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PDN 505

Session 20
Case Studies

Lecture delivered by
Prof. M. N. Sudhindra Kumar
Professor MSRSAS-Bangalore
Sudhindra MSRSAS

 M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 1

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Session Objectives
At the end of this session the delegate would have
• Importance of implementing DFM in industries
• The seven steps of DFM procedure at broader level
• Benefits of DFMA through Case Studies
Sudhindra MSRSAS

 M.S Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies - Bangalore 2

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Session Topics
• Seven Step DFMA Procedure
• Questionnaires
• Step 1 DFM Diagnosis
• Step 2 DFM Objectives
• Step 3 Main Functions
• Step 4 Evaluation Parameters And DFM Ideas
• Step 5 Conceptual Design
• Step 6 Evaluation and Selection of Conceptual Design
• Step 7 Detailed Design
Sudhindra MSRSAS

• Conclusion
• Case story
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Implementing DFM in Nordic Industry

Sudhindra MSRSAS

- A report on Design for Manufacture in practice

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Assemblability Evaluation Method, AEM, is developed by Hitachi Corp. Tokyo, Japan.

The procedure of the analysis in the AEM method is as follows:
Sudhindra MSRSAS

AEM by Hitachi Corp.

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Sudhindra MSRSAS

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Sudhindra MSRSAS

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Sudhindra MSRSAS

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Case study: Utilizing DFM to support the development of a new generation of UPS
(Uninterruptible Power Supplies) at Silcon Power Electronics A/S

At Silcon the DFM principles have been used in a pilot project to support the
development of a family of three-phase modularly designed UPS systems
named "the E series". By designing these systems in such a way that the
number of self-specified components (drawing numbers) has been reduced by
one third and by enhancing the kinship between the different variants by one
third, it has been possible to reduce the direct costs by 30% and the determined
overhead production costs by 50 to 60%. Another result of the project, which is
just as important, is the high level of serviceability. The machines have been
structured in such a way they can be disassembled for service purposes and
Sudhindra MSRSAS

reassembled in approx. half an hour.

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Silcon Power Electronics A/S, situated in the town of Kolding,

Denmark, develops and produces UPS systems (Uninterruptable
Power Supply) which are used for ensuring the power supply for
computers, control systems, etc. Silcon employs around 400
persons. In connection with development of a new generation of
three-phase products it was decided to form a project group that
with focus on DFM (Design for Manufacture) were to ensure the
manufacturability of the new product generation. Besides
generating concrete design concepts for the development project,
the project group was to attempt establishing common guidelines
for the work with DFM at Silcon, e.g. concerning the links between
Sudhindra MSRSAS

design decisions and the caused production costs.

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When the project was initiated it was decided to hold a start-up

seminar during which the principles of Integrated Product
Development and DFM (Design for Manufacture) were
discussed in a very wide circle of employees. This event
greatly contributed to ensuring the understanding of the project
by the surrounding staff. The DFM project group that was
formed subsequently consisted of staff responsible for
mechanical and electrotechnical development, production
preparation, production control, and for the outer industrial
design of the machine. The Silcon management and IPU
participated actively in the project work as well. The work was
carried out according to the "Seven Step DFM Procedure" that
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is explained in the EUREKA publication entitled "Guide for

Improving the Manufacturability of Industrial Products".

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Step 1: DFM diagnosis

In connection with the diagnose of the manufacturability of the replaced

product generation called the "BC series", the size and composition of
the direct and overhead production costs were examined and
compared to key figures for the complexity of the products. The existing
product variants were described together with the steps of the actual
execution of an order, and the real throughput times were analysed.
Hereby it was made clear that the great mechanical complexity and
diversity of the systems were among the essential reasons for the
relatively elevated costs and the long lead times in the production.

Furthermore, the most frequent quality problems and assembly errors

were analysed, and flexibility limitations and productions risks were
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examined. A large part of these internal problems could be traced back

to conditions concerning the inner structural design of the machines
which could be improved with advantage.
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Step 1: DFM diagnosis

Finally, utilization of scarce resources like production space was

examined and critical working environment conditions were noted.
Among other things it appeared from this that the planned doubling of
the production capacity only could be carried out without large plant
investments if the products "spent" a significantly smaller amount of time
in the main assembly line and in the final test field.

