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ANDREW JOYCE ‘Crunaans COUNTY OF ALBANY PAUL T. DEVANE COUNTY LEGISLATURE Cusex HAROLD L. JOYCE ALBANY COUNTY OFFICE BUILDING amet tira Fest DeruTy Cuan 112 STATE STREET, ROOM 710 ALBANY, NEW YORK 12207 PHONE: (518) 447-7168 PAX: (518) 447-5683 WWW.ALBANYCOUNTY.COM AGENDA ALBANY COUNTY LEGISLATURE MARCH 12, 2018 PREVIOUS BUSINESS: 78. RESOLUTION NO. 78: PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. “A” FOR 2018 By Messrs. Miller, Commisso, Higgins, Mayo, Touchette, Fein, Mss. Cunningham, Plotsky, Lekakis, Messrs. A. Joyce, Ward, Clay, O’Brien, Simpson, Feeney, Beston, Mss. Chapman, Willingham, McKnight and Law and Health Committees CURRENT BUSINESS: 84, AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FUNDING AND AN AGREEMENT WITH NYS OFFICE FOR THE AGING REGARDING THE MEDICARE IMPROVEMENT FOR PATIENTS AND PROVIDERS ACT GRANT TO ENHANCE THE HEALTH INSURANCE INFORMATION COUNSELING AND ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. Elder Care and Social Services Committees 85. 86, 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 30 FOR 2017 REGARDING HOME-DELIVERED MEALS FOR SENIORS Elder Care and Social Services Committees AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 33 FOR 2017 REGARDING HOME-DELIVERED MEALS FOR SENIORS: Elder Care and Social Services Committees AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH SCHENECTADY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE REGARDING CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT TRAINING AT THE ALBANY COUNTY NURSING HOME Elder Care and Social Services Committees AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CAPITAL DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY REGARDING THE EXPANSION OF THE BIKE SHARE PROGRAM Mass Transit Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CAPITAL DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY REGARDING PROFESSIONAL TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING AND PLANNING SERVICES Public Works Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH CAPPELLINO CHEVROLET, INC. REGARDING THE PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES Public Works Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH BUBONIA HOLDING. CORP. REGARDING ASH DISPOSAL AT THE WATER PURIFICATION DISTRICT NORTH PLANT. Public Works Committee 92. 93. 94, 95. 96. 97. AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPERTIES TO ALBANY COUNTY REGARDING AN AVIGATION EASEMENT Public Works Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPERTIES TO ALBANY COUNTY REGARDING COMPLETED ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Public Works Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH REGARDING THE DESIGNATION OF CHILDREN’S HEALTH HOME OF UPSTATE NEW YORK AS THE HOME HEALTH ENTITY Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN INTERDEPARTMENTAL AGREEMENT. WITH THE ALBANY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE REGARDING A PART-TIME LAW ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR FOR THE CHILDREN’S ADVOCACY CENTER Social Services Committee AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 309 FOR 2017 REGARDING EXTENDING AN AGREEMENT WITH SUNY CENTER FOR HUMAN SERVICES RESEARCH Social Services Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES, THE ALBANY POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THE TRAUMA RESPONSE TEAM REGARDING THE GUN INVOLVED VIOLENCE ELIMINATION GRANT Law Committee 98. 99, 100. 101. 102. 103. 104, AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ALBANY REGARDING POLICE ATTENDANCE SERVICES AT THE CRIME VICTIM AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE CENTER’S TAKE BACK THE NIGHT RALLY Law Committee AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF THE SETTLEMENT OF A LAWSUIT Law and Audit and Finance Committees AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OFFICE OF HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAMS REGARDING ACCESS TO THE MEDICAID ANALYTICS PERFORMANCE PORTAL. Health Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH CFG MEDICAL SERVICES REGARDING MEDICAL CARE AT THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY Public Safety Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH TRINITY ALLIANCE OF THE CAPITAL REGION, INC. REGARDING COUNSELING AND EDUCATIONAL SERVICES FOR THE 16 TO 20 YEAR OLD POPULATION AT THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY Public Safety Committee AUTHORIZING THE ALBANY COUNTY SHERIFF TO. CONSIDER OUT-OF-COUNTY APPLICANTS FOR THE POSITIONS OF PART-TIME PARAMEDICS AND PART-TIME. EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS FOR THE COUNTYS. ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT AND EMT PROGRAMS Personnel Committee AMENDING THE 2018 SHERIFF'S OFFICE BUDGET: SHERIFF'S HEROIN ADDICTION RECOVERY PROGRAM Audit and Finance Committee 105. 106. 107. 110. ue AMENDING THE 2018 SHERIFF'S OFFICE BUDGET: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT Audit and Finance Committee AMENDING THE 2018 SHERIFF'S OFFICE BUDGET: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Audit and Finance Committee AMENDING THE 2018 PROBATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET: GUN INVOLVED VIOLENCE ELIMINATION GRANT FUNDING Audit and Finance Committee AMENDING THE 2018 PROBATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET: ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENTS Audit and Finance Committee AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF ENHANCED FUNDING FROM THE NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES AND AMENDING THE 2018 DEPARTMENT FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES BUDGET Audit and Finance Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH ST. PETER’S HEALTH PARTNERS REGARDING THE TOBACCO CESSATION PROGRAM AND AMENDING THE 2018 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET Audit and Finance Committee AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 417 FOR 2017 WITH BETTER HEALTH OF NORTHEAST NEW YORK, INC. AND AMENDING THE 2018 MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT, BUDGET Audit and Finance Committee 112, 113. 