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2nd Mercosur Congress on Chemical Engineering

4 Mercosur Congress on Process Systems Engineering


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Maria Isabel BERTO* , Vivaldo SILVEIRA JR.
Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos (ITAL), Grupo Especial de Engenharia (GEE)
Av. Brasil, 2880 - CP 139, Campinas, SP, Brazil, 13.073-001. *Corresponding Author.- Phone Number: +55 19 3743-1828.
Fax Number +55 19 3743-1834 e-mail address:
.Depto. Engenharia de Alimentos – UNICAMP – Rua Monteiro Lobato, 80 - CP 6121 –Barão Geraldo - Campinas – São
Paulo – Brazil, 13.081-970. e-mail address:

$EVWUDFW The goal of this work was the building, instrumentation and implementation of conventional
controllers in a HTST (High Temperature Short Time) continuous processing prototype of fruit juice. A plate
heat exchange with three stages of heat exchange (regeneration, heating and cooling) and a holding tube were
used to achieve a holding time of 40 s at 91 C, used in the processing of orange juice. Water at high temperature
and propylene-glycol solution were used to heat and cool the product, respectively. The three fluid lines were
instrumented and controlled according to the strategies and logics used. The control strategies and logics
implemented were the conventional controllers PID/feedback and PID/feedback/feedforward. PID/feedback was
tuned by the methodology of Aström et al. (1984), while PID/feedback/feedforward controller was tuned by the
process reaction curve methodology with dynamic compensation. The controlled variables were the
pasteurization temperature located after the holding tube, and the cooling temperature at the outlet of the
pasteurizer; while the manipulated variables were the flow rates of the secondary fluids. The controls were
evaluated and compared through the performance indices IAE, ITAE e ISE and through the behaviors of the
manipulated variables, after step changes in the product inlet temperature. The results showed that the error of
both configured controllers, kept on the process temperatures within ±0,5 C range after the imposed step

changes. The performance indices of the tested controllers presented similar values, indicating efficiency of the
controllers in the maintenance of the pasteurization and cooling temperatures.

Keywords: HTST, PID, feedback, feedforward, pasteurization, plate heat exchange.

1. Introduction
Higher processing temperatures for a shorter time are possible if the product is sterilized before it is filled into
pre-sterilized containers in a sterile atmosphere. This forms the basis of UHT processing (also termed aseptic
processing). It is used to sterilize a wide range of liquid foods, including milk, fruit juices and concentrates,
cream, yogurt, wine, salad dressing, egg and ice cream mix (Fellows, 2000). In orange juice pasteurization
studies demonstrate that lower temperatures are sufficient to inactivate microorganism activities, although, in
order to prevent the loss of cloudiness, higher temperatures are required. This loss of cloudiness has been directly
related to the activity of the enzyme pectin methyl esterase (PME). Therefore, PME inactivation is generally used
as an indicator of the adequacy of pasteurization because it is known to be more heat resistant than the common
2nd Mercosur Congress on Chemical Engineering
4 Mercosur Congress on Process Systems Engineering

microorganisms (Basak et al., 1996). The time temperature combination used in this study was 91 C/40s,
temperature/time combination indicated in Eargman et al. (1976), Kimball (1991) and Correa Neto (1998)
researches. Another factor that is also important to maintain the juice cloud stability is to make an efficient
cooling process and to keep a low temperature during storage, transport and in the local market. A low and
constant temperature minimizes any further change of the enzyme activity in the juice (Arbaisah et al., 1997).
More than a few works about controller in pasteurization process have been made, although they are mostly
focused in milk pasteurization, the use of conventional controllers and feedback strategy (Negiz et al., 1996;
Negiz et al., 1998; Schlesser et al., 1997; Ibarrola et al., 1998; Shief et al., 1992).
The main goal of this work is to implement and compare the efficiency of the strategies PID/feedback and
PID/feedback/feedforward in controlling the pasteurization and the cooling temperatures in a plate heat
exchanger. The main objective of the controllers was to keep those temperatures within the range of ±0.5 C after

disturbances in the product inlet temperature. Since the juice process does not have a standard safety range,
±0.5 C was assumed, based on the maximum oscillation permitted in milk pasteurization process, according to

HACCP (Hard Analysis and Critical Control Point), prescribed by FDA (Food and Drug Administration).

