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Capital Letters

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X,
Y, Z.

Small Letters

a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z.


a, e, i, o ,u


b, c, d, f, g, h, j, k, l, m, n, p, q, r, s, t, v, w, x, y, z.

மநய் ‘A’ எழுத்துகளுடன் என்னும் உனழமபழுத்தழன் உச்சளழப்பு

Ba ஧, ஧ள, ம஧ Ka - க, கள,கக Sa ச, சள, ற, றள, ர

Ca - க, கள, மக,கக La ஬, ஬ள, ஭, இ஬, க஬ Ta த, தள, ட, டள,

Da த, தள, ட, டள, கட Ma ந, நள Va ய, யள

Fa ஧, ஧ள Na ஥, ஥ள, ஦, ஦ள, ண Wa ய, யள

Ga க, கள, மக,கக Pa ஧, ஧ள Xa கச, சள

Ha ல, லள Qaக, கள Ya ன, னள
Ja ஜ, ஜள, மஜ Ra ப, பள, ஫ Za ஜள
மநய் ‘E’ எழுத்துகளுடன் என்னும் உனழமபழுத்தழன் உச்சளழப்பு

Be க஧, ம஧ Ke கக, மக, கழ Se

Ce மச, கச Le க஬, ம஬ Te

De கத, கட Me கந, மந, நவ Ve

Fe ஧ழ, க஧, ம஧ Ne க஥, ம஥, ஥வ We

Ge கக, மக Pe க஧, ம஧ Xe

He லழ, லவ, கல, Qe கக Ye

Je கஜ, மஜ, கச Re Ze

மநய் ‘I’ எழுத்துகளுடன் என்னும் உனழமபழுத்தழன் உச்சளழப்பு

Bi Ki Si

Ci Li Ti

Di Mi Vi

Fi Ni Wi

Gi Pi Xi

Hi Qi Yi

Ji Ri Zi
மநய் ‘O’ எழுத்துகளுடன் என்னும் உனழமபழுத்தழன் உச்சளழப்பு

Bo Ko So

Co Lo To

Do Mo Vo

Fo No Wo

Go Po Xo

Ho Qo Yo

Jo Ro Zo

மநய் ‘U’ எழுத்துகளுடன் என்னும் உனழமபழுத்தழன் உச்சளழப்பு

Bu Ku Su

Cu Lu Tu

Du Mu Vu

Fu Nu Wu

Gu Pu Xu

Hu Qu Yu
Ju Ru Zu

Parts of speech (மசளற்க஭ழன் யகககள்)


A noun is a naming word (Trichy, English, Father, and Zubair)

They are 5 kinds

1. Common Noun Boy, Girl, Village

2. Proper Noun Coconut tree, Sugaina
3. Collective Noun Army, People, Team, Gang
4. Abstract Noun - Sorrow, Pain, Knowledge
5. Countable Noun A Pen, Many Man


A word used in place of noun (or) noun phrase (I, We, You, He,
She, It, They)

It is a noun’s deputy pronoun are classified into

Personal Pronoun

A personal used instead of the name of a person is called a

personal pronoun

Singular Plural

Part I

I (஥ளன்) We (஥ளங்கள்)

You (஥வ / ஥வங்கள்) You (஥வ / ஥வங்கள்)

He (அயர் / அயன்)

She (அயர் / அயள்) They (அயர்கள் / அகயகள்)

It (அது / எது)

Part II

Me (எ஦க்கு / என்க஦) Us (எங்களுக்கு / எங்கக஭)

You (உங்களுக்கு / உங்கக஦) You (உங்களுக்கு / உங்கக஦)

Him (அயருக்கு / அயகப / அயக஦)

Her (அயளுக்கு / அயக஭) Them (அயர்களுக்கு / அயர்கக஭ /

அகயகளுக்கு / அகயகக஭)

It (அதுக்கு / அகத / எதுக்கு / எகத)

Part III
My (என்னுகடன) Our (எங்களுகடன )

Your (உன்னுகடன / உங்களுகடன ) Your (உன்னுகடன / உங்களுகடன )

His (அயருகடன)

Her (அயளுகடன) Their (அயர்களுகடன /


Its (அதனுகடன / இதனுகடன)

