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- ___ Cultural-Historical Perspectives on Teacher Education and Development Learning teaching Edited by Viv Ellis, Anne Edwards and Peter Smagorinsky Fen Sete, ton Park. Abington, Oxon OX14 ARN Sinan psabes nh USA se Come ion of Top 8 rn a fr bis putamen lsnwie o4is-saa din ‘Saute ofieyrsna pe} ‘SEalo ezonavo! fo) , Contents Lif fiw sof aie sto entra ‘Anolon ‘The social situation of teacher A ygoskan analysis of the consrvton of sting in Tearing to each ‘What and how do student teachers lar fom working {iferent socal ssuations of development in these shoal “Taking 2 sociocultural perspecive om scence teacher iw can Vygotky and his legacy help ws to understand nd develop teacher edvaton? categorising cilden: pupil heath and the broadening of respons forthe teaching profession hk mone, ERILLA LARIZOW AND ROGER SALIO 6 7" PART A cultural-historical methodological perspective 1 Seulyng the proces of chang: the dowbe stimulation strategy in teacher education research. Tnvestigating teacher language: comparison of the relative strengths of Conversation Anse and Creal Dcoure “nals as methods Leming to become a teacher: partition across spheres forlerig 10 Breaking ou of «professional abstraction dhe papi ‘materialize object for trainee teachers Cultural sorical designs for teacher education 1 Deviations rom the conventional: contradictions as sures of change in teacher eduction 12 Wat have we learnt after we ad fu a ace theory penpectve on cultures of laringin pedagorial reforms 1 When third space more than the rary: the complexities of theorising and learning se family and commanisy ‘esurce teach elementary Heracy and mathemaio 11. Learning forteaching acrom educational boundares an ‘etviy theoreti ans of collaborative nterbip Project inal teacher education Afterword: CHAT and good teacher education Inde 2 us tet 180 1986, ag 20 Figures 4.1 An actin stem for scoot ITE 1H An fea 412 An fala 13 Lie nage A Le final iage {F3 Peopcal pout othe Change Laborato, FE Ras hac: heft page of wring ane” fom Nort tos nish dearest 14 The expansive learning ce A Tee eiey ory pespesnve om cutaes of Learn aay tal ser der ou Work set clon om he afin ent me ne ae ee aden pronal contexts Ug) Senay se cit hE 142 oblige unto za acti of termin 143 Mh te bounty ane at of mership 14 Seing the boundary one acy nership us ‘te he bapa roe tity ofntersip 3 100 10 nz ie os 18 ir 19 a0 ey 20 Acknowledgements ‘recat wd ihe than Pip Riharin he Deparment of a Cation at the Untery of Oxo for is tpn preparing de mani ‘ot on per ee eas ‘retin ay Rm cm ec erga ie the 28 Sx conference Oxo Ue a Oh dear, another conference. foes Fars TF 73 and is book ae rep om Vi Fi Sul aa nd Teer Hacton 37) Rnd pmon cin ing ue 7 stk epic by Rnd permiion of Cami ney Pes ain ny Wn fe Cheng ay naif Doe Sas by Sj Ege inh Gane Bag Sep, © ty et yy iN Cl nt Chapter | Introduction Viv Ellis, Anne Edwards and Peter Smagorinsky “Teacher eduction hasbeen consruced aa problem for almost a long eee, femal exe (Cochran-Smidh and Fees 205; Labaree 2008, Be Mieen educational Research Asiociaion (AERA) Panel on Reseach und Teacher Edncation nou tht 8 4 mode of profesional rear ava et of inonal practice, teacher eduction fae a an respeme wo hadamenal societal qoetions rch 2 he eee hoo ud alezenc, the challenge of glbaliation, the aaa ena css andthe roe of the Sate, ab wel a pecially ee clppa concer such ay schoo ffeeveness and eae mpaet cae otat auunment (Coebra-Smith and Zeichner 205; se ao, for Sample, Furlong oa 200; Zines 200 Ta reuarpreem a preparing teachers’ (Labaree 200: 90) as papel crater diferenyaround he world, boc poe to discern Pare lan af ences at have achieved reser eave portance {CGiitent umes and paces One of these ight be posed the quest cthe conoruon of higher educaon othe nal (wescyice) edict caine hes This coneern speaks #0 the status of bor teachers and vont urate ay profesonss or academics 2s well asthe Kind of reece ar priged. A related concer fas been the nate of the cts vemgen the unites and the schools in teacher earning, ‘Settee Porat concern aie questions of-prterhip ad intern: Riper iewning othe yds Anohr as been av ntvet i teaches AAR sey “potest wba long on frm this queston® cP Shere nnd how tears arn ~ and how thee experdse and aa eat of ther expertise night be conceptual Often it nae pacity of ina! teachers for Feiecion fas been re- ‘ninco in amers to tese questions. cl relay rece, much of he thinking aboot eae eatin and derelopenen hasbeen inforned hy alte understandings of dhe we nm pemcen thought snd action which eck proof o the tansy FeeranD aug the dent application of knowledge From thi on seat eaters mans become Norge devices unieraycuriula a Imenior(aupervioy teacher feck are inputs clasroor aching an tearing the output ight aed ouput can then become coined inv competence saerentor protein ‘Standards ether impoued by the sat o developed from inde the proexion by researchers,“ fr can then be employed to mean both teacher efccvenes nd {he qualiy ofthe wachereduaon programmes they have followed ‘We are le confident about the eaherence ad iter of is way of ‘thinking bout teacher eden than many poigpraers, and wan ues shin penpectne. The argument ofthis ook sat acuta isoiat penpertne on teacher eduction and development offer erful eoreeal and methodologal lens throgh which. bth co Ease the proiem of eachercaucalon and to design new curicla and Programmes The chapters come from x range of international sors who have been sng caution theories to understand teacher Icaraing and profeaoeal development, sale eatonshps between ‘enies and tchool,lnerogwe the mare of teacher knowledge and “apetie and eck wo vertand the potential of formative nerenons Into teacher edacaton in developing a theory of pace, They 030 area range of eiflerentnaional contexts in Europe, the Unite Stes And China Our book doen’ claim to lle reprexntatveconerage of ‘rhcation stems worlwide ae, the chapter fae Sntereting uc Aion about eacher eduction and teacher leaning. show how tes cs tions play out in lc seine and why coarlatrcal perspec hepe ach conibutor to anahae te ern act on them ‘We next define what we mean by a cutabhsional perspec, cuine how hs perpecte ies rom vaguely cia corks of ear ingand suggest what some ofthe pose dations within the pes tre igh be : oe A shife in perspecti : Vygotsky and the cultural: historical fine Ctra historical dheory and euleurabhinorcal acy theory (CHAT) pronde the perspectnes on teacher educaton and development that Inform each Ofte chap in this volume. Sometimes, the authors oe {he tern socoeuura” and it might be hep to dings between ‘wes at this pois. Sacioclta, cultural incl and CANT al arise from the work of Vygotty and is methodologies ntren in the medi sion of human att by physical or pryhoogial tolk A soeioclera Tne has heen talen up by educationalists, antnopologiss soceingits an ther, and one a i distnguning characters the night that Social pratices ae slated and that people learn by engaging i hese pracdces, working withthe resources tate seiched one (eve 1288) Specie Sens for peice setting hat are sn saletalfelaonship -r ae cor ae ihn wi cen frm of eniy oe Gat hsv theory dra on hey Vpgoin dea about ear sa gts cone, Ur sett na ener ine wash aan eneence ind pie ym epic Mara oe Lr ronnie ie sectee contin ‘in ies Sy ate on pes ie get maton woke ol ree Toaruse hee stongy histo dimension in thatthe tool have sy ih ean pe nd esse een e eins ter neta net iy se cng al ‘Ce at eee tes pg feo we ee tonne etoemece at is be ed wl ees Sees ce ea an oat mac oy fon eet nag eecy Ths ocsay concen oth ares the Sr tea than sine ‘GAT the the ateralastnale,kerom Your ee nen te sea rm nal cae ered err fone aes Aare an spn of by ay, oer ‘Sika mers peame e nad Se eee ens a el erty Gre ‘etning bya shared abjectmouve! CHAT might be distinguished eet arate ie pia esi epee a rede no aoay pees ead So ete set Der at 1) A ace ee setae by get, de Ege ee ne cy Spee cued ri se? sity on hate cn Senet ath Sr pase Wen ty CAAT concep cn abe weed Polar, seaapnerl pres Vy ar an ypc GT se Pree ha ral oedema oa pee ange ceeds ee Sr crucinw teven mache of dines sega Po ce cee a pon wena Se ile deactnes et mrayd epee St en nko dare ek om tore ‘Suny ke king he ee, rang ad oop rea cle tater n reiserfs ch one sto ars nl as) hl ser oe ofthe vexing quetions about how teachers lear and how they 2 Team beer. For comsstene's sake, we have adopted “claurabsoneal Uh the framework that best tefl the perspecies ofthe book aa whole nt hence fa place fn our tle Acton the various chapters, howeet the fieren emphines ate apent a fow chapter are more sococalaral Sit cthes ate writen from 4 mich more explicitly CHAT perspec Regard of which aspect of 2 Vygottian approach they foreground, ‘auf shor bac het or hi researeh onthe not that human develop tment rekes on the appropriation of preexisting cultural tool hat this Spproprnion occur through socal inerchange, and that a6 com Sequence of thee dynamics, people row nto the feapeworks or thinking ‘beded by the cour pratices sl ook made avilable to therm he ‘eel seings oftheir development ice to studying teacher education and ‘evelopment The authors in this collection argue thatthe eultrabistorcl line prox ‘ies he intelli enurees to deel a cbierent ew of ow teachers [tere sages in the profeasonal eos conceive tei pri Some of thee bey dese ae + an understanding of historical procestes a alc relalonsips ietwcen continuity and change and the reproduction and wansfonm ‘Son of socal srctares and rlatonipe, underpinned by a complex chronology of development + Secon that experie i debuted across systems and that Teaming involves being blew perceive, acc and contbt otha experts; + Gheeptutizaton of earning o teach 8 comin mataly med ‘hing proces of appropriation sid wcll scton, where practioner {ake on te eulturdl practices that ae aie nthe socal stains of thei delet whether these setings ae schools oF universes fn employ than nt o shape that socal stan: ‘+ an analyte terest in-cltraland historeal practices and media. tonal tol andthe wales that under hem sed how they inform prclar notions of practic in each ofthe Stings of Fearing (0 teach; + recognition of transitions between setags in teachers Fearing as importa foci of aml c rs 4+ invunderstnding of the reladonsip Between theory and method trie aking a claro approach Yo sean. learning and Thaw this cat help fori key questions abou fundamental pro lemme of design in teacher elation programmes ay curren oneeptalived. We hope tha in cxempliing and interrogating hee yes in the coapee tat fon the Dok bon complement snd extends the wrk of Gherteoarhen wi sad ech eta and esopment wing a ‘Pp coc tom the ght Yygoeky Ce Jhon S008 Te 224 Taw, an Hse ol 208; Pema and Boro 200; Crosman 09, “The organization of the book “The book is organic themadcaly inc section hat epresent core com Misntor researches ings culturatstrical penpectve Fach chapter ‘SEEn from the sors research i clrally nd stony disinetive “ing tm par the chaptenexciplifextoms of dhe hey eas we ave ‘Sihoeued ove emerge from their amas ofthe dsinevey dierent ‘iutral conditions of teacher edocation workaround the world. whether {n'a retavely sina sparsely popaated county the Teeland, a olin {Sst play compen iy tage Uke Luxembourg. aight preside, ‘Evalaed bareauericy sich x the education stem in England or locally ‘Shue, conceptually mbiguocs stings inthe United States, Pert I: The social stuetion of teacher development (Chopters 2-8) The socal station of development, in Vygohian cerns lamer’ ‘Gpetence uf the epportmits for acon Wan acy na specie Ring The socal snmtons of devclopien nial teacher education thay Be compler ste where the practices of school and she university Irnenct or they ay be dnt eng wich reflect onthe paces itch dy te cutentysnuatd However, they wl coral be expe ‘Shc ere by ach parttpant in them. The chapuer in his econ examine the socal station of teacher! derlopment from tree starting points teachers a earners (Deu ard Smogon); schaa an acy eng are wich en dierent leaning opportunites though mentoring (Dov) and trough the pedagogic dcourscs svalae when the curse o ci- Aen ave aincused(MeNicholl and Chile) and Horne, Larwom and ‘Stead tence uation a «product of occ expectations whieh fave shaped educational pracice (Exar, Smagorins) Th th opening chape Sinagornay reds ears of dhe dsintions vole mat ete te nda remain of Voy and the cole Ire focue of Leon rand Hagens. He tra Lave’ 188 anaes of Tearing, and in parcuar er consracte of arena and sing where a ‘sng I Interpreted by the indy who experience icin ways that {cho the description ofthe sor situation of development just ouined, Dov, in the next chapter, deans on his study of schooled mentor ing to reveal ho the soil sittin of development for student teachers ital shaped by how the practices in which the ati of mentoring are Understood y the mentors His anal of how mentor wed ons eh as {Ceoume handbook combine 2 Vygouban atenton to tol se with a Engearémian fora on the stings in which mentoring occured. MeN {holand Chide continue the theme of wert deparement asses fF teacher Tenn by describing Wow arence departments can operate 3 Syne of diasbuted experée which suppor’ dhe practices af student Cachers and more expeneneed practioner. Their eultubhisorel ‘ye alo lead them fords ciique of scene teaches dependence ‘on pedagogic conten knowledge’ (Shulman 1086). In the next chapter Edvards looks more broaly at what the Vigoskan toolbox can offer thove who design echenedcation programmes and al for atenton 0 the decal posses they alford 8eachersresponsibiier change Inrespone to changes in atlonal Poin In dhe final chapter in ths ‘ton Hjore, Larson and Sj continae the theme of teachers’ chang {ng respons by exuminig conversauone in ome arena, where prac toner trom diferent tackgrounds discus children a8 part of he ‘development of pop heath sytem. This caper ith ts anas ofthe SSecounting for" pate of ovidalsng cilen's probleme ‘alk tout chien, makes methodological bridge to the seton tha low {Ind conclides tht these aenas ad ther potent fr shaping new pre ites nee to be understod beter 10 that they ean ior he develop ‘nen of more respon pedagogies i schools, Port I: &culturel-hittoricl methodological perspective (Chapters 7-10) ‘gostys project wat in trge pure a methodological contribution, respomie to besviourtpychology and a radval proposal for sting Truman acy holly a paying attenon to te procemes of med tion none way, these Inert are reflected in his emphasis om word meaning and the role of language in thinking and concept formation ‘Wyotly 1086) in another, the sone of proximal derelopment (V¥go" ‘y T074) ceflecs a diferent empha on wcal pedauon andthe pote: ‘to dy change by proving sin 2 developmental space ef Mell 1900), The chapters im thi ection all address questions of method and show ow a cuteratisorical medhodlogial especie can be pe {Gulp prodacie in underwanding teacher leaning and rewaling the ‘Somplenites of development. Key concep in thi tection ae anaie ‘tuenion w the whale atl the proces of mediation and the wal tahs capt is explores dhe cena importance of the do xno star’ (ygoaly 192) as 4 methodol cone nthe ‘Aittalninonal oc. Donble staan’ dre the reserthers vette der than Toes senply on the ontcome ofthe ek, the Sfponiy rere ya aecond serie of sul” (i). Boag Mune Wiese on tom Ei in focsing on the anal of anguagese Glens hisoreal raeach deg The rahe mcs of Conversation Sts and Dacre Ana methods for aang tngnge aed ‘Aiud in the content of BoxgMunoc's research so de ensracton of ‘tetiartacher ene in gland. The chapte excrpifes important ‘inwrabisoria ideas about Inguage and perespion and the role of cl Ot pesae CEA prea ten secaing acm the semesinesoverappng but wonetces dain! act Ieyucte ofadholsand unventy deparvent of dion. They refer 13 espaces where the bounaryromng work of eacher education kes acest Tearing sphere an, avin ott research in Norway show {a ana paripanisresonsan ose revel ow Une ‘osetia Anode alee by Norcal devcoped re nd ‘Deon of labour {nthe final chapter hs secon, Sine ses oe tal stadeat teacher developed speeife undcimandings of te Inu of thir ins tants trough a formate intervention how a the SD, Sanino methodology expands on Leones ovo of sheet and nyde’s Mee abaration and fers oem of ras that lows eo vance he earning of the tent teach {erm a moverent fm ine anact o the concrete, This chaple, He fies, ao undencores tne tansformatry potential of parpatoy, imerentonist methedolols in the cular ine. ar: Culeral-letorieal de (Chopters 11-14) The third section fexturesscolas who present studies of inno, ClinTinformed teachereducation programmes in such contrasting loc thom se eeland, China, Lasernbourg and the USA. To begin Johann {fereportson n nial Teacher Eaton distance eduaion programme SS edad, focusing the nays which stent teachers eos ound ‘es beeen inerschools