ICAT Online Producer Quick Reference Guide

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Navigating the Homepage

Top bar. Return to Homepage,
access the Quick Reference
Guide, or Sign out.

Select Create New Account

to begin quoting, or select
Upload SOV to begin quoting
an SOV or Acord App.

Zip Code Eligibility. Quickly

verify the eligibility and limits
of a zip code.

Quick Links. Easy access to

useful information such as the
underwriting guidelines and
policy specimen forms.

Find. Use the Find feature to

look up an account, building,
quote, binder, policy or

Social Media. Follow us!

ICAT News. See what’s

happening at ICAT.

Accounts. This is where you

will find all your accounts you
have accessed in the last 90
days. You can filter by New
Business, Active Referrals and
Renewals, it automatically
filters alphabetically. This is
where you can review and
edit upcoming renewals.
Chat With Us!
Receive quick, real-time access to the ICAT Online underwriting
team, as well as helpful tips and tricks to help you with the
quoting, binding, and retaining your accounts.

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®2018 ICAT Data as of October 2017

Quoting A New Account Quick

1 Login using your username and password. Your entire office will use the same
log in information. Guide
2 On the Homepage, click Create New Account . You can also use the
Upload SOV functionality to quickly start the quoting process by importing
building information from an SOV or Acord app.

3 A pop up box displays, enter the Named Insured and hit Go.

4 Enter the Zip Code of the risk you would like to quote. If you have more than one zip code,
enter all zip codes. A message with the zip code TIV limits and available perils will display.
Select Continue.

5 You will be taken to the Locations tab. The quote flow starts with the Location level
and then moves into Building level details. A progress bar on the top right of the screen
will turn orange to display where you are in the Quoting process:

6 On the Locations tab you can enter the address of the location as well as add location
level coverages (Additional Property Coverages and Business Income):
> You can complete this section without entering the address, and instead add
the address on the Building screen.

7 If you have Additional Property Coverages (APCs) such as pools and signs, select the
Yes button next to “Are there additional property coverages?” and enter the value
and description of each APC type. Otherwise, select No.

8 In the Business Income field, enter the BI amount for this location, or leave blank if
there is none. Be sure to include any extra expense or loss of rents for all buildings at
this location.

9 Select Add Buildings. You will be taken to the Building screen, where you will enter
the building characteristics.
> As you complete each section of the Building information, a blue check mark will
appear indicating you have entered all required information. If you are missing
information you can continue entering the information you have and come back
later. Sections with missing required information will be marked with a red X.
> You can save at any time by clicking the floppy disk icon . You can also Save
what you have entered and Exit by clicking the .

10 In the Building Details section, the location address will automatically pull over from
the previous screen, if entered. If not, you can enter the address here. Enter the
building characteristics including construction type and year built.

> If the data entry field link is blue, you can click the link to get additional information.
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11 Click on Building Occupancy. Enter building occupancy details. CONFIDENTIAL
®2018 ICAT Data as of October 2017

Quoting A New Account (continued) Quick

12 Depending on the state you are quoting in you may be prompted to enter roof details
and additional building information. Guide
> If prompted, click on Roof Details. A Google image of a building will appear to
facilitate identifying roof information. Enter roof shape, type and age.
> If prompted, click on Additional Building Information. Answer questions on
building security and protection.

13 Click on Building Values. Enter building and Business Personal Property (BPP) values.
> If you have additional buildings or locations, you can add them by using the
icons in the bottom left hand side of the screen.

Add or Copy Building.

Use the to Add a Building
and the to Copy a Building.

> To add a new building click the and select New Building. If you have a
building with similar risk characteristics to add, select the which will
copy the existing building.
> Once you have entered the complete location and building information
select Review Building.

14 A summary screen will appear.

> At the top of the summary you will see icons that will allow you to Edit, Add
(a Building or Location), Copy or Delete the information.