Reflexive pronoun

I Myself ஥ளக஦, ஥ள஦ளககய

We Ourselves ஥ளங்கக஭, ஥ளங்க஭ளககய

You Yourself ஥வங்கக஭, ஥வங்க஭ளககய

He Himself- அயக஦, அய஦ளககய

She Herself அயக஭, அய஭ளககய

It Itself- அதுகய, அதுயளககய, தளக஦, தள஦ளககய

They Themselves அயர்கக஭

As for as l am concerned, I do all my work myself be it washing, be it

(என்க஦ ம஧ளறுத்தயகபனழல் என் கயக஬ முழுயகதயும் ஥ளக஦
மசய்கழக஫ன் அது துகயக்கழபதளக இருக்கட்டும், சகநக்குபதளக

The canal breached itself (அந்த களல்யளய் அதுயளககய உகடந்தது)

Does this work yourself? (இந்த கயக஬ ஥வங்கக஭ மசய்யுநள)

He thinks himself he is intelligent (அயன் அ஫ழயள஭ழ என்று அயக஦

஥ழக஦த்து மகளள்கழ஫ளன்)

They eloped and get married themselves

(அயர்கள் ஓடிக஧ளய் நற்றும் தங்கக஭ தழருநணம் மசய்துமகளண்டளர்)

Trichy itself (தழருச்சழனழக஬கன)

Today itself (இன்க஫க்கக)

Yesterday itself (க஥ற்க஫க்கக)

Now itself (இப்ம஧ளழுகத)

Morning itself (களக஬னழக஬)

Sunday itself (஥ளனழத்துகழமகநகன)


This - இந்த, இது, இயர், இயன், இயள்

That - அது, அயர், அயன், அயள்
These - இயர்கள், இகயகள்
Those - அந்த, அயர்கள் அது, அகயகள்

Anybody/ Anyone னளரும் னளருக்கும் னளகபயும் னளளழடமும்















Be form Verbs

Am I am
Is He is, She is , It is

Are We are, You are, They are

Was I was, He was, She was, It was

Were We were, You were, They were

Will He will, She will, It will, You will, They will

Shall I shall, We shall

He is my friend

He is not my friend

Is he my friend?

Is he not my friend?

Am / Is / Are




Positive Negative
I am (l’m) I am not (l’m not)

He is (He‘s) He is not (He isn’t)

She is (She‘s) She is not (She isn’t)

It is (it‘s) It is not (It isn’t)

You are (You‘re) You are not (You aren’t)

We are (We‘re) We are not (We aren’t)

They are (They‘re) They are not (they aren’t)

I’m cold. Can you close the window, please?

Zubair is afraid of dogs

Ann and I are good friends

Those people aren’t English. They’re Australian

It’s sunny today but it isn’t warm

Thank you, that’s very kind of you


Am I? Is He? Are We?

Is She? Are You?

Is It? Are They?

Am I late? No you’re on time

Is your mother at home? No she’s out

Are they new? Yes they are new

Not is at home your mother? Is your mother at home?

Not are new your shoes? Are your shoes new?

Where? What? Who? How? Why?

Where is your mother? Is she at home?

How are your parents? Are they well?

Are you tired? Yes I’m

Are you hungry? No I’m not but I’m thirsty

Was / Were

Positive Negative

I was I was not (l was not)

He was He was not (He wasn’t)

She was She was not (She wasn’t)

It was It was not (It wasn’t)

We were We were not (we weren’t)

You were You were not (We weren’t)

They were They were not (they weren’t)

I was tried last night

Where was sulaiman yesterday?

The weather was good last weak

We were hungry after the journey but we weren’t tired

The room was comfortable but it wasn’t expensive


Was i?

Was he?

Was she?

Was it?
Were you late? No I wasn’t

Was sultan at work yesterday? Yes he was

Am to, Is to & Are to

[I (am to), he/she/it (is to), and we/they (are to) not for

I am to go to Mumbai tomorrow

Tree is to fall

She is to join duty today

Rain is to come

We are to join in army

They are to start their own business

We are to link all tamilnadu rivers

I am to buy a car

Was to, Were to

[I/he/she/it (was to), we/they (were to) not for ‘YOU’]

Rain was to come at the eleventh hour cord

Result was to come today but they put-off

The child was to fall into water but at the eleventh hour I saved the

He was to come yesterday

She was to join duty yesterday

We were to start our own business

They were to launch a new political party

I was to buy a car

Going to

[Am going to, Is going to & Are going to]

