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Online Valve Monitoring Helps Shell Achieve Goals at the

Ormen Lange Gas Plant in Norway

Stan Hale
Score Atlanta, Inc.

Abstract reflected by the monitoring systems and

maintenance performed at the moment it
Located on Nyhamna Island on the west is needed.
coast of Norway the Ormen Lange Gas
Plant is the source of 20% of the natural This paper shall discuss the condition
gas imported into the United Kingdom. monitoring approach for the 41 most
The gas is transported via the Langeled critical shutdown isolation valves at
subsea pipeline across the North Sea Ormen Lange. The population of critical
from Nyhamna to the Easington Gas valves includes a mix of single and
Terminal near the mouth of the River double acting pneumatic and hydraulic
Humber on the UK’s East coast. A/S gate, ball and flow control valves. These
Norske Shell operates and maintains the valves are instrumented with strain
Ormen Lange plant. gages, pressure transducers and acoustic
leakage sensors. The sensor data is
Ormen Lange is one of the world’s most continually streamed to a data
advanced gas processing plants but is acquisition system that combines other
operated by a skeleton crew. In fact, important data pulled from the plant’s
Shell’s goal for the facility is to operate distributed control system (DCS) such as
and maintain the plant with as few command signals, limit switch signals
people as possible. In order to and upstream and downstream system
accomplish this, online condition pressures to create a complete picture of
monitoring systems are employed to what is occurring at the valve during
monitor virtually everything that moves operation. Acceptance criteria for key
in the plant including pumps and parameters such as thrust or torque
compressors, control valves, certain output at various points in the cycle,
structures and critical shutdown isolation stroke time, leakage and other critical
valves. A stated goal for the plant is that measures are automatically evaluated by
70% of the maintenance budget and the valve monitoring system after each
maintenance spending should be based cycle and icons in the system display
on the results of condition monitoring. software provide a visual indication of
This lofty goal carries some element of current valve condition.
risk since critical components cannot be
allowed to run to failure. Any disruption The monitoring approach is essentially
in supply from Ormen Lange during the the same as having a motor-operated
winter months causes significant valve (MOV) or air operated control
perturbations in the gas markets and valve (AOV) diagnostic system
affects prices across Europe. Therefore, continually attached to these valves at all
equipment condition must be accurately times. In our nuclear plant world the
analysis is akin to evaluating GL 89-10 valve diagnostic and signature analysis
data every time a valve cycles, in effect, techniques used as alternative methods
allowing the valve to test itself and call for in-service testing of valves in nuclear
someone when something changes for power plants.
the worse. Score Atlanta has been
assisting Shell in evaluating the on line The leading valve diagnostic system and
results and performance of these critical service suppliers have also marketed
valves for the past 3 years. The data is every process industry in every corner of
accessed with the right permissions from the globe where improved valve
computers on the Shell network or performance is desirable. Because of the
remotely through the internet and the high cost and absence of regulatory
normal valve signature analysis process pressure, adoption of valve diagnostics
is used where needed to evaluate has not been as wide spread in other
condition. The approach taken at Ormen industries when compared to nuclear.
Lange illustrates how industries around However, that trend is changing at a fast
the globe are leveraging the lessons pace. The move toward valve
learned from 25 plus years of valve diagnostics and condition monitoring has
testing in the nuclear power industry by moved fastest in the offshore oil & gas
adopting systems that make valve industry on the Norwegian side of the
diagnostics and condition monitoring a North Sea.
permanent and critical element of safe
operations and effective plant The initial adoption of valve diagnostics
maintenance. for the most critical valves on offshore
platforms by Norwegian oil companies
Background was not initially encouraged by the
Norwegian Petroleum Directorate which
Following the introduction of the early is responsible for offshore regulatory
MOV and AOV diagnostic systems in compliance. However, after several
the mid-80s, the effectiveness and years of experience with on line data
benefits of valve condition monitoring acquisition and analysis, the current
and signature analysis were widely expectation among operators is that
discussed in industry forums such as the critical valves must be monitored at
ASME-NRC Pump and Valve some level.
Symposium, various EPRI Valve
Symposiums, MOV and AOV Users By 2003, at least a dozen Norwegian
Group meetings and at other nuclear offshore platforms were monitoring
industry conferences. The early success critical isolation valves with on line
of diagnostic systems for valves has also monitoring systems. Strain gages,
been well chronicled in numerous hydraulic and pneumatic pressure
industry publications and a wealth of transducers and acoustic leakage
information is available on the internet detection sensors were producing a new
for those seeking information on valve level of confidence in valve
diagnostics and condition monitoring. performance. About this same time
The ASME code committees have also engineers designing systems and
made adjustments to the various codes components and planning maintenance