15 Once all the information is correct, click Create Quote.

> If the risk is eligible for multiple coverages, you will be prompted to choose the
Coverage. If you have the option of coverages, in the Coverage tab, select the Peril
you wish to quote and Continue. If the risk is eligible for General Liability and you
choose to quote GL, complete the following:
> Select the General Liability button and click Continue.
> Enter Prior Loss information and select Continue.
> Select Location Class that matches occupancy type entered on property section.
> Answer all required GL fields. You can use the tab key to move quickly through the
fields, and select Continue. You will then be on the Create a Quote page on step #17.
Continue with your selections.
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16 If prompted, enter Prior Loss information and select Continue. ®2018 ICAT Data as of October 2017

Quoting A New Account (continued) Quick

17 On the Create a Quote page enter deductible information and additional/optional
coverages. Click Insured Values to modify Building, BPP or BI values. Select Get a Quote. Guide
18 The Account Overview page of the Quote tab will display. Review the total premium,
taxes and fees. You can edit the taxes and fees by clicking on the pencil icon.

Account Overview Page

Account Actions. You can

select Create Another Quote
or Delete Account.

Additional Information
for Binding. You can choose
to enter the Insured Contact
Info, Inspection Contact and
Additional Interests from this
page or you will be prompted
after selecting Request Bind.

Edit Deductibles and Limits.

Quickly create another quote
with different deductibles,
coverages, or limits.

Request Bind. You can

Request Bind from the
Account Overview page.

Quotes. The left side of the

screen shows all quotes for the
account. The highlighted
quote will display in blue and
have View/Print Full Quote,
View Quote Details and Email
Quote options. You can also
request a premium change
for that quote.

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®2018 ICAT Data as of October 2017

Quoting A New Account (continued) Quick

19 Once you find the quote you would like to bind, make sure it is highlighted in blue on the
left side of the screen and scroll down and select Request Bind. Guide
> In the Policy Details section enter the Effective Date, select one of the policy
addresses for the Insured Mailing Address or manually enter an address.
> Accept or decline TRIA Coverage.
> Enter the Inspection Contact Name and Phone number.
> Add any Additional Interests.
> Enter your Contact Information.
> Select Submit.

20 You will be asked to Confirm Bind Request Details. This is your chance to make
sure everything is correct prior to binding. Hit Request Bind to move on.

21 You will receive a Request Received Confirmation page. You can select Homepage
to return to the ICAT Online homepage. If extra documentation is needed, this screen
will alert you.

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®2018 ICAT Data as of October 2017

Binding A Quote from the Home Page Quick

1 From the Homepage you can select New Business in the Accounts section by using
the Show All dropdown and selecting New Business Guide

New Business.

or use the Find feature to search by Named Insured or Quote Number.

2 Select the quote you wish to bind by clicking on the Named Insured link.

3 You will be taken to the Account Overview screen. Review the active quotes in the
left column and click on the quote you wish to bind. The selected quote will be
highlighted in blue.

4 When you are ready to bind follow the steps above, beginning with step 19.

NOTE: Please keep in mind once a quote has been submitted,

it cannot be edited.

Finding and Editing Renewals

Renewal quotes are automatically released approximately 35 days prior to the month of
renewal. You will receive an email when the renewal quotes have been released.

1 To find your renewals on the ICAT Online homepage, scroll to the bottom of the page
where the Find section is located and select Renewal from the drop-down box.

Use the Find feature by

selecting Renewal.

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®2018 ICAT Data as of October 2017

Finding and Editing Renewals (continued) Quick

2 You can look up individual renewals or renewals for a given month.
> For individual renewals enter the name into the Named Insured field and select
the state. This will pull up the renewal quote for an account.
> For all renewals in a given period, enter the Effective After date and select Find.
This will bring up all outstanding renewals.

3 Click on the desired renewal. This will bring up the Account Overview page, values
per expiring.

4 On the Account Overview screen, you have several options:

> At the bottom of the Account Overview page will be the box of Other Deductible
Options table. By clicking one of the blue premium options, you have a quick way
to generate a quote with a different deductible and the same values.
> In the right column you can select the pencil to edit Insured Contact Info,
Inspection Contact or Additional Interests.
> In the middle of the page, select the blue Edit Deductibles and Limits button to
change values or to quote with different deductibles or coverages.