114, 115. 116. 147. AMENDING THE 2018 DEPARTMENT FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES BUDGET: SUICIDE PREVENTION SERVICES Audit and Finance Committee AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 433 FOR 2017 TO ACCEPT ADDITIONAL FUNDING FROM THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND AMENDING THE 2018 DEPARTMENT OF CRIME VICTIM AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE CENTER BUDGET Audit and Finance Committee AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 101 FOR 2017 WITH CLINICAL STAFFING RESOURCES REGARDING CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT SERVICES AND AMENDING THE 2018 DEPARTMENT OF RESIDENTIAL HEALTH CARE FACILITIES BUDGET Audit and Finance Committee AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH COMPREHENSIVE HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS REGARDING BILLING AND DEBT SERVICES Audit and Finance Committee AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 499 FOR 2016 WITH THOMAS RAFERTY INC. REGARDING SOLAR SHADES AT THE ALBANY COUNTY NURSING HOME AND AMENDING THE 2018 DEPARTMENT OF RESIDENTIAL HEALTH CARE FACILITIES BUDGET Audit and Finance Committee AMENDING THE 2018 DEPARTMENT OF RESIDENTIAL HEALTH CARE FACILITIES BUDGET: ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENTS Audit and Finance Committee 118. 119, 120, 121. 122, 128. 124, 125. AUTHORIZING CORRECTIONS OF THE TAX ROLLS FOR THE TOWN OF NEW SCOTLAND Audit and Finance Committee AUTHORIZING CORRECTIONS OF THE TAX ROLLS FOR THE TOWN OF COLONIE Audit and Finance Committee AUTHORIZING CORRECTIONS OF THE TAX ROLLS FOR THE TOWN OF BETHLEHEM Audit and Finance Committee AUTHORIZING THE REFUND OF REAL PROPERTY TAXES IN THE CITY OF ALBANY Audit and Finance Committee AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 71 FOR 2018 REGARDING THE CANCELLATION AND CHARGE BACK OF AN UNENFORCEABLE DELINQUENT REAL PROPERTY TAX LIEN FOR 21 CLINTON AVE IN THE CITY OF ALBANY Audit and Finance Committee REQUESTING THE NYS LEGISLATURE TO INTRODUCE AND ENACT LEGISLATION TO CONTINUE THE 6% HOTEL/MOTEL OCCUPANCY TAX IN ALBANY COUNTY Mr. A. Joyce REQUESTING THE NYS LEGISLATURE TO INTRODUCE AND ENACT LEGISLATION TO CONTINUE A MORTGAGE RECORDING TAX IN ALBANY COUNTY Mr. A. Joyce RECOGNIZING THE “ALBANY COUNTY LEGISLATIVE BLACK CAUCUS” Ms. Willingham, Mr. Clay, Mss. Chapman, McKnight, Messrs. Simpson and Fein 126, 127. 128. 129. 130. 132, 188. ESTABLISHING AN ALBANY COUNTY SETTLEMENT POLICY Mr. Higgins PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. “B” FOR 2018 Messrs. Domalewicz, O’Brien and Ms. Cunningham PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. “C” FOR 2018 Ms. McLean Lane PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. “D” FOR. 2018 Messrs. Clenahan and Reinhardt PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. “E” FOR 2018 Mr. Clenahan PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. “F” FOR 2018 Mr. Drake AMENDING THE ALBANY COUNTY LEGISLATIVE RULES OF ORDER PERTAINING TO THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON ELDER CARE Ms. Willingham AMENDING THE ALBANY COUNTY LEGISLATIVE RULES OF ORDER AND DISBANDING THE SPECIAL COMMITTEES ON ELDER CARE AND COURT FACILITIES Mr. Signoracci 184. | A RESOLUTION TO INITIATE A PILOT POLYSTYRENE RECYCLING PROGRAM Mr. Mauriello LOCAL LAWS: LOCAL LAW NO. “B” FOR 2018: A LOCAL LAW OF THE COUNTY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK REQUIRING THE ELECTRONIC REPORTING OF TRANSACTIONS OF PRECIOUS METAL EXCHANGE DEALERS AND SECONDHAND DEALERS IN ALBANY COUNTY Mr. Domalewicz, Ms. Cunningham and Mr. O’Brien LOCAL LAW NO. “C” FOR 2018: A LOCAL LAW TO PROVIDE ACCESS TO PAID SICK TIME TO QUALIFIED EMPLOYEES WITHIN ALBANY COUNTY Ms. McLean Lane LOCAL LAW NO. “D” FOR 2018: A LOCAL LAW OF THE COUNTY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AMENDING LOCAL LAW 5 FOR 2016 REGARDING THE SUSTAINABLE ENERGY LOAN PROGRAM Messrs. Clenahan and Reinhardt LOCAL LAW NO. “E” FOR 2018: A LOCAL LAW TO PROHIBIT THE USE OF CONVERSION THERAPY FOR MINORS IN ALBANY COUNTY Mr, Clenahan: LOCAL LAW NO. “F” FOR 2018: A LOCAL LAW OF THE COUNTY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK AMENDING THE ALBANY COUNTY CHARTER TO IMPLEMENT AN ANTI-NEPOTISM POLICY Mr. Drake RESOLUTION NO. 78 PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED LOCAL LAW NO. “A” FOR 2018 Introduced: 2/12/18 By Messrs. Miller, Commisso, Higgins, Mayo, Touchette, Fein, Mss. Cunningham, Plotsky, Lekakis, Messrs. A. Joyce, Ward, Clay, O’Brien, Simpson, Feeney, Beston, Mss. Chapman, Willingham and McKnight and Law and Health Committees: RESOLVED, By the County Legislature of the County of Albany that a public hearing on proposed Local Law No. “A” for 2018, “A LOCAL LAW OF THE COUNTY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK PROHIBITING THE SALE OF TOBACCO AND OTHER NICOTINE DELIVERY PRODUCTS IN PHARMACIES IN THE COUNTY OF ALBANY, NEW YORK” be held by the County Legislature in the William J. Conboy II Legislative Chambers, Albany County Courthouse, Albany, New York at 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, March 27, 2018, and the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to cause notice of such hearing to be published containing the necessary information in accordance with the applicable provisions of law. Referred to Law and Health Committees - 2/12/18 Favorable Recommendation Law Committee - 2/27/18 Favorable Recommendation Health Committee — 2/28/18 RESOLUTION NO. 84 AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF GRANT FUNDING AND AN AGREEMENT WITH NYS OFFICE