I am going to resign my job

I am going to receive visa tomorrow

Milk is going to spoil

The water is going to stop

They are going to elope to night

We are going to planned more sapling ground our home

I am going to buy a car

As far as

As far as _________________________ concerned

I am, we are, you are, He is, she is, it is, they are

For me, For us, For India

As far as I know

As far as I know, They are very rich

As far as we know, the company gives more salary

[Only as far as I know, as far as we know]

As far as I can remember

As far as I can remember my name is sultan

As far as I can remember he is in Saudi Arabia

As far as I can remember her name is suvetha

Yet to

I am yet to, we are yet to, you are yet to, they are yet to, he is yet to,
she is yet to, it is yet to,

We are yet to take discussion

They are yet to start their work

He is yet to settle the loan

She is yet to marry

It is yet to grow

Fruit is yet to coripen

Shall / will

I / we / you / they

He / she /it will (‘ll)

Sultan travels a lot today he is in Madrid tomorrow

He ‘ll be in rome. Next week he will be in Tokyo

You can phone me this evening, I’ll be at home

We’ll probably go out this evening

Will you be at home this evening?

I won’t be here tomorrow

Don’t drink coffee before you go to bed, you won’t sleep

I shall be late tomorrow / I will (I ‘ll) be late tomorrow

We (or)
Don’t He
You Does
She (or)

We do a lot of different things in our free time

I don’t like syed and syed deosn’t like me

Do you work in the evening?

Does chris play tennis?

Where do your parents live?

How often do you wash your hair?

What does this word mean?



He Did (or) Did not / didn’t



I played tennis yesterday but I did not win

Did you do the shopping? No I didn’t have time

We went to the cinema but we didn’t enjoy the film

What did you do yesterday evening?

How did the accident happen?

Where did your parents go for their holidays?

Did you see anand yesterday? No l didn’t

Don’t be

Be happy don’t be happy

Be honest don’t be honest

Be mom don’t be mom

Be claim don’t be claim

Don’t come with me

Don’t you come with me?

Don’t you stay at home?

Don’t you get up liquer?

Don’t you behave decently at pubic place?

Doesn’t he speak with you?

Doesn’t he come with your home>

Don’t I know?

Why do you learn English? Don’t I know why you learn English is?

Who are you? Don’t I know who you are?

Where are you? Don’t I know where you are?

What is this? Don’t I know what this is?

Where is he? Don’t I know where he is?

Don’t you know who I am?

Is / are / was / were

Why l learn English is it is international language

Why l always use green as well as blue color is they are my favorite

Why l refuse eat this is l am in fast

What l say is

What he say is
Why we came late yesterday was

What is this

What this is is it is gruel

What is she

Who she is is she is my classmate

Doesn’t he know me?

Karnanithi does not do anything for Muslim community

Doesn’t Karnanithi do anything for Muslim community

Have has had

(have take, get, receive, enjoy, drink, eat, experience)

We Have
You Haven’t
They Has
She (or)
They have influence in polities

We have branch everywhere in Tamilnadu

You have talent

He has family

She has children

Every day has 24 hours

Every weak has 7 days

Every year has 365 days

Every male elephants has ivory

Every human being has one heart

Every peacock has beautiful wing

You don’t have / have no manners

Do you have any problem?

Do you have passport?

We [don’t have / have] no work

They don’t have any qualification and experience

I have no faith in superstition (or) I don’t have faith in superstition

He has change for hundred rupees

He doesn’t have change for hundred rupees

Does he have change for hundred rupees


I / we / you / he / she / it / they had

I had tooth ache yesterday

He had several pains but he is normal / all right

Mannarpuram had hundreds of shops before coming this bridge

Did not have

This M.L.A did not have even a cycle before become M.L.A now he has
properties whole tamilnadu

Did you company have branch in trichy

Did you have any experience before join our company?

Did you have college yesterday?


There is

There are

There was

There were

There will be
There is big factory in Trichy that is BHEL

There are two festivals for Muslim

There are number of islands in maltase

There are many colleges around Trichy

There was a big lake at this place

There will be water supply tomorrow

There will be power-cut after 2011

There is no air

There will be no water supply tomorrow

There is no holiday

There is no water

There is unity

Have to

I have to, we have to, you have to, they have to, she has to, it has to

Have to

I have to attend the interview

We have to fight for right

You have to join in our party

They have to finish this bridge within two years

Has to

He has to join duty tomorrow

She has to marry

It has to grow further two feet

Karnataka has to give water us

You have to be here till we come back

He has to help to the needy

We have to make awareness among Muslim community

We have to be patient

The government has to take action against antisocial elements

Had to

I / we / you / he / she / it / they had to

We missed the bus, so we had to stay there

For want of umbrella, I have to wind in rain

For want of communication knowledge I had to miss the job

I had to marry her due to their compulsion

She had to wait for you

Question tag







How many

How much

How long

How far








What do you eat? What you eat?