> This will take you to the Create a Quote page. You will be able to name your renewal
quote, amend deductibles, optional coverages (all coverage options are determined
by eligibility) and values.

5 Once completed, click Get a Quote to generate an additional quote option.

6 Once the quote is created it will register on the left side of the Account Overview page
under Prior Quotes. You can repeat these steps as many times as necessary to get
the bind order.

7 When you have your chosen renewal quote highlighted in blue in the left column,
select Request Bind. In most cases, you will be taken to the Policy Summary page
for the renewal policy. In certain circumstances, the renewal bind request will refer
to the ICAT Online team.

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®2018 ICAT Data as of October 2017

Processing Endorsements Quick

1 From the ICAT Online homepage, select Find Policy, enter the
policy number and click on the policy. Guide
2 On the right-hand side under Policy Actions click the
Endorse Policy link.

3 You will be prompted with a screen to select the type of

indorsement you would like to process.

4 If you are changing the Contact/Mailing Information only, you can complete the
endorsement and receive the endorsement form immediately. Risk Characteristic
and Coverages or Policy Expiration Date endorsements require referral and approval
prior to completion.

5 Enter the endorsement effective date.

6 For Contact/Mailing Information endorsements:

> Select the type of endorsement by clicking on the hyperlink.
> Named Insured/Mailing Address: Amend the Named Insured and mailing address
and add an extended Named Insured, if there has not been a change to entity or
ownership, otherwise this will require a cancel/rewrite. If this is a name change you
will need to confirm this is not a result of the business being sold by selecting the
No button.
> Inspection Contact: Amend the name and/or phone number.
> Additional Interest Information: If the policy has multiple buildings/locations, assign
the interest to the Policy or Location/Building by clicking the appropriate boxes
when prompted.
> Producer Contact: Amend the name and/or email address associated with the account.
> Click Ok. Enter any additional Contact/Mailing Information endorsements.
> To process the endorsement, click Complete. You can Print or Email the endorsement
for your records from the blue bar at the top of the screen.

7 For Rick Characteristic and Coverages and Policy Expiration Date endorsements:
> Location/Building Information: Add/delete/amend buildings and locations
This will be identical adding buildings during the quoting process.
> Deductibles and Coverage: Add/delete/amend coverages and values. This will
be identical to the Create a Quote screen in the quoting process.
> Prior Losses (Wind/AOP/GL only): Add prior losses (non-ICAT losses). Previously
added losses will not be able to be amended.
> GL Information (Wind/AOP/GL only): Amend GL information.
> Add/Remove TRIA Coverage (Wind/AOP/GL only): Add/Remove TRIA coverage
to the policy.
> Policy Expiration Date: Amend the policy expiration date by entering in a new date. Page 8 of 9
®2018 ICAT Data as of October 2017

Processing Endorsements (continued) Quick

8 Click Continue. Depending on the changes you are looking to make to the account
the system will generate a quote, or the account will be referred for eligibility and Guide
pricing review.

9 If the changes can be quoted without referral, you will see the Summary of Pending
Endorsement Changes. Confirm that the changes listed in the summary line up with
the changes you were looking to make.

10 Click Next, the Endorsement information will populate and the price for the change
will be listed under the Transaction Premium.

11 If you would like to bind this endorsement, click Submit. A member if the online team
will review your request.

Quick Tips
> Click the ICAT logo to return to the home page.

> After saving your information, use the back button to return to the previous
screen. Too many uses of the back button may result in data getting lost.

> Use your keyboard Tab button to quickly navigate the system.
> As you enter the building characteristics you can hover or click into items
highlighted in blue like Protection Class to see the definition.

> When you click Leave Ineligible, the building will not be available for quoting,
but it will be saved.
> To make corrections, select the pencil icon or Edit Building, correct the
information and select Review Building.
> You can edit APCs from the account overview screen (down at the bottom of
the page, under the deductible options), but it will expire any active quotes.
385 Interlocken Crescent
Suite 1100
Broomfield CO 80021

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®2018 ICAT Data as of October 2017

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