As it appears from Figure 1, the previous BC series which was based on

welded variant specific chassis systems with pronouncedly different
inner machine structures. The handling of these chassis systems
(mounted with separate outer panels) was labourious and fed the wish
for a modularly designed building block system where the outer panels
served as a self-supporting chassis for the various functional modules.
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On the basis of the realizations of the product and production diagnosis

a joint DFM objective for the new E series was worked out.

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Step 2: DFM objectives

The DFM objective served as a supplement for the

existing products, production, and marketing
specifications, which among other things stated
that the new E series is expected to reach almost
twice the annual production volume compared to
similar products in the replaced BC series.
Sudhindra MSRSAS

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Step 3: Main functions

When the DFM objective of the project had been

determined, the "main functions" for the coming
generation of three phase UPS systems were
mapped. By means of function diagrams the member
of the project group had a common reference for
discussion of the functionality of the machines and the
later design synthesis. Besides this, the diagrams
gave the participating mechanical engineers a
strongly enhanced insight into the functional
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conditions of the systems.

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Step 4: Evaluation parameters and DFM ideas

Before the generation of DFM ideas takes place, it is by
experience a good idea that the project group agrees on the
criteria for deciding whether a design concept is good or not. Such
a consensus on criteria facilitates the coming evaluation of design
ideas significantly and at the same time helps to guide the
generation of design ideas in a desirable direction. Therefore, the
project group discussed what evaluation parameters that were to
form the basis of evaluation of individual concepts. Evaluation
parameters were drawn up for the following:

The four DFM effort levels: - Company level - Family level -

Sudhindra MSRSAS

Structural level - Component level

Selected critical main functions.

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Step 4: Evaluation parameters and DFM ideas

These surveys of evaluation parameters have each been divided

into two groups:
1. "Drivers" for manufacturability (i.e. characteristics of the product
that the designer has to affect to influence the manufacturability).

2. Critical technical characteristics (i.e. product characteristics of

crucial importance for maintaining product quality).

The first group contains a list of characteristics that especially

need improvement to increase the manufacturability of the
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product, whereas the other group describes characteristics that

are critical for the maintenance of the functionality of the product
and its quality characteristics as perceived by the customers.
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Step 4: Evaluation parameters and DFM ideas

Evaluation DFM effort Main function:

parameters level on "Form chassis/frame"
(examples) "Structural
"Drivers" for level"
- High degree - Low number of different
manufacturability of preassembly chassis identities in the
total chassis range
Critical technical Easy - High rigidity of chassis
characteristics disassembly
Summing up, one can say that the DFM ideas were to contribute to
improving conditions pointed out as "Drivers for manufacturability"
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with due consideration to the "Critical technical characteristics". On

the basis of this, many individual design concepts were generated
both concerning the realization of the main functions of the UPS and
concerning the four effort levels.
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Step 5: Conceptual design

basing the E series...

Extensive use of tangible

"3D solid models"

Subsequently, the many design concepts had to be combined in alternative

"total solutions". For the power section of the UPS, nine possible design
concepts were made on how to cover the need for power of the entire UPS
Sudhindra MSRSAS

generation with only a limited number of power modules. Advantages and

disadvantages of each of these alternatives were discussed and compared
before the most promising alternative could be selected.
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Step 5: Conceptual design

Similarly a number of possible chassis alternatives and battery

solutions were set up and examined. One of the leading ideas
was the combination of the functions "Form chassis" and "Form
outer cover" by creating a self-supporting panel system. On the
way, several full-scale models of the suggested chassis and
battery concepts were built in order to better evaluate and
communicate the consequences hereof in terms of costs and
Sudhindra MSRSAS

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Step 6: Evaluation and selection of conceptual design

using preassembled battery drawers... The vertical bulkhead The functional modules
Sudhindra MSRSAS

Before the choice of the final product structure could be made, the design
concepts were compared to the DFM objective. Among other things the
following conditions were in focus when the choice of structure was made.

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Step 6: Evaluation and selection of conceptual design

The power modules were built in such a way that they may be pre - assembled
and tested before final assembly (however without "magnetic"). The cooling
profile works as a structural element, which, together with the modular design of
the product system, helps to secure that the individual parts do not exceed 20
kilos in the service situation.