andthe overs, She Binds that dsurbances in'botn the sols andthe ance education programme tht follow fom contadictons experienced during iden teaching can seve 3 ns for teacher education «atts for change in each of dete dine any stems, She consis hw schools and teacheredcaton programmes can exploit these det ‘mney eaptaiing on shared mote forthe work ee cis the ‘contradictory gal ofthe dierent stings olan to teach, {i and Fisher then analyse te ell factor aroed ding shift in pedagogical poy in China. They examine the responses of teacher to tational (based on the Confucian principles of deferring the suthor yf elders) and liberal (based oa Western principle of sade ae an empowerment) teaching practies in English ta Foreign Language Instruction. They find evidence of "bunary woe’ for the member a the community to rele, compare and vice opinions regarding the er Uionship becween anatonal etre at hem people most eee enc and lar within tha ce They conclide that this boundaryerenng, ‘pens up opportunites for snteralrllesrng as Cental pect ot teaches developmental tector, Norton Meier and Drake continue this tenon to boundaries between ‘sesings fr learing and inetogue the const te "hid space’ an ‘tea in which ‘oa school spaces intersect with students own alta {ouines to produce a mesium ha rete new opportunites for couse fn leaning. They foes on preservice teacher” incorporation of fy ‘nd community resources nt elementary sathemates ah ean "on, and thee iegrabon of kxontedge rot these ourees in fora and practical knowledge gained through thei experiences ners at le. ‘mentary school lasvooms. PedagoialJsning, thy find, ached ough teachen’preuction of personal nares of sl as eamer ad ‘each, their development of profess iets aod practices se ‘mentary chool teachers, and thet understandings of de athens sd Thera) practices and resource of len ames al emmunes, Final Max ouines the Inia Teacher Fveaon programme at the ‘University of Lasembour. This programme ews stule eaeher eat Ing a groming capacity 10 recngize the complet of supporting cl dren's lamin and strikes vo tneecate academic roncert with schon Actives. This expansion kes place actos varios bondaren including cational contexts ciscpinary communities sd semiotic ste, Mat ‘dawson evidence of workin these Iaring spaces to anal tensions ‘emerging when thowe who ate engaged in joint leamingorteacing uiity ove across intntional boundaries, and when teaming i Yount pace i mediated trough 3 callaboratve ing tsk He com ‘erste innovative potential of wich learning spaces athe boars of ‘etiooks und unrest for stent teachers larg and for generag ‘hanged development asing the ellaborating partners Invan Afterword that concludes the book, Wardekkercommens onthe serene tines of thinking that have emerged fom Vyotoy wor i ea ‘on tthe research reported in ech chapter, For Wardekker the very orc Hine dat makes cach dvesiy of perpeciner inthe clara ‘ev lens forsndertanding he problem a teacher education, Concluding points have all taken ager that teacher “The conto to this collection s ‘con as an port py ping the sc station of den “velopment Shima by ech Wi egg ta ea a sie of educaan, bemsen them they pont to how the cneeptal tres of alum itr heey, nile cores mck to he egy oe yg ther edo, fro the rie UF Yygou, offer too for sbaping teacher mi feet ot mentoring comerston through othe more maco ambition ‘eumucturng national eacheredction progres. Note = 1 The cop af emote deed y Lin ile oY [ead tyor comb esc they He expiaia ‘The main di ic tingle ne city fom ater, meer it inlets tani ‘he objec ofthe cy ns ere tie, (Leone 197862) oem ot te ering References ‘GochrarSinih Lande, 200) Rewteing each edation in hang The Cohn sity Mn hee Sg {pt oft pl no asi tn Wit int Maan, NJ Ameheae East Revere Aborto, Lae echt Zech Xe) 2) Sig ar tn: ‘Ein Amesan Edenton! Research Avion tamence Em ta and Dis (04) Us scotia and acy horn ee oc Baan Ls Mi and Whey, C00) Ter ato ons “tnt ming ocinatn cingha Open ier Pe 1, magi, F and Valencia (198) Appointing toa for ng a thea famevor for rexcath eon eh "ere al of tn 1-2, enh EV G37) Data gn ty ed he, Mose Pogien Jon. 00) Suand tong tach uation: « cel ppg, nda apd NewYork: Row lates: DE) The mal th wha New Hen, CY Veni {ave J (588) Gait in ri’ mind then an te xy i ‘Cate Camterge Unies Pree Leon AN (17H Aa. mr at pms, Up Ste Re, a ed Eg F.(160-/1900) ha Cm is Me: P- Moll U6. (199) nzeducton’ in Mol LG. (ed) pty and ti mire Vials od pata of ease! lg, Cage Cane trie Ute rom Panam, Rand Bork (2000) What done ve of none and thik Inge toy at search wacher erg aa er 2, Shinn, 5. (1886) Thaw who aden: knowledge growth nea "Buca! Rooney Te, AB and Law, DY. (00) ‘Leaning s boundarcraing in soo “ives prnei Twig and Tach aan 10-1 ‘a Haze, an Oty and Webbe 7 (201) A Votan pepe oo teacher educator of Como Sas, 3207290. oui, 8 Gt) Md ey Case Maar Ua Pre ‘yeuky LS 50) That on lng Caine AGC MIT ro Eig, 20) Ta cnn srg talus NewYork ad Tim Rone part I The social situation of teacher development YF Chapter 2 A Vygotskian analysis of the construction of setting in learning to teach Peter Smagorinsky Introduction: individualism and coll “rhe ealtra sore aon in pychology experienced a seismic ans Tormation when flloing te death of LS. Vyguky fo 1984, Vgouhys tient an collaborator AR: Leaner sited the anit of ara Ion IMaidual, vltionalgoabivected, oolanediated, ad scaly and alte Uy condoned acon tothe mediated ution ofthe collet: Baurst {ator 68) observes hat "Despte his emphasis on the soioeltural foundations of pachologial development, Vygoukys thought remains fentred on dhe indidval wibjeetconcened a2 dicrete autonomous Sele Leont ey ured hi foc stead wo the sourees the socal an ul {Gol pate of ston through which india internaie their wer Sanding of the world. These recoring,rowine actions conuibute to Coectne conceptions the ajectory of woe soceies and therefore of ‘evils wid the, std to the eonarueion and matenance ofthe {lta practices through wich people and groupe lara to help thee presmod teleologial destinations come about ‘Vy (87) recopezed and accounted for sca and ell med ation his account oval concept development He nonetheless Foxtsed on nil inermazaton and externaation of patterns of ‘hinking andthe paters of spect These patterns reflect prio ela [powtcs and ulmately help indiiduae to consiruct them anew a they {She om and reproduce tir sce’ oye of knowing In his departare fom Vpgotsy conv (1081) the architec of what as generaly been {led "acti theony — took « more orthodox Marat perspective on iruman labour and cognition by oregrounding the nocial group Father "ha the ind “This sift was not necssny bated on prey ceniediference. The ascent of Vygowiy inthe world of Rusia pychology eincded ith the founding ofthe Soviet Union aed bain a highly centric plo ‘phy bse on Marit sumptions searing sociales Homogenization Following ro the dene of eaptatin'scashased conics The seting prided byte Soviet Union proved rial forte direction tat cence ting payetooy ton htc the ey 180 a early 100 {San explly Marsot ste dhe Soviet Union established 2 central and “Ding Hato that suppres the role onda expecta as they ‘rer epita based eontrol ener one anes yg sterest in ial ogo dao ft wit this erect pte of i rp igh mem inet developed through socal wansacons that Se sited in cutuol and histori practices for ang Ue problems presented by specie crnionmens ulvste 1991). Vygotsky's fore- {rounding ofthe individual Became increasingly a odds with official ate $tcology. conflict that undoubtedly would have excaated hod he ed {deelop his research progemine “Second, the Soviet Union's Marit emphasis wook a totam ea soon aris lenders came nto power andthe reinforced its ecg ‘ha sonning bray ding Sean's reign fom 12241053 ace Cole 12 oe), peiod that encompamed Vyyouby's career. Those who sr ined this ent ad few tons about the perl of ding Sie dogma. inches (DUT: 219) for stance, observes that ‘Vygowty's commit ment to Maras eles didnot save him fom etcinn- His works were tanned, denounced, and declared 10 he ious and even evi He wa Teck to ve manage! to die tn hie own bed in 1084. Yygouiy, many Commentators belt, would undoubtealy have met the Sime fe a {Gti Gatovie Shpet, ane of his mentors, wo was mised WS Scadenie postions on mp oeasons and subjected t ‘brut intrro- tpn ard exceuton in 987" by Soviet autores (Wersch 2007 188) five to his “aeedom and dignity and the independence of bis thought ftom Marna Lenni Weoloy, which a he te wae groming songer sndaronger (Zinchenko 207 212), ‘You's death in 194 coincided with aban om pedology ~ Vous fe of the say of child development ~ bythe Pedology Decree af 1936, the execution af Schpet and others ding Stan's Great Purge, the {cline of ntlectals and rie of the proletariat in stature, the elevation St Somer parancia follwing the rite OF he Nazis In Germany and the incremeinlent repteon a ree aspect of Sone. Ben Sa Tint sucemo and clove amocate Georgi Me Malenkor was disposed of thin vo peas cently expelled from the party and sent to Kazi oan to bmnage a ydrodecre plant for 30 years te wa lonely and pallouscyen athe topo the ster, Reading Vago and his eolegues ‘is forbden almost mediately following his death Komi and Cindi owe tht incon of Vygotsky's idea war praca impossible trom 1595 to the Inte 1504 (2007, S04), and Dacel repores that Vous ook Pala! Pela ‘wx considered wo beso potially unaceeptale tthe sues of the ‘Sivcr wate Gut one had to have m special pas fromthe KGB chat Soul amit one to the enticed eating room the Lenin brary here the book olde ead (2007-307) Leones (1981) cur aay fom nds mentation and snards the collate case about inte cate Cole ad Gadamaschko note ha tei eral planile dat Leone, ke many others, sought 0 di tance himself fom test and awoeitions that hale othe des of Cteagues and tends, However, gen the evidence, i seems more Dlnulble to see hi rformplaionavan effort to place median nt ultra coment (2007: 206) Regards of Leone's motion for siting fom Vygosy's empha ‘icindvallatenalestion of clr pracecs to the mediated asons| ‘tcoltecies, the bifreatedrjctoriey that ther reach wok fom x “ommon pont of origin at el she Held of ular storia psjehology ‘rth doc Tegan one centred on india teat teal Jneins of medion and one centred om arger groups working oletely {oud share ends With acty theory oft iavoked for both of hese tock much contain ba allowed garg what consintes a Yyokian perspec, what son f feearch represents acuiy theory, wha a fos [Breiner wil dogo fame and Interpret rexcarch and wach more (Sn (dud 2000). Altomgh Engenrim's (1087) actiy tangle has been [ployed un tse many ster wih acy theory. te degree to new ie escreh indeed follows from his Marais appropriation Telit rather than a Werschian (0985) appropriation of Vagos ‘plus om individ intemalcation of caer pratces an med ‘val cans remain to question. In is eaper {ener ti dscuaon by looking at what Tal the com suse of cng nearing t tach My otk 8 more Vygosian than [conten facasing on india ntemalzation of cultural concepts toupee, and hus mae thinking and ting ode work. Like ‘yay, Tse th the sgicance of autonomy sod how we ome Out ur 2 automomons selves to history, cule, and voce” (Baku SOUR Th, As someone vo has led iy whole He in the USA, Thave {gown up wih a ternal conception of te ind the so Eeacmplar. ‘This orientation i ioetbed n US founding documents seule cenral feature of much feted reading in US schol such {he Duy of Cal Disobedience in which he argues that ‘any man more 6p. snagornsky Fight shan his nelghbours conatutes a majo of one sea (ee wo cea erento /cvl-dasbedencetion). For people ike me, eames Npgekin perspecte on the developenent finda mer sare od cual seve an fs wel wih else scent Forvievng human ati "enh USA the erm ‘act theory” has become neat sono sit takings Vygouan perspetve,aconfiaion tat 1 nereasingy find Ter etptice Whether tn confinion hs come about becuse people seep ct work wo be fined wt theory or whether flows Fan Sateen reading of de acholrip fas become a commen phe enon i US scopy that sins a Vygotkin perspective (Som corey BOR). fn hs chapter Ihe oilaninat hs problem and ske Tere aon in whic fag tor most extrait scholnbip ere in Ircemarket capitals economics, Vets sococaltral Fann pind (ce Werech 198) proves x more appropiate framework (ie enne’s Marya att theory ef Engetuom 1987) “The construction of setting within educational “Wit this perspective estaaed next mm 0 to conse arene ad Stree Tee) wo imeduce the manner in whch de seing fone ce ceria tial constrain tat foo om a ser worn SG An aren tas proper hat are indisputable. These me Rly ange, such asthe wal desks computers ceil, snd aher psa materi hat mediate and structure teaching pe anng schools They ny bo be les tangible, ach asthe speech wae tng whic dpa ideas are conveyed Werth 191), Are alco seins yinurpneing the ara ea intend representations ofthe stanton, Th, ne evo ROE york a these arena (ef aschool or department wii 3 sree the aay have nine diferent understanding of dhe shook ot on their oon oly hore and activites wii the arena. Tre eee ances oe uniery mperisor wih & group of elemen- tar cinol sere teachers iatrats wel how one acy etn open erste contrat (ee Cock sal 2002), The uniersty person ead ue the Pills andl was working towards 2 PRD ie ae education. Her spl of ssperigon mas to obser = las nd ‘Ratner dan providing sn atest ofthe Tess, take stent sac he enon fad gone. ste planed hese wesons to get the ene Nettie to rete an the lesion ad think about how had aden! reels wld that American stedents do not lke dec feedback reefers ica crcl approach, and hati she were i er naire reese would respond mh a divecteal appraisal Student enc _F_ Fe nowener conse ak at they would have prefered diet pan ft kota pine ut ei misaes ad sugested ic ae inprenermen Brn hen, sh 2 ard mote that He unk et war eager feetnck aid impr sae selng pened mpl and cong consis sn ned sani even with ony papa an see lear aged ir ah eter comple ave amenable even more ical i (ee the coneraction of ring, A atudent teacher oF eakcarer fren ye eloped moi sd cmpetngwaditions of eho ‘vy oi ye sagt Derwcen oro general proaches dat pul hem oppo ae en (eke oa 25, Cok al 200% Jolson al. 200: cra 200; Sager o a 2002, 2009, 204s, 2008, 2008). aa pcaking these eompeting taitons have been decribed os des om tt expres terse 200), uachercerie and ste ‘goat Can” 1903), pod wd process (En 1971, (orm and cores (Amero 1078), and eer one ha nets aor in Ped tent and emphasize formal knowledge dat 0 open 10 ee amd ome hat inet ao in stdents ane epost sepia tocar for eaning at maybe vealed ne swans in raat wl foes on single arena inthe southwestern (SA, sean ite Schon stm Hand, Olona, a nore suburb Seton Cay Mae speeially, the arena eenaes on the Engh ‘opetment inet tat ihe collection of eihers who inact aor ing, eatne, writing and related ares, Within this see yh Thompaon oyan her teaching career amidst mile are ue eat (oe Joann a 2008 forthe fall eport) the see dat fetoe, tallow thee centres oF gravity provided stings TE NSte consact av the comest of er teaching, each wit its own oe secndant prances, Thrvugh this review 1 ilustate Bow an ane a gstic properties wo hone who experience Hut rather how it rere ne sees which ou ews ay be eons by ferent arseipunt and sukehers One teacher's contruction of her educational set “Leigh ya a highly regarded grate of the tachereduction pro Heme Tacated in her bome sae’ mest competive uve, ant Smt wa among te most accomplished Denn teachers enter we Yee Ohtaorna the year she began er carer. Aa rnlutesdnoot Engh teacher (aes 6-8), ae was in the mis of Séminate des Sclonces gti! x 8 oe em umber of diferent and offen competing interests that pled er ‘cy of lection a sugested het how she shoul go abou ber Competing inure prone her wih potent settings or el her to oven her (0 3 eal Kite ‘Snatruton of he seg inorder each in core and consistent ‘Stance Sry wil ree thee settings ad ow hey exerted at {tee on Rer conceal of fom ho ea midleschoot Hogs, particu tay te wring stand of the cursed, it, however, 1 wll pre seine background Leigh herse Leigh's backer Leigh had heen sacs highschool stent, Nourishing in the com ‘ertlons tha dominate US secondary education, In the area of witng Tntrution,the hod priced any freparagesps themes, which pro side + tenplae for sadent writers tha include an Inuodctry parse (reph,thvce ody paragraphs and = concluding paragraph Leigh etpted the loge bebind thi formals: chat i teaches a fndamental Shrucue tha stents can extrapolate to eve most expostony writing ‘neds an sssumption that hae been widely cruqued by wrtng dheors fren a i wndergads mich Iighschool weting instruction (Hilols 1955) Leigh reported having been tanght the fveparagraph theme mow calisiey in high schoo. She fet comfortable with this format “int found itwsefu sing hat Overal the fepararaph esay real wat ipl for me atx dent to organize my hough With this