and code cases to get the most out of and operating strategies for the Ormen
Lange gas plant were searching for electrical faults or instrument failures
industry best practices related to valves. will not create enough energy to ignite a
potentially explosive atmosphere in the
In addition to valves, Ormen Lange has immediate environment. Various
become synonymous with best practices strategies are used around the world to
in all areas of offshore oil and gas protect against potential ignition but the
production. The gas field itself lies breakthrough for condition monitoring
offshore and approximately 75 miles was the development, certification and
northwest of Kristiansund where the use of intrinsically safe circuits and
seabed is approximately 3,300 feet devices. Intrinsically safe electrical
below the surface. There is no platform circuits require very little power to
or other vessel on the surface above the operate and are designed such that
wells as would normally be expected. normal operation, faults and shorts
The wells are completed subsea and the cannot release enough energy or heat to
gas is piped through two 30” pipelines to ignite an explosive atmosphere.
the Ormen Lange plant on the remote
Nyhamna Island. On the island, the gas A critical requirement of the Ormen
is processed, compressed and then piped Lange valve monitoring system was the
750 miles across the North Sea to the ability to detect through-valve leakage
UK. Approximately mid way to the UK after the valve closes. Through-valve
the pipeline crosses the Sleipner leakage is one of the most important test
platform. Shell took over operation of parameters for the oil and gas industry
the plant on December 1, 2007. and certain valves must be tested
periodically to verify they will not leak
One over-riding strategy that helped when needed in an emergency.
guide the design and planning process Broadband acoustic emission sensors are
was the need to minimize the number of employed by V-MAP to detect the high
people required at the plant for frequency noise caused by very small
maintenance and testing activities. As a leaks at high pressure. The leakage noise
result, heavy use of condition monitoring elevates the broad band emission output
systems for as many components and of the sensor and also creates an initial
process systems as possible would be peak above 100 KHz that spreads in both
employed. The strategy was clear and directions from the peak when the
detailed specifications were developed amplitude increases as a result of
for the valve condition monitoring increasing leak size.
system and multiple suppliers competed
in the bidding process. The sensors and amplifiers used in the
field provide the conditioned data in a
The V-MAP on line valve monitoring format needed for automated recording
system was one of the systems selected in a safe area away from the valves.
to meet the condition monitoring goals Much like the portable systems routinely
of the Project. used for periodic MOV and AOV testing
in nuclear plants, the data acquisition
One required feature of instrumentation units (DAUs) capture multiple channels
used in the hazardous oil and gas of sensor data streaming from the
environment involves assurances that acoustic emission sensors, the strain
gages and pressure transducers in the each gage was determined by finite
field. The DAUs stream the captured element analysis (FEA). The FEA
data in digital format from the sensors to identified the best location for the gage
a server in a remote location. Data from and the appropriate conversion factors
the plant control system is linked to the for converting strain to torque or thrust.
field data in the server via an OPC link.
The plant data includes time stamps for Since the actuators are hydraulic or
initiation of the valve cycle, limit switch pneumatic, pressure transducers are
actuations, system pressure at the valve installed in the supply lines between the
and differential pressure across the valve hydraulic control solenoids and the
when the valve is closed. actuator cylinder. It is important to point
out that the actuators and valves used at
The V-MAP application running on the Ormen Lange are much larger than the
server provides automated analysis of typical nuclear plant valve. The isolation
the incoming data based on user defined valves at the landfall accommodate the
limits in the software. When acceptance 30” pipeline from the subsea wells. The
criteria are not met the V-MAP user is critical shutdown valves on the export
alerted at his workstation when viewing side of the plant are 42” in diameter with
the main V-MAP dashboard. The visual a maximum gas pressure at the valve of
icons representing each valve change 3,600 PSI. The hydraulic actuators for
from green to red or yellow based on these large gate valves can easily apply
automated analysis of the data. During greater than 250,000 pounds of force to
the early phases of operation the alarms the valve at the maximum hydraulic
were allowed to trigger with every cycle system pressure of 4,700 PSI.
such that baseline performance could be
established over a range of operating The leakage criteria for each valve vary
conditions. After 3 years of monitoring, by valve and application but the typical
the acceptance criteria for force or acceptance criterion is .02 Kg/sec and
torque, cycle time, response time and .05 Kg/sec. The leakage criteria seem
leakage have been adjusted to reflect the tight but when converted to flow it
baseline performance at various would be over 100 liters per minute
operating conditions and to help evaluate depending on the gas density. The
changes over time. acoustic sensors and signal processing
used will detect a leak as low as .1 liters
Condition Monitoring Approach per minute.