What do you do? - What you do?

Why do you go? - Why you go?

Where do you go? Where you go?

How do you go? How you go?

Which do you bug? - Which you bug?

When do you do? - When you do?

Whichever way you go you reach Chennai

Whoever you are I don’t bother

Whichever country you like to go you need passport

Whichever sudha we readies we will get its benefits

Wherever you go particularly outside keep move

Money so that you wouldn’t face any problem

However we are healthy one day meet death

Whatever problem you have talk me frankly

Be happy whatever you have

However it is tasty I don’t want

However you ran fast you can’t catch the rain

How to

I don’t how to get up in morning

I don’t know how to say thank for your timely help

You don’t how to behave at public place

Where to

I don’t know where to go

Which to

I do not know which to go

What to

I don’t know what to select and what to reject

I know up to dharmapuri how to go after that

I don’t know how to go


Don’t disturb me when l take class

Don’t disturb me when taking class

Don’t say jokes when I drink water

Don’t say jokes when drinking water

He came when l went to buzzer

I saw you when you boarded that bus yesterday

I saw you when boarding that bus yesterday


Life is easier while planning with margadhasi

When eating

When wasting

When coming

When going

When reading

When writing

When taking
When doing

Too --- to

So --- that

Tea is very hot so l can’t drink

Tea is so hot that l can’t drink

Tea is too hot to drink

Your hand writing is very small so can’t read

Your hand writing is so small that can’t read

Your hand writing is too small to read

Your home is very distant so l can’t walk

Your home is so distant that l can’t walk

Your home is too distant to walk

Salary is very low so l can’t accept this job

Salary is so low that l can’t accept this job

Salary is too low to accept this job

I am very old so l can’t continuous

I am so old that l can’t continuous

I am too old to continuous


You are my friend - As you are my friend

Rain is to come As rain is to come

We are going to join in army As we are going to join in army

Postman is yet to come As postman is yet to come

I have siblings As I have siblings

You had pain yesterday As you had pain yesterday

I do not know about you As I do not know about you

He doesn’t speak frankly As he doesn’t speak frankly

The train doesn’t stop at our station - As the train doesn’t stop at our

They came yesterday As they came yesterday

I speak English fluently - As I speak English fluently

She has sweet voice As she has sweet voice

He has to resign minister post As he has to resign minister post

We have to miss last bus - As we have to miss last bus



The pen is in the table

I am in India / Tamilnadu / Trichy

In 2010 / In May / In 3rd


At down, at night, l am at home

You meet me at home, at the rate of

At the speed of

At tvs tollgate

At harbor, at bus stand

He done at 90 age

I stay in royal lodge at room no 156

I have move respect on you

Keep the milk on the table

I come on cycle

On the way, on the spot


I came by bus

I come by train

By dd, by cheque, by interest, by register post

I received appoint letter by the company

Thousands of people died by tsunami


This is nothing buy

We have all day expect Sunday, Saturday

I eat all vegetables except bringal

Road is under repair

He works under my leadership

The situation under control

There is lot of resources under the earth

Cover the cloth over the t.v

For hour

For year

I learn English for job

This is for you

How waited for you for year

I need one lakhs rupees for starting business

Translate into English

Convert this is American dollar into Indian rupee

The boy jump into river

The boy jump in river

I am in room is far from here
We always come from train

Our country in independent since 1987

We are friends since childhood

He is very week since birth

Sit before me

Come before 4’o clock

I tell you after 4 days

Why do I run after money

That train goes to Ajmer to Delhi

I bought newspaper to you

Come with note book

Live with confidence

As l stay with him l feels happy

As all mighty is with me there is no fear

As I have to finish his contract with in a weak I can’t with you

Nobody like without water

How do you stay here without water

What l does without water

There is a bank beside my home

As there is a bank beside my home that’s comfortable to me

Besides learning English we learn driving class

Besides Trichy we have branches in all over tamilnadu

Besides acting in Tamil film, he also act Malayalam

There is more different between Islam and other religion

There is rate different between two shops

I saw you among a big gowed

There is dispute among them

It is beyond my capacity

There is superpower beyond human being

Be hide
I like to be behide cinema

There is a mystery behide verupa’s dies

I need jeans plant below 300rs

The water matter level is below 85 feet

There shop is above us

I don’t about them

Tell me about you

