin

29. ____This amino acid form is commonly found at the carboxy end of hypothalamic
and GIT hormones:
A. amide of an amino acid C. hydroxylated amino acid
B. cyclicized amino acid D. sulfur containing amino acid

30. ____A hypothalamic hormone with 44 known amino acid sequence:

A. thyrotropin releasing factor C. growth hormone releasing factor
B. gonadotropin releasing factor D. somatropin release inhibiting factor

31. ____A common feature found among FSH, LH and TSH:

A. oligosaccharides attached to the molecule C. single tryptophan residue
B. derived from a single long polypeptide D. same amino acid sequence
32. ____A substance that inhibit thyroid peroxidase enzyme:
A. ClO4- C. thioureas
B. TCO4- D. ouabain

33. ____Somatomedins mediate the indirect effects of:

B. growth hormone D. somatostatin

34. ____The amino acid found at the 8th position of oxytocin:

A. Phenylalanine C. Arginine
B. Leucine D. Lysine

35. ____Product/s of mature insulin synthesis:

A. C-peptide and 2 Arg residues C. C-peptide and 3 Lys residues
B. one Lys and 3 Arg residues D. all of the above

36. ____True of the hypothalamic – pituitary – target organ cascade:

A. the ultimate hormone affects only a single cell
B. hormones are secreted in pulses
C. regulated by positive feedback inhibition
D. presence of only the short loop type of inhibition

37. ____A hypothalamic releasing factor with glycinamide residue found at the
carboxylic end:

38. ____A Laron Dwarf, with growth retardation, is due to:

A. growth hormone excess C. GHRH deficiency
B. IGF-1 deficiency D. defect in GH receptor

39. ____Aside from growth and function of mammary glands, one of the following is an
action of prolactin:
A. increase maternal behaviour C. increase synthesis of steriods
B. decrease maternal behaviour D. decrease synthesis of steroids

40. ____Hormones that will stimulate the secretion of prolactin, EXCEPT:

A. oxytocin B. TRH C. GIP D. estrogen

41. ____Hashimoto’s disease is:

A. congenital abnormality C. due to Iodine deficiency
B. autoimmune thyroiditis* D. a defect in the pituitary-target organ cascade

42. ____Of the members of the POMC peptide family of hormones, which is
A. beta endorphin B. lipotropin C. MSH D. ACTH
43. ____Of the hormones from the adrenal cortex, this steroid is the only one involved
in feedback inhibition:
A. cortisol C. corticosterone
B. aldosterone D. DHEA

44. ____Effect/s of deficiency of adrenocorticotropic hormone:

A. potassium depletion C. excess sodium loss
B. excess water retention D. high blood pressure

45. ____Of the products of POMC peptide proteolysis, this contains the actual
circulating MSH activity:
A.  MSH C.  MSH
B.  lipotropin D. ACTH

46. ____Oxytocin is transported from the hypothalamus to the posterior pituitary

A. network of blood vessels C. neurophysins
B. binding proteins D. thru fenestrations along the stalk

47. ____True of vasopressin1 :

A. renal and activates adenylate cyclase
B. extra renal and activates phospholipase C
C. mediates aldosterone effects on renal tubules
D. found in the kidneys and uses phosphoinositides

48. ____Chemical groups of amino acid residues of oxytocin important for its action:
A. amino group cystine C. phenolic group tyrosine
B. carboxymide groups of Asn D. prolinamide

49. ____The precursor of the Vitamin D that is found in the skin of humans:
A. 7-dehydrocholesterol C. ergosterol
B. cholecalciferol D. 25 OH cholecalciferol

50. ____Mechanism of the pertussis toxin is explained by this reaction:

A. Gi + nicotinamide ---------------> Gi ADP + niacin
B. Gi + NAD+ ------------------------> Gi nicotinamide + ribose-ADP
C. Gi + NAD+ -----------------------> Gi ribose-ADP + nicotinamide
D. Gi + ADP -------------------------> Gi adenosine + niacin


1. ____Glucose, the main fuel of the brain, because it is the only fuel which enters in
sufficient amounts to support the energy requirements enters the brain and the cells
A. Facilitative transport C. active transport
B. Passive diffusion D. secondary active transport
2. ____This protein is the transporter for glucose in the blood brain barrier:
A. Glut-1 B. Glut-2 C. Glut-3 D. Glut-4

3. ____An advantage of reducing the apparent concentration of free glucose

intracellularly in brain cells:
A. In the form of glucose 6-PO4, it is prevented from diffusing into the extracelular
B. As glucose 6-PO4, glucose becomes a charged metabolite
C. In glucose 6-PO4 form, cell swelling is prevented
D. In glucose 6-PO4 form, the concentration of sugars are increased

4. ____Molecules that can traverse the blood brain barrier through diffusion, EXCEPT:
A. Oxygen B. Carbon dioxide C. Benzodiazepines D. Cisplatin

5. ____Water crosses the blood brain barrier through this mechanism:

A. Paracellular B. Bulk flow C. Diffusion D. Active transport

6. ____The ATP generated through glycolysis and TCA cycle are mainly utilized in:
A. Ion pumping in neurons
B. Maintaining ion gradients underlying synaptic & action potenitals
C. In glial Na+-coupled neurotransmitter uptake by excitatory amino acid transporter
D. All of the choices

7. ____The following methods/procedures are used for brain imaging of its metabolism:
A. Positron emission tomography C. Direct spectroscopy
B. Functional magnetic resonance imaging D. All of the choices

8. ____Among the following enzymes of the brain cells, which enzyme is

distributed both in the cytosol and mitochondrion of astrocytes?
A. Lactate dehydrogenase C. Pyruvate carboxylase
B. Malic enzyme D. Creatinine kinase

9. ____Carrier-mediated transports at the blood brain barrier, EXCEPT:

A. neutral amino acid system C. calcium pump
B. basic amino acid system D. choline transporter

10. ____True of symports and antiports for amino acids and neurotransmitters:
A. energy is derived from concentration gradients
B. no coupling of movement of one molecule with another
C. ATP provides the energy needed to transport molecules
D. high-affinity pumps for neurotransmitters are principally H+ symporters

11. ____Primary active transports of the brain is estimated to utilize how much of the
ATP synthesized by EMP, TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation:
A. 10% B. 20% C. 35% D. 50%

12. ____Affinity of the blood brain barrier glucose transporter is:

A. lower than that of plasma glucose
B. about equal to that of plasma glucose
C. higher than that of plasma glucose
D. none of the above
13. ____Enzymes used by the perivascular glial cells for scavenging reactive oxygen
species, EXCEPT:
A. superoxide dismutase C. catalase
B. glutathione peroxidase D. glutathione reductase

14. ____A system that glial and neuronal cells use to control brain blood flow:
A. feedforward B. allosterism C. compartmentation D. hormonal
15. ____Neuronal enzymes used for glutamate metabolism, EXCEPT:
A. glutamate dehydrogenase C. aspartate aminotransferase
B. pyruvate carboxylase D. glutaminase

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