As discussed above, the critical isolation The Ormen Lange plant was designed
valves at Ormen Lange include a mix of and built to the highest safety standards
single and double acting pneumatic and consistent with IEC 61508 and 61511.
hydraulic gate, ball and flow control IEC 61508 is applied during the design
valves similar to globe valves. of safety critical systems to ensure that
electrical, electronic and programmable
Strain gages are attached to the valves to equipment are analyzed such that the
detect changes in actuator output or risks caused by failure of systems or
loads in the valve that may affect components to perform intended safety
performance. The precise location of functions are minimized. IEC 61511
establishes requirements for the analysis system looks at each parameter
specification, design, installation, and decides when to alert the user.
operation and maintenance of a safety
instrumented system, so that it can be Data Analysis and Results
confidently entrusted to place and/or
maintain the process in a safe state. The typical valve actuator at Ormen
Lange is spring to close single acting
To reach the desired level of safety at hydraulic. However, there are also
Ormen Lange, features such as partial several double acting hydraulic and
stroke controllers for valves were some pneumatic actuators. The hydraulic
installed in addition to the condition system operates at 4,700 PSI and
monitoring system. Partial stroke solenoid valves route hydraulic pressure
systems facilitate periodic exercising of to the actuator to open the valve and they
valves that cannot be closed during also release the pressure to allow spring
operations. As a result, valves that must closure.
remain open for extended periods of
time such as those at Ormen Lange can The gate valves and actuators are both
be partially cycled and monitored at reverse acting which means the valve
some frequency. Both valve and actuator stem is pulled upward or out to close the
condition are monitored and evaluated valve. When the stem is pulled upward
after every full cycle and valves that or out of the valve it lifts the gate
remain open for production reasons can (obtuator) to cover the orifice and shut
be partially closed in order to evaluate off flow. The gate is pushed down by the
potential changes in performance. Since actuator to open. This creates a
these valves may be cycled at any temporary orientation issue for an
moment and multiple valves close at the analyst familiar with the operation and
same instant during shutdowns, it is not signature characteristics of a typical gate
practical to capture the periodic test data valve used in a nuclear plant
with portable systems. Automated on environment.
line data acquisition takes the human
element completely out of the testing The backward looking signatures are
process and cycles/test opportunities easier to keep straight for a single acting
cannot escape the continuous monitoring spring close actuator because hydraulic
process. Even after the valve reaches the pressure opens the valve and the release
closed position, the acoustic sensors of hydraulic pressure allows it to close
continue to stream data to the server as the spring extends. One of the early
where it is combined with system analysis issues uncovered by the
pressure information to assess the monitoring and signature analysis
potential of a developing leak. process was related to how fast a valve
can close as it exhausts hydraulic
Strain gage devices and hydraulic pressure. The signature data revealed
transducers wait for the next cycle and that for the typical actuator the hydraulic
the command signals from the control pressure required to start spring
room trigger the software to look for compression, which also starts moving
activity at the valve. The automated the valve in the open direction, is 1,200
PSI. The springs reach full compression,
which puts the valve in the full open Because of the designs used it is very
position at approximately 1,750 PSI. rare that one of these valves will develop
However the hydraulic system pressure a significant leak and to date there have
continues to increase to 4,700 PSI after not been leaks that would challenge the
the valve reaches the full open position. acceptance limits discussed above.
In order for the valve to close, the However, it is clear that some of these
hydraulic cylinder must release valves do develop very low level leaks
sufficient volume to reduce the pressure from time-to-time that are self
from 4,700 PSI to 1,750 PSI before the correcting. These leaks which are
spring can overcome the pressure force detected by the system are typically a
and start to extend which closes the few liters per minute and can be
valve. Flow restrictions were found corrected by simply cycling the valve.
which delayed the start of the closure Debris might normally be expected but
process and extended the closure time the gas is very clean by the time it
for valves required to stroke within reaches these particular valves. At this
