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Q1. Section 34 of I.P.C. provides for liability based on common intention.

Consider the
following situations:

1. The weapon used in the offence was found in A’s house.

2. A has procured the weapon of offence voluntarily to aid the criminal gang.
3. A was compelled under threat to his life to procure the weapon of offence.
4. The weapon was supplied on receipt of value of the weapon (sale).
Which of the situation given above reflect (s) the correct ingredients with regard of Section 34?

(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 2 only
(d) 4 only.

Ans. (c)

Q.2. When a criminal act is done by several persons in furtherance of common intention of all,
each one of them is liable:

(a) As if it was done by each one of them in singular capacity

(b) Only for the part each one has done
(c) For the abetment of the act
(d) For an attempt to commit the act.

Ans. (a)

Q3. What is the age of a sufficiently mature child if he is to be totally exempted from criminal

(a)Below 10 years
(b)Below 7 years
(c)Below 18 years
(d)Below 13 years.

Ans. (b)
Q.4. X while in the state of voluntary intoxication kills Z. Prosecution fails to establish that X
could form an intention of a sober man. X is guilty of:

(b)Culpable homicide not amounting to murder
(c)Death by rash or negligent act
(d)No offence.

Ans. (b)

Q. 5. A man in order to escape death from hunger kills another for the purpose of eating:

(a)He is guilty of murder.

(b)He has good defence under Sec. 81.
(c)Although he is guilty but not of murder.
(d)None of the above.

Ans. (a)

Q.6 .A Bus driver suddenly without any fault or negligence on his part finds himself in such a
position that before he can stop the bus he will run down a school children van unless he incur
the risk of turning the bus running down a Rickshaw poles.
He choose second option

(a)He is not guilty as he has good defence under Sec. 81.

(b) Cannot say.
(c) He is guilty of death by rash and negligent driving.
(d) None of the above.

Ans. (a)
Q. 7. Give best response.

A voted before he has attained the age of majority prescribed for exercising the right of
franchise, believing that he was of age. Here:

(a)A has violated the election law and cannot plead mistake in his defence.

(b)A has committed no offence, he can plead mistake of fact in his defence as he believed in
good faith to be of age.

(c)Ignorance of law is no excuse; ignorance of fact only is an excuse. A is liable because he has
committed mistake of law.

(d)Since A was a minor not having attained the age of majority he can plead the defence under
section 83 of the Penal Code.

Ans. (b)

Q. 8. If a person goes with a gun to kill another:

(a)The intended victim as well as that person has the right of P.D.
(b)The intended victim has the right of private defence.
(c)That other person has the right of P.D.
(d)Neither intended victim nor that person is entitled to the right of P.D.

Ans. (b)
Q. 9. X an employer deducts a certain percentage from the salary of his employees telling that it
is their contribution to the provident found but fails to credit it in the fund, X commits:

(a)Criminal breach of trust

(b)Criminal misappropriation

Ans. (a)

Q. 10. Against which one of the following offences, does the right of private defence of property
extend to the voluntary causing of death?

(b)Criminal misappropriation
(d)Criminal trespass.

Ans. (c)

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