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No. 82 ARNOLD SCHOENBERG Concerto for Piano and Orchestra Op. 42 G. SCHIRMER NEW YORK EXPLANATORY NOTES (1) The piano, whether it plays a principal or a subordinate part, or even the accompaniment to a principal part, must always be distinctly audible. (2) Principal parts are marked at their beginning P, at their ending. Subordinate parts are less important than principal parts, but more important than the accompaniment. They are marked $—. Both principal and subordinate parts must not be played louder than indicated. But parts marked neither P nor $ must be played in such a manner that the important parts can easily dominate. (3) There are three kinds of detached notes: (a) notes which are not so long as legato notes; i.e. not shortened but only separated from the next notes. (b) staccato, marked +, are notes similar to martellato notes, short, heavy, accented, hard. (c) spiccato, marked + , are short, but light, clastic notes Both v and + are also used in the piano part and should be played with similar discrimination. (4) Notes marked A should be gived a certain degree of importance. (5) Notes marked + should be accented, like a down beat. Notes marked u should be unaccented like an upbeat. (6) ‘The metronome marks need not be taken literally; primarily they should give a fair idea of the tempo in respect to the character of each section in all its changes. (7) Col legno battuto means “tapped with the bow stick.” Col legno tratto means “drawn with the bow stick.” (8) Ponticello, sul ponticello. It is not sufficient to play “near the bridge.” In order to produce the “Immaterial sonority” desired here, the bow (or if col legne, the bow stick) must actually touch the bridge. 44355 A To Hey Clay Shiver u CONCERTO FOR PIANO 2 AND ORCHESTRA Ua 4-99 Andante(s.244;)=132) — Amold Schoenberg, 2 = a——~ * _ ome e P Piano Yieloncello Contrabass a © MCMXLY, by 6. Schirmer, Ine Internationol Copyright Secured , Printed in the U.S.A, A4355e0 44355 44355 Ye. ce. 44355 44355 eee nena ene OT TE caceaataaaasaasiasinsiiciieanabeiinmmainapaniatnn — 44355 44955, 5 a ee 44955 a 44355 44955 40355 rit.__--—_-- pesante Bi largo( 244) 44355 44355 o § == = = = ap 7 = ee SSS SS — _ es pare, an gage — x : = = B ta = a == : " 1p) . m= ‘L— (3 = 1S (pace 4) - —— -55--— esc 2 FOC ty 9 sit. - = - ee vm. = z = Sia —" 2 28k Sih ty SS : f a 44355 pA | Adagio Jese (Piano tacet till 320) Adagio J=56 jee : ete amen 40355 44355 eo ass 44355 * free ce 4) pith largo(4=44) M9 44355 2 224 molto rit. 505 44355, a | sass (moderate) O=76 oo was 4s 4355 44355 Se A eftringende, : 2 — Fey eee? a = n : = jee. ge + e +—- a ish a ee SSS = ; < = =a ado _ SSS SS = “abit + | rae gotnee | Tiere _pratempod=% 31 44355 2 SS eS 44955 50 Se ian 44355 52 atempo 4296 eT _ Pree ne oF 1 accel. poco a poco x ——— a = sostenuto 1296 a4 =— molto sostenuty 4=7 rit. TempoT d=76 poco rit, molto sostenuta Jem Fr, 44355 P 55 eG 40s 44355, #4Tempol ders 445 n if ov. 3g cp) Fe ; as ete | 44955 58 44355 59 .€ : je gS SB, a = eet Tt aw} Fees Le a qe Step SSS 44355 44355 ange cals me a accelerando 446 1 Tit, Stretto detzo “ees : 2 = Home Ho ae BT it ¥ e = ge # $ es its vf a 40355 44355 a é 3 44055 [3 4955

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