certain limits required by the safety point they are simply monitored because
analysis. when the valves close the plant or
system will typically be headed toward
There were several different issues that shutdown and lower differential pressure
caused the response time problem. In across the valve. The cause of these low
some valves, the size of the exhaust side level intermittent leaks is not known but
tubing was increased so the volume suspected to be related to how well the
could escape the actuator cylinder faster. seats mate during closure under different
In other cases, the hydraulic control operating conditions.
blocks that contain the solenoid valves
were replaced. The valves with partial stroke control
systems are exercised regularly and the
The strain sensor data is used to evaluate data is automatically captured and
changes in running force on gate valves evaluated by the system. Since the
or torque on quarter-turn valves that valves do not fully close there is little
would affect the available margin to diagnostic information about the
operate the valve. Some minor changes condition of the valve gained from a
in torque have been observed over the partial stroke test. However, the partial
first 3 years but not to a level that would stroke limit switches play an important
challenge the ability of these robust role relative to stroke time. The amount
actuators. By evaluating the relationship of time required between the close
between hydraulic pressure and command, the release of the solenoid,
force/torque from the strain gage, the the valve starting to move and then
analyst can assess changes in the valve reaching the partial close limit is
and actuator and determine the location recorded and trended. Changes in these
of the observed degradation. times could be indicative of changes in
the hydraulic system, changes within the
The acoustic emission sensors used to actuator or changes within the valve.
monitor the valve for leakage after it The simultaneous recording of the strain
closes are sensitive to very low level and hydraulic pressure sensor data helps
leakage down to .1 liter per minute.
to isolate whether the change was due to These large ball valves create multiple
changes within the valve or actuator. flow paths which allow bitumen to flow
into the coking tower from one pipe and
All of the data is captured automatically out of the coking tower through another
without user intervention. The data is pipe. These valves are notorious
processed and analyzed and the results problems that eventually lead to
made available through the site network, extended maintenance outages when
the wider Shell network and outside of they seize due to excessive build up of
the Shell network through the internet. hydrocarbon products within the valve.
The end result is continuous real time The monitoring approach is to trend
confidence in the condition of critical increases in the torque required to
valves versus the unknown and often operate the valve over time and schedule
changing condition not detectable by maintenance before the actuator can no
periodic testing programs. longer change the position of the valve.
If the valve seizes with the tower full of
Growing Adoption in Oil & Gas bitumen it will harden and require
extensive manual effort to remove so
The growing adoption of on line valve payback is achieved by avoiding the
condition monitoring in oil and gas high cost of losing a coking tower in this
closely mirrors what occurred in the fashion.
nuclear power industry when portable
valve diagnostic systems were first Considerations for Nuclear Plant
introduced. In the early days of adoption Valve Testing
by nuclear plants the targets were
problem valves known to directly affect On line valve monitoring is not
safety or plant operations. In the Ormen completely foreign to nuclear power
Lange case it is about getting the most plants in the United States. On line data
out of the plant at the highest level of acquisition was implemented for a small
safety. This strategy has spread population of MOVs at the Pilgrim
throughout the Norwegian oil and gas Nuclear Plant in the mid-90s as part of
community and into other parts of the the GL 96-05 program. The data
world as well. acquisition units are not linked to the
outside world through the plant IT
V-MAP valve monitoring systems have network as in the Ormen Lange example
been installed on offshore platforms in but they contain sufficient memory to
the North Sea and in the US Gulf of record the required data which is
Mexico to monitor critical valves and accessed locally by plant personnel. The
known problem valves. Similar systems data acquisition units are connected to
have also been installed on offshore strain sensors on the valve stem and
platforms in the Malaysian waters of the current probes necessary to detect switch
South China Sea and most recently in actuations are installed in the actuator
the Tar Sands of Northern Alberta. switch compartment.