apprenticeship of obwenation’~ Lorte' (1975) tem for cones experiences au stent that each a schema for ones under nding of what counts x appropiate an sensible schoo! inatraction = [place Legh then attended ative teacher edcaton progeamme that ‘Ne charscteied s being “atrcturaly fragmented” ichnet and Gove 1300) the ders of sous around the wer, random order ‘which stent enrolled sn dhesn and variety of structs who offered Them dd ntl frariculson cro courses, leatng students without ‘Sand forus or sie conception o teaching Because student could go throug the programe taking courses hat secre notin dialogue with one anode, they dst not engage inthe Kind of haved acy the gives an edaeaton programme a parla ular and focus and potently enables the devtlopment of conceptual’ ied tpproarh wo teaching (Smagorinly 1 al 200). Farber, the programme wee teauuebased, flenng no apie cosrcs on wang peony (ee Tremimel 200] or an accoust of this perce problem tn US Engl uation proramins), Like many earyearer Teachers who were suc ‘sul wir the repertoires oftheir ove highschool teachers and who then are pronded nsfictent comeeptual enforcement to fame viable | __ Ar ass of he conserucsion of seri axes in thelr weather education programmes, Leigh began er seer sera ares wth truco the Hepaagrph deme 38 Bern eet cep of proper alles mtg ftrction. She sme pied th scare ith her eight sent oii se an by spy abo nk it a bell for my studens who estan nee to sar im composing thelr es teen techn were oreo the formalise of othe fe purge tere Mi Hes, erento ace, ins el bond thoughout he teaching saying an ere thst ‘eave tobe the same and we ve o show them that wey 10 Be We a drat we hve to follow te oes 13 building of thousand da ae oe hae rules This very important stage, and atc od age for theo ea certain vals and morals ea Sly nak the there are certain thing eat they need to be responsble fr. Mes Hoes ephase ranma insretion and paragraph fmaton ee reissue, Rater than fvepaagaph sees is Teed in ne empet tot othe fresenene aap sr she et ween ai othe igs of wg Dt pu ome heme ry focset on wings eh agar pie semence and then tec supporting sete ae oo rene pra were conned on student aly an dnccons and we correct weg mechani, which Mis Hore? one cuting uch fests ox peling, comma paceent and ing nhin the margin othe pape. ar eowersnrcon took place in an open- sree ney Ths pas ie aden teacher the le sete en rele toa say the mentor) wih he (eri ne, menor apd cr, pres eStaden caer ah thew ees aed wiling them cmon aoa the tare sewmen was comeyed € the seutextecers Yer eal in the mentor meetings. Aconing to the saat ine pure of the tor win wat work. wth en apc aac of sant teacher competence vas rene dec nandnook hat tee is were Hot tsessmen i One sear sc the uot ts fr worn othe tient ech sf sjectns by eponing went teaches pratce nl expanding pe eldcrandings of aching ae earning. Howes, the sis wee Bucy referred oa scent Byte caches the dept free adenine erty,” ‘This npr of the vi red to bebeen the sant teas expences of esting to eae i schol ai the aes “plete of pasing the courte. The bee of ceatlng sons ee “SR Sengoed omc the teamentrequlement ofthe cone aed settle IE acing Te miedo of te menor ppropeion est aa ol ors by she net as ames (0 work 8 the ‘fade caer earning) famed the aes fr tesa aches? pa apo wih the department and the acy sem of ITE in the ek In Actvey Theory terms one might desert this relationship betwee the oa td aes for parton im the department comity Su enuive morement around the object of the acti Se, 38 $lpmuge Bersen tol and rule related to a contradiction sm ander: ding he object of ati. (ee 2008: 19) “The contradiction ay i the development of sdentveaeher Haring ‘sen managing the elonship betwee the univers and dhe schoo n ‘nce the POE course equitements 40 A. Dow wexroR, Wel sort [aden teacher] out for Tuestay, We know nor i signing the thing, I you hain Dees so glaringly honest he would Inve noe i ty thank you ad top talking Lt im find out from ting aug the pperwor, wel he won't do. Don't ay thar some da you ste mot sre that He eases are larg, show our mr bok ol ty am pleased, ad here the esdence student asin Lave got sop shooting eli he fot [a phrase Chota ben ed bythe mentor pesos) "il tes 98 March) The mentors advice gained from the experience of mentoring other stent teachers who had pad the couse, ad who were referred 10 Tiny vegulry im mentor meetings, ew prorised by the erent stent teachers who did nou question the recommendations puto them fo thet aso plane The nestor reports were writen alter the sits y the tno thereby having Lower stn than dhwe i depuronent and operated 3 tuber samp om progres once this had been aged with de univers {tow Saar, the lwo berets sheets used Wythe teacher inthe ‘lcpartment when string the stale caches were gen a1 sa Sinnot looked at bythe mentor tall sea she ued talking (othe Stier teachers about the stent teacher progress ih the team room, Shteipaing that any concerns would naturally abe a dcusions ‘Consequery, the tools for taking fore steve teacher Fearing yer underplae hy were rupert propria, which can they {de not work fn the way they were ill designed, Obersation sheets tent tei potenti es toa for deveoping sent eae’ learing and tere ey were ined were employed in routine sd unreflectve may ‘The concep and teeveteal hans nt which dhe tools were conceited vias not apputent,-A ick of thcrcial"reources and historical Tindertnding of the took purposes appeared wladiate why dey were Mindrpiyed The ifm the mentors races as @ mentor and her tenon to paperaork meant st fontal tools were seinen favour o formal dacourse and anecdote. "Phe mentor ad worked with the et fo many years and ba ead come asthe big. The mentor se her fle as defending hatbworingand mpetent student teachers sa she promoted thecal dig he {Gr sist Therefore the sent tae whe were aware oth a he ‘elatonship beonen the senor un tor, may not Nae wanted jar ene support yrs ad challenging school paces, Have, ‘oh stent teachers were ery happy ah the support ad adic they "ered from the tenor, sd especed the tr for hs research interes Ind sama perspective when casing he leon obserations Tnteracion i he mentor merge in deparnent 2 highlighted Aire cnecs beeen te practi of the teaching placement and the expect “Fons ot the universiy-Thesuvent ences appear wo bein acon wih vi or and thettee resned loyal de proces of the acho ac elt in thir adopon of soe the language sed by Fae ie portance of tanning "een subject mater fr ae Tis vendoquhing aed othe suggestion tha they al sare Se perenne and wa incon oe angage wed vo dvr ae ago the university cour, which was dominant etsions Sout unnery ators “comparing and contrasting the mentor meetings ‘he object of ectivity “he analyse tht de senor weed he jects fhe IT Toe ae ferent. The eject In department cou bese sc apace aude herring i quining ac gg al pcs gy opened i repo, Te dea oman ote in cepariment 2 where te ment dl wt ra ie her om leaning contig Casey he a sed pees of poage eran! concent or necting the sate coe yee ad ae bjt of ty a nship between the wey al he schon wc needed 2 mieedowet cy Consent te dent ech depasnent rem soppy ict caching and Hearing SU Fee nccineempassed simply sing courve reqieent aoe tg the POLE. Ths ected eet of act seme to harper aad the comple’ erent caching an eng cee Spaniel impor for ment teacher Teg, {Pinan tinsel). sae se fencay tes evidence of argument and alleges de sen cert in any o He site ne ese ta i Wain EME hence nature tthe teacher, Dilerent opinions wee i voided hy rte fie by nat were comseed ob se SEMI rice Coit amen the acy of TE ere en sr eriterencetences tener the choo procs, viet wee maa acknowcdged ute the univer to vsad oe debaied n goat dep The menor expan (vo) want an exveme verona (eahing sel, and ee crate re an dhe fra oy 0 wl SAAD Nr tw pawalewon ecto hin 0 So a ant wy hy we dag aw, sot oan =e (Field notes 25 April) Thin divide was not seen in deparenent 1, a6 the mentor, Hhe the seident teacher ego htc aa are too, and come coc al ides as comuesable Hit object of att wax sent teachet Teaing. wich he opened up By encouraging ongoing exploraon and debate "Revit can constantly change, and hi the result of process dhat ‘pguyYermed internation an externaiston: a learner abmorbing Wha round ther, interpreting (internaisaon) and, consequent week and on tice sei! wens in newly informed ways Cetera {Son Hive, he mentors vow of the object st expansive fn department Temeouraged the posi of changes inthe TE acc To [Ay feature inthe we of tok in department 1 ws the late foray in now dey were ule oped incest teas row chat ey Hl "atention to paperwort ad the relaxed saving of experinees in {epurument 2th meetings in department twee morc onal, especialy seihe oppetanties forthe mentor and siden echt to ge og Toren an therefore tee seemed (0B eater gency Hi tetanic nen Apr i rion ct wre Muna oratly tole o tke formar stdent teacher Tenn Debates on educa rear irre rom the wider aad ct Pity enact the menor Hang ead nd commented on the Trades teacher's anignment: He aio ead cae erature ot of Iterest and wos ware ofthe rescarch work happening a the wer, ‘Sppasing te tet to which he seemed regard tinsel os ps 8 ler and wore general acy of teacher education. or cumple, though not ang dhe course Bandbook on a week week is sconce in apg the ka ode needs fe siden Zacher rane fram lngatanding rionaip Wid the department st the unin and his wert with the tito Thee hose working relatos ip meat join undentandng, apd reflec a shared history in the see ipment a the acta The sar guage and ection termi ‘tog ten ih the mentor anlar cetings highligh ti fant. Tor department 1, the tool at were designed for supporting he sent teacher leaching were seed explicy for ths Howes, “epanment the wols used spiel forthe POGE course (observation sere the course handbook) wee seine Gyo of more general ippore ard persona interaction on iter ars det rn the eal ing racic Sf sear undentanding of the wien deparenent’s prefered sealing and eamring methods, the mentor in deparunent 2 empha ihe diferences beteen these and those methods weed in the school AS soeging the tenet and features of bot, dhe sient teachers eth en lear atenatives, and conversion om the rele effective NSE erent eaching methods were frequent espedaly when pla ig leson obras forthe ator, These were reseed i raion 10 peccenfl student teachers sn with ie to how the tor iS evlnte them. Noe here wa the conta languages Tetreen the abject erminology stated wih the univer’ deste ethan method ad the more informal evs forwarded by she mentor. Concluding comment Using CHAT as faming er the ty has reese connections between SOR Std meaning a iequesons the smaller sees Da comprise the “iy of TF in the two departments Meanings are particularly import Set hen examining wokbosed learning i ss considered to be more {nus nding new practioner ino the established practices of the ripe I caning are not exp explored in subject departments The ent teachers ave learning there, then thei leering Huy to [Gta move unditonal spprenieshipnatre, where ale are ound hi dcsucd in anpation of them being copied ad mastered, “hnasing ow sunt teachers’ esionsipe are managed with the soci sation ofthe development of thee learing tndxates the Kind of Texming opportunites allorded.I eden dat there was iflerence in the was enning opportates were coneoucted i te menor meetings fn the wo school subject deparement The staat teacher from the eond department didnot pardeipate in extensive pedagogical dice ona ths nas not alle to them. Consequently hey eomeentated fin those ues that were ow cent to. passing the PGCE. course oweer in department dere was rong focus on debating aspect of pedagogy with an understanding tht condering are of eontestable [isc and wewpoint from practioners and researchers would enhance ‘lent teacher earning, The nate of the object of the TE aeiy in Aeparmet Yalowed for development i te aes ough externas thm, the mentor ai sent teacher interpreted what was happening {nd worked in ney iforned ways a esl of thee iterpeeatons. ‘cpuranent 2, the opporuinis to act in newytnformed ways in the ‘department were more ited "CHAT helped In thi ana fm chat i focused on de importance of the soll stnton of devetopment forthe stadenteahers. The analytic Foner guided the ama by highlighting the clara! Bisry and sock paces nthe weal ston of development ad ther elerance ‘ecurent mentoring practice inthe mo departments, By considering the ‘ekonip between fhe ook and the aber of the ITE acy stems, one was able osc how diferent mies were brought othe ati and ow tee difeyeny consrored the obec. “esssngs and vas in education, apd dhe soit goals dat often Mie escheat totes, are sonsanty to Larson, and therefore new weesisS tit not be seen ae xe ents Dat as practioner who need (oie able to respond go changing stations. The CHAT anabss eval ‘he Spytunes for sundenttescer to workin cesponine way by ques Toe how thet relationships are managed in dhe sola stations of their development. Rete Ber, Land Ree, (0) “Grong clea ltrs abject dear a ena sco woking wth scene sa, She Lian ‘Morag 3-38-12 eT tin) sae ult, pedagogy and pleyon wo open ng Boer sete gap be dg oneness ned ol wh MT Free apa fos on Enna vac Ein oe in) Cat py te mr en use sie Cambie, NAS The Belay Pen of Harare ies vont epee fn RE tay Lets geben mma od prac: te many ean “ears puting Te Cara ora 1.1 8 ‘it tay antares iy mci fst pe aid of pa ok al, Ps Je 209) 1 tt Alenoa, Jo ale, Gand Senter, (2) The development koe ‘Cig sis sin Ci Fe) Ding is of oming ty ote roy Pre 281-82 nen G Mi etsing and slong prema fo Eg seo sc fal oto Tong 2, 98-148 need Taher, 001) Pfeil mma on te wk of stare tang Cag an Londen: Unery of Cheage Pree a eg The cn wer he school omni practice rt tuk lana arsyation’ Conde oa of eon, 3, scan 208) Dang ute rc, London: Sage Pum SEERA saa wens on) Sbjct dearer profes com Ti Ban Edi! Rona our 3078-20, Taking a sociocultural perspective on science teachers’ knowledge Jane McNicholl and Ann Childs “The context: inital teacher educ The 108s ae 190 n Englands inereasinggonernment con ver {other evan (FTE), Within eres of amended Standards for weetned Teacher Status (QT8), centralised vews were artes about Enea, understandng ad sls that begining eahers nee ire uel bythe endo ice rang. Alongside this hasbeen & move ven increased vlvement of school in TTF, ofen throng pat i wih unlenstn In England the Post Graduate Cerificate i Ac TUE nce) programme, a pintgraduate oneyear couse designed for ‘Rtesne in spect subject the major route into secondary scoot Sithing. tlie wide mnt teacher edaion programmes eiewbere, ‘atat teachers in Eng will ape periods Of tine in both higher. ‘SGuciir tnsttatons and kv achool bt England stent teachers on RCE progeames oil spent! about onethird of hse time in higher edt ion ad rohit of theese in seo. “Canernment tana fi QS or cleoce spec that al sence tach eon gaining CT or the 11-18 age range should ave aired the know Ifage svt undertaing to each al three sciences a ai cut in the Nita Guretuon at what eallod Koy Stage 3 (01-14 age range). one ‘onc sje at ba hry Stage 4/OCSE eel (4-16 age range) and Key Sage A tel (pel age range). Ensrng at ney qualifed wien tacts afe abe to et thew eandards fv major challenge, not st tecse many sudent teachers aie wid ange gpm hc abject mater hoe. Save fears entering 8 POCE programme may not Bane ‘tude one or more ofthe cote cenees ine they wee 16 nd een rae Stes sometines lack 1 sound undentanding of thet degree sje {Deuneh an oes 194, Lento ae Tarer TO; ek 201; Wise ao Wills 1996; Fohermore, Sper Mineo al (2005) found dat ‘ren smelt set ater a dee evel dd no eip ai ‘Swit ep hnomedge of some sigan fac for wang the ‘jet (205 290). Ths nota praern ote to the Engh ecco 4 Heal and A. Cle Tan ec pi ec i seca Ma) 188) “Teaching ec fete in Te sea iain teen 392) aA ae. (888) ‘Inveaions of etsy pri Are On Nato run Pan fra 34 OS en eta) wha es Han tb eerie a peti qe Th ng vt (0,1 oe ee ere and De on We (988) “Developing cece they A at knee ma Row eS Teh 38) eee. wan en ay Waals (205) A Ygoutinn epee om Toe aco’ oral Cari i, 3 (3) 20-20 a STS Mo pesmi oud wc andoaaning, Dordrecht 1 an (203 jy 1) Feder cation rept shore of le i a ae a vomcnttines c/s 29075- ‘apis esr ceed ren nS inten ke wera ce ay of menace eal Sd, 29 (2/9), 207-29 Sosa Redd) 00) Idi saoraon et ae ane of tent ues ahs ouma of Ee inp nh a Cn. Trice teacher’ minder 7 ih 10713. Chapter 5 How can Vygotsky and his legacy help us to understand and develop teacher education? ‘Anne Edwards ‘Taking stock here are we wth teacher education? Cochran Smith has described what See a he ne teacher eduaton’ i dhe United States a «pal ‘si problem’ (CocessSnith 200%: 271, Echoing Futons (O18) Penctakon that teacher profesional and the education asociated siprtia become inetessngy managed by natonal neriment fo mee ‘oa pe sas, shearges ta teacher educators should challenge ‘egurawest pects of cuent versions of new ace education” and ‘Ros bud on de opportunites dey ifr, oder to bull peo Reaow wihthe “end of edwaton, se propoxsquesoning the put ‘eke ar education oth the sim of nlading among ther socoraional Eek topmentparclpation, in democrauc proces and combating nog. “a gt fonded eduction ha ong been 2 “public policy problem” in te UR whether dhe pint was o educate dhe newly enfranchised 0 des nl serse for an expanding Emp. Bat poly imperaives PrePa rofne the tears erwcen social goat the acini of eae anc ane practices of teaching needs vo be regularly scrutinised hot Minions ouunode legacies and unintended owtomes, Th gn fg the crn has be Forwaronking fr example Aico air or hat kinds of Ferme?” However the ane a eee mont ever be dea, Ar Uyak once put “Questions of ree ares hane been teahed when questions of hie will have been Sete? (107: 350), Teng: peshaps one of the few certains facing edation yous Evade a0). "New teacher ection’ appears geared Sra sue eye hich seen to be inked to economic com sero Cortana 200), Yeu as Vit, the US Congress Peat blot of the Dein cat Indust: sural in dhe changing sees the bal ecamomy may cl for more than good et cores {eine contexts teacher education stems that reduce the eapacy of pracsionerso respond to learners, to work with other professionals who Sippor chiisen's wellbeing or o adapt to changing wxioeconomie cm tions deere tobe vexed. The challenge, athe English Trang ad Development Agency for Schools (TDA) and National College for Sel Ueaderthip (NCSL) tow recog, ist reprofewonalv, a informed deciion makes. «profeson talned for almost wo decades in England {neficent crcl dliery n way hat limited ther responsiveness 0 leamers(Edards 17,1998 Edwards and Protheroe 2003, 200). i thi chapter {discs what Vygotsky's idea, and thee development lnuoetraisoicl act theory (CHAT), em offer an understanding, tt teacher’ profesional leaning and development which i ame at ce ‘ings profewionlsed workforce. I sball oan billy how learn i Coneepholed within CHAT: dca aw CHAT allows «questioning of legacy practices and an understanding of the prvdcton of new practices fornew purpoveaseflct on te insertion of alues and modes nt pets opicactings fer the cao "eaching as resoureefl prot” base on {GIA principles and consider the implication for teacher eden ‘The menage throughout there diciawons wll be that teaching a= fesponsve practice should be seen as part of 3 responsible profesional "ety which should be mapped at a poly lec These sentiment find ‘rong muppet Mulgan recent als fhe rt ofp sate many of the best statics ae simple ~ they provide a framework trihin which mart response and responsible people ad ise Tork dings out for themecte, supported ty rapid feedback and ean ‘ommuniation. Over elaborate sae that atempt to prepare for ‘ery eventuality are mich more Hel 0. (atagan 200: 6) Aspects of a Vygotskian approach to learning Amore comprehensive intron to Vygoukian approaches to earning ‘Sa be found inthe inreduction to cis ylume snd i, for example, Daniels 2001) and Mol (199). Here Isiply eune the concept that {infor the argument in the present chapter ‘earning, fora Vygotia, Is evident In learners’ changing relaton- shipe with the social stations of ther development and iss Felt of proces of ineralsation and exeralaion. In brit, reasonshipe Shang sere ta nf cara content ere Informed ways hich i tr inact on the social stations. Vygotsky learners are therefore not merely pase recipients of etal ald ‘oneepi, but are actors in and on ther claes, being both shaped by {ind shaping the socal senons of ther development “Vrgotsy, his lagacy and teacher education 65 cane Se eee pect pits pertains ai, fiat SE tmnt meg ‘onicm to be wotked on and ienyng the esouces that enable wor SE tor eee eel bod moms eh ee Semper ac Someta re pony ated anaes Com Sous Serpent obec poe Se reteset bral pec i Hat ge Se eerie teen mein ak Erle ser peer peer Peet ama btcmctay etd ony dor Fan ee a ete ee eee TEE ta a he mee cae stead o renege mee Disney ae ome ew te Bek eS Se ae oe a ys Se ery eae eens ta ad eee cae east chs a ee Vo penal gp Se eae eae ae acta ata ucat public meanings dough ovr questioning and prior understandings we Pa mute wo ad reshape them. For example, beginning teacher 3a Gano quetion the amount of ane spent on cag to the est 22a} oe tomas more proler-sohing ates. This interplay besween ‘Ride sense and public mening ers tects more than eam De Aained by telecon om pris for sclmproverent 1 esies aX Reeegeton ofthe meaning ste of sedge Une pups ad (aie at it encapsulates. OF eoure ths terrogation ros key to TINS Mien encouraged bythe practices ofthe shoo! ad, a6 Cochran ‘Slush Indicate, the nerrplitea polices within whieh the practices are Toca My account so fara ben lngely cognitive nderpayingthe ae spe tearnng, Bat his emphasis mas ot Vygoy'snteriin, Hi was “aber at emotion exnnot te ered out of analyses uw we atin the sere, ing ta if emotion were ignored thought most be wens TONLE Ringecpiphenomenon inxpable of changing anything in the Itc orconduet of person” (Spo 1986: 10) ‘etn ne oar of is, he developed hs ews om the ponte of emotion with a ew unit of amas, pcb (Vygosy 1904 388), hich can be equated with lved or emovional experience ad mas, FF ‘gots cental to how we engage withthe wl Thdnone was rencd by Vasu (101) ws the notion of Paper ceoning igh aes living dough petnonal res inet 9 i ek toce meaning wo Be, Vauyuk's examples fecal stations sreShnen quite dramati, Nonetclesy de auction he pat co dhe diy ‘Suto perma experienced conaditions and the questioning of seating fies ar sell seoniders of what tvoled i, for ‘Raple, moving Deter understand schoo! whe Haring to eh. ‘amin (1991) hs ee oe ngs translation of Vasu’ book, Nera tate conines Yyotsin ess about earings process of SESE Ute ind meaning as we engage i the world, with "Western eahet ane ppehoramcsofthe uneomaios” (191: 14). By aking Tet oncetn'betwcen conions thinking and the anconscios, Vase Rak aw elped w sce th coping ith change is no ply = beh ‘Bataleon, bas manera aflecvely harged and eae) tow voces working though contradictions or “xis! and gaining Dew Fens mental equlirtn wbich enable functioning "Yan Hutzen el (005) in their acount of a Vygosian perspective om cher eueton therelore nigh emphasise da eacher edwation Raid seknontedge and we the emotional exprienees of student ath sree secenty mae sina point awards 2008), suggesting that S"iygnekian sew oftescher eiation shou draw on Beach’ idea of ‘euctal rasiton’i he devlogment of dente (Beach 199), ‘tan ae wo change the development of wudent teacher potion ene whey ate comequent or dem, and work hae spartan posts for learning. Fanaa ese Vy eas suggest tat faring to become a canta among her hig, developing capac to iterpret ne ie worgpnce and ¥ question meaning and the socal prc aa enim therm, Sopiingstaden teachers therefore involves vate to nage ter relatnships withthe sca tuations of pe tmnt sek comple leaner and tas, and 0 reco: 1 Gees tat wl support the actions. AIT hat wile bo tein a ational ses of Went oration within the nested context teaming te teach, ‘Questioning and developing practices The dicen 9 far has dave sainly on Nygoy's work and his ten ABS mind in atone ow tine to earn othe development comti= Bt by Vygouly’s contemporary AN Leone, ad more latent by ¥. ‘Egger While Yygteys work focased on the cara formation of JEONG Teontey an later Engesrim examined acini’ their purposes INT how they ave sultry shaped. Engestrom defines actin 39 ‘etic formations dha gun durabliy by becoming initialed rey ake shape and manifw themeclves only though ations per (pet iy navidad and groups (Engesrom 2008: 204). The defining {Rane ofan acy swhat Leva dexeibed a the ‘object of activi” (Ge problem that i being worked on) Sn mich embeded the “ober fnne (or what calle forh the responses of actor) "The objet of the actly of ew teacher edcasion’ at oui’ By Cochran ath eure deiner for st performance, However, the Uhjct mote maybe high sore for te atonal good or complance to Crue the sunt of usining courses, or something ele ently Coca Shy ahngh not wing CHAT, has revealed a range of pom Ste bject tote for teacher edeation and has encouraged teacher ‘Esato “expand! the ole of acti to cade he reader moses twelibeing, democracy and equ Tapani leaning. ia serat concept in Engestrém's work (engearom 1900, 2008), Ril Involves the development of single Scent 2 complex objet of activity and a new form of practice, He {doer itso an enpaive cee wich “begins with individual subjects enon the accept pate, and ic raul exnds into aco removement or iain” (2008130) Expansive tearing bls on ‘Vpgulian ideas of extrusion o highligh the dynamic relaonakip {hat can exist fetncen inate and Ue socal stations of their deve ‘pments and partly their expacy to change practices and econ at Kn of tare Wn cam that dani men or de, sa yc seperate cnn el aaa ae acc of choog. Scho Eagan ae ato econ ok bo ther om igh bund a Sei i cr prasones preven the ol eon sence an ng op abe hn tn Af hee chan ic delopment of esnrefal outwartonking Sa paces school and eae Seon iui int these 1 PLS a edacation and te develop Peng progres that foc Pe ‘SCablahea practices nate ae that cin examining dst efor se deepens etre wehbe, Ta Plesiona Prstunger Un dea of deanage ad the deep 1 a excl, dened by oor) ae prowes ok th oe a rom the ogo and conan of wich becoming spared and frm the gis and respon ‘aay 188: 18) — aE geiko cil exclusion were fing in soo! “og at (OECD 8) Fe todo a anal Mc nian nin be prevented NCE Fn a bret edition qe fil in the ae 2 stem dha would prevent ae Pat ny to soil econ i complex and 2 cs crm a specs of ene: pacing iden une on unen:Cansequey was recogni tht ts cong ea ar ee med nd a of eal cae eich wrk ay eden me ct Sch ps tm me Oc 60; OFCD 198). Son bene Pa ancraon i belng pad wo cogging shoo it B= Garret ee fhe potently aller eaching HE Pore eta pou peope (Demorttay 204 Treasury ‘07. ning teats 0 aecmands esn hat Bnglh choos re expanding he objet co newline eran neg a ees tan ann prea colette ant nw Siete ec Mi ep tn hts gaa {ere ng cymes nec ad wei, eS Oy Naatelen, a” expansion of the bi = ae rr icine chives wellbeing, Pas meant | a \ygotsky, his legacy and teacher education 69 Tee cane fat eee sro sans, ae tpl cl os oe Se ce he a Be aa ene Oe ote ee ee ee Pr tn er ere rs na etree et {Gi0Ta)focuoa queaioning and developing practoes in cycles of expan Fegoleetetreesc ten ria reaeractoni ad a en ne Vatu snd motives in the practice of teaching ‘mor oem wih the ing ace in aga ete at seen Oh tne tt oir rn seen {seat io teach le they were placed in lementar school lasrooms {olean the practical aspects of etching. There were some stiking me ‘ge fom he series of studies (Evards 1907, 1998, Edvards and Coll on 1986; Edvard and Ogden 1968; Baars and Proheroe 203, 2008) BPP eee reer tee ee which confi Cochran Smi’s concer about a narrowing of fous in {eather education Fraings ince! he following: “Student teaches very rey interac with oer teachers while they See mclaren lenmingt each, + Their york wav oid eon plans, often supplied by the cas + Feedckfacsedon thee deisery af the lesion and he pce at whieh ‘hire need through the ural + iherence tothe Tewom plans meant that stent teachers became ‘nereningh les response to cldren over the year of thet aig ‘Atthe sume ime, nthe elementary school where this work mas cave ‘outs teachers were developing new forms of speilst experi. Each ‘choot had spect in work wih children ith spec educational eed and inna teachers were gen responsi Fr managing the ‘tons cience Meracy and rath crcl. Twas expected tat schools ould operate as ots of dntibuted expert, where teaches could Tlevelop parlor rents in specie areas an eould look for advice ftom collegues wih sents neers ‘eu the stademt teachers we tacked ere Becoming poised perform ces in the art of cuclurn delivery, table to admit to any diel. ‘They atl sought help om other eachers ad avoided sitions which led them fron their prepare ein plans. They were not expanding the probleme hat they encountered i det teaching and thereby leaning Rather, the revene they firmed away from anything that happened in {het clamrooms that they had wot prec in heir plans Iwas 00 sy Tor them to deviate from ther stip and perape produce a lesan plished performance Tiny di deeop expetie in Ks planning, because they could work ‘on the planned curse san let of cay wih thei super TCaccrmentors fat nce fn elaom they were on ther own and det Ceaching as Lieto cori delery, We aged that tis proces evereimied the dewelopment of et pron enies a response fencers who wer ble o nec pedagoaie expere, We have of couse, ‘bem pone ight e cree concers wh exotesoalsing inde Tone say (Edwards and Ogden 1998; Haars and Prosheroe 208, {20H we asked 34 student teachers o talkie through anes when they Fete had helped chien to lean nec of he #7 kesons we ad jot fspeieneed ith them, Most othe rexponse foewed on how well hey ft presented de curcuiom. The folowing response, fem a stent to aad en working ith sbeyearold, was one of the few tha offered Ah account af an ntracon nth eld ad excspliies the yranny of the les plan and ie negative flee om espn teachings ‘got, hs egy and enc ‘ane asked me Fr a wor I 4 Kan he cul fd in his Word book So showed hn there ej und kon He sae page: Buti a planned “The stent teacher was apologising for deviating from a eso plan to tell young child how to ind tetera his vocabulary book {Tis fcus on planned performance an lack of esponsivenes eve ‘erated ino children's eationshipe ath eachother: ony one a he fren four stent teachers mentioned helping chile support cuih other at learners (ewan and D'Ary 2004) Te keson plans were beng ed by the stent aches wha! a ‘ation tole (Engestrim 3007) to diver a preplanned tewon, rather more creatvey ashy’ or ere to! tuts which were ointed 10 ‘liens tongertenn development ae learners Tose wo Mea lesson Stat tr farueaviemed why o¢ "where to" ayy teachers need bert, vote hat stem from more chan curiculm delivery. As Doyle ack in the 1980s indisted atthe very minimum teachers need to be able 10 {tsponsinely connec ieare, cic and ak oak forward chi’ Understanding (Dey 1980), ‘Doyle's anf snd Cochran Smith's broader societal concerns suggest thar more tne should spent sm eacher education om how wo Intro {pac the whe and here ts of teaching There area east reasons ee this suggeaon. Te fist i tac when managing kare relation ‘hips with eu, eaters need wo be able wo aust demand to secure Icamerengagernen Tis ator very much nin th Vos’ foc fon Iearet" changing relationships with he ail situations of thir ‘Screlopment throngh proces of nternatzation ad exteralisation. In 1028, while sls weather his, he proposed tat tis no so impor sno teach quant of knowledge at incu he abaity o acquit Shah Knowledge and to snake vee of H€ Consequenty the role of dhe teacher was wo bene the ‘retor of he socal environment (Vygotsky 1a 990). “The second season for 3 form on why” an where to" al arses fom vygostys anal of teaching whieh demands that teachers engage with hat sates in soley, Aaa renal of chat engagement, teachers bring the {atucs tha anse in soley to infor how they suture he soca station Ur pupil development. kr doings, teachers connect clastoom exper {heen with brondorsoeeud concerns. The tea that as learners work Shandon the teaehertvected enironment. dhe jon in with and shape TDsiey, Vyosty sie leary decentng the teacher inthis ata in is insted acing the Fearne process of ntemaation and exter alison cealy eden, which he secs prson-naking in she Titeral European aon. Desesbing the bebe that edeaton consists eH ‘a selatonaip etwcen teacher an aden tal alse” (Voy {sia 47) Vgotly wo not diminishing the role of the teacher rather, bem aetg tan dongh the sructaring of dhe social station of de pment ral othe formation of otal responsible learners By fucing on cteuinglaroing environments tht are imbued with meaning anon managing laren engagement wih them, Voy was Fighting the role of teacher a mediators of what sale soe. [Me wavaos though he woul wt have el hat language, oggeting that learners need to feouise and work it seciealy formed jece motes stein hook When teaching and, by notation, teacher edueaton are Ueconsructed lo the lines siggeted by Wgoty, we can ae just ow Ih what i alleen scioole and techer raining eles fom i ‘model an how much hi concerns cho thon of Cochran Sesh That sno to sy that Wygotly a prone a cpt his work was alban elective searching for meaning wich nites the engagement of the mates, Wilting during period of simon incomprchensible trai I Rusa inthe 19205 and ein isl of antes swing ‘eucaon appears understandably to am at societal homoge i ay Thacmay be tocemforsble for eeuder currenly grappling wih cs of {veri However hi anal would snggest hati or example, der isasignieant societal problem, istoal be made evident aa prblem in ‘he learning experiences fered o pupils Resourceful teaching for resourceful learning Medison for Vygotsky primarily involved elping leurs we clr ty valued tots Fe. eaaepes and arta in inetessingy informed as {o help thems take contol a their words ANhough internation was Iinportne, the purpose of eduction yas ‘lsmatey to enhance ‘The person sing the power of things or sili contol hs om Teatour through tem, grouping them, puting them together forting them man mabjets to hansel he power of things oer tearour and makes them serve hit own purpons. He changes the mironment wi the extcoal att ain this ay alee o Thavonrsajecting i tous ow author (yous 1907212) Resourceful leaner ate therefore the who ecognise ow tol sch 8 legs and artefacts cam regen their wm imp a are abet ace ‘unt we them to tbo charge their aon Resourceful teaching for reno learning & therefore more shan cumialum delivery and tacking for success test performance. I Ygpoy he epey an ech eduction 73 jnvlves guiding the agency ofthe learner to actions that strengthen their MMuerstanding of tasks and their impact on them. Tha tt means posing decoding alone encoding wo that the compleny of ke GURrealed andthe potcrial for action offered by setts and ies ie recog, Resouces, however, are Hot imited to material areca the know ledge etbded in them: the experize of hers in ako 2 potent ‘ature, Fhewhere we hive developed the concep of ‘srbated expe {he Edna tl 200) and ighlghe the negations vated in Tinga expert practioner I propose, now ako iavoieseecognsing shat the expertise of other can be drawn on to enhance actions. Te Seay insted that we found le esdence in ou tides of teacher ‘uation of how pupils were encouraged o work together and vo support Sach other's feaming, and that there war hile evidence of mentors ‘roving longsde sen! teachers o manage the emironment a which Uhstene teacher were learning. That lack of ealoraion been Redent teachers and mentors while teaching denied siden! teachers the ‘pporturiy to recogeise that our adults cn be revoutee who ca ith ‘dm. enftnce the management of learning environtent for pupil. 