The power modules of 10 kVA and 20 kVA are built in a way that they are
(almost) identical production-wise, however with different ratings on IGBTs
(Integrated transistor blocks) and armament of PCB mounted AC electrolytes.
The modules are based on so-called Six-pack-IGBTs that are directly
Sudhindra MSRSAS

connectable to PC boards with plug pins.

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Step 6: Evaluation and selection of conceptual design

It was decided to realize the "energy storage" function by using a large number
of relatively small 7 Ah batteries. The batteries are connected in series of 8
which are pre - assembled in drawers that are easy to handle. The pre -
assembled battery drawers that weigh about 20 kilos are placed in a drawer
system in the right side of the UPS easily accessible from the front. By not
connecting the battery drawers in series until the final test field (where the
safety level is particularly elevated) the very strong (and dangerous) DC voltage
during assembly is avoided. The battery drawers are coupled via plug
connections to a pre-assembled wire harness.
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Step 6: Evaluation and selection of conceptual design

By placing magnetic (transformers, heavy impedance coils, etc.) at the bottom

of the system a low center of gravity is ensured, which facilitates transport . The
pre - assembled functional modules like the power module, fan modules, etc.
are assembled (and serviced) with good accessibility from in front of the
system. All cable connections in the final assembly are done by plug
connections. The degree of pre - assembly was increased by a total of 40%
compared to previous product generations.

The self-supporting and modular chassis system contributes considerably to the

increased manufacturability. It is characterized by the fact that a limited number
of different chassis components can be combined into being a wide chassis
Sudhindra MSRSAS

Summing up, the chosen product concept can be described by a number of

individual decisions divided up into the four DFM effort levels:
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Step 6: Evaluation and selection of conceptual design

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Step 7: Detailed design

The decided product concept was carried out in the detailed design phase with
no particular problems. The production start-up, too, turned out to be
unproblematic, which especially should be ascribed to the comprehensive and
early involvement of the production function and the sub-suppliers in the
product development.

The development of the

Silcon E...
Sudhindra MSRSAS

With a limited number of


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Sudhindra MSRSAS

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As it appears, it has been possible to implement the DFM objective made for
the project. The established direct cost savings of 31 to 32% for the preliminary
series are, however, somewhat below the original objective. Only when the full
production volume has been reached it will be possible to establish the size of
the savings on the direct production costs. In return, the estimated savings on
overhead production cost are somewhat above the objective.

These savings do not necessarily occur as "cash savings", but primarily show
themselves as a reduced need for white-collar resources (in connection with:
Logistics, purchase, quality control, process control, etc.) A proper verification is
therefore difficult.
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The modularization in the Silcon E series stretches far beyond the 10 and 20
kVA systems mentioned here (310E and 320E). Thus, the larger UPS systems,
e.g. 340E and 380E (40 and 80 kVA respectively), utilize to a considerable
extent the same chassis and housing identities as the smaller version, only in
new configurations.

As the pictures shows, the inner structure of the systems and many design
details are reused, which at the same time has contributed to enhanced
efficiency in the development work and in production preparation. On the whole,
the kinship in the entire E series has thus been increased at many more points
Sudhindra MSRSAS

than "just" at the improved interaction between the 10 and 20 kVA versions.

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Sudhindra MSRSAS

A double fan module is used In the large E series systems... Bench marking against
in the 40 kVA versions. competing products

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During the course of the development project, practical experience

within DFM has been achieved in and around the project for
strengthening the systematic conceptual product development.
The used tools seem to have contributed especially to:

•Strengthening and acceleration of the dialogue and knowledge

integration between the development and production
functions.Strengthening of the interaction between the objectives of
the development project and the overall corporate strategy.
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•Creation of attention concerning overhead costs, amongst other

things by laying down guidelines for the inter-action between design
decisions and the overhead consequences which may be expected.

•Increased insight into the critical significance that the structural

product design has on the production layout, creation of variants, and
cost structure, etc.

