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Reading Strategy/Resource File

Literacy II & III

Strategy Name: Use prior knowledge to connect with text

Reading Domain: Comprehension Accuracy Fluency Vocabulary

(Circle one of the Big Five)

Common Core Standards: RL 2.1

(Include Standard # & Description)

Materials/Books Needed: “Bugs for Lunch” by Margery Facklam

Goal/Objective of Lesson: to better understand and make sense of what they are reading

Lesson Procedure:
List the steps in the lesson with enough detail that a substitute could carry out the steps. If using a book to model a strategy, be specific on where to stop.

1. Say to the students, "Today we are going to learn a new strategy called using prior
knowledge to connect with the text, what do you think that means?”
2. Say to the students and show the cover of the book to them, “This story is called Bugs for
Lunch, what do we already know? What kind of animals or bugs may eat other bugs for
lunch?” Then ask, “what do we already know about bugs?”
3. Begin reading the book, when at the spider page, ask the class, “have you ever seen a
spider trying to trap a fly? What do you think the spider was going to do with the fly?”
4. When getting to the trout page, ask the students before you read the page, “have any of
you gone fishing before? Maybe with your dad or mom?” Then after the students answer
yes, ask “how do you catch the fish?” after a student says a hook, then say, “lets find out if
this fish get its food by a hook.” Continue reading.
5. After you finish the book, ask the students, “How did making these connections in the
text with your life help you better understand the story?” If the students don’t say
something like they were able to relate to the story better and had a better idea what was
going on during the story, then direct them to that answer.

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