2. Materials and Method

Experimental assays were carried out in the pilot plant test in the Laboratory of Control and Automation of
Food Process, in the Food Engineering Department of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), in
Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil. The pilot plant consists of a pasteurization system, with a three - stage pasteurizer
(regeneration, heating, cooling) and a holding tube (GEA Tuchennhagen do Brasil Ltda, Campinas, SP, Brazil),
linked with the secondary fluid systems. The three fluid systems (product, heating water and refrigerant solution)
were equipped with temperature, pressure and flow sensors and with variable speed pumps. The instrumentation,
automation and control system used were hybrid, equipped with both analogical and Fieldbus Foundation
technologies. Aimax for Windows was the supervising MMI (Man-Machine Interface) used for the remote
supervision of the process. Figure 1 shows the flow configuration of the pasteurizer used.

The HTST pilot plant was dimensioned to work with 150L/h of product flow rate, and with the
o o
time/temperature combination of 91 C/40 s, applied to the pasteurization process of orange juice at 12 Brix. A
diagram of the plant is shown in Figure 1. The raw product was stored in tanks TQ-401 and TQ-402, from where
it was pumped to the pasteurizer. The first stage is the regenerator where the raw product was heated to an
intermediate temperature using otherwise wasted energy from the pasteurized product. In the second stage, the
preheated product was heated to the pasteurization temperature using a hot water flow coming from a closed
circuit composed of a tank with electrical resistances. In the holding tube, thermically insulated, the product was
kept in the pasteurization temperature during the required time (40 s). If the product temperature verified by the
sensor installed in the end of this holding tube (TE408) was bellow the set point, a divert valve (V3V) would

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4 Mercosur Congress on Process Systems Engineering

return the product to the raw tank. The pasteurized product, whose temperature is above the set point, was sent
back to the other side of the regeneration section to be pre-cooled. The last stage was the cooling section, where
propylene glycol at 25%m/m was responsible to cool the product to the storage temperature. The final product
was stored in a tank TQ-403.
Inlet raw juice
TE-304 TE-602


pasteurized juice

Outlet propylene glycol TE-603

TE-305 TE-407

Holding tube
V3V TE-408

Fig. 1. PHE flow configuration

Two controllers were configured to keep the set point of the hot water temperature in the heat system. The
first one was an on-off type, installed in the resistance (RET601) located in the water tank. It maintains the water
temperature (TE601) within ±2oC range of its set point. The second one is a PID controller that kept the water
temperature (TE602) on its set point adjusting the potency of a 2500 W resistance (REM-601) located at 20 cm
from the inlet of the heat stage.

TQ-401 TQ-402 TQ-403

VP-401 VP-402

REM-601 RET-601

TE-305 TE-602
Heat system

Holding tube


Fig. 2. Process diagram

Table 1 shows the temperatures and fluid flow rates used to satisfy the time/temperature combination of the
HTST pasteurization proposed in this process. In those experimental assays where the controllers were
configured and tuned, water was used to substitute the product because of the extensive number of experiments.

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4 Mercosur Congress on Process Systems Engineering

This substitution was adopted since the orange juice drink has low soluble solid contents, making its thermo
physical and rheological properties similar to the water properties.

7DEOHOperational conditions at steady state of the proposed HTST process

Regeneration stage Heat stage Cooling stage
Product Raw product Pasteurized Pre-heated Heating water Propylene Cooled
product product glycol solution product
Flow rate (L/h) 150 150 150 483 1920 150
Inlet temperature 26.2 91.0 61.8 96.2 -1.7 54.3
(oC) (TE405) (TE408) (TE406) (TE602) (TE304) (TE409)
Outlet 61.8 54.3 91.5 87.2 2.5 8.9
temperature (oC) (TE406) (TE409) (TE407) (TE603) (TE305) (TE410)


Controller tuning

Heat and cooling sections were analyzed separately during the configuration and tuning essays to prevent the
influence of the regeneration stage. In the case of the heating section, the divert valve was kept permanently
closed to conduct the pasteurized product to the tank TQ-403 preventing it from returning to the regeneration
stage after passing through the holding tube. In the case of the cooling section, the hot water was turned off to
allow the product passage through the regeneration and heat section with the same temperature.
In order to have the product coming into the sections with the same temperature of the steady state, the
product stored in tank TQ401 was pre-heated to the same inlet temperature as described in Table 1: 61.8 C for
the assays made in the heating stage and 54.3 C for the assays made in the cooling stage.

