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ELSEVTER Analytica Chimica Acta 311 (1995) 85-91

Determination of trace elements in heavy oil samples by graphite

furnace and cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry after
acid digestion
Minna Turunen a,*, Sirpa PerZniemi a, Markku Ahlgren a, Henrik Westerholm ’
a Unilwsity of Joensuu, Department of Chemistry, P.O. Box I I I, FIN-80101 Joensuu, Finland
b Neste Oy, P.O. Box 310, FIN-06101 Por~~oo.Fmland

Received 3 January 1995; revised 13 March 1995; accepted 15 March 1995


A procedure was developed to determine the concentrations of trace elements (As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb and
V) in heavy oil samples. The wet digestion (HNO,-H,SO,) method developed for the sample preparation was both
repeatable and quantitative and allowed element determinations by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry
(GFAAS) or cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry (CVAAS) from the same sample solution. The detection limits
were low, and low concentrations of analyte could be determined accurately. V and Ni were determined also by inductively
coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), in samples merely diluted with xylene (1 :lO), the ICP-AES
results were in good agreement with the GFAAS results.

Keywords: Atomic absorption spectrometry; Inductively coupled plasma spectrometry; Atomic emission spectrometry: Metals. trace
elements; Heavy oil samples

1. Introduction to be accurately determined because of the risk they

pose to health and the environment. It is well-known
Trace elements in crude oil and petroleum prod- that the trace elements in petrochemical products are
ucts have received considerable attention in recent released during combustion, some of them (e.g., As,
years because of the value of trace element data in Cd, Hg, Se, Pb) with harmful effects on human
understanding petroleum geochemistry and origin health and environment [6-91.
[1,2]. Information on trace elements (such as As, Cu, If a trace element is present in an oil sample in a
Fe, Hg, Ni, Pb, S and V) is also important in sufficiently high concentration, it can easily be mea-
petroleum cracking and refining, because these ele- sured directly by neutron activation analysis (NAA)
ments may cause corrosion or poisoning of the pro- [l,lO-121 or X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (xRF)
cess catalyst [3-61. In addition, trace elements need [9-111 with no need for sample preparation. Both
methods are rapid and nondestructive and allow mul-
tielement analysis. Element concentrations in oil
* Corresponding author. samples can also be measured by inductively cou-

OOO3-2670/95/$09.50 0 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 0003-2670(95)00166-2
86 M. Turunen et al. /Analytica Chimica Acta 31 I 11995) 85-91