There are no of mountains around my village

There is a bridge across the river
Sent that book through my friend

I receive money through money order

As a Muslim / a doctor / a friend

Give me as 1000 as a hand loan

I work in this company as partner

Bitch festival is not like ramjan

Your brother is not like you

Islam religion is not like other

During morning, during ramjan month, during at time

Dispute sleeping will I feel sleeping

Dispute having surplus money there are not happy

Dispute having no of tree around any home there is no air

Dispute increasing gold price day by day our business as it us

I’m very happy amidst defeat

It is business very well amidst competition

They educated their children amidst poverty

The color of shirk is blue

The root of tree is very week


Don’t say anything against my religion

Now a day he is against me

Put the labor against the well

If you built your own home you will save rent amount

If you need help don’t hesitate

If you do not increase my salary will resign my job

If you are innocent, anybody cheat you

If our deeds are good we will be heaven after our death

If you will go thuravarar tomorrow take the parcel while going

Ask me if he can give me 20% discount

See if bajji is hot

Inform me if the opposite shop is open

Inform me \ tell me \ conform me if I have fever

See if that pen has ink

Inform me if prayer has started

Trust this and tell me if everything is correct

If we are friends today it is nebosh class

If ____ it is ___________
If BHEL is in Trichy it is kamarajar

If you are alive today it is him

So what if
So what if you lost one son when you have 2 sons

So what if you have two arrears, when you scored 95% marks in all

So what if the judgement is against us when there is supreme count

If you run fast you will catch the bus

If you give up liquor your will life is good

If you invest your money in gold you will earn more profit

If you had walked fast, you would have caught the bus

If you had given up liquor your would have been life is good

If you had invested money in gold, you would have earned more profit

If my grandpa had been alive he would have been happy seeing my


If l had known that you would come to see me today l would have come
to airport to receive you

If biriyani was tasty, I would have eaten more

If house was big, I would have bought

If house is big, I will buy

If I had known the price of cell phone would be so high l would have
bought more phone when coming

If I gave up liquor, I would like happily

If I woke up \ if I got up before 10am I would be so lasy

If I contented in elecision l would win

If I were a bird I would go Saudi without passport

If l were you, I won’t do like you

If I had money, I would give you

Take Took Taken

Take your mother when you come next time

That cricket player takes his wife wherever

He goes these is his habit / wont

Harjakhan took is years to built tajmahal

It will take near / nearly to year to give us amount

Come Came Come

Go Went Gone

Go speaking something

Don’t come running

Come holding my hand otherwise you will go missing in this crowed

Go taking lunch

He came running

Avoid, Keep, Stop, Miss, Deny, Enjoy, Delay, Go on, Like, Hate, Love,
Consider, Allow, Begin, Suggest
He avoided smoking as per doctor advice

If you avoid smoking you health will be good

As you avoid smoking you health is good

I do not avoid smoking

I did not avoid smoking

I am to avoid smoking

I was to avoid smoking

I am going to avoid smoking

I have to avoid smoking

I had to avoid smoking

I am yet to avoid smoking

The purpose of avoiding smoking is to healthy

Keep coming

Keep going

Keep moving

Keep helping needy

Keep speaking
Stop coming

Stop reading

Stop arguing

Stop speaking

He has stopped coming here

Don’t miss catching the bus

I missed taking the my passport

Don’t miss watching the program on TV

We missed catching the last bus

M.L.A deny meeting Karnanithi

Don’t deny reading my personal letter

Don’t delay doing this work

Don’t delay doing sultan

Central government delay giving 10% job quota for Muslim

Go on
Keep, go on, went on, gone on

Go on going

Don’t go on watching tv

I like reading Quran

He like working our company

Most of the youngsters like working foreign country

I hate visiting hospital

I hate seeing drunken person

I hate seeing you

I hate watching TV serial

I love meeting lot of people

Central Government should consider giving 10% reversion for Muslim

They did not consider accepting our demand

I won’t allow you to go I won’t allow going

They always enjoy watching tv serial for hour forget everything

They start working at 9’0 clock

We suggest going to foreign country

Will / Would
I / we / you / he / she / it / they will (spoken)

I / we shall (written)

I have will of this property

I have willingness to go to foreign country to earn more money

I am willing to go to foreign

Will power
I have will power to win in this election
Will, willed, willed
When I worked in army I willed her

Will you come with me?

