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SURVEY NUMEROLOGICSI Despite being hailed as a city of dreams, a majority would prefer to move out of Mumbai and eventually settle NO POLITICAL WILL
According to the Quality of Life Survey conducted
jointly by DNA - AZ Research, it was observed that down in another city. Why would they migrate and where would they want to go? Brinda Majithia finds out TO BRING A CHANGE
overall in Mumbai, 43% of the people don't like the
city and would prefer to settle elsewhere.
Surprisingly, 46% in Mumbai alone are not happy
with the city. The reasons in Navi Mumbai for
migrating are due to family commitments (54%).
However, in Thane, 38% would like to shift
because of the prevalent political scenario here.
(Sample: 1200, SEC A/B, Age: 28-60 years, M/F)
‘We don’t want to settle in a “The quality of life in
Mumbai has surely de-
teriorated over the
years. Transportation
is one of the major is-
sues in the city and


The following charts represent the reasons why
city that never sleeps’ traffic is getting worse.
Jaywalking is common
and incidents
drunken driving are
rising. There

people want to move out of Mumbai in the long have been

run. 43% don’t like the city and for some, there many talks
are personal reasons for leaving. for improving
the bus serv-
ice but there
is no imple-
EXPERT Elderly
zens in the

VIEW city too suffer

the most as
there are no open
spaces nor many gar-
Overall dens or parks. But the
main problem is that

43% there is no system or

accountability for any-
thing. The very special
ingredient that is miss-
ing is political will.
Once this will change,
the city can indeed be
made a better place.”

Neera Punj,



“I’m unsure that a ma-

jority would want to
move out of Mumbai.
The saying ‘survival of
From left: Tania J, the fittest’ comes into
Daksh Juneja and play in cities like
Khushbu Rege Mumbai. It is tough
would like to settle currently to buy a
in some other city, house in Mumbai. The
Navi but not Mumbai. definition of middle
Mumbai —Mukesh Trivedi DNA class has changed in
the last 10 years. Today,

54% “A city like Bombay, like New York, that is move out and relo- That’s the unusu- peaceful and less polluted.”
a two bed-
room apart-
ment costs
a recent creation on the planet and does not cate to a more al bit — the love-hate There are many others who would like over a crore
have a substantial indigenous population, serene destination relationship with the to move to a new city altogether. Twenty in Malad. If
is full of restless people. Those who have in India. city. Rajni Bakshi, au- five-year old Daksh Juneja who is origi- someone is
come here have not been at ease somewhere There are several thor and freelance nally from Dehradun, wants to move to a looking for a
else. And unlike others who may have been reasons for this, writer says, “Despite developed and planned city like Chandi- one or two
equally uncomfortable wherever they came some of which we all our complaints garh. “It’s the most organised and system-
from, these people got up and moved. As I are familiar with. about traffic jams atic city. Mumbai is bursting at its seams.
MARKET bedroom
have discovered, having once moved, it is dif- The snail’s pace at and pollution, most of Now other cities too have great work op- VIEW in a budget
ficult to stop moving…” which the infra- us enjoy the energy of portunities.” of Rs20 to 50
—Suketu Mehta in Maximum City: structure projects the city. Anyone who And there are some like Khushbu Rege, lakh has no option but
Thane Bombay Lost and Found are making has the option finan- a social media catalyst who has been born to go to Mira road,
progress, the potholes that you bump cially would seek a more peaceful place. But and brought up here, who would eventual- Bhayander and beyond

38 % The title of the book, Maximum City, has

become almost synonymous with Mumbai.
It still remains the city of dreams for many,
into, the omnipresent traffic are all con-
stant reminders that one has to give up a
lot to simple pleasures to make a living in
almost all the people I know who have the
second serene home elsewhere still live in
Mumbai most of the time. The city would
ly like to move out to explore a new city.
“The traffic scenario is just worsening
everyday and the pollution levels are ris-
Thane. The Metro
should come as a relief
but it would not solve
but not necessarily a city that many see the city of possibilities. Arpit Sharma, be better with more open, green spaces that ing. I want to move to Bangalore since it’s the entire issue as con-
themselves settling down in future. Ac- who is a territory manager with a phar- everyone can enjoy and with less honking. an upcoming hub and there are equally nectivity would be to
cording to the Quality of Life survey by ma company, says, “Mumbaikars are hos- And if I have to live in a metro, I’d rather good work opportunities over there.” limited locations. Navi
DNA and AZ research, more than two fifth pitable, but I hate the slow progress of the live here than anywhere else.” So has the disappearing lush greens, the Mumbai and beyond,
of adults don’t like Mumbai and one third city’s ambitious infrastructure projects. There are some who would want to move continuous in-flow of migrants, the mush- are places that need to
have their own compulsions for not will- Rains play havoc in the city and the atti- back to the city where they grew up. Rubi- rooming slums, lack of open spaces, the get better connected
ing to stay in Mumbai. tude of the city’s cops and civic adminis- na G, an interior designer, says, “The work growing political and religious bigotry, with the city.”
Simply put, Mumbai’s stature as the tration is terrible. I plan to move to the culture in Mumbai is amazing compared skyrocketing prices of the real estate tak-
glamour, glitz and commercial capital of US for a better lifestyle and income. If I to my experience in Delhi. However even- en the sheen off aamchi Mumbai? For Chetan Narain,
India may attract people from all over the stay in India, then probably I’ll relocate tually, I would love to go back and stay in many Mumbaikars, the answer is yes. president and
country, but a majority would prefer to to Bangalore or Delhi.” Jaipur (my hometown) which is far more CEO - Narains Corp