In the Tar Sands case, the initial targets Unfortunately, on line valve condition
are the 3 position coke shuttle valves monitoring did not gain traction as
operated by Rotork motor operators. nuclear plants developed and
implemented Generic Letter 89-10 or Because of Generic Letters 89-10 and
96-05 MOV programs or the AOV 96-05, strain gage sensors of some type
programs that followed. As a are already installed on many nuclear
consequence plants have revisited valves plant MOVs and some AOVs. The
at regular intervals to perform the addition of data acquisition devices that
periodic testing required by the MOV can connect field sensors to the plant
and AOV programs. The continual at- network and to the outside world can be
the-valve testing requires consideration easily adopted at a lower cost than once
in the outage planning process and expected. At-the-valve data acquisition
additional testing resources are often units can communicate data using a
required to install equipment and sensors dedicated valve condition monitoring
on the valve in order to obtain the network or the existing plant network
required data during the outage. directly to the valve program engineer’s
desk near real time. As a consequence,
The many simultaneous outages across valves test themselves and all program
the nuclear industry during spring and testing requirements are completed as
fall refueling seasons continues to tax the valves cycle during normal operation
the various suppliers and demand for or during the shutdown process. Like
qualified testing resources often exceeds Ormen Lange, this online approach
supply. From time-to-time valves fail the makes outages without at-the-valve
test acceptance criteria and an unplanned MOV or AOV testing a reality.
corrective action is added to the outage
workload which may also demand One hurdle to nuclear plant adoption
additional resources. The process of may be how to overcome the real-time
finding the appropriate qualified stream of accurate information on valve
resources to perform the testing, condition while the plant is operating. In
performing the tests during the outage, keeping with the highest standards of
adjusting the outage workload to safety this is desirable. However, it can
accommodate emerging corrective also give operators too much
actions and risking extending the outage information and lead to unnecessary
schedule due to availability of parts may actions. This issue is also a concern in
not always represent the most efficient the oil and gas facilities where on line
approach. These are the very issues that systems are currently used. Operations
Shell wanted to avoid at Ormen Lange. and maintenance personnel must be
conscious of not blurring the line
In the Ormen Lange case, the valves test between the systems required to operate
themselves during each operation and the plant and the condition monitoring
the Shell engineer responsible for valve systems required to maintain
condition monitoring is not even located components such as valves. It must
at the site. Valve testing is not a part of remain clear that an alarm in the
the outage and personnel qualified to condition monitoring system does not
perform valve testing are not required. necessarily mean the component is not
Maintenance is instead a precise operable and this type of alarm should
orchestra based on the data observed remain invisible to operators. However,
during operation. an alarm in the condition monitoring
system does alert maintenance and
engineering that something is changing As plants adopt Appendix III they will
and it should be evaluated. From time- analyze existing data and set test
to-time there may be alarms in the frequencies based on the above
system that after complete evaluation discussion and factor those tests into