PID/feedback tuning

In both stages, the PID/feedback strategy was tuned according to Aström et al. (1984) methodology. This
methodology consists of imposing oscillations to the manipulated variable (secondary fluid flow rate) and
registering the process variable behavior (pasteurization or cooling temperature), in order to obtain critical gain
(Kcr) and critical period (Pcr). These parameters are used to calculate the suggested PID parameters (Kc, τi e τd).
In the heat section, an oscillation of ±95 L/h was provoked toward the set point of the hot water flow rate (483
L/h) in the period of 30 s. During those tests, the PID controller tuned by Berto, (2004) kept the changes in the
inlet hot water temperature within the range of ±0.5 C. In the case of the cooling temperature, the flow rate of

propylene glycol solution was the manipulated variable. An oscillation of ±550 L/h was provoked toward the set
point of these flow rate (1920 L/h) at the period of time of 30 s. The temperature of the inlet propylene glycol
solution (TE 304) was also kept within the range of ±0.5 C, by the PID controller tuned by Silva (2003).

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4 Mercosur Congress on Process Systems Engineering

PID/feedback/feedforward tuning

PID/feedback/feedforward controller was tuned according the dynamic method of lead/lag time unit (LLAG),
detailed in Ogunnaike et al. (1994). This methodology consists in the configuration of the PID feedforward
parameters by imposing step changes in the external variable of the system (inlet product raw temperature) and in
the manipulated variable (secondary fluid flow rate) in order to obtain the process reaction curves. The magnitude
of these step changes must be chosen based in the assumption that they must be as small as possible to make a
measurable change in the controlled variable. Therefore, the graphic parameters of these two curves are used to
calculate the PID/feedforward constants (Kdf, τdf e tdf).
The design of the PID/feedback/feedforward in the fieldbus system consists of specifying in the configuration
software the parameters Kc, τi e τd of feedback strategy, and the term Kdf of the feedforward strategy. The tuning
of the feedforward controller in the heat section was made using the process reaction curves obtained after step
changes of 96.7 L/h in the hot water flow rate and +10.1 C in the inlet product temperature. In order to tune the
controller of cooling temperature, a step change of 461 L/h at propylene glycol flow rate and +8.3 at inlet product
temperature were imposed to obtain the process reaction curves used in parameters estimation.

Step changes assays

The efficiency of the implemented controllers was evaluated after step changes in the inlet product
temperature (TE405). Although these disturbances were not a perfect step change, they were considered as so, to
allow the analyses results. They were imposed through changing the tank of raw product through the pneumatic
valves (VP401 e VP402). This step changes were done after the temperatures and fluid flow rates of steady state
showed in Table 1 were obtained. The controllers were tested and the parameters were modified in case the
controlled temperatures diverged more than ±0.5 C. Table 2 shows the magnitude of the step changes made in the

system after the controllers tuned.

The controllers were evaluated and compared through the behaviors of the manipulated variables, after
disturbances in the product inlet temperature and through performance indices IAE (Integral Absolute Error),
ITAE (Integral Time Absolute Error) e ISE (Integral Square Error) calculated according to Coughanowr &
Koppel (1978). As shown in Table 2, the step changes made were not the same. This fact is due to the
experimental difficulties to control the temperature in the jacket of the raw product tank. Therefore, the
performance indices (IE) were calculated in reference to the step change made ( IER = IE A ), where A is the

magnitude of the step change imposed in the system.

Table 2. Step changes imposed in the inlet product temperature to evaluate the PID/feedback and PID/feedback/feedforward
Step change magnitude (ºC) PID/feedback PID/feedback/feedforward
Positive step change 8.1 6.8
Negative step change -7.9 -6.5

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4 Mercosur Congress on Process Systems Engineering

3. Results and Discussion

3.1. Controller tuning

Feedback controller
An oscillation of ±95 L/h was provoked toward the set point of the hot water flow rate (483 L/h) in a period
of 30 s. Table 3 shows critical gain (Kcr), critical period (Pcr) and the PID parameters (Kc, τi e τd) calculated by
Aström et al. (1984) methodology (calculated values) and the re-tuned values. According to assays done in pilot
plant, the calculated proportional gain of PID/feedback controller had to be decreased from 17.4 to 9.0 to
minimize oscillations in pasteurization temperature. In the cooling stage, the oscillation of ±550 L/h provoked
toward the set point of the flow rate of propylene glycol solution generated the parameters shown in the same
table. Since the controller worked satisfactorily, in this case the PID parameters were not modified.
These results showed that the tuning methodology of Aström et al. (1984) used to configure PID/feedback
parameters is quite efficient, since it was necessary to modify only the proportional gain to have oscillations in
pasteurization temperature within the range of ±0.5 C. More than that, parameters calculated in cooling

temperature controller were not modified in order to work satisfactorily. These results confirmed the
effectiveness of this methodology, already analyzed by Berto et al. (2004).