Avoid excuses, allocate time for
exercise everyday
‘Mumbai attracts people from all over’ SUCH IS LIFEI Sudhir Shetty

In response to, ‘Gym, walk, run or shake a Brinda Majithia

leg, Mumbai loves fitness’ (Speak Up, Sept 10) SECOND CHOICES
Often we see people have a tough time try- Even while there are many who
ing to reach their toes. Every day, we notice would prefer to settle down in oth- 38% 13 % 9% 6%
at least someone er cities, there are those who love are not sure Delhi Hyderabad Bangalore
who huffs and Mumbai so passionately, they which city
puffs to climb wouldn’t live anywhere else in the they want to 12% 7% 6%
that one floor to world. move to Ahmedabad Kolkatta Lucknow
their home or According to the Quality of We are a
that one flight of Life survey, overall, two-third of
stairs to the plat- adults in the city believe that business city and have
form. But that is money and professionalism a very professional
not seen as a sign of being unhealthy—the makes this city worth living. and reliable attitude.
panting is attributed to stress. The usual ex- Mumbai’s standing as the heart of
cuses when explaining our inability or un- Bollywood is also a big attraction. Competition here, is
willingness to exercise are; financial con- Veteran ad man Prahlad between the experts”
straints—a gym is too expensive, I just Kakkar agrees. “Mumbai attracts
don’t have the time, I’m fit—I don’t need to professionals from all over the —Prahlad Kakkar,
exercise, exercise is for the old to keep country. One might be the best ad man
themselves fit, I get enough exercise climb- chef in Hyderabad, the best IT
ing the stairs at my work, I get enough exer- professional in Bangalore but un-
cise running after my kids, there’s no good less you make it big in Mumbai, not deliver.” city. The cosmopolitan nature and there’s nothing like Mumbai. I
gymnasium around my place. This list can other accolades don’t matter. Indeed, for many there’s more vibrant co-existence of people would never want to move. I am
go on and on. Heart diseases, diabetes, Mumbai gives people recognition. to the city than just fame. Sohini from all over India delights me. used to living in the fast pace of the
arthritis and so many other diseases strike We are willing to pay a premium Mitter, an editorial consultant Not even for a moment do I feel city and the neighbourhood is like
those who are unfit and obese. as here the competition is between originally from Kolkata, says, like an ‘outsider’ here.” one huge family. There’s corruption
—CK Subramaniam, the experts. We are a business city, “The much-talked about ‘spirit of Mandar Lad who is an adminis- and pot-holed roads, but I wouldn’t
Navi Mumbai very professional and reliable and Mumbai’ does exist. I can feel it trative executive, adds, “I have trav- want to move to any city even if I’m
we refuse to do a job unless we can- in every soul on the streets of the elled to most cities in India but sponsored for a lifetime.”

Across 5 A result of smoking in bed? (5,2,5) sudoku Download SUDOKU on your mobile for Rs 99 per game. SMS <SDK>to 57575. Only on
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1 Jump in the well (6) 6 What’s it like in the Kalahari Desert? (4)
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when father came in (8) 8 Note condition of property (6) play horizontal rows or 3x 3 grids. Do not repeat any letters in a line.
9 One type of fan club (6) 11 As in pre-stage make up? (12) Each puzzle has only one solution.
Crossword no 1727

10 Not a visitor I’d outwardly object to (8) 15 Half a minute or less (5)
12 Find fault with the price (4) 16 Employing uniformed soldiers
Yesterday’s solution

13 Summonses arising out of a in New Guinea initially (5)

broken wrist (5) 18 A wounding glance maybe (8)
14 Sign of a blow in a garden tool (4) 19 In a religious sense he
17 Warm water to them is a vital believes in coasting freely (8)
necessity (8,4) 21 Fit to tell (6)
20 Profession in which people are sure 22 You may find a working
to take an interest (12) model in it (6)
23 Crackers - or what they’re required 26 Source of power on the
for? (4) American football field (4)
24 Begins to enjoy writing on battles (5) 27 Famous Venetian game (4)
25 Mediocre appeal for help and love (2-2) Solution No: 1726
28 Rode round and round giving Across: 1 Jeans, 4 Flouted, 8 Cos,
commands (8) 9 Intestacy, 10 Dosages, 11 Get-up,
29 Headgear that involves work (3,3) 13 Wraith, 15 Staple, 18 Baton,
30 Lunar settlement? (8) 19 Allured, 21 Smugglers, 23 Wan,
31 Lyrical writer gets the twitch (6) 24 Elector, 25 Tarts.
Down Down: 1 Jackdaw, 2 Assistant, 3 Sling, team speak up Brinda Majithia, Meghna Sharma and Nitin Kumar
1 A group of society women (8) 4 Fetish, 5 On sight, 6 Tea, 7 Dry up,
2 Turning a list into new form (8) 12 Top drawer, 14 Tonight, 16 Endings, GET IN TOUCH: Please email us your views at , or call on 022- 43888455 or post
3 He ruled in one Roman era (4) 17 Career, 18 Baste, 20 Liszt, 22 Use. feedback to DNA Wing, 1st Floor, Oasis Complex, Kamala Mills Compound,
PB Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai - 400 013

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