pled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP- ICP-AES method. The new digestion method was
AES) [13] if the samples are diluted with an appro- used for the digestion of three different heavy oil
priate solvent (e.g., xylene). None of these methods, samples.
however, is sensitive enough for direct trace element
determination, and a preconcentration step is re-
quired, e.g., dry or wet ashing for decomposition of 2. Experimental
organic material in order to obtain aqueous solutions
[6,7,12,14]. The dry ashing method has the advan- 2.1. Standard solutions, reagents and materials
tage that inorganic standards can be used for the
calibration, but usually the accuracy suffers due to Titrisol standards (Merck) for As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu,
losses of highly volatile elements [2,15]. Trace ele- Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and V were used for the calibration
ment losses may also occur through absorption on of the AAS. Standard stock solutions (1000 mg
the walls of the ashing flask and/or by retention in metal/l) were stored in polyethylene bottles.
the acid-insoluble fraction of the ash [16]. Wet diges- Organometallic reference standards were used for the
tion, with various acids, has been widely and suc- investigation of the digestion procedure. All stan-
cessfully applied for the determination of a variety of dards were Conostan sulfonate metallo-organic stan-
elements [4,15-171. Wet digestion is fast and, owing dards (As and Hg 100 mg kg-‘, Cd and Cu 5000 mg
to the lower temperature, does not cause the kg-‘, Co, Cr, Mn, Ni, and V 900 mg kg-‘), except
volatilization losses associated with dry ashing for Pb, which was Petrostandard lead naphthenate
[14,16]. (433.8 f 4 mg kg- ’ 1. The samples used for testing
NAA and ICP-AES techniques have been used the digestion procedure were prepared by diluting
[l&19] for the determination of trace element con- metallo-organic standards with an appropriate
centrations in digested oil samples, but both are amount of Conostan Base Oil. In the GFAAS deter-
highly expensive [12,19]. One disadvantage of the minations NiC12 (Merck, Titrisol, 1000 mg Ni/l) or
ICP-AES technique is spectral interferences, which 2% (NH,),HPO, (Merck, p.a.) was used as matrix
make accurate trace element determinations in com- modifier, if necessary. Acids and all other reagents
plex matrices difficult. In addition, the detection were analytical reagent grade. Ultrapure water
limits are not as good as those obtained by graphite (Mini-Q Plus) was used throughout the procedure.
furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) The glassware was acid-washed (5% HCl and 10%
[12,19], which also has been successfully employed HNO,) overnight. The heavy oil samples was from
for the determination of trace elements in oil samples the North Sea area.
[8,12,15]. Among the advantages of GFAAS are
rapidity, simplicity, sensitivity, and good precision 2.2. Apparatus
[6,10]. For trace mercury determinations in digested
oil samples, cold vapour atomic absorption spec- The digestion apparatus consisted of, a three-
trometry (CVAAS) is the most sensitive AAS tech- necked round-bottomed flask, a regular addition fun-
nique [lo]. The high sensitivity of these AAS meth- nel, an addition funnel with by-pass tube, and a
ods means that extreme care is required to avoid Friedrichs condenser (Fig. 1). The flask was heated
contamination [ 121. by a heating mantle. If necessary, the thermoelement
In this work we developed and tested a wet can also be used for temperature monitoring. Trace
digestion method for heavy oil samples involving element concentrations were measured with a Varian
decomposition in a HNO,-H,SO, medium. The SpectrAA- atomic absorption spectrometer,
concentrations of the analytes in the resulting acidic equipped with a GTA-96 graphite tube atomizer or
sample solution were measured by CFAAS or VGA-76 vapour generation accessory. Metal hollow
CVAAS. The optimal analytical conditions and de- cathode lamps and a D,-background correction lamp
tection limits for the AAS determination were inves- were used with the MS devices. V and Ni were also
tigated separately for each analyte. Vanadium and measured with an Applied Research Laboratory ICP
nickel concentrations were also determined by the 3520 sequential atomic emission spectrometer.
M. Turunen et al. /Analytica Chimica Acta 311 (1995) 85-91 87

Except for Pb and Cd, pyrolytic coated partition

tubes (Varian, part No. 63-100012-00) were used in
all determinations. With the use of pyrolytic coated
tubes with platform instead of partition tubes for Pb
and Cd, the sensitivity of the Pb and Cd determina-
tions was doubled. In the case of the platform tubes,
samples had to be injected at a slower rate because
otherwise the platform, which was situated freely in
tube without any support, could be stirred and sam-
ple fell into the wall of the tube; at the same time the
formation of the sample drop was improved. Opti-
mum pyrolysis and atomization temperatures were
determined separately for each element and these are
shown in Table 1 together with the other instrumen-
tal parameters for the GFAAS determinations. Vana-
dium should be determined first, with a new tube,
because with a used tube the sensitivity is decreased
significantly. Because the signal shape was good and
the background low, a matrix modifier was not
needed in the determinations of Co, Cr, Mn, Ni, and
V. A matrix modifier was, however, required for As
(4 ~1 1000 mg 1-l Ni), Cd, Cu. and Pb (1 ~1 2%
Fig. 1. Wet digestion apparatus. (NH,),HPO,).

2.3. Measurement procedures Mercury was determined by cold vapour method
with the atomic absorption spectrometer equipped
GFAAS with the vapour generation accessory (VGA-76). This
As, Pb, Cu, Cd, Co, Cr, Mn, Ni, and V were employs continuous flow technique. The calibration
determined with the atomic absorption spectrometer standards were prepared as for the GFAAS determi-
equipped with the graphite tube atomizer (GTA-96). nations, from Titrisol standard so that they contained
The standards used for the calibration of the instru- 25% H,SO, in the blank and each standard solution.
ment were prepared from Titrisol standard solutions 25% w/v SnCl, in 20% v/v HCl was added as a
by diluting in such a way that they contained 25% reducing agent. Determinations were performed us-
H,SO, in the blank and each standard solution. ing wavelength 253.7 nm and slit width of 0.5 nm.

