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AR 412

Planning 03

Topic: Social Development

Date submitted: December 16, 2017

Student Instructor

G Concepcion , Maribel R. Arch. Virgilo Villanda

I. Topic

“Social Development”

II. Related Literatures

III. Write-ups

1. Existing condition/ situation

The city of Marawi , in Mindanao, was devastated due to terrorist attack of

the combined group of Abu Sayaf and the pro- Islamic State(IS). Based from the

article of Suson(2017)., The section of this city was rendered as a virtual ghost town,

this indicate the magnitude of destruction this city have suffered. Thousands of

people die, destructions of houses and establishments and the city services, like

water and electrical services, have stopped its operation due to the damage it

suffered, these some of the effects of the five months war between the Philippine

Military forces and combined group of terrorists.

Now, the evacuees and residents of the city is slowly starting to revive the

city, but since the magnitude of destruction was very high, they are having trouble

in doing it so. It is now a fact that the City of Marawi need a big assistance from

local to national government to be redevelop.

2. The challenge/ problem

The city of Marawi is facing big dilemma on the revitalizing of the city,

social assistance are indeed need in this situations. Health, education, safety, shelter,

food and jobs are the main concerns of the residents. Aside from its lacking financial

capability, its resources are also destroyed.

So, the question now is how could the City of Marawi come back from this

fall?. What the national government would do to cope with the concerns of the

residents? Who would help them?

The said concerns and questions are aimed to promote the social

development of the residents of the City of Marawi.

3. Government solution

Based from the news article of Maitem(2017)., there would be a 4 phase of

program that the Philippine military force had laid out. This phase includes cleaning up

the community, retrieval of properties, restoration of the governance and restoration of

the vital services like water, electricity and medical facilities.

In addition, for security purposes, the city of Marawi would be under the

new ID system, identification cards would be sued to persons who had received a

certification from their barangay officials that they were bona fide residents of the village.

This systems aims to eliminate the possibility of invasion of terrorist like what happen.

Various helps, donations and programs are laid down by different groups, both

government and private sector. From the article of Lacson(2017)., some of the programs

are ARMMS’s Health Education Livelihood, Peace and Governance Synergies, or HELPS

program which extended financial assistance. Another program is the ARMM’s

Bangsamoro Regional Inclusive Development for Growth and Empowerment, or Bridge

program that covers food and shelters.

V. References

Lacson, N.E.(2017, November 23). ARMM to double funding for Marawi next year.

Manila Bulletin.

Laude, J.(2017. November 17). Marawi cleared of terrorist stragglers. The

Philippine Star Nation.

Maitem, J(2017. Octember 21). Milatry allows return of ID’d Marawi folk.

Philippine Daily Inquirer.

Suson, D.(2017. November 22). Evacuees trickle back to Marawi. Philippine Daily


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