FOR THE AGING REGARDING THE MEDICARE IMPROVEMENT FOR PATIENTS AND PROVIDERS ACT GRANT TO ENHANCE THE HEALTH INSURANCE INFORMATION COUNSELING AND ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Introduced: 3/12/18 By Elder Care and Social Services Committees: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Aging has been notified by the New York State Office for the Aging that grant funds are available through the Medicare Improvement for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) grant for the Health Insurance Information, Counseling and Assistance Program (HIICAP), and WHEREAS, HIICAP provides free, accurate and objective information, counseling, assistance and advocacy on Medicare options, private health insurance, and related health coverage plans to Medicare recipients, their representatives, or persons soon to be eligible for Medicare, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with the New York State Office for the Aging regarding the MIPPA Grant used to enhance HIICAP in an amount not to exceed $18,747 for the term commencing September 30, 2017 and ending September 29, 2018, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with the New York State Office for the Aging regarding HIICAP in an amount not to exceed $18,747 for the term commencing September 30, 2017 and ending September 29, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 85 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 30 FOR 2017 REGARDING HOME- DELIVERED MEALS FOR SENIORS Introduced: 3/12/18 By Elder Care and Social Services Committees: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 30 for 2017, this Honorable Body authorized an agreement with Senior Projects of Ravena regarding the Home-Delivered Meals Program in the amount of $110,325 for the term commencing January 1, 2017 and ending December 81, 2017 , and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Aging has requested authorization to amend the aforementioned agreement with Senior Projects of Ravena due to an increase in demand in the amount of $8,760 for a total amount of $119,085 rather than $110,325, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that Resolution No. 80 for 2017 regarding the Home-Delivered Meals Program and Senior Projects of Ravena is hereby amended to indicate an amount not to exceed $119,085 rather than $110,325, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials RESOLUTION NO. 86 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 38 FOR 2017 REGARDING HOME- DELIVERED MEALS FOR SENIORS Introduced: 3/12/18 By Elder Care and Social Services Committees: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 33 for 2017, this Honorable Body authorized an agreement with Peter Young Industries regarding the Home-Delivered Meals Program in the amount of $244,025 for the term commencing January 1, 2017 and ending December 31, 2017, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Aging has requested authorization to amend the aforementioned agreement with Peter Young Industries due to an increase in demand in the amount of $14,648 for a total amount of $258,673 rather than $244,025, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that Resolution No. 33 for 2017 regarding the Home-Delivered Meals Program and Peter Young Industries is hereby amended to indicate an amount not to exceed $258,673 rather than $244,025, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 87 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH SCHENECTADY COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE REGARDING CERTIFIED NURSING ASSISTANT TRAINING AT THE ALBANY COUNTY NURSING HOME Introduced: 3/12/18 By Elder Care and Social Services Committees: WHEREAS, The Executive Director of the Department of Residential Health Care Facilities has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with Schenectady County Community College (SCCC) regarding a partnership that will allow their Certified Nursing Assistants to receive training at the Albany County Nursing Home (ACNH), and WHEREAS, SCCC has developed a nurse aid training program which requires clinical experience in a nursing home facility in which each student will gain practical nursing experience and each student and instructor shall carry liability insurance for the program, and WHEREAS, The Executive Director indicated that this agreement would be at no cost to Albany County and would assist ongoing recruitment efforts to fill vacant Certified Nursing Assistant positions at the ACNH, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with Schenectady County Community College regarding a partnership that will allow their Certified Nursing Assistants to receive training at the Albany County Nursing Home, and that such program may be cancelled by either party with a 30-day notice, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 88 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CAPITAL DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY REGARDING THE EXPANSION OF THE BIKE SHARE PROGRAM Introduced: 3/12/18 By Mass Transit Committee: WHEREAS, The Albany County Executive requested authorization to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) for the purpose of allowing the expansion of the bike share program on county property, and WHEREAS, The County Executive indicated that expansion of the current program would provide the public with an alternative means of transportation and recreation in the county, including along the Albany County Rail Trail, and WHEREAS, It was indicated that there will be no expense to the county and the bike share sites will be owned, operated and maintained by CDTA; the racks are currently operated in various locations across the Capital District and would allow for an extension of that system, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an MOU with CDTA for the purpose of allowing the expansion of bike share program on county property, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 89 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CAPITAL DISTRICT TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY REGARDING PROFESSIONAL TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING AND PLANNING SERVICES Introduced: 3/12/18 By Public Works Committee: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department of Public Works has requested authorization to enter into a three year agreement with the Capital District Transportation Authority regarding professional _transportation engineering and planning services for the term commencing April 1, 2018 and ending March 31, 2021 in an amount not to exceed $90,000, and WHEREAS, The agreement provides the County with preliminary review of the traffic impact of proposed land development in the vicinity of the Albany County International Airport, including review and assistance with the airport area Final Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS) of findings, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into a three year agreement with the Capital District Transportation Authority regarding professional transportation engineering and planning services for the term commencing April 1, 2018 and ending March 31, 2021 in an amount not to exceed $90,000, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 90 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH CAPPELLINO CHEVROLET, INC. REGARDING THE PURCHASE OF ELECTRIC VEHICLES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES Introduced: 3/12/18 By Public Works Committee: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department of General Services has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with Cappellino Chevrolet, Inc. regarding the purchase of four electric fleet vehicles, and WHEREAS, The Department of General Services has utilized an available statewide contract regarding the purchase and delivery of four new 2018 Chevrolet Bolt Electric Vehicles, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner indicated two responses were received via statewide contract and the Purchasing Agent has reviewed said bids and has recommended Cappellino Chevrolet, Inc. as the lowest responsible bidder, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with Cappellino Chevrolet, Inc., Webster, NY in an amount not to exceed $127,109 regarding the purchase and delivery of four new 2018 Chevrolet Bolt Electric Vehicles for the Department of General Services fleet, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 91 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH BUBONIA HOLDING CORP. REGARDING ASH DISPOSAL AT THE WATER PURIFICATION DISTRICT NORTH PLANT Introduced: 3/12/18 By Public Works Committee: WHEREAS, The Executive Director of the Albany County Water Purification District has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with Bubonia Holding Corp. regarding the disposal of 13,000 cubic yards of ash from the District North Plant Ash Lagoon, and WHEREAS, The Water Purification District through the County Purchasing Agent issued a request for proposals regarding the North Plant Ash Lagoon Cleaning and on January 12, 2018, five bids were received pertaining to the project, and WHEREAS, The District engineering staff and County Purchasing Agent reviewed said bids and recommended awarding the contract to Bubonia Holding Corp. as the lowest responsible bidder, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with Bubonia Holding Corp., Albany, NY, 12205 in an amount not to exceed $105,110 regarding the removal of 13,000 cubic yards of ash from the District North Plant Ash Lagoon, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the agreement shall indicate that the price for the disposal of the ash shall be no more than $7.47 per cubic yard with an $8,000 allowance for any additional quantities of ash to be removed over the 13,000 cubie yards and the term of the agreement shall be from April 1, 2018 to November 1, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 92 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPERTIES TO ALBANY COUNTY REGARDING AN AVIGATION EASEMENT Intwoduced: 3/12/18 By Public Works Committee: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department of Public Works has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) to accept conveyance of an avigation easement inadvertently acquired in connection with highway improvements being made by NYSDOT along Albany Shaker Road in the Town of Colonie (Map 749-C, Parcel 875, Map 748, Parcel 874), and WHEREAS, In addition to the conveyance of said replacement avigation easement, the NYSDOT has offered to pay to the County of Albany the sum of $1.00 payment waived for the avigation easement interests inadvertently acquired by the NYSDOT from the County along Albany Shaker Road, as depicted on Map 748, as Parcel 874, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Albany County Legislature authorizes the acceptance of said avigation easement to Albany County from the New York State Department of Transportation inadvertently acquired in connection with highway improvements being made along Albany Shaker Road in the Town of Colonie (Map 749-C, Parcel 875, Map 748, Parcel 874) and authorizes the County Executive to execute all necessary documents to effectuate said conveyance, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve all necessary documents as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials, including seven certified copies to the County Engineer for distribution. RESOLUTION NO, 93 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY PROPERTIES TO ALBANY COUNTY REGARDING COMPLETED ROAD CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS Introduced: 3/12/18 By Public Works Committee: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department of Public Works has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) to