Would you come with me?

Would you help me?

Would like to
I / we would like to

I would like to join in your company

We would like to more concession to Muslim

I would like to meet you personally

We would like to do some change in this scheme

I thought / expected / believe

I thought tea would be cool

I thought English would be difficult

I expected I would be more profit

I expected you would be come on party as you told me

I thought there would be petrol in the vehicle

Would not / won’t
He would not come

He does not come

He did not come

The train won’t stop

The train doesn’t stop

They won’t open their office 10’o clock daily

I won’t meet him daily

He won’t buy goods in my shop

That bus won’t stop at everyplace

We won’t give loan to every body

I won’t read thinathanthi

Shall / Should
I shall, we shall

You / he / she / it / they should

Shall I use your cell phone?

Shall we go?

Shall I have rest?

Shall I come back after taking both?

Shall I wait for you
We should keep our home neatly

Everybody should wear helmet when riding

We should respect our yielders

The government should provide job each and everybody without came

You should come on time, and you should leave on time

We should love our country

We should use water judiciously

We should add more vegetable in our daily

Should not
You shouldn’t come to office late

you shouldn’t take without permission

we shouldn’t interface others personal matter

we shouldn’t get up our rights

should be / should not be

you shouldn’t be coward

we should be good human being

we should be patient / faith full

you should not be lazy

you should be active

you should not be there, you should be here

ought to should, ought not to should not

can could (able / not able)

I can do this work butter then you

I can speak sever languages

I can be alive for 10 days just drinking water

We can’t give you 10% reservation in this

Can be / can not be

I can be alive for 10 days just drinking water

I can’t be alive without you

It can’t be an aeroplane

I can’t be mum like you

Could I sit here?

Could I speak with your manager?

Could I know the price?

I could walk even 40 km in single day now I can’t walk even few feet

In those days people could live healthy even after hundred years

I do what I can, you do what you do can

May / might
May I come in yes you may come in

May I take leave tomorrow yes you may take leave

May I take rest yes you take rest

May know this price

May I know upto where you go?

May I sit here?

May I know your salary?

May I know where do you were?

Tomorrow may be happy holiday

They may be suppliers don’t suspect them

I think everything may be costly at the shop

I may go to my name place tomorrow

It may be roof
It may not be roof

Friday may be ramjan festival

Gruel may be hot drink carefully

You may be rich man but you should not be arrogant

Tomorrow might be holiday

Should have (flash back)

Nothing is at our hand

Everything is at our hand

Your should have counted the money in front of him

You should have stopped your vehicle in the signal

We should have boarded in some other bus

You should have helped him

You should not have done this business

We should not have believed his words

Should have been / shouldn’t have been

You should have been at airport

You should have waited for me at airport

You should have been careful

I should have been patient

I shouldn’t have been patient

Could have / couldn’t have

Could have been / could have been

You could have helped me, but you did not

I could not have come this position without your support

This theft could have happened without co-operation of bank officials

I couldn’t have been alive if you did not help me

Might have / might not have

Might have been / might not have been

I might have attened the interview

We might have invited them in person

You might have saved them

We might have gone to attend the marry

You might have came there

You might not have brought umbrella

They might not have given verdict

Who might have told him?

He might have over hand our disuession

Must have
You must have felt your umbrella in ten shops

He must have reached there

They must have get treasure at the time of doing

He must have given draft to me

I have a car

I had a car

I will have a car

I should have a car

I can have a car

I may have a car


Present tense (color)

We are in Trichy
We learn English

He sales something

Fan runs

We do not celebrate our birthday function

I always travel by train

Continues tense am / is / are + verb + ing

We are learning English

They are constructing the bridge

Gold is increasing date by date

You are missing your cellphone

Present perfect continues tense

I / we / you / they have been

He / she / it has been

We have been learning English for one month

It have been raining two days

I have been waiting for you for 4 hours

I have been working for 6 months

Present perfect tense
We have learnt English

It has rained

Has she married?

She hasn’t married

Simple past
It rained yesterday

When did you sleep?