Table I
Operating parameters for the GFAAS determinations
Parameter AS Cd co Cr cu Mn Ni Pb L

Wavelength (nm) 193.7 228.8 240.7 357.9 324.8 279.5 232.0 283.3 318.5
Slit width (nm) 1.0 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2
Measurement time (s) 1.7 2.9 2.1 2.2 2.6 2.1 1.7 2.5 2.1
Sample volume (~1) 3 x 20 2 x 20 20 20 2 x 20 20 20 20 20
Pyrolysis temp. (” C) 1200 800 1200 600 1000 600 1000 1000 IO00
Pyrolysis time (s) 17.0 40.0 20.0 5.0 17.0 5.0 17.0 ‘5.0 S.(l
Atomizing temp. (” C) 2400 1800 2200 2100 2000 1800 2400 1’150 2600

Measurement mode: peak area.

88 M. Turunen et al. /Analytica Chimica Acta 311 (1995) 85-91

Table 2 published procedure [lo]. The oil sample (about 5 g)

Operating parameters for the ICP-AES determinations
was weighed directly into a 500-ml round-bottomed
Parameter Value flask. The digestion apparatus was constructed and
Torch Minitorch 2.5 ml cont. sulfuric acid and 2.5 ml cont. nitric acid
Effect (W) 700 were added through the regular addition funnel. The
Ar gas flows (I/min)
stopcock of the addition funnel with by-pass tube
carrier 0.7
plasma 0.8
was kept closed during the entire digestion proce-
coolant 11 dure. The temperature of the reaction mixture was
Pump speed (ml/min) 1.7 slowly increased by means of the heating mantle
Wavelengths (nm) until fumes of nitrogen dioxide appeared. Gentle
Ni 231.604
heating was continued until mustard yellow turbulent
V 311.070
fumes were observed (at about 80” C) and during this
vigorous reaction slow addition of cont. nitric acid
(total amount 50 ml) was carefully begun. If the
With a delay time of 70 s and measuring time 10.0 s, cont. nitric acid was added too fast, the destruction
three replicate measurements were made. of the sample was interrupted and at a later stage of
the digestion procedure, when the heating was in-
ICP-AES creased, a violent and harmful reaction was induced
Ni and V were also determined by ICP-AES in which the sample foamed into the addition fun-
technique, in heavy oil samples diluted with xylene nels. Likewise, if the heating was too strong, a
1:lO. The calibration standards were prepared from violent reaction occurred, causing the pressure in the
Conostan S-21 organometallic standard by diluting flask to increase too fast and the sample to ignite.
with the appropriate amount of Base Oil to ensure Previous hazards can be avoided by monitoring the
the right viscosity. After this the mixtures were temperature of the reaction mixture (80-85” C) by
diluted with xylene l:lO, in the same way as the thermoelement.
samples. The ICP-AES parameters are shown in After the vigorous reaction was over the heating
Table 2. was increased and more cont. nitric acid was added,
at a sufficient rate to produce nitrogen dioxide fumes
2.4. Sample preparation at a steady rate. The green distillate began to con-
dense into the addition funnel with by-pass tube. The
The digestion of samples for AAS was performed temperature was then kept at 180-200” C until the
in HNO,-H,SO, medium with a modification of a solution was less viscous and dark brown. After that

Table 3
Recovery, R.S.D., and DL for synthetic oil samples (V= 20 ~1, n = 5)
Element Concentration Recovery R.S.D. DL
(mg kg- ’ sample) (%I (%I (mg kg- ’ sample)
As 20.00 96 f 9 3.6 0.046 a
Cd 0.052 95 f 13 7.8 0.003 a
co 1.00 95 f 6 2.4 0.010
Cr 1.00 99 f 8 3.2 0.004
CU 1.02 110 f 14 8.4 0.005 a
Hg b 0.45 71 f8 4.4 0.004
Mn 1.00 94 f 7 2.7 0.006
Ni 0.98 lOOk 2.4 0.009
Pb 1.12 95 f 8 3.0 0.016
V 0.98 98 f 4 1.7 0.021