accept conveyance of right-of-way property acquired in connection with various federal-aid projects in the Town of Colonie back to Albany County that are now complete, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner indicated that the NYSDOT administered various federal-aid projects for Albany County and were responsible for negotiating and closing on all of the right-of-way property acquisitions regarding the aforementioned completed projects, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Albany County Legislature authorizes the acceptance of said right-of-way property, as indicated on the spreadsheet on file with the Clerk of the Legislature, conveyed to Albany County from the New York State Department of Transportation acquired in connection with various federal-aid projects in the Town of Colonie that are now complete and authorizes the County Executive to execute all necessary documents to effectuate said conveyance, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve all necessary documents as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials, including seven certified copios to the County Engineer for distribution RESOLUTION NO. 94 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH REGARDING THE DESIGNATION OF CHILDREN’S HEALTH HOME OF UPSTATE NEW YORK AS THE HOME HEALTH ENTITY Introduced: 6/12/17 By Social Services Committeo: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with New York State Department of Health's (NYSDOH) designated Home Health Entity, Children’s Health Home of Upstate New York, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner seeks to replace the previously approved Targeted Case Management Services program which was directly funded by New York State Office of Mental Health with Health Home Care Management in order that the County may claim reimbursement for all Medicaid Care Management Services provided to children with the necessary qualifying conditions as defined by NYSDOH, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with Children’s Health Home of Upstate New York as the Home Health Entity of New York for the term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 95 AUTHORIZING AN INTERDEPARTMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH THE ALBANY COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE REGARDING A PART-TIME LAW ENFORCEMENT COORDINATOR FOR THE CHILDREN’S ADVOCACY CENTER Introduced: 3/12/18 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families (DCYF) has requested authorization to enter into an interdepartmental agreement with the Albany County Sheriff's Office regarding a part-time Law Enforcement Coordinator to be co-located at the DCYF Children’s Advocacy Center in the amount of $27,000 for the period commencing February 1, 2018 and ending January 31, 2018, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner indicated that the part-time Law Enforcement Coordinator shall be a liaison between the DCYF, the Children’s Advocacy Center and the multiple law enforcement agencies in Albany County and those outside of Albany County that may also be investigating cross-district cases, including FBI and Homeland Security, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an interdepartmental agreement with the Albany County Sheriff's Office regarding a part-time Law Enforcement Coordinator to be co-located at the DCYF Children’s Advocacy Center in the amount of $27,000 for the period commencing February 1, 2018 and ending January 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 96 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 309 FOR 2017 REGARDING EXTENDING AN AGREEMENT WITH SUNY CENTER FOR HUMAN SERVICES RESEARCH Introduced: 3/12/18 By Social Services Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 309 for 2017, this Honorable Body authorized an agreement with the SUNY Center for Human Services Research regarding a Human Services Evaluation for the term commencing September 1, 2017 and ending April 1, 2018, and WHEREAS, The County Executive has requested an amendment to the aforementioned agreement to indicate the term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 rather than September 1, 2017 and ending April 1, 2018, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that Resolution No. 309 for 2017, an agreement with SUNY Center for Human Services Research, is amended to indicate the term commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 rather than September 1, 2017 and ending April 1, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 97 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES, THE ALBANY POLICE DEPARTMENT AND THE TRAUMA RESPONSE TEAM REGARDING THE GUN INVOLVED VIOLENCE ELIMINATION GRANT Introduced: 3/12/18 By Law Committee: WHEREAS, The Director of the Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with the Albany Police Department regarding the Trauma Responso Team, funded by the New York Stata Division of Criminal Justice Services Gun Involved Violence Elimination (GIVE) grant in the amount of $45,000 for a one year poriod commencing July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019, and WHEREAS, The Director indicated that Albany County will have a fiduciary role in the GIVE grant and the Albany Police Department will receive $45,000 to administer the services, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with the Albany Police, regarding the administration of the NYS Division of Criminal Justice Services GIVE grant for services provided by the Trauma Response ‘Team in the amount of $45,000 for a one year period commencing July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 98 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ALBANY REGARDING POLICE ATTENDANCE SERVICES AT THE CRIME VICTIM. AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE CENTER’S TAKE BACK THE NIGHT RALLY Introduced: 3/12/18 By Law Committee: WHEREAS, The Albany County Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center works in collaboration with the Albany Law School Pro Bono Program every year to host the “Take Back the Night Rally and March Against Sexual Violence”, and WHEREAS, The Director of the Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with the City of Albany regarding traffic and crowd control provided by the Police Department on Thursday, April 19, 2018 from 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., and WHEREAS, This is the 37% Annual Take Back the Night March for the Crime Victim and Sexual Violence Center, to raise awareness regarding the issue of violence against women and to encourage community mobilization, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with the City of Albany regarding the provision of police traffic and crowd control services at the 37 Annual “Take Back the Night Rally and March Against Sexual Violence” on Thursday, April 19, 2018 from 4:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 99 AUTHORIZING THE APPROVAL OF THE SETTLEMENT OF A LAWSUIT Introduced: 3/12/18 By Law and Audit and Finance Committees: WHEREAS, Albany County has been involved in ongoing litigation with Gina Carpenter, hereinafter referred to as the “Party”, who desires to settle all on- going litigation with the County, and WHEREAS, The County Attorney has undertaken negotiations with the Party and has proposed a settlement agreement, and WHEREAS, The County Attorney has recommended that the County settle the litigation for a total of $157,500 in full and final settlement of any and all claims arising from or relating to the Party's action, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to execute any necessary instruments to effectuate the settlement of the litigation for the total sum of $157,500, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve and take all necessary steps to settle this lawsuit, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 100 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OFFICE OF HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAMS REGARDING ACCESS TO THE MEDICAID ANALYTICS PERFORMANCE PORTAL Introduced: 3/12/18 By Health Committee: WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Albany County Department of Health has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with New York State Department of Health Office of Health Insurance Programs regarding access to the Medicaid Analytics Performance Portal, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner indicated that this data-use agreement gives the Albany County Department of Mental Health full access to patient information in the Medicaid Analytics Performance Portal which will help effectively oversee and plan for the Department mental hygiene system, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with the New York State Department of Health Office of Health Insurance Programs, Albany, NY 12237 regarding access to the Medicaid Analytics Performance Portal with the agreement end date of January 31, 2020, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 101 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH CFG MEDICAL SERVICES REGARDING MEDICAL CARE AT THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY Introduced: 3/12/18 By Public Safety Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 244 for 2017, this Honovable Body authorized an agreement with CFG Medical Services regarding medical care at the Albany County Correctional Facility, and WHEREAS, The Albany County Sheriff has requested authorization to enter into the second year of a five year agreement with CFG Medical Services regarding medical care at the Correctional Facility in the amount of $4,221,825 commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into the second year of a five year agreement for inmate medical care at the Albany County Correctional Facility with CFG Medical Services, Marlton, NJ for the period commencing January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $4,221,825, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 102 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH TRINITY ALLIANCE OF THE CAPITAL REGION, INC. REGARDING COUNSELING AND EDUCATIONAL SERVICES FOR THE 16 TO 20 YEAR OLD POPULATION AT THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY Introduced: 8/12/18 By Public Safety Committee: WHEREAS, The Sheriff has requested authorization to enter into an agreement with Trinity Alliance of the Capital Region, Inc. regarding Counseling and Educational Services at the Correctional Facility for the period commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in the amount of $46,500, and WHEREAS, The Sheriff indicated that Trinity Alliance of the Capital Region, Ine, will provide Counseling and Educational services to the 16-20 year old population at the Albany County Correctional Facility with the intent of imparting new skills, competencies and attitudes for a more positive future upon release, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with Trinity Alliance of the Capital Region, Inc., Albany, NY 12202 regarding Counseling and Educational Services for the 16-20 year old population at the Albany County Correctional Facility for the period commencing January 1, 2018 and ending December 31, 2018 in an amount not to exceed $46,500 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 103 AUTHORIZING THE ALBANY COUNTY SHERIFF TO CONSIDER OUT-OF- COUNTY APPLICANTS FOR THE POSITIONS OF PART-TIME PARAMEDICS AND PART-TIME EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS FOR THE COUNTY'S ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT AND EMT PROGRAMS Introduced: 3/12/18 By Personnel Committee: WHEREAS, The Albany County Sheriff has diligently sought out qualified applicants for the positions of Part-Time Paramedic for the County's Advanced Life Support program in the Towns of Bethlehem, Berne, Coeymans, New