1 ‘go that isolation ia particular weakness if we are preparing stident teurbes for the follwing stoaons, among others tum teaching for Imalediplinary project work; working wih learing suppor asians Inaking the most of parent keer in elementary school dasroom pet ching for aff development ‘Secing teaching ax rsourcefal practice can potently seengthen rationale fo learning to each nthe practice of tacung. In parca i sugges that one role for teacher edicts i o work slongaide beg ing teachers reading and decoding the landscape of easooms and ‘nung the poabies for acon within them so that they can share thei readings and responses with sudent teachers Ase aleady agi {ates and Protheroe 2008, 20%), dhe curren focus on the posed performance of student teachers inthe English sete siti te nthe ‘momen interpretation of how larers are engaging with clasroom cas fn the asons that might sw that engagement wich characterise 2 ‘Vypottian approach to eaching, School bred teachermentors re wealy Pstioned se be medion the prolemonal nomi that compet Ahk enpere inte ac of eahing ‘The implications for teacher education {Let's eatend the sry question to now sk What hind of teacher edvca Sion for what Kinds of teachers Van Hvizen oa. (2005) rake the ese that the le asoiton hence ation ad meaning ha central to 3 ‘ygoutian approach vo caching and eng means hat stdent tea Te iced wo ovent theses twords pully acceped sda of ing ich rele sorte yal Thy res that virion ot out being recruited uueningl to Tor! ideologies, but spy econ tat teaching ds ivale the mediation of elt aed tscatmge.tnporiany ae wer ch ie wits Cochran (2008) they aretha the more fey an empha placed in teacher duc ta fea the lstremental aspects the tore Be pet of meaning el. iui or dogmattay imped ad cnseqoeny, S Insecesble 10 eplration. eloton aed dacusin” (Was lan tl 2005: 26), "Thuy proce to aygpst that sient tacers nced wo be able co cexpoceherneaings tase pofedonal rats unde on dos Hee tnse meaning are preened expla modelled in practice, Toul agree Ee recent work (ih wlume), on a research prtnensip Bronecn university department, Engl depen in sehools and she inlen teaches who are asimed in both set, demonstates leary he ‘urges or oth na conning preionl eaning hat is Aiton pacuce bed meningeare modeled and open cratiny. hse eo monet teacher expertne than reflective swarenss suv the questioning tht acconypanis eve aeady suggested that each ‘rim Bish schools have mended to Become adept at negotiating thet Stork on chiens developmental rjetrcs wih the other pactoners The support tne same cen. Thy ate ao expected wo negra the ppt lsc ering wih parents who are de most et ale {aE om young people's outcomes” (DCSE 207-198). The Vygotskian view [etasronm prove Pe olin abo mops hat eaching ia proces SE aogotating skeogopementtvongh median the we of resources {har susain produce engagement Acoraly of Vonks decenting lth eacheria the kame eatonship with knowlege bred expe ‘hon for aresposive pesagogy which wave the ausonent of suppor hd demand inthe learning environment and the negating of appro- Frit reenures into the repetces of eae. ‘One plication for teacher educaion of his Vasky sed dcoion cot teacing that stent eachers are mont Hey to learn ow nego weaned make adjustments 40 suppor pupil Haring alone more ‘tye teachernemiory oho mae those secs of thet espera exh 'onllble In chasm comerstions In addiion, whit the dase fom wth sade teaches, teacheometors cana dermal and med sourees tos he lesig of aden eather “yqouy ren) ighihie! the portance of nteataton for informed acon: hence the sgn bg made not Tr the teacher 8 inonedgette fctato, Rather the mggeion that knowledge of Eelam coment appropriate sequences of delivery, and how wo ts fv enough. Coca ox rght to Temind nf the hoger dangers to society of a narrow version of the “oew teacher education ‘go's weng om tari oilers considerate oppor tn her an weer abo iy ie dec in the snieation of the ena hy tt happens in lerooms where student teachers ae leasing wo ea ‘reflective rvarenen of the interaction between india sense Mea cael neningy nen besos eer ae ‘student teachers, the mentors who support ther in schools and those whey ‘design the earning experiences of stent teaches in unverser References Beach, K. (1999) ‘Comment ione # vod expedion poe trans in edo’ i Ra i neato, 24 101-180 otha Sn D8) “het wher econ nthe Unie Ste ie ‘ions owas en Thing Thy ond Pr 8 (4) 21-28 ‘ne 2001 Tyo nd ply, Londo: Rone [BS (007) The hte plon London DUS emo (20!) Sth, sl wk Nh if a 8 nt’ Landen: DEMOS NE (2905) Fey tl ty, London: IES Doyle, W. UGG) “Chenoa a hanagesien’ bn MLC. Weck Te Han rah on thing ean, Ne York Macias arth AW) "oa baring git the pon of ent teacher a inary xl crenata Rach ral 29 (1) 2-9 sdbor A. (8) "Menting ste tenhert in primary schoo ag wt ten oc an ups aa of nn ‘yar A (208) Helatona agen alg wo bea ves practioner’ “tenon mal ets! Rac 4 (8) 1618 ‘var A (0) ‘ecomings teacher aH. Dae J Porter and, Laer {ci} Cia ppc on cation, London: Role ar A (0) “Agency a city thoy a the gens wo he reo ‘ona, oH. Denice Cater and Sannin et) Laney ad apenang hatin then, Candide: Canige Univesity Pre i As can | 00) and pig Pate ey ‘var Aan D'Arc, (D1 elon agency and dpstion in soca url acau of ening ech ei Re, 562) 1738, ga nO. 10) ‘Cnn ra mt Aone i fom (7-77 aa, nd ot (1) Leng te dns it a lon" Bh Edn! ia ora 29 (2) 287-282 avardy Aand Peter 1 (200) “Teaching poy endeenting bow ‘hs pinch i tmp eR of cn 3 ‘ama A, tan Sno, Gn pres Tsepraenins wok n X eee Pana rh ona eae) ad Waren, (202) Me ne malay wang nts iw atin Lr: FADE st ee ty nina a oc ern "men nk ma (8 Pt am ot ang iy thao eth hangs Met 0 ni atte sane nD Salen} ere (8 "een i mi re einem oom’ a hr os Wi and 08 om sty al a feat ree a nm ge Carre Unie Pres, rg. aa) “he prin rok and tection a a ors cen es ie on Seam 9. 77-00 lator ad exer eatin: sheen fan Osi ee de ta aoe the wrong ges’, Hsia a. 121) Pcologr at exprecing 4 Rane ma of Haman, "nity, E31 eet esi and eae Upper Sd Rr Nh ‘rene Hal were ndcon in Mel (Yet and tn, Cabs ‘Caniige Unies re. er ei of ute tng re ond an ty Oxon Osorno cen Se Cet se fr chiles nd yh at eer i Ps ‘or. arom oer and wi econ: the ew Eaopen se fp ey coun (el) ed he sh he meee nt ne cl eon sl oly Ps nent eat cy sof ad eng el 2 ain ae ans Te aya abel T (25) “A Vain pepe 29 inal Cartan Si 3 (3) 26720. pon ip fom te of si ese Sony aug on mn Cambri, Ma IT Pre Te ed Ota ant Cars, Bi ypraty. LS 10a) Bewint pe ae Ratn, LSLae res. ts of ty ane Th hs of eps fr mi font Nev: Pes re “ hae Chapter 7 Studying the process of change The double stimulation strategy in teacher education research Viv Elis eb ontin memento shan watt yp 1978 65) “This chapter oes on one of Vyoty’s hey methodological concept {he double sioltion rsegy(Vgoay 197, 1957, 190), adil onceptulsation ofthe bebuiourt experimental method that mikes {he uni of anal the proces or acti ol engaging wih tsk aher than merely the outcome or product. In wich reconceptslation he researcher's ante gize i dete atthe meaton of the subject or Patcipant’s activity by physeal or pryehologeal tls, For Vogt, the Pchologia! tool of principal interest war tnguage, principal spoken bt sso writen (Vygouky 1086), alduough hi work character by attention at diferent times to social 8 wel a semiotic medion si he fsolated concept ofthe rone of proxital deelopment (Moll 19; Vygouty 178." Moreover, this veconeepusnation challenges the researcher to see pachologcal proceses a historical and atic “undergoing changes right before one's eyes" (Wyo 1878: 61) and, further sill capa of being proved by the eearcher, Tm thustang the sguiieance of thie methodological concept in researching teacher eduction and developmen, {wil ert to tran ples fom my work fst a study of beginning Engh teacher” concept formation ad conceptual development (lls 20072, 20070), and, second, 3 formative imterention ito the organisational leaning of ‘chosl-universiy teacher eduction partnership (Els 2008, 2070). The Srgument ofthe chapter i that the double smstionsrtegy etal nd producshe in eoneepuasing ad designing research imo teacher Teaming that seek to explain ie compat dv race the history of sfevelopment The oo ustation wil ak eet the eiferent emphases !d shits in Vygouy's work from slot to social process of ed tion and the poten of the eeeareh meth el to slate poste change Mo ‘The power of stimulus:means to organise and reveal tn Vygouy'« tex the double kimlatonsrtey waist refered en eee Mota nebo! of dual snlaton” (eg. Vygotsky T9S7,“the Ma mth’ fe, Nygshy 1978, 198) and by other forme tion ce EngestOm 207; 368). For consteny’ sake, wll ose the aoe foie stimulation egy” throughout hx chapter to represent aa euch sencarehers gue ther research participant means of ey preblem or engogng i atk The tak ox probe Vgoshy eee eee aomuluvend (1978), and the potently proble- Tames done a theca’ In his ows experiments he aan ee te alton ate eo reveal the wy in which children Te sense ofthe wr thes were ating Wie simultaneously fe a second series of imal hat ve pei Hanae turn, we ae able to stay the proces of acomplshing ty tne aid of apetic alary means thas we ae able dix att Retnnersuctre and developmen of ighee mental process (Wygory 1978: 78) “The ways in which the reeach sje se he “seconde of cy Sey means to work on he bjt or prblemapne— he aor nnlerend = yes for gos te ject Ngher eet anc C90 17) how they coma a ers he a pty aad th ell a teal meting fenton of se eau The researchers intern sin aw they we the arene thcy make o hry he wasn which ht aie se ge tote ds pote the wae ti abet Te earn ofthe tele yr ste ation Bow eae en are ode bythe objet An example leant seeks echesuming mh a eer nota eee exo planning spits second ets of nul no aaa eta athe nde to reveal tw they etn he rae atu or mater the stents ey ae aching ery dngushed beoveen. gees of “revdyaade'nes in sxoluemcansand expand he sino ths ve do nt merely hae to preent o he subj prepared ete “Simca mgr he prope pee on isco we could rac the wy al he cent a set ane eomplee gate acy of the ill velop “Reinetne spontaneous epandng of he devs he we Ivy 19860) er) In other word, Wyosay lft open the pont, ken up by Wert in his dsincdon beowen expt ud inp sedation (Werth 27), that les prepared or readyende’meune might be parca elective in ting te enearcher to race complex symbolic att by opening up nore space for subject agency and pring reser opportunites for “gaging neil tat generative problemsolng ates. Drawing the concepts of subject English ‘Teacher subject (or content) Anowkdge continues to be of perennial interest to plicpmihers an rtearchery specially fm relation to meas tre ofthe llervenesof teaching (et Dating izmmond and Youngs 3002: Pouson 2001; Wilson ea 2002). ery eten in hoth the esearch literature and policy, Koowledge understood fom a objective stand point (Edvard «a 2002; Eis 20075) subject hnowldge becomes 3 ‘hing’ some sort of icons Gi hat canbe poured from headsorhed, “boosted, toppedp’ sn audi’ all words wel nthe teacher edie thom policy i England (DIES 1008). The crolary In term of weathers {earing a arqusvevew were learning hecomes the accumulation tt varion inputs, rieky-tie, something Kel refered oa ‘acum Tbe fragenentalan’ (1983). A caltiralistoriea ea hear perspec the would instead propose a ew of Hnowede as something that ‘coed and developed in joint work on potently shared eject of “hin, where objets defined, afer Leone (1073), an apect of the Social word that perce rs need or mode, as shared eoneer fenerstor and focus of tention’ (Engesum 20088) Silay. Exltralhisoncal penpectve seeks to tndersand the sated of nowledge andthe ptcptory mtu of fearing, notin terms of know ledge being elation learning merely ax eproduc- fom, but ttn to explain the relaionsip Between local acy by Iman agents fn spec settings andthe hia, elena proc ‘cat hall ene ote (Lave 198; Toul 199). This Vygot tinn line of hiking siggess that Rnowiedge exits a much among, partcgance in a fla a ce within them and hat our "concep [theritance i communal? (Tostain 197). Inthe carly 200 t conducted an indepdh study of a small sample of highschool Engh acer through dhetrone year raduateleve teicher fcucaton programme and ino thelr fist year of employment (Ei Setanta inci er conceal detent in Son tothe subject they were teaching (English), pater dhe know Nee tat consti theme nm ing eel whi lopment a rete to thelr menement aero the mulple stings for teacher leaning (in cach eae,» sniverybased programme and a Jews thee diferent schoo). Data were generated over a tworen pid eee re Ahrough seis of research interviews, narrative ting by the teacher, the clceiom of documents and artefact, some otweratons and a {Tving tit The drawing tsk took place during each of the researc ‘Rect and the teachers were ane to draw a pitre of the ate of Engl agece howled and how they ght be elite They were ntuurage to spent they Jv, snd ater they completed the drawing. fSeradueea tele prev ange ad ask thera oo reflect on the ‘igen had posed ths far oet the pio a the each esa hud ies raving Sk a her esearch wth sal sample cr Us bag tears ete 1980 (Groen 190, alo queso shane treo teacher Snemdege an development 20 her wrk was ‘calm me Howe ams he i eS reece what pare ay hve espa in Grune’ a ‘eg wae cneeptnised iy resereh deg aa meiasonal ane Oe een wee kd wo we (0 rake see ofthe research problem = Ate ste aa contain of Engl sbjer olde an is deelp- ees nda ache My srs avs researcher war the proces dat and how bis proces cabled the teacher wo contri nd SEeuce he problem or sje a hay, rong tenon 0 he ‘Ektauip beercen medio] means ad interpretation ofthe ot the a ing nk an be esto a ace of he double ‘Shalt sag. Asking these teachers drew in the content of he earch icerioes det nc arse fom any Beck that drwings wold ‘oka ae wit ore itr” authentic ighsino heparan Uniting han the spoken anage oF that the allorances of graphed ‘Ricerca mere grster: Noneteles, i ineesting to Rote eht ‘Seung aes wean’ souls ha the pyle re ‘he ebepannng temple veered to te ares exp, pga Spetaly or outs wo donot da very dy. eis ea of daeng na double simulaon statey alo fers fom uc seta reenreh sets ot concep mapping {Novak and Conn 188 nthe cori dion, for example, ad he (Chenere nel ope scone ma. aii ee th Sia) mint te bee lia. The facet ny stad re Tt iam o interpre she vation vo dew as they wie More ‘ndanenthethe drag of an image, whether 2 map or meting Ainge noe conceprained at drt representaon of the teacher ‘tsi Sri the tomcepemapping tain. And there was no et nny Bein judging he extent o wich the organisation and birch cnc at ain he roving red ny ot Fo vysce understanding of tht santo oF Reach. ta an example (Ses"ior etucavon mcr, renga by = age sample ofc tien nthe UK tbat te undereutnge of nor teelogs in thee thes wre teguded iscsi ropes” ofthese ces tins (averse a 2008; Peso