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Multimedia University Faculty of Business

BMR3174 Supply Chain Management

Individual Assignment
Trimester 2, 2017/2018
Due date: By Week 11 (3000-5000 words) – 2nd Feb 2018

General information:

Organisation Individual

Assessment This assignment contributes to 30% to the total coursework marks.

Assignment/group Topic must be related to operations management or supply chain
registration (if any) management

Student Learning
This assignment shall take 30 hours to complete.
Submission to Mr Lai Kim Piew
Cover page Please use the attached cover page
Typeface/Font New Times Roman
Font size 12
Line spacing 1.5
Top: 2.54 cm; Bottom: 2.54cm; Left: 2.54cm; Right:
requirements Margins
8000 words, excluding preliminary pages and
Reference format APA Style
Binding Stapled only

Mapping of assignment learning outcomes to subject learning outcomes:

Assignment’s Learning Outcomes Subject Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this assignment, students Upon completion of this subject, students should
should be able to: be able to:
1 Organise the learned concepts as the key LO1 Identify the key elements of Supply
drivers of supply chain performance Chain Management
LO2 Propose the best alternatives to retain
competitiveness in business
Assessment rubrics

Score Description
80% - 100%  Demonstrate complete understanding of the problem
 Original contribution
 Clear evidence of creativity
 All requirements are included.
 Report is well organised, with proper formatting and preliminary pages
 All references are properly quoted and referred.

60% - 79%  Demonstrate sufficient understanding of the problem

 Original contribution
 Some evidence of creativity
 All requirements are included.
 Report is well organised, with proper formatting and preliminary pages
 All references are properly quoted and referred.

40% - 59%  Demonstrate partial understanding of the problem.

 Some original contributions
 Some evidence of creativity
 Most requirements are included.
 Report is not organised, no proper formatting and preliminary pages
 References are not properly quoted and referred.

20% - 39%  Demonstrate little understanding of the problem

 No evidence of original contribution
 No evidence of creativity
 Many requirements are not included.
 Report is not organised, no proper formatting and preliminary pages
 References are not properly quoted and referred.

0% - 19%  Misunderstood the problem.

 No evidence of original contribution
 No evidence of creativity
 Significant requirements are not included.
 Report is not organised, no proper formatting and preliminary pages
 References are not properly quoted and referred.

Page 2

1. Student to select a TOPIC. The topic must reflect the contemporary issue of Supply
Chain Management (SCM). Generic management or HR, Marketing, IB – Trade, Policy
or other non-related topics will not be accepted.

2. Student must produce a report that incorporates three main sections: 1) The
definition of the topic – must cite references – applicable to SCM; 2) Literature Review
of the topic examples, RFID or Six Sigma - 3) Examine the topic relatedness to SCM,
from the perspectives. Highlight the potential implication to SCM practitioners. Its
implication to theory or model development, potential barriers or limitation to SCM
practitioners and propose how the topic help retain competitiveness in business.



 Plagiarism is a serious offence. The plagiarism rate shall not exceed 10 percent
 Plagiarism include the following behaviours (but not limited to):
o copy another student’s work,
o fail to properly cite other people’s work or give proper credit to the original source,
o hire or ask another individual to complete the assignment for you,
o copy too many words or ideas from one or two sources, that makes up a significant
portion of your work, even with proper citation.
 The lecturer has the rights not to accept submission of plagiarised or duplicated work.
Report with plagiarism rate more than 10 percent will not be accepted under any reason.

Page 3
Multimedia University Faculty of Business



Trimester X, 20XX/20XX

Insert assignment title

Submission date: DD/MM/YYYY

Lecturer: Mr Lai Kim Piew

Prepared by:

Student ID Student Name

Declaration by student

(This section is to be filled in the student’s own handwriting.)

I hereby declare that my name is correctly included in the above section. I hold a copy of this
assignment which I can produce if the original is lost or damaged. I certify that no part of this
assignment has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except
where due acknowledgement is made in the assignment.

Student’s signature : _____________________________

Student’s name : _____________________________

Student’s ID : _____________________________

Date : _____________________________

Plagarism rate : _____________________________

Section : BM01 or BM02

Assessment rubrics

Descriptio 0% - 19% 20% - 39% 40% - 59% 60% - 79% 80% - 100%
Introduction No  Demonstrate  Basic  Demonstrat  Demonstrate complete
(100-200) explanatio little Explanatio e sufficient understanding of the
n understandi n of the understandi problem
ng of the topic ng of the  Original contribution –
topic understud problem redefine existing terms
understudie ied 
d  Proper
 No evidence citation
of original
– no proper

Literature No review Little review Basic review of Review & Review, Compare,
Review past studies – Compare Comment – Critical
(1000) 1-3 summary 7- 10 Review - >10 articles

Discussion No Little Basic discussion Discussion Discussion with

(1000) discussion discussion – with evidence - some
1-2 advantages 3-5 evidence contradicting/supporti
and 3-5 ng findings
disadvantag 5 points
Implication – No Some Basic discussion A mixture Workable practical
Practical practical practical on practical of basic implications - citation
Implications implicatio implication Implications discussion,
(800) n and
Plagiarism 20 16-19 15 11-14 10%
Clarity  The The content  The content is The content  The content is
content is is not somehow is organised organised,
not organised or organised, is Easy to  Easy to understand the
organised, references somehow understand content
no proper are not formatted and But the  Proper formatting and
formatting properly preliminary references preliminary pages
and quoted pages are  References are
preliminar References are somehow properly quoted and
y pages somehow quoted referred.
 Reference quoted and
s are not referred
Next week no lecture 27-30 November 2018

Field trip to Proton Shah Alam 14 December 2018

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