I went

He ate biriyani

Past continues
It was raining yesterday

When you went there I was waiting

He was playing

Perfect continues
It had been raining for past 4 days

I had been staying for four years

Past perfect
The thrift had escaped after police arrived

When I went to railway station the train had gone

I will travel in train tomorrow

We will open this bridge for people tomorrow

People will use this bridge tomorrow

I will be traveling in train tomorrow

We will be attending interview by this time


Positive voice, active voice

I write a letter a letter is written by me

I am writing a letter a letter is writing being written by me

I have been writing a letter for a day X

I have written a letter a letter has been written by me

I wrote a letter a letter was written by me

I was writing a letter a letter was being written by me

I had been writing a letter X

I had written a letter before I received your letter a letter had been
written by me before I received your letter
I will write a letter a letter will be written by me

Smoking is injures to health

Helping to the needy is noble act

Buying and selling car is our proffesion

Saying is easy and doing is difficult

Waiting for someone for hour without reason gives is tension

Going this way is not save

Investing on land is profitable business

As far as jamah prayer is concerned praying at masjad with is


Crossing railway line without seeing both sides are dangerous

Nowadays buying car is ordinary thing

Receiving money without counting is bad habit

Behaving indecently and using flatly words will spoilt our images

Walking is a good excuse, similarly swimming, cycling, jacking is also

good excuse

Munching lodly at public place is indecent

Saving for our future is good habit

Saving rain water should be our responabitilies

As you are my friend, I speak to you frankly

As we are Muslim, we won’t believe this

As I am doctor, I know your problem

As Friday is holiday we observe prayer at mosque

Type I
Being friend, I speak to you frankly

Being Muslim, we won’t believe this

Being doctor, I know your problem

Being holiday, we observe prayer at mosque on Friday

Type II
After taking rest, we continued our work

After attending interview, I went to native place

Having taken rest, we continues our work

Type III
I inserted my hand in my packet and look specks

We entered while and started reading newspaper

My father sold vegetables from street to street and educated us

Inserting my hand in my packet and took specks

Entering inside, we started reading newspaper

Selling vegetables from street to street and educated us

Type IV
He got job giving one lakhs rupee as bribe

He become famous ratidy ratify murdering to persons

The anger disappear giving this boon

We did this surjerey using near equipment

My father arranged my sister marriage selling half of home

They got married elvosing

They construct a temple demolishing the mosque

They woo customer giving lot of discount

Type V
See, hear, know, forget, believe, hope, be, think, find, notice

Seeing the police, the therif run away

Seeing the body they started crying

Hearing your voice, baby woke up

Don’t say like me forgetting everything past

Believing your words I invested my money in this business

Finding the snake they panic

I did that knowing you do this

He gave me the amount giving

Direct and indirect

Direct Indirect

Ago Before

A week ago / a month ago A week before / a month before

Today That day

Tomorrow Next day, the following day

Yesterday Previous day, the day before

Last week / last month / last year Previous day / month / year

Last night Previous night

Next week / month / year The following week / month / year

Now Then

This / it That

These Those

Here There

The day before yesterday Two days before

The day after tomorrow In two days

Will Would

Can Could

May Might

Have to, has to Had to

Must Had to

Am / is Was

Are Were

Simple present tense Simple past tense

Present continuous Past continuous

Present perfect Past perfect

Present perfect continuous Past perfect continuous

Simple past tense Past perfect

Past continuous Past perfect continuous

Bare Infinitive
See, watch, notice, set, make, feel, find, hear,

I saw you go this way

I saw you going this way yesterday I felt some touch me

I herded your father scold you

Make me understand

If you make him laughing i give you one lakh.

I make him laugh so he gave me one lakhs rupee

You and you face, Mother is mother

You and you face

Mother is Mother

Such because [enpatharkaga]

Who came [yar vandha]

Who said [yar sonna]

Pronoun Key
Send , show , talk , bring , give, teach,


Send me Rs 500 by money order.

We have sand them following books .


Show me what it is?


Told me the truth.

He told me What happened.


Bring him a latest computer.

We bought you foreign thing.


Give him a cup of water.

I gave them everything.


Teach me something.

We should teach them a lesson coming election.

Don’t teach me What to do, What not to do.

Such that, So that

It is such beautiful place that everyone wants to see at least in life

Kabba is such holy and wonderful place that every Muslim

wants to visit at least once in their in life times

He is such a kindman that even his emenices like him

English is such language that youth like us want to learn it

It was such a powerful beam that it made impact upto 3 k.m

(alternative) so…that


Merely saying sorry, we are not going to get back what we lost for
worng doing

Merely creating thenukana state people living in region is not going to

see any progress in their life

Merely doing M.B.A one can not gain English knowledge automatically

Melery studing in English medium one can not speak in English fluently

Get used to 92 [palahu]

We should get used to speaking few word in English

I have got used to smoking while deficating

Those Whoyaar yaaruillam

Those Who have sound knowledge in English, They have good future.