Scotland, Rensselacrville and Westorlo and Part-Time Emergency Medical Technician for the EMT Program with the Bethlehem Volunteer Ambulance Service, Delmar Fire District and the Town of New Scotland, and WHEREAS, The Sheriff indicated that there is a shortage of qualified applicants who are residents of Albany County and available and willing to fill all of the vacant part-time positions, and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 245-C for 1995 requires the approval of this Honorable Body for hiring out-of-county applicants in instances where there are no sufficiently qualified Albany County residents who have applied for such positions, and WHEREAS, Members of the Personnel Committee of the Albany County Legislature have been satisfied that there are no sufficiently qualified Albany County residents to fill the positions and have recommended that an approval in accordance with the requirements of Resolution No. 245-C for 1995 be given to the filling of Part- Time Paramedic and Emergency Medical Technician positions for a twelve-month period with out-of-county applicants, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that hiring out-of-county applicants to fill the aforementioned positions with the Albany County Sheriff's Office is approved in accordance with the requirements of Resolution No. 245-C for 1995, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the aforementioned approval to consider out-of-county applicants shall expire April 1, 2019, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 104 AMENDING THE 2018 SHERIFF'S OFFICE BUDGET: SHERIFF'S HEROIN ADDICTION RECOVERY PROGRAM Introduced: 3/12/18 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 475 for 2017, this Honorable Body authorized an agreement with the New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services regarding the Albany County Sheriff's Heroin Addiction Recovery Program (SHARP) in the amount of $25,000 for the period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018, and WHEREAS, The Albany County Sheriff has indicated that the services of an Inmate Service Specialist and Drug Interdiction Coordinator are needed in order to maintain the SHARP program, which provides pre-and post-release treatment for opioid-addicted inmates at the Albany County Correctional Facility, and, WHEREAS, The Sheriff has indicated that an amendment to the 2018 Sheriff's Office Budget is necessary to create and fund said positions, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature, that the 2018 Sheriff's Office Budget is hereby amended as follows: Increase Revenue Account A3150 Unclassified Revenues $25,000 Decrease Appropriation Account A8150 by $36,729 by decrease Line Item A2150 1 2204 001 CASAC by $36,729 Increase Appropriation Account A3150.1 by $61,729 by increasing the following Line Items: Create and increase Line Item A3150 1 2322 004 Inmate Services Specialist by $43,994 with an annual salary of $61,830 Create and increase Line Item A3150 1 2319 001 Drug Interdiction Coordinator PT by $17,735 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 105. AMENDING THE 2018 SHERIFF'S OFFICE BUDGET: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PERFORMANCE GRANT Introduced: 3/12/18 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 488 for 2017 This Honorable Body authorized an agreement with New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services to accept grant funding in the amount of $118,206, for a term commencing October 1, 2016 and ending September 30, 2018 regarding the 2017 Emergency Management Performance Grant, and WHEREAS, The Albany County Sheriff has indicated that a budget amendment is necessary to incorporate said funds into the 2018 Sheriff's Office Budget, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature, that the 2018 Sheriffs Office Budget is hereby amended as follows: Create and increase Revenue Account A4305 Civil Defense by $118,206 Increase Appropriation Account 8110.2 by $116,706 by increasing the following Line Items: Increase Line Item A3110 2 2750 Security Equipment by $54,706 Increase Line Item A3110 2 2400 Automobiles by $62,000 Increase Appropriation Account A8110.4 by $1,500 by Increasing Line Item A3110 4 4036 Telephone by $1,500 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 106 AMENDING THE 2018 SHERIFF'S OFFICE BUDGET: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES Introduced: 3/12/18 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, The Albany County Sheriff has recently purchased emergency medical equipment such as defibrillators that are essential to provide Emergency Medical Services to various municipalities, and WHEREAS, The Sheriff has requested an amendment to the 2018 Sheriff's Office Budget to incorporate such expense, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature, that the 2018 Sheriff's Office Budget is hereby amended as follows: Decrease Revenue Account A00890 Reserve EMS Ambulance Program by $60,000 Increase Appropriation Account A$110.2 by $60,000 by increasing Line Item A310 2 2800 Specialty Equipment by $60,000 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 107 AMENDING THE 2018 PROBATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET: GUN INVOLVED VIOLENCE ELIMINATION GRANT FUNDING Introduced: 3/12/18 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 368 of 2017, this Honorable Body authorized the acceptance of an additional $25,000 in supplemental funding from the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services (NYS DCJS) regarding the Gun Involved Violence Elimination (GIVE) grant program, and WHEREAS, The Director of the Albany County Probation Department indicated that the additional funding would supplement overtime costs in support of firearm and violent crime reduction efforts within the Probation Department, and WHEREAS, The Director has requested a budget amendment to incorporate