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What Kids Should Know PS UA IAAT Bullying - ay wee or scares another person on purpose sey trom 2 bully, Sam mg and the person being bullied has a hard . aa and do rot fight time defending himself or herself. a. Usually, bullying happens repeatedly; it ee or forms pattern of behavior on the part. ue numer, if possible to react of the bully. bo a bully, Bullying includes: © DONT go places sionszahways + Punching, shoving, and other ways nay i ae of »" hurting © Darr? blame yourself’, YOU DO NOT DESERVE THIST + Spreading bad rumors about people ‘When you are the bully: + Keeping certain people out of a + Think about how you why “group” bully. Bites rrorialy nssoen wey 3 ora vi fell ‘+ Sending insulting e-mails to + Find other ways to make People or about people yourself feel good. WHEN YOU SEE SOMEQNE + Realize bullying leads to BULUED: more serious problems. + REPORT BULLYING TO A + Ask an adult you trust or a ‘TRUSTED ADULT. friend for help. + CALMLY TELL THE BULLY. Tastor. +) SUPPORT. THE PERSON BEING BULLIED. ‘hare are pbs of ales erodes ex biny when i exmnss to billing, Tara ‘aca thras types: the bully, the visi, co the ntinsee, Someone who wehas bullying eccur may also be 9 bystander ‘97 80) “upatandar.” ‘Vaschers eon ancournge thatr studasits ‘0 lanrm more about bullfing oF spent cut agatnat bullying through lassen, ldecs, and diaplays throughout the daceroom, ) ‘ea BULLYING When Children are Bullied: Listen to them. Make it clear that itis not their fault. Teach self-respect and promote a sense of self-worth. Model assertive behavior and good social skills. Encourage your child to join youth groups outside of school. Work with the child’s school to addressthe problem. Help them identify ways to respond to. bullies. DON'T teachiyour child to fight back; We SHOULD have empathy towards bullying. It’s not about punishing the bully but empowering the victim. We have a tendency to use the word “bully” and “victim” in a wrong situations. So teachers, let intervene ‘together with the parents and school authorities. Let’s create support system for our children.

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