andl Someth 200). The researchers Inferred stolons bermeen te comps ofthc drawing ad the cor ples af the minds fen which they bal ‘prong Tn thi esearch and Bien a reseeh that ses formal concep ppeng a3 method ~ the wa Graton of iear connect (lps connecons betwen concep = toes made by sag ins) reflects the apn hat the more ines beewecn the nodes, the more sphistaed the abject’ concep fora. Son. Fen a a purely represenaonal level, this conception does not ‘low for compli tobe more than twodietsna. The key metho logical diferenc, however, that hese ages are eae spd or ‘utp to stay there no tenon the proces of ming the image nd how tis proces eater ote meaning ofthe revcarch problem. A Grong tk of ison nother words not concepaied tan oppor ‘ily uy semi medion at warn my esearch eng, “Through anata ofthe inagerming i the research inser ite auon (Le though onering the proce nd stdyng the talk vole found the image ive), Ka posible to understand the concept developmen ofthese teacher a aring oof dposonaly inven, gene paricpation in the practices of mule stings. practices that ‘Mood in acer wit he oo and este of cura Sie (Engl aching) and eral em (eRe ofthe English teicher) (ee Elis 20a 65-9, 146-15 for an acount ofthe analyte Pocedure) To tems of the organisation of the dram image, the dee ‘pment of my sample of teacher images over the year period ‘etd mexy and nontinear understanding of developmen hee war ‘hiange in what referred toa the age’ engin pe” ves he petod ther fom a bounded image oan uh-Dounde oe ore er {he numberof sear of bjt knowledge inthe drains (the nodes or enc) deel ne the sigan he ee wn iy (a meme ofthe rebar betwcen areas ode age represented Upaalghtins) abo decreased (bids 149) oe ‘To tla exient, a uadlonal ana of the ages a concept ma sight have once tht te ee” ndenandings were Becoming tes comple, es connected and more ior Sri order oy (0 tundra the natreof dhs teacher” concep development i at ‘neces to pay attention Wo the proces of ding sd he fk around the raving proces awl the image al In oer wort, he pce ‘semiotic neds vival an vetlel moder was fa inireke Te pane ener the period ofthe rset, notice how te teach- rm having rected font memory some aspects of Images preouly {rm cane to conchouny manipulate the images the 1! of orgie tio and lonograpty. One tacher refered tos previous mae amore Ikea aie of ple’ ad another spoke in the Interven jm prtor tothe roving task about cagely anit et new opportunity to rad 100 vee Studying she proen of ange 101 hing “reared tin (her] head’ In “Ann's ce se here! otc se sight breaking down’ She recived hat by not making "Eng the si fom am unbounded image tos bounded one over the Bet year ar alba she was "quesn ing te very concepts whieh create the ‘lie research and sobequerty to atenton to the DOUNdAY of the ‘eien qucnion of what Flt docs und wha i should comport tage actin yar wo (ee Tagures 71 and 72) She explained that the ‘n= 8. ‘ign ines that frm the tuneary aru the concept (he boundary "Over th perio of the resent, i wa posible to notice the increas ig amod ngs’) were intended to indicate "whee the deiiony Ing cones conurol Une tool of drag bythe veacers.Aktowg rer ay hate cen some sil ansesy aor dhe untamiary o the Gasenat sree and roi eae atten wi dhe completed images meme tines), the toa had Decose a0 greater extent “growing ‘cines 197,22) g wor that doses dhe taking aver and manip {enti appropri) sf the meiatonal means incoming to wide sean Bijee Indceds the teachers developed afectve responses to ‘het drming tht elect the ways which thy rsa ah objet Micon fneaton and development in relation dhe subject ‘mt In the ene of ir abe deserted the Sage she produced thelinl eewarc inci tie end of year 3 Tat aay” ad ws UMnapyy se what she pereeed to bea ck of ructare (se Figure 73 nd Tay she sald she prefered the mage prodaced a the endo theft pete tet tke tought toe tore me, the logeernes the strate inh Tsoi) cde —~ "Yet she seemed reassured by the, for her, surprising continuity beoween at ery ie eed ote ie te oe be rose thougk inte eon ofthe terse it became apparent the Fran meant ferent things aflerent mex. the na interview, the are Thaw: exe image ure: lis 2007, repro Seton ws imped he sifting development of her Aden asa Bor a Conotave temas Pebing rou et gl cachet Cai ths contest meaning desrving of pity. ‘atin seeping way: Well think yur students sar sein you = ita yu ke abet books tie tne a ay “here's maa go ol ‘Strone’" (tis ara 8), Tring the wean ofthe heart fe in Li’ “aw images wa el yng to explain de eaoship betwee the Saris mje concep Engh dee siting clr wen a8 an sh teas Lie Ene tha the ear icon wt sontething of a lice but became tangy onic pt of dhe ecmpex bul sty (ther engagement wi the research probler, ‘Comcepenting the ding tke sinutusmeans in x double sim Tato nay enabled me ns racacher eo focus on mediating process ihe too! oF sing gee tthe teachers? work on the research probe ‘Methatlocally hewny ates iteesting questions about complex sciatic process a inerelaonshipebetween visual nd er odes SERERSys tne drawing tsk war uefa tn expan the ermples Fecuie and alfectne native of thew teacher” conceal develope "abating tn understanding of developenent a6 2 mstng path” (yg ‘hy 1987 ate alg Snagorinky eal 2008, consuted by a cacophony of ew 12 awa nag urs Ei 2097 ap vor vote ‘Seung th “izonments ad the emonanalnhestance of English eaching a 2 cu The ase of owing wih @ double imation satey was save in reeling thew ansons ato eins for prac Berni in tes te ressrch problem. The study ao 6g Wee he pte of these points a aaton a spaces Fr teacher Sera this poten hat wr in the nest eto. Developmental work research: ‘ond Improve king change to “England ofers an intereting esanple ofan eset choosed form ea edcation wheres the grate ye, poy ett that 24 ease the Sbweek couse tua be spent in he acho eng (DES Wt) Sehons und university dcpariments of education ate required to aaa soto form teacher eto partnership within which work fice mentoring ont teachers pronied Up the soo ad the Pee eis cll aatlemic programe aa take ead respons ay fo sgantaon and quality staranee. These partnerships might be Fiore 73 ti: rs mage (source Ele 2007, reproduced by kind permis = ie es nage are: 2 ee aes iyi nganations (Puilainen and Katrakesk 2007) Ge ee ret ey a acai for jn wr ona pony dared ject (he ster vate ection of teachers) by consent cmp (school Spheanty Pres Npenile) that have hatovely developed. quite ferent and - ‘tently contadcory mois, ok rules and isin of about Tecogiang the vcomequenal rasioons’ (Beach 198,23) — chaste » th fo 1 indi a 3 icc sca as wn Came) tee ais ut ne : ‘lender Cag ii Ba) cio a oe ie te Doe Nat Meee seit DR cuMureh emtant, ee ‘elit application of Vygotsy's double stimulation strategy where the \ Stinalusmeans of the conceptual tools of activity theory are donated 10 — simran ion a pet . rma es Naty Treo Tor DWR asa formative methodology are eat it enables ee Figure 74a image source: Els207 ce by ing permis: i al age Goer 2a ting Grou Panater hteugh acon reearch methods or trough participation toa ‘eacheeded deign exponent Gl). DWR cams to develop under reckoning (Britaman 2008: 250) frm across the multe seins For ‘Stan among pts of ow dei exiing races and discourse teacher learning tek hap eultrally and sorely wo hat hey ight be worked The monement of thee teachers aeross he diferent seins for prac aa ersjentiped atthe Teel of ie socal system, This crite under sie university programmes achool English dept) wa sigiicant Free ith dalmed, timated by the power ofthe concep tool ee cisSquena” Beach 1989, 200) i tras oftheir Engh sect TRE coy Geprecented by the wlanglar image of the acsiy Mhowlage and their Menttes ax Eng teers: deed ty ener a netping patent anal bow the object otc colecve eettpatlited subject trowleige ns simi, socohstoical phenome Ren i enue, how res ans son of ahour hae emerged Som at wae "areched ener (Lave 1968) the india earher, thir ioe within community of practdoners and how caltra tools are eee eee end how hse ight be appropriate members of at coment ut oe er Engr hs ec sen fr te Bi tne tanger pe mena of DWR, andrea are encouraged set ee accu fr dead proces (bi: 370-32), a ed canbe sumiaaed sce igre 7.5 to pment workshop (Change taboo) 0 pa ea ee te uae by one on ore, eet Fe tare taken othe rx’ interiors well aa IME i le even The rnearheraarnees evince of peu 75 Proto! lyr of abe Change Labraar (ere: nee Fe yy tnd person ef Cambria Unie Fre) pis the cmergng ana wel x pool olution’ The dsl aR vee Ito ers pas, ow, tre” ~ and the research exventionns begin wh she present polo, seek he roo of is wSblen hori and then made o ‘eso’ ture desig for ar Pefgited orice. Slane and isons are noc expresed in abla ‘Sh al an eninge el heal Change Labrsony {Emote win series of uch workshop, part ofa eye of expansive aml” (bid 972 see alo Engetrom 1991, 198), recuse pices imertogaing earn practices modelling we dsgns, implement Ghat rer imran, Esen So ds re explanation, ight egparent that DVR, a ited and elaborated ty Engen ad ie Phau has become incesinghy ptematied aa gem o ana” of recor ‘yon esearch esga worked with dhe Meas f he DWR method gy a conidrably omer ion ut one whic, 1 believe, emained $e ato the apt of the double srl stegy of Vty's [SUekopmentaprgeet and. co the collects, histoncing, change ‘Bene mento gsi’ verso of acy theory (se Els 208 or Cenewaom ofthe dig saa). Over a nial peo of wo ear Tanke with a Browp of four igh schol Foglia departments i the amex of 4 presence tener eduaton parership. Fal English Rpttacne wae she ents prolem of profesional practice dat SEI work on something tha ee meaning ane sigan om 1 ‘Sher ae at would fray the bai f some changeosiented work Tak presie teachers and ve a the uaiertybnwed wacker ede ee Ine ube ination woe to develop the weacher edacation pat ‘rsp 2 wel a the spe practices chosen bythe four content [ngs depanents The aim we ope out practice for examination a Tncapaces between the consent pars of he hybrid ongansaton ofthe (tucker elation partrsip 10 hat dhe organtsionHslf could earn lind work on teacher ection could improne. “The Change taboratries of the DWR methodology were therfore concepts! ax meting communicate spaces or “waundary zones (tar 2007; Wenge aad 2002) wh which an which ¥ work {heNsecach problem: (conceptalsed athe problem of prac) {Change Caberctres mee eld approximately every two months hou the ft yer ofthe nerve nas prncpal wed to ull the ort ot {Clationshign and shared Koonledge tha woud allow the projet to have ‘Sm chance of see Miror dats of earret practice ant dsurtinees, “onvradicdons and tetalons were generated Uy the presersie teacher Ste by reseaeh ass each ofthe choo! ting. The Change La trouiies wee farsi ty me wid the research stant exh. No Nino data were gener, de Change Laboratories tenneles were Motsideorerorded. Ted fip char ard lange sheets of paper aode, tion andes, oo? pay and either an overead 0 dig pro. Jeet apa miro ta Crancrips of lewon observations adit ‘ew a well sal ages sich 3 sca of documents we PotoTaDhy Ufarcacw and sor) There wee hercore gnc drences Between my approach ana ngsren's DW methodogy fille, recen eration: Pus the ‘errhernenenon fs pated he acy te er ‘hoiy ss was alo partcpatng teacher educator second, the dation ‘hie Inerenton ms conserily longer than mose DWR insertions fh Engeson’s research cere; thd, the ype of data generated wat Sonnet eieren in that | id not wor ah ideo and diferent and pestaps enaneedaffordances dat Nevertheless, woring Wit pre lpn onthe anal and development o prac sig the comer tout of act theory over tne, bee my design could reasonably bdisertbel a DW or tle rar of DVR The fst principle i te design of my esearch yar the paipatory we of acy theory (hols in a double simulation sategy to animer the practi question ‘Nature we tng and why and how might be changed” (Engen 2007: 37), ‘Working with he concepal tole of acti theory with teacher peoved io be chenging eel tthe end sy co day when Fons ane eee mri en he ae Pl {ia Vygoctan, Homer asics tone the ways in which hes took became ingrowng (Leone 19972 forthe paren! work in the Change Laboratories onc tne Developing the conscious understand ing tha they were sete agents nil ated yt poset conie ing setity see became meaning for the artisan teachers it ierprcing the complexity of ferent motives for developing practice {no undeandig the orl, red denon of prac iterate teachers genty parodied my faction ofthe work Shops hy cern tothe ange ing’ but hey gradual came wo ake tthe contpts ol why o work onthe understanding ofthe Ufa af ir pei etn Me flowing example om ery in the tint par ofthe inervention, he teachers ae acu segment of Intror Ga an extract fom anti ofan tere ith one of thelr “allege feo di partipate Inte Change borates) in wick She ge teacher eeulent san mporant asa fr joining teacher inesuon partnership dat jing the ptnertip creas a pool of potenial eaployess I commend that iit seemed 4 tad, pragma Feson fo Jing ve lesbouldn' be unexpected : TRACHER IT dont ink () Tea I know what you're deg a. ha’ Si entreme, a there may be clement o tht seme people, Dl Seudyng the proce of change 107 fo chink that the schoo}, the department, more prople sha that ‘oul suggest se the value of Being ivoled in nal teacher alr Ing for ison she nd wll that, TaAGHIER® And I wuld’ want tht [() TRAGURS: Nobut lan example) of tensions (aught) inthe way of ‘workingand diferent ways of thinking abouk what a inter spacinn Yeah and alot) tt dat ey ea ext nat reali ‘pat of ws (Change Laboratory, Episode 1 (lines 35-428)) “The tage rom oer participants acu ding Teacher 35 urn 36 she identies contradson inthe mae of schoo joning teacher ‘tation partnership and names this contradiction ae enon word {ike ‘contacto’ sac) that she has pched up fan the dour of testy theo Along wth the parody of my language snd the lage, ‘his ply, tentative appropriation of one of the conecpl tole wa fasly ample of both dhe aciy theory and the socal space of the Change Laboratory beginning o act ar amediating meen ‘Atte DW intention progeesed, one of the school, the North voy School, chose to work on the teaching of writing to stents beng [prepared forthe highatakes examination hnown a te General Cer {te of Secondary Education (GCSE) In generating dun aboot this problem of practice in the acho! sting, the presence teachers andthe esearch assistant noticed tha the departments whole was eling highly speied plans (extul areact the teachers refereed te a veiing frames) to dicate the organiation and content of their deni wring, "Wridng Hames" had beer heaty promoted. by the National Literacy Saaegy (DIES 10085) and the Secondary National ‘Seategy (DAEE 2001) as. 2 means of selling’ lee fenton pendent witer into enamilar genres. Wlting frames are aswocated ‘ih (Australia) genre theory (Cope and Kali 199; Kress 1980) Gnd invoe speaying dtcouneieel features of certain recogisble ‘ypes of et tha are asm ove itrinsle wcal ndeultra eaptal (see Luke 1997 fora astique of thea sumptions). In the Norhtown School, the texual artefact the teachers refered to a "wring fame ‘ad come to dominate the teaching of wring the core of what Fi locks referred to as-a ‘presentational’ pedagogy (llocks 1986) the teacher presented the ‘wing ame’ from the font 8 template to follow an fl im Homer, drawing on what they were laming in thet ‘university programme, the preservice teachers noticed that thee te Tacs were not sting frames in the sense that pcpmaker or Atlan {genre theorist would recogni, They wete instead very deed plans for ha the student should wrt, in wha onder an for Row any mar ‘he examination (ee Figure 78). Ree | eu fori wig Csrsoork © Sidebottom [POSES commgeearstat (See coeeenes | Paneer 2 vp her omen [SoSeeec ramets | PSs anette, | re 76 ror nan rt pag of renga’ from Nero eos Pee 8 Eh eprmen nto arse tae aloving agent of daar Char Laon en ing acer om he oer jc hoo the Seen etn tome er party Net cyte reaching wg 8 Eas gepatiment ad heen src he sna f miro daa such a the ring rae” howe in Figure 78, Jo TOR: Wel plas. 1 sme extent mean it depended inthe rere af lt some plan you kao. four bles points pet ‘vngraph you must aes each one ofthese Other anes were a bi Trove tin sd‘ hi paragraph you should dus hi, And Sic eame out ott was that mont of the went dda’ understand Trw co write even thug they had dis ering frame, they dit Tira how to write te Becauve they dnt gone through the proces factually thinking ve Thinking Bu ow did hat fel for you a teacher. the Engh department? Because dat could be quite cnarating, ould’ i? weston Oh ables AE By wing your very lp wel tenon plans? Meson. // Which you wok ages owe Ye Uiich you took age over aze actualy Ling what your sens stor. ou know think or aome people it ws Hke wel [ want shes to eth rade no Iced oe oe his and it was nh about {he snudens independently guning ther com understanding of the tesi or developing sil sab about