require immediate action. future outage schedules. Since the
average number of MOVs affected by
Use of on line approaches with ASME Appendix III and Generic Letter 89-10 is
Appendix 3 (OMN-1) approximately 100 per nuclear reactor
and each MOV on potentially different
The ASME working group responsible schedules for testing or other program
for the OM codes related to the activities, the chances that one or more
operation and maintenance of nuclear may be overlooked or a scheduled test
power plants and specifically the MOV requirement missed is a real concern
working group continue to process which has already occurred for at least
inquiries related to implementation of one plant.
Mandatory Appendix III of ASME OM-
2009 (also known as OMN-1). Several Both of these issues and others are
formal and informal inquiries related to resolved by continuous monitoring of
Appendix III relate to test frequency and program valves and automated data
grace for missed periodic tests. analysis. However, since the software
driven analysis can only be used to
Appendix III represents a change from assess certain hard coded criteria such as
the prescribed test intervals of Generic running loads, available thrust or torque,
Letter 89-10 toward empirically derived total thrust or torque and other key
frequencies based on test data from each events, manual analysis by a skilled
valve or from groups of similar valves. person or program engineer is still
The “every 2 years” of NRC Generic required at some frequency. As
Letter 89-10 and the variable intervals of suggested by the overriding theme of
Generic Letter 96-05 and the Joint Appendix III the manual, visual review
Owners Group Program are relics of the of data would be based on the abundance
past under Appendix III rules. The new of data generated by each operation over
approach of Appendix III requires the life of the valve.
nuclear plant licensees to consider
margin, risk significance, performance Disclaimer
trends, preventative maintenance
schedules and other factors that could The views discussed in this paper are
affect performance when setting test those of the author and do not
frequencies for program valves. It is a necessarily reflect those of any of the
highly data dependent and analytical organizations discussed herein. The
process not too dissimilar from the IEC conclusions, interpretations,
EN 61508 processes used to establish recommendations, or any opinion
failure rates and diagnostic coverage of expressed above may or may not be
components that effect safety in oil and completely the same as those of Score
gas installations. Group, Shell, the ASME MOV working
group or any other organization
referenced in this paper but are based
solely on the experience of the author
relative to valve condition monitoring
over the past 25 years in a range of


Statoil, Facts about Ormen Lange,, Copyright 2007

American Society of Mechanical

Engineers, Operation and Maintenance
of Nuclear Power Plants, ASME OM-

Score Atlanta, Inc. V-MAP System

Description, Copyright 2009

Score Europe, Ltd. V-MAP Generic

Functional Description, Copyright 2006

International Electrotechnical
Commission, Functional Safety of
Electronic Safety-related Systems, IEC
61508 Edition 2, Copyright 1998-2010

International Electrotechnical
Commission, Functional Safety - Safety
Instrumented Systems for the Process
Industry Sector, IEC 61511, Copyright
Ormen Lange Location

The Ormen Lange Plant on Nyhamna Island, Norway
V-MAP Dashboard

Strain Gauge

Actuator Pressure

To Plant
Network A

Safe Plan Leak Detection
Area t

V-MAP Functional Diagram
Strain gauge

FEA of Ball Valve Mounting Stool

Installed Strain Gages
<115 <87 >115

Open Direction
Close Direction

Single Acting Gate Valve Model and Example Signatures

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