Table 3. Parameters of the tuning of PID/feedback controller in the heat section.

Heat section Cooling section
Parameters Calculated values Re-tuned values Calculated values
used without re-tuning
Critical period - Pcr (s) 60.0 60.0
Critical gain Kcr, (ºC/Hz) 28.94 20.5
Proportional gain, Kc, (ºC/Hz) 17.4 9.0 12.3
τi (s) 30.0 30.0 30.0
τd (s) 7.5 7.5 7.5

PID/feedback/feedforward controller
Table 4 shows the parameter Kdf of the feedforward strategy calculated according to LLAG method and used
together with PID/Feedback ones, Kc, τi e τd (Table 3) to configure the controllers of heat and cooling sections.

Table 4. Parameters Kdf of PID/ feedforward controller.

Heat section. Cooling section.
Calculated values Re-tuned values Calculated values Re-tuned values
Kc-ff 2.9 0.5 10.0 0.9

According to these results it was realized that the calculated proportional gain of feedforward strategy (Kcff)
through the methodology used had to be reduced 6 times in the case of pasteurization temperature controller and
11 times in the cooling temperature controller. Experiments done showed that the higher the term Kcff, the greater
the oscillations on temperature after imposing step changes in the process. The small values of the re-tuned

2nd Mercosur Congress on Chemical Engineering
4 Mercosur Congress on Process Systems Engineering

parameters, 0.5 and 0.9 for heat and cooling section respectively, indicated that the feedback strategy is mostly
sufficient to maintain the controlled temperatures within the desired security range.

Step changes assays

Next figures shows the step changes imposed in the system, and the behavior of the difference of secondary
fluid flow rate (∆V = V-Vsp) actuated by controllers, to maintain the process temperature. The difference of inlet
secondary fluid temperatures (∆T = T-Tsp) were also plotted to show that they kept within the range of 0.5ºC.
Figures 3 and 4 show the PID/feedback tuned in the heat stage, to control the pasteurization temperature after
step changes made in the inlet temperature (∆Tp) of +8,1 e –7,9 C toward the set point of steady state.

∆ TWh
∆T ( C)



∆V (L/h)

∆ TP 6

∆ T ( C)
-40 4
-60 ∆ VWh 2
-80 0

0,4 Pasteurization temperature error

Error =T-Tsp ( C)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Fig. 3. PID/feedback controller of heat stage: step change of +8.1 ºC in the inlet product temperature (∆Tp), difference of hot
water flow rate (∆Vwh) and difference of inlet hot water temperature (∆TWh).

∆ T ( C)


-0,4 ∆ TWh

60 ∆ VWh -2
∆ V (L/h)

∆ T ( C)

40 -4

20 -6
∆ TP
0 -8

0,4 Pasteurization temperature error

Error =T-Tsp ( C)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Fig. 4. PID/feedback controller of heat stage: step change of -7.9 ºC in the inlet product temperature (∆Tp), difference of
hot water flow rate (∆Vwh) and difference of inlet hot water temperature (∆TWh).

2nd Mercosur Congress on Chemical Engineering
4 Mercosur Congress on Process Systems Engineering

Figures 5 and 6 show the same parameters of PID/feedback/feedforward controller, after step changes made
in the inlet temperature (∆Tp) of +7,1 e –6,6 C toward the set point of steady state.

∆ TWh

∆T ( C)

VWh 8
∆V (L/h)


∆ T ( C)

-40 4
-60 ∆ TP 2
-80 0

Pasteurization temperature error
Error =T-Tsp ( C)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Fig. 5. PID/feedback/feedforward controller of heat stage: step change of +6.8 ºC in the inlet product temperature (∆Tp),
difference of hot water flow rate (∆Vwh) and difference of inlet hot water temperature (∆TWh).