It is noteworthy that the increased manufacturability of the new

product generation apparently is connected to (or perhaps even is
the course of) important improvements in the quality characteristics
Sudhindra MSRSAS

of the products as perceived by the customers, like accessibility and


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case story: DFM of a Safety Respirator -

A case story from Air-Ace Oy

The case story of manufacturability development of a safety respirator, an air

filtering mask for workers, is somewhat unique. The story from Air-Ace Oy starts
from a situation where no respirator equal to the concept developed was ever
realized. The company was founded in Jyväskylä, Finland for respirator product
innovation, and the development, manufacturing and marketing of respirator
products. This product development was a green field project, where all
technical aspects of the product were studied at the same time during the
development process. However, it was never called a simultaneous design
process, although all aspects of the design process led towards that goal,
Sudhindra MSRSAS

including the manufacturing system to be used.

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The Product

The safety respirator development innovation has its basis in the invention of a
low resistance breathing capability of the respirator. This is realized through a
maximized filtering area and very low resistance on the inhalating / exhalating
valves. The respirator is realized as a half-mask to prevent inhalation of harmful
dust. The respirator provides effective protection against dust particles, mist,
fibres, metal fumes and fungi moulds. With a special active coal filter mat it can
also absorb harmful gases. As an option, there is a visor available for eye-
Sudhindra MSRSAS


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The Product
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The Product

The product is finally packed in a storage case, that is also an essential and
integrated part of the product and assembly work content. The case is the
storage place for the masks and also a place for replacement filter mats.

As the respirator is a mass product for numerous operators with different skill
levels in many countries, all assembly and disassembly operations should be
realized as "fool-proof". The removal and replacement of the filled filter mat is a
task that comes up in regular use.
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The goal
The goals in manufacturability development work were described as follows:
Easy handling of components in assembly
Easy handling is a basis for future assembly automation with manipulators or
robots, and has positive effects even in the early phases when assembly will be
manual. As the product is all new, production volume is still low, and gradually
rising. Easy handling is influenced by standardization to a minimum number of
assembly directions, feeding of components, and stable part positions in
Division of assembly work in subassemblies
In a respirator like this, there are always flexible sealing silicon rubber parts and
wowen straps. Their loose form will cause problems, if handled with
manipulators or robots. Those parts are thus placed in separate subassemblies.
This goal generated two separate subassemblies in the construction: valve
Sudhindra MSRSAS

cassette and strap assembly with self-locking fixtures for the frame and the
head band. As the inhaling/exhaling valves are naturally on opposite faces of
the cassette, it also simplified assembly work. The cassette is only to be turned
180º twice during the assembly of the silicon valves.
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The goal
Strong reduction in the number of different parts in assembly
This goal has the strongest influence on production costs. As the parts are all
plastic moulds, their shapes can easily fill all functions of handling, locking in its
assembly position, and aid for disassembly work. The only conscious exception
was made with the spring in the locking mechanism of the filter, where one
agreed on a conventional helical spring, not an integrated plastic part as it
optimally could be. This was due to the long life expectancy and slow
degradation of spring force in a helical spring.
Assembly work quality must be seen and detected easily
The reduced number of parts all have a special role to play in the right
operation of the respirator. Malfunctioning of the respirator can cause harm or
even health problems. Thus the product must be designed to aviod all possible
Sudhindra MSRSAS

malfunctions, and mechanisms must be built in to make it easy to detect

problems. The plastic parts were designed to indicate by sound when they lock
together in the correct assembly positions after filter replacement.

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The result

A development goal was that the design of the respirator should be unique. The
design was created by ED-Design Oy, a leading industrial design office in
Finland. The functions of the respirator were first created by Air-Ace Oy in a
mock-up version of the respirator. Then the project went through several design
reviews with the product designer, industrial designer, manufacturability
designer and the Air-Ace management. This development group was very
effective, based on multi-technical skills. Due to involvement of the company
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management, the group could also make very quick decisions about what
should be done and what should be developed and investigated before the next

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The result

The materials and means that were used during product design were:
•the mock-up, showing functions and part structure, made by the host company
•product design on the CAD-system, by the industrial designer
•models of analogical choices of materials and interlocking mechanisms from
different existing products, identified by all participants
•design of assembly procedures for small batch production / mass production in
large quantities, by the manufacturability designer.
•list of assemblability problems, by the manufacturability designer.