’ Multiple injection used (2 X 20 ~11.

b Hg measured by CVAAS, others by GFAAS.
M. Turunen et al. /Analytica Chimica Acta 311 (1995) 85-91 x9

the temperature was increased until fumes of sulfuric contents of distillates formed during the digestion
acid appeared (> 230” C) and the heating was con- procedure were investigated. The distillates did not
tinued until the solution was a pale straw color or contain detectable amounts of Co or Mn and only
almost colorless (45-60 min). At this stage the traces of As, Cr, Cu, Ni, and V. Considerable vapor-
addition rate of cont. nitric acid (additional 30 ml) ization losses of these elements are not expected to
must be slow enough to avoid temperature decrease. occur during the digestion. The distillates did not
The digestion of samples took about 2-3 h. contain detectable amounts of mercury either, al-
The solution was allowed to cool down and the though recovery tests showed that part of it was lost
addition funnels and the condenser were removed. during the digestion procedure. Apparently mercury
The distillate (about 100 ml) collected into the addi- was released with the fumes formed during digestion
tion funnel with by-pass tube was discharged and the and escaped out of the top of the digestion apparatus.
sample (20-25 ml) was quantitatively transferred A few problems occurred with the GFAAS determi-
from the flask to a lOO-ml volumetric flask. The nations of distillates. In the case of Cd and Pb the
digestion apparatus was rinsed with water (75 ml) background signal was strong and caused overcorrec-
and poured into the volumetric flask which was tion problems so that these elements could not be
filled to the mark with cont. sulfuric acid. measured. Distillates also quite rapidly consumed the
graphite tubes and platforms and caused decrease in
the sensitivity. Furthermore, the volume of distillates
3. Results and discussion varied a little so the results were not completely
3.1, Digestion procedure The analytes should be determined as soon as
possible to avoid contamination problems and loss of
The digestion procedure was tested on synthetic the analytes. The Hg concentration was observed to
oil samples, which were prepared by diluting increase and Pb concentration to decrease during
CONOSTAN metallo-organic standards with Base storage, so these elements should be determined first.
Oil. The samples (about 5 g) were decomposed as As to the other analytes, the storage time had no
described above and the metal contents were deter- effect on the concentrations in digested sample solu-
mined in acidic sample solution by GFAAS, except tion.
Hg which was determined by CVAAS. The recovery
with confidence limits (calculated at 95 probability 3.2. AAS determinations
level) and the R.S.D. values of the analytes are
shown in Table 3. Recoveries were good for all The detection limits CDL) of GFAAS and CVAAS
analytes except Hg. For Hg the recovery was only determinations were determined separately for each
about 70%, probably because Hg was partly analyte with low concentration standards (made from
volatilized during the digestion procedure. The re- Titrisol standard by dilution), which gave a signal of
covery was found to be independent of the concen- about 0.020 A. Blank and standard solutions were
tration, however, and so could be taken into account prepared in 25% H,SO,. Ten replicate measure-
in calculating the Hg results; or the calibration stan- ments, alternating between the blank and the stan-
dards could be treated in the same way as the dard, were made. The detection limits were then
samples. The recovery of Cu slightly exceeded 100% calculated from the mean absorbance of the blank
probably due to contamination: large amounts of Cu corrected standard and the standard deviation of the
were observed particularly in the new flasks, and blank signal [20]. The results of the DL determina-
although the flasks were carefully acid washed, con- tions are shown in Table 3 (the lower recovery was
tamination was not completely avoided. The contam- taken into account in calculating the DL of mercury).
ination was eliminated by cleaning the flasks with The detection limits are low and low concentrations
cont. HNO, and cont. H,SO, according to the of the analytes in heavy oil samples can be deter-
digestion procedure. mined accurately. Since oil samples usually contain
Besides the digested oil samples, also the analyte very low amounts of As, Cd, Cu, and Pb, the feasi-
90 M. Turunen et al. /Analytica Chimica Acta 311 (1995) 85-91