∆ T ( C)


-0.4 ∆ TWh

60 ∆ TP
∆ VWh -2
∆ V (L/h)

∆ T ( C)

40 -4

20 -6
0 -8

0.4 Pasteurization temperature error

Error =T-Tsp ( C)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Fig. 6. PID/feedback/feedforward controller of heat stage: step change of -6.5 ºC in the inlet product temperature (∆Tp),
difference of hot water flow rate (∆Vwh) and difference of inlet hot water temperature (∆TWh).

Figure 7 show the behavior of PID/feedback controller tuned in the cooling stage after a step change of
+8.1ºC made in the product inlet temperature (∆Tp). The others related behaviors of PID/feedback and
PID/feedback/feedforward controllers tuned in cooling stage can be seen in Berto (2004).

2nd Mercosur Congress on Chemical Engineering
4 Mercosur Congress on Process Systems Engineering

∆ TPg

∆T ( C)


500 10
∆ V (L/h) 400 8
300 6

∆ T ( C)
200 ∆ TP 4
∆ VPg
100 2
0 0

0.4 Cooling temperature error

Error =T-Tsp ( C)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Fig. 7. PID/feedback controller of cooling stage: step change of +8.1 ºC in the inlet product temperature (∆Tp), difference
of propylene glycol flow rate (∆Vpg) and difference of inlet propylene glycol temperature (∆Tpg).

Table 5 show the relative performance indices (ISER, IAER e ITAER) for each step change made in the system,
for each configured controller. The parameters maximum overshoot (Mp), peak time (tp) and setting time at 0.1 C
(ts) were also identified and showed in the same Table.

Table 5. Relative performance indices of PID/feedback and PID/feedback/feedforward controllers

PID/feedback PID/feedback/feedforward
Heating stage Cooling stage Heating stage Cooling stage
Step change (+) (-) (+) (-) (+) (-) (+) (-)
Intensity (ºC) 8.1 -7.9 8.1 -7.9 6.8 -6.5 6.8 -6.5
ISER (ºC s/ºC) 0.004 0.05 0.28 0.10 0.08 0.06 0.07 0.14
IAER (ºCs /ºC) 6.05 9.11 18.77 8.57 7.63 6.00 9.35 11.45
ITAER (ºCs /ºC) 32.94 35.65 88.21 27.43 31.68 23.44 49.51 67.23
tp (min) 2.25 2.15 2.25 1.60 2.25 2.85 2.25 1.65
Mp (ºC) 0.2 -0.2 0.4 -0.3 0.2 -0.3 0.2 -0.3
ts (min) 4.2 4.4 7.7 5.1 5.85 6.15 6.2 4.8

By analyzing Figures 3 to 7 and Tables 5 it is possible to conclude that both strategies were adequate to keep
the process temperatures within the range of 0.5ºC. It is possible to observe that the PID/feedback controller
configured in the heat section presented lower values of relative performance indices, setting time and maximum
overshoot than the PID/feedback/feedforward values. On the other hand, in the case of the cooling temperature
the inverse was noticed: lower values for these parameters were calculated for this strategy. Although, the
proximity of the relative performance indices demonstrate that it is not possible to confirm the superiority of one
out of the two strategies.

2nd Mercosur Congress on Chemical Engineering
4 Mercosur Congress on Process Systems Engineering

4. Conclusion
The PID/feedback and PID/feedback/feedforward controllers were implemented in a HTST (High
Temperature Short Time) continuous processing prototype of fruit juice. PID/feedback was tuned by the
methodology of Aström et al. (1984), while PID/feedback/feedforward controller was tuned by the process
reaction curve methodology with dynamic compensation. The efficiency of both controllers were evaluated and
compared in order to maintain the pasteurization and cooling temperatures after step changes imposed in the inlet
raw product temperature. Relative performance indices, IAER , ITAER e ISER calculated were similar for both
controller, however lower values were noticed in the PID/feedback configured for the pasteurization temperature
controller while PID/feedback/feedforward presented lower values of these indices for the cooling temperature
controller. Nevertheless, the proximity of the relative performance indices demonstrates that it is not possible to
confirm the superiority of one out of the two strategies.

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Universidade Estadual de Campinas, 327p.

The authors would like to thank The State of São Paulo Research Foundation, FAPESP (00/00437-0) for
financial support.


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