some members of wal "hese ‘re es you kno pslormance management going tobe ine oti serene Ll ge them everything they need 4 pu pice of coursework [Because some of them ae ery much this s what the curiam Sees mn HEA et! i Se = ‘a Soyumue the ink very strongly now with performance management 1 Wasi that ong? Mevron. Min. Performance management and the data thatthe choo! ‘holds on jos and your eases snow Tea i's practical in your mark book You to you hae sl these children who are sppased 0 fetal dese level, a hen you get amie lide percentage where Few any ofthe cual gets nightmare ‘Change Laboratory piu 1 (lines 654-721)) “The tension that was being examined here was the form of contre sition about haw the objeto the att system for teaching writing ws tring interpreted, This tension was fom Engestrs's perspective [Primary contradiction heeweenuseraue and cxchangevale (Enges Th, the mtv of developing studens” writing by proving wing Po frame andthe motie of guning good examination res that gh sats performance management target ad result in aional sly The reset showed how thi evieal realiton and conscionsswareney ‘lib material omelnsfor ber clleguey work English ears hag tect developed inthe sacl space of the DWR intervention Al trough the use of the exlcy mediating concep too of chy theory. Te {oot bad been ted to anuae cent practices, to uterstand ag Athy thse protec ad heen shaped and Yo generate potential ylons Ureanges tat might snprene practice. In ada to reveling the “eutes of coming to shared understanding of the abject mote iy this ease he meretton alo revesied »sceondary contaicion, how Inpertcl approprtion ofthe tool of the weting Tame (the area thown in Figure 7.6 came 19 be understood as an sverapecied pan Father tha stg fame) became instead rte fr patton the ety sper for teaching wetng Tr samating change though examination of rent practices, the we ofthe DWI ethology ths research was sociated wth a beter {tderstanding of practic by tracing the ek ofthe Change Eaborator in Felson to an acthigy tony analpie of the miror daa. This "eter Understanding’ was characterised ar 4 mulbayered, historical awareness that Engen expe afollowe [Anat isnot homogenous en. To ee contrary its compo ‘ta multtude often dsprate clement, ies and ewpomts This ‘hulp ean be widertod im term f tse ayer An atty ‘tem ays contane eine of eater trial mode wll ab ‘ado toot of ipa fatne Tse seinen ad ta = Nistorety meanogt ferences ~ ate found the dilerent com ponents the acti) Sra, aching the psa ols ad mental dl of the bers (93:6) Tes through the idensiteation of setimens and “buds! tha psi tie for poate change were teat. acl deseribd this process 24 "Teatvang the omen of sedimentation’ (Lac 1900; 31)” uncover ing th historical tac of te route of took ~ and seking (0 ‘tem the proces by which the al ssi in oder to a Mate a "psc a pole alters” (bid). In oy DWstamed arch, Whe concepal oly of activity theory worked as mediating Incas to stimbltes hisorised understanding of practice. This unde Stoning, was ao mneitedrocialy through le negoiaons and “hchanges in the boundary zone of the Change Laboratory. Conclusion: from tracing conceptual development provoking conceptual growth nhs chapter hae eo ena rom my researc to strate the aoa Voss methods cone the doe i sree inte sty of tach eveaton a development. have 1A the dbl stint satya te poten o reveal ow sn sare and secon! the objet of ay Wy anasing the 1 ges of eon acing tent how subject complex sy Pepa develop i so mae space for thei agency The examples Phe gen seflec dilevent proses in conceptalsing and desing {tre into wacher leaning the fst exanple, invohang the drawing ‘Sk sought to explain india teachers conceptual development end Pa ib mediated through cultural and bitorieal channels of practice pee seungs the second example, draving on the DWR met ‘aso ngs sought o stint postive change In practic by beter {Teietanfing current practices. "The second example ws dsinsfom the fst n being concepaied ss what Chul reer to ae ‘pracicedewloping research (Chain ots, the aime of which ave expe concepts rom (he propagy Dino good ideas, practical change andthe developmen ofthe teary BP The two coumpls als eet the ferent emphases in Vygo Sips work which Moll (190) relers to ar ‘change of focus from sg ‘Meiued wo scaly mediated sty” (19805) Indeed, de DIN meth Iiology can be interpreted a 9 evelopment of dhe double simalation Soaegy in seting out to cate a collective "one of proximal develop Rent Tor the development af History new forme of aly OF 0c lly sigacan pte (Chil 1988, 008 see also Roth and Lee S307 306) ehrough social wells semiotic mediation For Vygoy,“e ate for seta was “one ofthe sox important problems ofthe enite “Gnerprie of understanding the uniquely human forms of psychotogal ‘ru (\pgtsy 1998: 6) As is chapter argued, the double stimu incon sate wos sigan comtibuton to the enterprise, one of great pote in earch tether edieain and development 1 Res of GES somite cated an plinth ns ‘sno ee ttt yd See eeegececae eevee eaeaeEeH References ‘exh, K (190) ‘Coequentl amin: a ocular expen beyond ann econ of Hor sn 210-198, seach (203) “Comeqonial ansine evlopmentl ew a omedge ‘coputn vough scl nano Tuomi, Tad Engen, CIS wen van ado epi om one ond unary tenon nt (2008) Poor ss fa « ea sy of king a evel fon, Alto Se Une of Ne or res ‘oui, © {os ‘Unentg the sci cente pracce of Unda “ty hain an, et) Unters: tio yoann New York: Caine Unerty Prs ‘itn, 5 (200) "hacer onlin teen «cari apc’, ter picented at the fine UR and Irand ISCAR Metin Bath Tiny ce Nin ce ps «ad at ping Cam, ‘ce and Ro M (199) Th ru of aay grep acing "Ding tsb Gera o Pan Pre Daren i ens DE) dinghy aid he (Deeemin) 1-5. . DES Deparment of Eaton and Sia) (12) nal acer vn end top) Coa 992 Lands HOS. ‘rE epee for Hc a Eplpent) (2001) Frame fr aking gh nyo 7, dh Sap 9 Nasal Sra) Lana I, ‘ae Deparment or Edteston sed Sti) (a) Tang Mh a, hgh ‘Se ns efit i goa no iPS (1s Tenn! ay na: fam or ing Londo: Aso, vey Gon an Hare. D2) Reihng nce atoll een merry ond alee, tt Si bi nd co i reo ne te aM) “ang jst ange sere rom profesional knowledge Necpeso complex toes acer deepen The Gomaie Jounal 34-58 . vil (ae) ‘More thn erg” elng the pote a cher ‘nt tink Hoh whim Ei Foe Can Stet, Be) fing Bg he wed enact tg Londo and Ne ‘ers Catia, pp 185108, ni (28 "pln th coma aearsng to tec the pte of opmental ech rac Changing glk Sinn Clr ond son tenes germ ¥ (187 Ling by pening on city ofr agcarin Yon) ‘lopment work search: reonaracting experie Seusyng he proces of henge 113 prong expe lasing in Namie, MAL and Wee, GAS. dh) Haman penance Ot et Unrate: ret o ty endo ttc (190) nce ering in work tennant "Ege rion race in Engen, ¥ Mice, Kd Piaa (Ga) Pets om cit to Cae ant New York Eager, Y (207) “Pating acti theory to work: the wcuton fdnble nino, n Die, H, Cal, Me apd Were, 1 henna ty Ca an was ome avn (ti) “Te fate acti Mey: aug ayo presen Pain tic SCAR conference, 219 September Online, salable st hp (Chest du/ea Paper ICARngerom pa scene 18 Mb 20) crm (0 Teng a igo mt ati atch (380) Ror in cots nw dts or ing, Wa ngs DE NCRE and ERIC leg Hause ot Reading sot Commaniaton Ah GA. 0 The wna pa fm ama New or ss Fg Pes mee i 2 eon Oxo tac E (1000) No fli elton of tne Loan and New York: tune 98) Caton npr, Cambie Cage Doles Pres amie AN. (0D) Atay neue and froma as: Mal Eagle oad Chl Nf ree Hal Lantos AN. 0m) "On Yo’ eeate deepen in Reber, Wand ‘atc [ty The ee oof. Fane 3 rien fe hy et yf png New ork: Ker Pear tate, ACOA) Genes ot pcr Ircy cation and te padi of “apie in Has Kan Wills, ©. tet) ate ty Lendon Mets Some and Rework. (20) terpeting the extra mae pp anceps IT eto eta one ms ‘Compu ond dco 17-207 ya 2 90) nrdion in Ma, T. Go) Vga ain are nl ip and iano ctrl Pda, Cambridge: Ca ‘re Vameay Pre NomthTD and Com DD, (60) Ligh am, New Yor: Cambie Seo ea na eet Stic! ce lg ci ea her tts ep etn a ps dc me ee Se ee a wena eh noes a at anor EET a em a nema er cael my cet eee at na Rae te pt oes “ Te te to pc an, Ye hi ne Re i: Ha UD Na ne erty ie rial i Bo fa 8 Catt re Tesora SS Rtg nnn i, “Vygoosty, LS. (1987) ‘Locures on paychology, in Richer, R. and Carton A. (ed), LA oy Homme at in es lig Now ork ere, py aot Cpr 1 Senta in Reber, RW od) HL "a 7c ate of gy ear a toy ft depend i ne yk ng ne opment oe in Rete. Maire an My. tan) Testa wot LS thy. ue See Wenge Eo Mederma Sader, WM (202) Cliouing cunt of wer} 200 eatin Dae Ose Mand Wer (8) “he Carmine, Cave Cage Unter Pre wi Sat Raa Ferns Mundy. | a) Teacher prepason eccentric 9,3 Chapter 8 Investigating teacher language A comparison of the relative strengths of Conversation Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis as methods Gill Boag-Munroe Background Learning, i i argued dhroughout tis book, takes place through soca lmeraction which In tur, oeeus through the mediation ofthe tool af tool language (understood inthis chapter ax gn symbole ad hee ‘orgaination) which in rm maybe underoath an exchange and 4 mutul development, of concepts beeen participants that ss then put of our journey to understanding how learning pens must be Through understanding hom alk shapes learing, wih eka to questions bout how tlk might be undertond within ates, Within the schol ‘ontext language mony sn the form of texto talk ad it offer {vo ways in which languagese in sehools might be explored, acorn to the Tee of acy at Which Kinguage ie Being se, My im tha ‘hapter ito pont to oo metbods of snaiing language fortwo keel {tiy~ operation and activity apd woofer an example of Now angutge the level of acti was analied to reach an understanding ofthe con ples of he work of teacherinentor ina wesondary sol the Englah Midlande ‘gous exploration ofthe rekonship between thinking and speech as st made widely avaiable in Plough end Lange (1982) an nthe Papers colected in Mind in Sacay(19R), He bevel tha hiking and Speech ad diferent origins, but that at sme pot in time they fad Become Intertsined. In order to Accome spec, thought underwent series of transformations. Thought, args Vygotsky, not only expres through words, but comes into exienee throgh, node (Vygoty 19: 218), that ought a vera proces Though wen oconnest something with something ele, w exablsh a relation bedwetting (id) amd though coming into exitence rough words undergoes many changer anit turn nt pocch (Vygotky 186 216-219) "The meaning of every word a generalist or a comerpt (1986: 212). Concepts cierge and take shape inthe cone i 4 complex operation vine a he shan of some problem Land fr the proceso ex = a teat como sh ne than hough the fo ee (1.10). That conceps aie and ole Me, Waa dvet ment operations and the neon] we a poran par in coucepe frm: el coeept ae aetna 1a: 17). Augh Vga hs id no a anther exploring the relation betwee wor and eee rm une ne ante eyo eed La Cree angunge ant cone win a CHAT perspec oe a Engen 108; Haan 10% Wels BE Wench ron, s oe ge (197% 9) ages that orang fact the wo’ dha deal casmatd ad matali Wel form ofthe exe ae ese ona he generation of aby that Sa ni sensu ice, ve. normaly Yawn oF word ate a mee TOW B20 langige ve mates expres San and mening arc he exreaons weal je Orns an Se ate lgeage werd att sould revel the weanngs eras Gmecbed tr ITE make phn the acy. The pote Techs nw tomes the language tna sserae ay oan a (07) summer way sha ries nese in he on ki night be unre ave concep the reine Ser een opnge and acy. am see te isu See ety henge of sdcnanangs the be develop Ha ct hom techie of spree nigh be fn by aa iy under iesigatn:at wheter te acy beng tase cailece (aos) el rate hil (operational eo ton an te G07), Cameron Anas (CA) fers a ef se ettnding lngeagene a an operational eve 19 thee so eecung eee appent 0 be a owned operon (enter Saar en pec ae ae cv compe (operation) tur ements donot eosin ce prop woe seeps eo the unfeng rane y emf whch the cae cart achieve commit goat” Roth 205: 207, At ral ever CA may note le wo ae ont meanings fn Ae ee tenen comers nd {have ugg (Bone so at tty that theo of Eta icoure Anais (CDA) eee tay to understand how language wed at hi eve Conversation Analysis (CA) and Critical Discourse ‘Analysis (CDA): what can they tell the researcher ‘about language in activity? The ime and Discourse Analysis esses of Conversation Anelyss ond (CA it method wed to investigate comersatons and Sow they are Sanaged Ten Have 2007) pints othe pupose of CA as being 10 Tapa people act they do, bu ater to expat haw they doi {Qin sr emphasis in origina. ie foci om the utterance (shat sid ‘Shin stam in conversation) the males unio ana and ines {ates iin the ined context of de conweratin, Kuss ransxipors et recordings af speech which, unl we used in CDA, tela coding (O signal primi and parting fates enh of vowel, lng of (fanea cphiases and tone af wite in order to understand how pap ‘Ein comerations use speci to get things done (Woot 2005, In car CA interested in how the pastpans organise their conve Elon, explored through the management of tanaking and content Sethe enganaton of tipeaking and repairs ~ tha i wat happens ‘then the conversation rine into dae (ten Have 3007. "The CA anal begin the proces by selecting a sequence of comers sion nd then characterising the ct contained in ie before consider i he form "pucage (ten Have 2007) of due content and considering ‘now the timing aking of tr provide for crain understandings of the atoms and the mates aed tt Final, consideration i given 0 "Row the mas the ations were accomplished implicate cea ents, ‘eich anor relaonsip for tne interact” (en Have 2007 123-126), {Ck ooks at apparently random, decontestalied sements of conver ions in her fmmedte soca content withthe aim of revealing wide Sanding of the subject, subject or inmedine community and hei Telaothips ignoring the calural and Wstoial contexts that might Shape paripant language choice. The focus forthe anal hen ppear to be on bow partlpans in the conversion negotated of ‘hed a operation ata moment nine ‘CDA. on the other hand, ray be understood as 3 heute to ep expan langunge in sein writen sn spoken dicoures at word, see (eee a ex eve and if cra sd storia entent. The fos tive wy of langtagerse at mach arom the wha and owe Was to (Tver interpret and explain (Firth 18020), Discourse ‘noes socal consitins which canbe specie scl candi of proton and scl condita of urea. These socal condone, oreo cate to thc diferent levels of socal organization: the 118-6 Bovestuncoe thet of the sll station, ode immediate soc etironinent x vera income cru the lsel ofthe social aaion Which ae sper marr forthe dacoue; and the level ol the Sahara whole hs scl eons shape the ember ‘Rec people bring to production an imtxpretatios which in Tee thane he ey in hich texts ae priced sed erected, sens sett ot ft ann tex noes aalsing pro a pc and imeprciaion but to amas the ‘eiSonthiteewce te texte: pens and het soal condons, Naaman cine conditions of sisstionl concext apd The MOTE Peon conditions of atatonal and vocal tes “alough 186 25-2; emphasis in org) chy an understanding diets thee 1 ore comple inveractions et ps coms than eras the CA appro eae to fe vee anne rece werctinge fencing and ow they are Megre, ch gh a tore ee dean Tj ine arpa re working toward sete rom wap of targagedin action, hat fom a coat org of mara enero in ee tons here aa ion bere aroue ow sata’ conver an e when ate ane of bing recorded for rash purposes). H pre Par racine comseraion wil want, ae abet, ere tng nenqates poss at it pans dec BASS Khar fre (oe Have 2007; Woot 2005) In ste wee knee sta however, creaking eer thm there ay eons gore several pins ane sght change n order to encourage te nteienee Te saute selec opie. eterew, then, ae areal om soe ek ratory tar ben or ignore te eal ules of turing sect tr ralebendng ray oc be of iret to estarches aan re demand the sructre of nervicws a gente, i uty Tees je reseche erste in the conceal wos and rules that iettty be drwingom in acy, and may heen only pal themertngsructre ofthe inervew ge. Whot elements of activity might the wo opproccher real? {Ch analysts ae concemed wi he rales dat underpin the structures of Seatagstaher tw wit the content of particle interactions. Big CA iso ind gener “or Seay sages thatthe programme of CA E eo onesine by fon praies tat diet ana ater a ‘ow to ines which the participants do not overly talk abou CDA, on the other hand, inteeated tthe opie selected by the paripans ‘thi may poin to de gol or object on mbih they are working, and Iie hinds of lajguage to sed night point to eancepes dan In ehat work {CDA generally takes a ccal stance tt invention and concerns elf wit lures of pone by sakng how decogin are eibedded indi uses which makes it. weal tool for ivetigating power tladonships Staisourse: Ibe fo he standpoint tat guage reflects rin 3 foreularstance bof the participants and of the anal Biig, fr ‘Example, sugges tat the spies of CDA are lequenty part of Side ana wc nega” (1908: 576). A erie requ er {led a CA homer that it does no adequately acount fr power rear