The design of the product is deemed a success, and the industrial design
Sudhindra MSRSAS

contribution has been prized. Due to the successful design of the product, it
was awarded a place in the permanent Design Collection of the Chicago
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DFM has many possible starting points

There are many possible situations which can lead to the need for a DFM
•A new product, or a product range is about to be developed. This is a
classical situation where DFM philosophy should be applied. If someone the
cries out: "We need DFM" at the starting point, then you have the perfect
opportunity to do some ground-breaking work to form a sound basis for a
successful development.
•In the middle of a product development process someone suddenly says:
"This has to be manufactured in one way or another". This is the situation
where a lot of work has been performed, but there is still a golden
opportunity to make a major influence for improved manufacturability
through DFM.
•When the manufacturing of a newly developed product starts, someone
discovers that several components get very awkward and costly
Sudhindra MSRSAS

manufacturing processes, and people from the manufacturing departments

claim that small changes in the product design will make manufacturing
easier and less costly.

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DFM has many possible starting points

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Case Study - Television Receiver

Sudhindra MSRSAS

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Case Study - Television Receiver

• Injection moulded and painted front cabinet with inserts for
front AV connector area and control area, grooves for
masking and painting, and bosses for fixing of picture tube,
speakers, and rear cabinet
• Injection moulded rear cabinet – texturised and used without
painting,with inserts for Tuner and rear connector area, and
ventilation slots. Injection mark covered by service label
• PCB assembly supended between ribs in front and rear
cabinet without any fasteners
• Touch button is one plastic moulded part which contains all
Sudhindra MSRSAS

keys. If keys are to be chrome plated, separate inserts are

used which are chrome plated and fixed with MEK

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Case Study - Television Receiver

• Power knob is a plastic moulded part assembled without any
• PCB assembly is done on programmable automatic
component insertion machines
• PCB soldering is done on automatic wave soldering
• Television assembly is done on a motorised conveyor line
with parts to the different workstations from the
subassembly line/ stores. Each set is located on a base fixture
and moves along the conveyor with the base .
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• Electric screwdrivers set with appropriate tightening torque

are used for fixing self tap screws for assembly of parts

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Case Study - Television Receiver

• The layout of each workstation is designed for minimum
time and minimum operator fatigue
• On line aging is done with sets in on condition
• On line functional and visual testing done on all sets
• On line packing is done and the packed sets move to the
despatch area
• Sample sets are taken for temperature and humidity tests,
and bump, vibration and drop tests
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Case Study - ECG Recorder

Sudhindra MSRSAS

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Case Study - ECG Recorder

• Injection moulded cabinets with brass inserts for screw
• Main PCB assembly fixed over Control PCB assembly and
connected thru flat cable and connectors
• Thermal printhead assembly- material, tooling and setting
• Motor-Gear assembly – improvements to prevent gear
slipping, use of ball bearing in place of sintered bearing,
development of brass worm, Delrin Gears, motor bracket,
and gear shafts- dimensions, tolerances and fitment
Sudhindra MSRSAS

• Lid assembly with silicon rubber roller, rubber roller shaft

assembly and delrin moulded bearings

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Case Study - ECG Recorder

• Cabinet dimensions and details to obtain lid locking and
proper alignment and pressure between printhead and rubber
• Separate battery compartment
• Control Decal, cabinet and switch locations on PCB
• Print darkness and printhead pressure and position
• Centerline variation and PLU dimensions
• Functional and life testing of printer parts and assembly
• Charger unit development, assembly and testing
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Case Study - Defibrillator

Sudhindra MSRSAS

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Case Study - Defibrillator

Sudhindra MSRSAS

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Case Study - Defibrillator

• Cabinet design and addition of base unit with battery and
HV capacitor
• LCD panel fixing under curved surface of front cabinet
• Rear cabinet redesign for easy removal after addition of base
• Slip-on Paddle design for combination of adult and pediatric
paddles to obtain proper electrical contact, paddle release
and electrical insulation
• HV connector design
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Case Study - Defibrillator

• Printer Unit design initially with imported printer module
and then introduction of new design using ECG printer
unit parts
• Field upgadabiliy for printer units
• New low cost Defibrillator design without printer and slip-
on paddles ,with new HV connector and smaller capacitor
but with different looks – using the existing parts and
assemblies, and investment only on cabinet parts
Sudhindra MSRSAS

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