bility of using multiple injection (2 X 20 ~1) was The trace element concentrations of the three
tested. No problems arose in the case of As, Cd, and samples are shown in Table 4. All samples contained
Cu and the detection limits were improved. Multiple relatively large amounts of Ni and V, compared to
injection could not be used for Pb, however, because other analytes, and moderate amounts of Co, Cu,
the background level increased due to increasing Mn, and Pb. The As, Cd, Cr, and Hg concentrations
acid concentration and disturbed the determination. were low, and for the As and Hg determinations the
We expected the hydride technique to be more R.S.D. values were high because the concentrations
sensitive (DL about 16 times lower) than GFAAS for in the samples were close to or below the detection
the As determinations. With digested oil samples, limit. The lower recovery of Hg was taken into
however, KI, a reducing agent for modifying As(V) account in calculating the Hg concentration. To con-
to A.&II) in the hydride method, caused the forma- firm the previous results, some spiked oil samples
tion of a dark lava-like deposit, which eventually (As, Cd, Cr and Hg) were prepared: a calculated
blocked the apparatus. Furthermore, the NaBH, used amount of synthetic standard was added to the heavy
for the hydride generation reacted vigorously with fuel oil sample and the mixture was digested in the
the sample matrix, causing foaming in the gas-liquid regular way. After digestion the analyte concentra-
separator and inaccuracy in the results. For these tions were determined by GFAAS or CVAAS and
reasons, GFAAS was used instead for the arsenic the original analyte concentrations of the sample was
determinations. calculated by subtracting the added amount from the
measured amount. Results were repeatable and sup-
3.3. Concentrations of analytes ported the results of unspiked oil samples.
The analyte contents of heavy oil samples were
Five replicates of each of the three heavy fuel oil also determined by ICP-AES, for which the un-
samples were decomposed with the developed diges- treated oil sample was diluted with xylene (1:lO)
tion procedure. The samples behaved in a different before analysis. The sensitivity of the ICP-AES tech-
way during the digestion procedure: two of them had nique was sufficient only for the determination of Ni
quite high viscosity and the digestion proceeded and V. The ICP-AES results for Ni and V were in
normally, but the third was of lower viscosity and at good agreement with the GFAAS results: in samples
the beginning of the digestion there could occur a 1, 2, and 3, Ni concentration were 11.2, 13.4, and
violent reaction if temperature of the reaction mix- 10.3 mg kg-’ sample and V concentration 25.4,
ture was not controlled. 20.5, and 20.1 mg kg-’ sample, respectively.

Table 4
Concentration of elements in three fuel oils (V = 20 ~1, n = 5)
Element Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3
Content R.S.D. Content R.S.D. Content R.S.D.
(mg kg-‘) (%o) (mg kg-‘) (o/o) (mg kg-‘) (%I
AS <DL - 0.096 37 <DL -
Cd 0.031 3.2 0.013 4.3 0.025 3.4
co 0.289 2.2 0.182 3.1 0.185 7.2
Cr 0.058 4.1 0.035 10.6 0.062 6.7
CU 0.303 1.2 0.190 2.0 0.275 3.8
Hg a 0.008 37 0.007 34 < DL _
Mn 0.147 1.9 0.117 1.3 0.180 1.0
Pb 0.206 1.8 0.300 7.8 0.410 2.7
Ni 13.1 9.1 12.9 2.8 9.8 2.1
V 21.9 4.5 19.2 5.2 18.0 1.8

a Hg measured by CVAAS, others by GFAAS.

M. Turunen et al. /Analytica Chimica Acta 311 (1995185-91 Y1

4. Conclusions [31 B.B. Agrawal and SF. Fish, Indian J. Tcchnol., 10 (19721
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fectively destroyed the organic matrix of the heavy [51 M. Gonzales and A.W. Lynch, ASTM Spec. Tech. Publ., No.
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no significant losses of the analytes were observed
[71 M.S. Vigler and V.F. Gaylor, Appl. Spectrosc.. 28 fly741
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about 70%. However, the recovery was independent k31M.C. Gonzalez and A.R. Rodriguez, Rev. Instr. Fr. Pet., 38
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DO1 R.A. Hofstader, 0.1. Milner and J.H. Runnels fEds.1, Analy-
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[I21 R.A. Nadkarni, ASTM Spec. Tech. Publ., No. 1109 (1991)
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