Tipe within. conversations, though. Woolht suggests at such perespton is istaken, and fers examples of how power relationships Th lve of aller nteratone might be imetgted (2005 186-210. “Caw, aconding to Wools (5,8), the Best way to understand very conversation ait emphases he dynamic and action otented future of terances (ad) dhe highly paterned mature of interactional Soquences whl, foe Tischer ta (2002107), CA seeks the generative prinpls and procense sed wo proce the seta and ote of it on’ They que Sack (10H 18) sx aggeting that CA is abou nang Aint naming vues and objets pining fo an approach which identifies Aint desde languages talk without going onto fer explanations ‘thy patel Tangige fester might ve been slece nth ae ‘eal tatnce, Together with Rat's (2005) suggestion that Language selection in fact not comcoualy selected bat routnised and uncon ‘ious this tdea points to an understanding of CA ar 3 tol for accessing the rales wihin operations sod actions within atiey rater than for cea language within the wider scope of evi. Can the two methods eddress the ways thot writen texts teed in actviey? (A focuses om speech ad cannot offer understandings of witten text in Sct, which sakes cunt fr anaes ha seek wo dlconer ex Ing created bythe nterweavng of documents ad lk act Tn ne ‘tons tht Seek co understand how parpants may he interacting In ‘peration or ttons the inabilyof CA toler sgh ino text may no be important To ignore the influence of writen daciments in acti, ower perhpe omits porn plece of contexts dt For example n the stay alive low, was central othe prec © Condesa how language mrt policy document fe into teacher {alk about ther work whic roves heir dentin a teachers and 120, 6 Bove ta os = ceachrmentors Wot means ana ah the lon Ply se Ft eben dr) eh ‘Chr bmn 2000 earner ice aes fet cot comet hgh ay maa he samen en ernest acon fe ng a ae edo sing ms nay fer gcc ght he concep 2 ee tn fn ie tol ine ti bene jt and mnt than CA oO cmon en en eh ‘Sommory Tsar, hen maybe sal tha CAF om ster igh a ee ale, ae the ws hat rues ight meat Beech ders cocamuny an the proces, fer understanding te ae an rman Kc. Because occ on conan Coa gpa ain prolate Acie, re clr uy of umroaing oe ngung # wed ncr a ae oy populate eran a he Yel of operations x or ae foRD tho the tuber of teractions ta ocr a acts yay oe hates wet being wo undersand ie mplenies of fngugease x tat eve ey re rules ae Weis formed and we in 1 i as, because of x terest inthe wider contents o A pane potential o point o conceptual bls 208 ih enti ree them al angege tnt in se, Bene IE ran ten rl ke nk a8 em oe anton af documents an speech within ati fr ner Neneh dss lo, wee he na that ly am i te work of tae was ues, Farber, CDA cas men aro real aa ages aye hat power ar ‘ed trough the aes, poitng to an understanding ofthe division of Uno Fiat ough tbe understanding offers ofthe othe elements Tine etsy CDA can lp to ease nt endertandingy of he object 8 Sell ashe gals bing worked on Understandings applied to data This seton cers am example of How CDA was wie one snail Trae in pat of one projet to investigate language win the acy of Tn Teeher Education (FTE), The alm wa to underatind bow those teaches wh worked mentors io eying teachers constructed ete (fo tha cabled them to works sppareity imaltneous, Ino at {ex clasronm teaching and raemoring.tneriew data were collected Wakinfomr eae ses of fctcheranentrs woring i wo secondary ‘Choos inthe Hogs Midis, Contextualing das wre gathered hom Cour Tutors with boa they worked ie puters on Higher Educa Seo'Tuattion (HE) courses Teng tote Post Graduate Certificate In Eduction (PGCE), 2 qualbeston Testing +0 Qualed Teacher Sus {GTS whichis emeaal to anyone wishing to teach in Engh state shook. ‘ation, writen data were collected from poy text used to shape sue sty (Quling tv Tote Perna Sandan or Quaid Taher ‘Sava end Repent orl! Tac Treoing (VTA 2008) andthe andch of Caden (TTA 2001), tether relerred wo asthe Sear. Data were ntrrogted ung a Mend of sei theory. the CDA ramen ‘Table adn computer counting andl concondanring programme, Wen Tih (Gr deta, see seference). Howes, forthe, purposs of his ‘apr ony data collet wit oe partnership ~ Midis Unisersiy {panicipae taors Alan and Barbara) and Middlemarch Stool Co Wachers Celis ad fans) are drawn on. Languoge ond conceptual tools “Tue main concept oo den on by pcynakers were uted in he Foti to Guang Tack (ETA 2003) We ws anticipated tha Concept might be fevealed through representational meanings mn she tar Clough 203) hat arog te was in which the york! wae fepresented tough agency and space-tine. Accorting to Fsrlough {Shos) epreetatnal meanings may be drawn out though a we {ton of combinations af ovens, partiipans and cumstances, oF ‘Semen of who doce what to who or wha), when and where Such {a mneagaon fis wih the CHAT theoretical foeus on who (subject) ‘hes what to wtonwhat (objec) in what ereumstances rule, cRNA Inet of labour, were and Wes). 7 Wont concordancing of Une Standard document showed that a Le ee in the Samaria managerial one, incomporaig # a een aad prempposing that al work x marketorented and a key wows witin the scours, drawn fr Fsvclough magi atony ad Heal (200), ane Wash (2000), were identified Catt yal parpants ITE compare (ce Table 82), The aa easton Tate 82 niggesed that marke conse while ws ute creat the Standard, wax not at de de of the sd being agen that these groups were cons re TONE ete nr yet aligned et thse om ewe coe ee ee i, oe hiatal aa. er, SEP GSUSTA Cicer t t t ete ecu ape ea SNuieiclitreum Vecablany «nae metaphors ware wd g $ 3 4 aoe i seas abl oriclng nepecte, managed ad qualita rors i i cea curly, aco and managers procs ‘ ii eee as sty hich tse or ah cOD- i eg Tec oc apolar, wich ay en that tes apes qlee Stet tpeaon or exam —were pt ofthe conceals R) \eEE do, gh no mgunen wan presi (0 why o¢ Hew ett eee ely ponent Teachers were proce +14 laze ROSSSRESS id tnd notes plenonas wh wed = i sg eee eo nonketotic £) | ep 4 : rack on manag cones were coneerted mh ech alt eet ty ‘tents tg yh rp po aja| |b 2 a8 we i eS dome at aig © —msemarh James — March tes Ga "han Mies HEY Baar Investigating veacher language 125 manager process Interview dita wih teachermentrs and tors, Trwever suggested tbat they it concepae teaching inthe sane managerial wa Rules and power distribution within ITE fn onder to understand what constrained teachers In their work wih tesioning teachers and thus inthe adenies hey were abe to form, 1 ed to tease ut the lcs a play i the atty of TE: These Large leave fom te Standard document though the nevi data suggest ‘ue teachersentar adionaly developed thelr com Toe! rales which Irelped them wo piste he diferent specs of thelr workin teaching find mentoring he document ga by ining mode! of he tach Ahroug alto descriptor of sil, alts ad Llevge sere ig Standard’. Ones the Standard iy wih the Secrecy of Sate Taher than wit thoe wo would plement, and his power was ‘Suerte tough te loyal statue othe docament, sex out atthe beginning tthe text om fontapace: The Standard inthis dacuen have the Sime leg standing [vn eater desment). Tey set ot the Secret Sy of Ste Standard which mat be met by ualnee teachers” Mentor ttre ths sware othe constrains on ther yelping o shape the roe Tonal ident of beginning tracers, while HET wore and whoo! mentor earned that ey foo had ined autonomy in guiding dhe development ‘fre entra ode acto teaching ‘Some rues inthe Standards appeared to create tension forthe MEL ‘which undertond that tat work ith the schools who vluntered ron in parmersip for ITE. ‘There wa no duty for soos tivo Themsehes in TT, and HEL iors were concerned that there wat ashore tae of school ho woul work with der, Thi ack of day on the par of ‘Shontsbeeame problematic for the titors besuve the ede 0 many plement stools dat they st aor wo ea any outer Fie HE trerfor fe tha thd o make eprom in what mentor sree asked wo do ith tents sn emerged as potential tension Fors Tens bemecr nhac the HEL wate them todo and what de sco! ‘wanted tem odo. Aan fr example was aware tha vee do gec chook that en consi sgicanly (wha tens Gn do bur becane we ste expnding our numbers we cannot flor fo note weak mentors, What we need 16 do snake weak mentors luo proper mentor Iarbara endorsed Alan's point of view. When ashe whether she cok move a dent font a school where she is NO Beng the ening Sari hope for, Barbara responded “ac teat go cnowgh woo > 0 We coral RPE et Me a ren We tana apf eal i crea eo diet eHow my 0 MIO a other have en wi utes hase epecn enna refi cote aps of wo oy es deine Sars te shit me of he one he acon a be oe tale ae ete ene enna the wing hans bot te ara at i nae in ig ad produ er vane eapomaiy wo ake he “bo ne fos forthe mean ecg th year ha est a Se he Fn ere tis part he placement hPa of seaport imately to Fa a ue got ew EO 0 PP the yer a ia te ting mea eta 4 sen 1 ako go ae tes anc eae fet me tiga tse fhe Hao! 59 we aes in orcas, And {am puting thse te nero nih rnc Pic (208 Hi-150 wane ane bee my pt ce Ut PEAS) so Trt eo ne dono eu ith en Ae, underpin ht 2 Ne tn tg esto how ae wee mn son tsa in ED ‘Gf ste cmpitealy round at nored by hey at theo Sp (ryt 2005, Our concer i to uggs iermedte Ghecps hat il ae ananas f the pti to revel hee fuiipaionwajectry in rlaton to the Hoi att he gage Inthe ianing spheres teacher csion, siden ext om llncced acon Howes, goals are pen ad ple and constoced teracon (Holand al Recs 19M, ln 8) hough he veipant! aeceumes,Accounts ae specie forma o langage ~ 6 een sch a eplnaine, aeations jeans (Makai and S02) By Tosang om stndens account the anton son what Sheers eat an eleant aswel ash The yt deal with tes (oui thi ak Teiraccounts ete not onl to ther experiences, but Soot tat lejos as lgitiace win We comtext (Sot 198 teen 2) “Weare considered leglimat nthe eaming phere are undead strip and are evo hat palpate to terre the kid aetins of hers and o guide thei own partcpation Han be ae a8 “remtaton the partpants cone to expt alter repeated interactions arin spheres (Garret a. 108). Th the interachon,partipants ‘hme fave secu fr the historical sep of for allertie serps Forseseze in teacher edition the whys and hows of student teachers coun ave su imporant concer. In our studies we hate show how Gon of labour may constrain oe alferd posites Tor agency and {fom bei and Ligaen 207; Jahre to pres). Howeser, nether tmuidement not legacy gen’ rater, they ae negotsed in ater Seton ae posites for aeons. Ponting ef. Holland tal. 198 Danis 2007 i help anand concept to unpack secountng prac thes Stent teacher pions for parpation in learning spheres are regulated by their snp roles The sce fat the Ranebon of ist thug voles a defining ane o les clea what x expected tom each {ole (Engessm 20184). Hexen, postion i stunted and created 1) Inversion. Holand (1998) argue tat, fw situated cio, there are ‘paces of authoring, moments thst partpans use for postioning rather {han being posioned Inthe low of interacson, patkipants postion thenseles In accordance wid, or ata reacion toy the script. Sent eachers mae accounts fo mba they wil rent apoio theses {n elaton to, Positioning may imply that the stent tarher adhere the requirement o auc spec concepte oF theoie in certain was o stat are considered wo be appropriate topics or alk sn seminar group, (ral eam, et By sig interaction anaes we are able wo demonstrate ow ators partepate in earning spheres, how dey make we of ols and Fesmurces in thet argumentation, nd how socolistovil aspects are tres, del with ad picked up the empl analiss below (pp TAE-TAL) we show tha what counts a koowledge, and hich aspect f the practice the parcpant erent and postion these in relation ‘re banaged by nteraton, but ae regulated in soci, cultural and hi ‘oral relations, Empirical analysis “The empitial ana in his chapter serves aan ilstration of or meth (Stologeal angen, The data were produced a prt of agers “thick i bull extensne obienatons over a period of one Year One Jroup of our student teachers wa mere daring thee courses in eh ‘atonal theory, hintory and socal selence, andi their to pods of Internship, In ston, ope of dhe oral exis was observed. We have indiadd extract from tee lacing wheres (1 an fterabip meeting tretween unnesy teacher, contact person he internship sol and the sent teachers at tha choo (2 sequence from the seminar 10 pedagogy atid (3) an orl examination, Thrace of exacts allows eee eee Ch hare a Onacon vo fttow the adent® trajectories ner me, and, important (0 oUF a ret ew the waectore fever sere, Lextaet Is internship meeting Th fr entrct feo a meeting held at theschooin the fit nership seats unteraty teacher soil scence eight sent teaches Pe the acho contact penton. 18 the meeting 2 numer of sues o Milne whe carer eduction programme ave dace hy aking ‘Sentons deed athe sens, the erty racer (UTD et he ‘Rewer the seni ae setve. orp sharing hit eae atecnt aspects the programme Te contact pean (CP) ct playa sete le the dics; he sequence hat lls ‘Rony time she massed aie quson i his meeting the ocipd the UT onthe ak to he siden cab asgnmenty, He FR Riean te moots engagement Inthe assignment, According to caine then coments be Reha. paren arene : oat ae taconite ote stan! Work a ep inthe process (PPU Dieeions 2002/2009) «uy Does the choo ke ay ation regring te ce sigunens A Ge haven a ayn to wa ha Ue jot read da Ty a we ean Rela consibte wo the asigumens but TONSlte win he a ofthe cn and their conten adresing Faaceaee Buc mau that komen you have inored our te coo hos wih meting sesions ach wh With 1 a Mune Dasig ts te you are supposed otk aba what ‘ovigeso, ow t o hae sor are going uo doin the Towing hee 7a Mafalda that You are ing 10 re ena kao tat Yow don't have ime og more io pea artes ve hety workload, so wo oe sem more 2 ica ink ee ie pon hat Mx of the meetings wee Made Tlie tason panning, the accompahed eon, we have Tee eracrre nde las Tota hirgs we shod wie, And Gime AS tscos nme bee site peda they hives been S255 shu wh to ort to, tte what Wee SEAT nour at weve fous aot hee oma cee tf have to admit that T have stoped down that TeRNSIES Mae and then Tm ging U0 se how they BA (The (eMiemutt dice aks oe fe bat amped toy Uitthe an preston of at youre sing ht the mento tase let you tose. That ey profesional The vist from the univers teacher isa recuing mectng, king place each year The UT ane he sei that expected in ths Kind of sic hea questions and evaluates, nd the CP a the semts ane the questions The UTsetrthe cee by aking direct question tthe CP, Since the school are expected to be iwoe in the student’ cases this nay be an effort to exercise control. The CP's reponse indkates tha she now what sexpected, bu that se regards hie a responsi forthe ttlent and the mentors (1m ute that womething you have formed Your mentors about). In thi ay. throngh er account, she pt for postion a» a roponsble pariner, although she doer not here et [fvohed in the cat ign, Cinas acount bas the form of at expr ‘io that legiumizes why they have ot had opportanitis to dius the tues ith the mentor, She relers to sees they ae expected to cover in the senions related to planing ad teaching Experiences [8]. Kris wp pons Gina, bere ang that the stents foes too muck the orm requirement. His nal sentence might nda tha he cae uments {ake too much time and reoutee ithe internship, He ephanes tat he has dome what i equired of Bin this, he legiiiaing hie cond ‘oth within the scoot (he nt focsing onthe formals 09 thre) nd the DTE (he has made notes that he wall we when wing ot he ‘uc, In (81 the UT appear pone tower Ker’ description of the ‘mentors oe seeing ita profesional “The participants inthe meeting al follow the expected sip and what ‘expected of them, but they give diferent scouts for i Thsough his ‘qwetiong the UT monitors the schools cond, and Uae rent the thi The way he ge acount fr the script posns ian a he uni ‘ests representative The CP, on the oer hand, produces a ler ive account ofthe rales and ion of abou. She swat of what i Fequired of the school, bat the dent and mentors should dea wit hi ‘Whe the UT refers tothe alr and aon of aber of the pares, ‘he CPs posoned within the schoo: the went ar expected ofr the mentrs and the mentors are supposed to help and conbte, The stents" accounts indicate thee “arbetmeen’ poston, tying 10 be accounvable wo both stems. Though their accounts, they pasion ten Selves oth as dls (recognizing the mentor” world (3), tfc ing on formal cece any move (4) ad ae stant (ey bare eae ‘bscrations and taken notes). This nda the conics between expe tation fom dhe DTE (he siden are suppose out do beers in the st imereship period), the choices ofthe achool (ging the sade lesa esponsbiites) and the praca! powalies for actomodaing vo the intentions embedded in the regulations. Another coc that ‘appear ste nstutonalreglason ofthe mentor role and how the ‘UF postions them "profesional!

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