the remaining $12,500 of this additional funding in the 2018 budget year, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the 2018 Albany County Probation Department Budget is hereby amended as follows: Increase Revenue Account A3334 Operation GIVE by $12,500 Increase Appropriation Account A3140.1 by $12,500 by increasing Line Item 43140 1 9900 Overtime by $12,500 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials RESOLUTION NO. 108 AMENDING THE 2018 PROBATION DEPARTMENT BUDGET: ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUSTMENTS Introduced: 3/12/18 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, The Director of the Department of Probations has requested administrative adjustments to the 2018 Probation Department budget in order to address salary discrepancies as required under collective bargaining agreements to reflect proper rates of pay for 2018, and WHEREAS, To accomplish this, an amendment to the 2018 Department of Probation Budget is necessary to enact these changes, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature, that the 2018 Department of Probation Budget is hereby amended as follows: Decrease Appropriation Account A3140.1 by $6,861 by decreasing Line Item A8140 1 4223 065 Probation Officer by $6,861 with an annual salary of $48,383 Increase Appropriation Account A3140.1 by $6,861 by increasing the line items as follows: Increase Line Item A3140 1 4223 002 Probation Officer by $2,287 with an annual salary of $58,767 Increase Line Item A3140 1 4223 030 Probation Officer by $2,287 with an annual salary of $58,767 Increase Line Item 43140 1 4223 063 Probation Officer by $2,287 with an annual salary of $58,767 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 109 AUTHORIZING THE ACCEPTANCE OF ENHANCED FUNDING FROM THE NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES AND AMENDING THE 2018 DEPARTMENT FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES BUDGET Introduced: 3/12/18 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 444 for 1027 this Honorable Body authorized an agreement with the NYS Office of Children and Family Services in order to accept funding in the amount of $120,000 for the period commencing on April 1, 2017 and ending March 31, 2018 WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department for Children, Youth and Families has requested to incorporate the remaining $43,051 of the funding into the 2018 Department for Children, Youth and Families Budget, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the 2018 Department for Children, Youth and Families Budget is amended as follows: Increase Revenue Account A3610 Social Services Administration by $43,051 Increase Appropriation Account A6119.1 by $43,051 by increasing Line Item AG119 1 9900 Overtime by $43,051 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 110 AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH ST. PETER’S HEALTH PARTNERS REGARDING THE TOBACCO CESSATION PROGRAM AND AMENDING THE 2018 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET Introduced: 3/12/18 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, The Director of the Department for Mental Health has requested. authorization to enter into an agreement with St. Peter's Health Partners regarding a tobacco cessation program, in the amount of $2,000 for a period commencing March 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018, and WHEREAS, The program will support tobacco use cessation efforts through training of staff and patient education, and WHEREAS, The Director has also requested a budget amendment to incorporate the aforementioned funds in to the 2018 Department of Mental Health Budget, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with St. Peter's Health Partners regarding a tobacco cessation program, in the amount of $2,000 for a period commencing March 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the 2018 Department of Mental Health Budget is amended as follows: Increase Revenue Account A1625 ACMHB Clinic/Mobile Crisis by $2,000 Increase Appropriation Account A4310.4 by $2,000 by increasing Line Item A4310 4 4039 Conferences and Training by $2,000 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. RESOLUTION NO. 111 AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 417 FOR 2017 WITH BETTER HEALTH OF NORTHEAST NEW YORK, INC. AND AMENDING THE 2018 MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT BUDGET Introduced: 3/12/18 By Audit and Finance Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 417 for 2017, this Honorable Body authorized to enter into an agreement with BHNNY Inc., Albany, NY 12204 regarding the Behavioral Health Stabilization Project for a term commencing November 1, 2017 and ending October 31, 2018, in an amount not to exceed $243,657, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health has indicated that due to delays in implementation, an amendment to the term of the contract is necessary, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of the Department of Mental Health has also requested an amendment to the 2018 Department of Mental Health Budget in order to fund overtime for related services, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Resolution No, 417 for 2017 is hereby amended to reflect a term for a period commending February 1, 2018 and ending January 31, 2019 rather than for a term commencing November 1, 2017 and ending October 31, 2018, and, be it further RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the 2018 Mental Health Department Budget is hereby amended as follows: Decrease Appropriations Account A4310.1 by $52,494 by decreasing Line Item A4310 1 2205 024 Staff Social Worker by $52,494 Increase Appropriations Account A4310.1 by $52,494 by increasing the Line Item A4310 1 9900 Overtime by $52,494 and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials.

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