50 Band 9 Synonyms For Ielts PDF

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50 band 9
For ielts
LESSONS (2,900,000), 40 LESSONS ( 3,900,000), 60
LESSONS ( 4,900,000)


indigence = poverty (n) Sự nghèo đói The problem of indigence is particularly acute in
indigent = poverty-stricken rural areas.
(adj) There are few jobs for the peasants who have
flooded into the cities from the poverty-
stricken countryside in search of work.
sanction = approve; ratify (v) Đồng ý, chấp thuận The government was reluctant to sanction
intervention in the crisis.
The decision will have to be ratified (= approved)
by the executive board.
predilection =preference, Niềm vui thích, sở thích Ever since she was a child, she has had a predilection
liking for spicy food.

insularity = narrow- Sự tách biệt, sự không He wanted to escape from the narrow-mindedness of
mindedness; isolation (n) bằng lòng the people in the small town where he grew up.

propriety =correct behavior Sự đứng đắn, chuẩn mực She was careful always to behave with propriety.
or conduct (n)
intransigence = refusal of any Sự cứng đầu, ngoan cố Unions claim that the management continues to
compromise; stubbornness maintain an intransigent position.

fervor = glowing ardor; Sự nhiệt tình The country was swept by patriotic fervor.
intensity of feeling (n)

disparage = belittle (v) Làm mất uy tín The actor's work for charity has recently been
disparaged in the press as an attempt to get publicity.
obviate = to prevent; make Ngăn cản, loại bỏ A peaceful solution would obviate the need to send a
unnecessary; get rid of (v) UN military force.

malign = to speak harmful Nói xấu She has recently been maligned in the gossip columns
untruths about, to slander (v) of several newspapers.

pusillanimous = lacking Nhút nhát, yếu ớt He's too pusillanimous to stand up to his opponents.
courage or resolution ( adj)
mendacious = lying; Dối trá Some of these statements are misleading and some
habitually dishonest (adj) are downright mendacious.

excessively careful; Quá cẩn thận He was described by his colleagues as a painstaking
painstaking; scrupulous = journalist.
meticulous (adj)

sorrowful, mournful = doleful Buồn bã With a sorrowful sigh she folded the letter and put it

buttress = support; prop up Làm vững chắc ( ý kiến) The arguments for change are buttressed by events
(v) elsewhere.

convoluted = intricate and Phức tạp His grammar explanations are terribly convoluted.
complicated (adj)

plethora = excess; Sự dư thừa The plethora of regulations is both contradictory

overabundance (n) and confusing.

derision = contemptuous or Sự nhạo bán Her speech was met with hoots/howls of derision.

jeering laughter; ridicule (n)

indolent = slothful, lazy (adj) Lười biến Managers had complained that the workers were lazy
and unreliable.
itinerary = plan of a trip (n) Kế hoạch đi chơi The tour operator will arrange transport and
plan your itinerary.
amity = friendship; peaceful Tình bạn The two groups had lived in perfect amity for
harmony (n) many years before the recent troubles.
empirical = based on Dựa trên kinh nghiệm This theory needs to be backed up
experience (adj) with solid empirical data/evidence.

unintentionally; by oversight; Không chú ý, bất cẩn He inadvertently deleted the file.
carelessly = inadvertently

acquiesce = comply , give in Tuân theo Reluctantly, he acquiesced to/in the plans.

reticent = silent (adj) Yên lặng Most of the students were reticent about
answering questions.

lassitude = weariness, languor Sự mệt nhọc Shareholders are blaming the company's problems on
(n) the lassitude of the CEO.

antipathy = strong dislike (n) Sự ghét bỏ He is a private man with a deep antipathy
to/towards the press.

admonish = counsel (v) Hướng dẫn Her teacher admonished her to work harder for
her exams.

mundane =everyday, ordinary Thường nhật Mundane matters such as paying bills and shopping
(adj) for food do not interest her.
exigent =urgent (adj) Cấp bách Many people are in urgent need of food and water.
circumspect = careful, Cẩn thận Officials were circumspect about saying what
discreet (adj) the talks had achieved.

equanimity = calmness of Sự bình tĩnh Three years after the tragedy she has only
temperament; composure (n) just begun to regain her equanimity.

ineffectual = hopeless = futile Vô ích The teachers were ineffectual at maintaining discipline.

penitent = contrite (adj) Hối lỗi It was hard to be angry with him when he looked so
showy; pretentious; trying to Khoa trương They criticized the ostentatious lifestyle of their
attract attention leaders.
=ostentatious (adj)
onerous = troublesome and Rắc rối the onerous task is to find a peaceful solution.
oppressive; burdensome(adj) Her hip has been troublesome for quite a while, and
she'll probably need surgery on it.
aberrant = abnormal or Dị thường The ship was blown off course by abnormal weather
deviant (adj) conditions.
lethargic = drowsy, dull (adj) Mệt mỏi I was feeling tired and lethargic.
ambiguous = unclear in Không rõ nghĩa His reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous.
meaning (adj)
complacent = self-satisfied Thỏa mãn We can't afford to become complacent about any
(adj) of our products.
supercilious = arrogant Khinh khi He spoke in a haughty, supercilious voice.
,haughty, condescending (adj)
enigma = a puzzle , a mystery Điều bí ẩn The newspapers were full of stories about the enigma
(n) of the plane's disappearance.
gregarious = sociable (adj) Hòa nhã Emma's a gregarious, outgoing sort of person.

quarrelsome =contentious Gây tranh cãi She has some very contentious views on education.
salient = prominent (adj) Nổi bật The article presented the salient facts of
the dispute clearly and concisely.
exacerbate = worsen (v) Làm xấu đi This attack will exacerbate the already tense relations
between the two communities.
arduous = strenuous (adj) Hăm hở, ráng sức His doctor advised him not to do any strenuous exercise
incongruent= incompatible Không thích hợp Violence is incongruent with our values and legal
(adj) system.
querulous = full of complaints Cáu kỉnh, than phiền He became increasingly dissatisfied and querulous
(adj) in his old age.
emulate = imitate (v) Bắt chướt They hope to emulate the success of other software

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