Those Who have two wheeler only they should apply to this post.

Those Who helped me in rainy day I won’t forget them till I die.

Those Who have five year experience in this field only they eligible to
this job.

Ever Since

Ever since we came to power, They have controlled the antisocial


Ever since you join here your communication knowledge is improving

day by day.

I have changed a lot you ever since got job.

Most Muslims are disappointed ever since the babir masjad verdict

I want your help {want/need}.

I want your co-operation.

They want 25% boms.

I want 2 lakhs to start business.

I want pieces of mind.

I want to go to foreign country to earn to support my family.

I want to be happy.

I want to be allow.

I want to be good human being.

I want to speak English like my mother tongue.

I want to be here till you came back.

I want you to marry.

I want to marry you.


Ask your friend to apply this post.

Who asked you to drive vehicles without license.

It is worth / It is no worth 95

It is worth

It is worth buying this for 15 thousands

It is no worth watching this film once

It is worth investing our money no gold as well as no


It is good / It is no good 95

It is no good marring at this page .

It is good doing this job.

It is no good interfacing in their personal matter.

It is use / It is no use 94

It is no use

It is no use asking money from those

Have no option other than

[ Idai thavira veeru vali illai]

I have no option other than catching this bus.

Not knowing [thariyamal] 95

Not knowing hit the basket

Not knowing how to go to railway station

Happy, sorry, afraid, busy,95-96

We are happy going to foreign country [nainkal velnaituku

povathail mahilchy attikirom]

You are also happy watching T.V

He is happy talking with you

Every Muslim is happy obsereing fast during Ramjan

Are you happy working here

I am busy perparaing project work

They are busy watching T.V

Politicans are busy earning money.

It seem that இது மதளழகழ஫து என்று 96

It seems that you are happy ஥வங்கள் சந்கதளரநளக இருக்கழ஫

என்று கதளன்றுகழ஫து
/ I think you are happy. ஥ளன் ஥ழக஦க்கழக஫ன் ஥வங்கள் சந்கதளரநளக
இருக்க என்று

It seem that they are rich

இது அயர்கள் ஧ணக்களபர்கள் என்று மதளழகழ஫து

It seem that you have fever இது உங்களுக்கு களய்ச்சல் என்று மதளழகழ஫து

It seem that rain will come அது நகம யரும் மதளழகழ஫து


Just because
It can’t see that film just because it runs 100 days

Not because
Obama come to India not because he likes our country but because of
his business attitude

We can’t interface the internal matter of Srilakan.

Just because they Tamil people living there.

When it come to
When it comes to choosing the best school for their children most of
us choose our school.

When it come to buying the best cell phone most of people think only

When it comes to getting taste food in Trichy is that is aim

Ashamed of (மயட்கப்஧டுகழக஫ன்)
I am ashamed of saying this இகத ஥ளன் மசளல்஬ மயட்கப்஧டுகழக஫ன்

He is not ashamed of taking bath nudely

அயர் nudely கு஭ழத்த மயட்கப்஧ட இல்க஬

I am not ashamed of asking mutely more at public place

஥ளன் ம஧ளது இடத்தழல் mutely கநலும் ககட்டு மயட்கப்஧டயழல்க஬

Are you not ashamed of wearing such dress at public place

உங்களுக்கு ம஧ளது இடத்தழல் ஆகடஅணழன மயட்கநளக இல்க஬?

Why should I be ashamed of?

ஏன் ஥ளன் மயட்கப்஧ட இருக்க கயண்டும்?

She is not ashamed of wearing indecent dress

அயள் கண்ணழனநற்஫ ஆகடகன அணழனமயட்கப்஧ட இல்க஬

He does not have shame

அயர் அயநள஦ம் இல்க஬

Don’t you feel shame saying this?

இகத மசளல்லி அயநள஦நளய் இல்க஬னள

Some, Many, Most, Few of Us

Some of us [nambil silair ]

Many of us [nambil palaair]

Most of us [nambil parubalanor]

Few of us [nambil cojapair ]

Most of us are live below property line

Some of us are milliner

Few of us social elements

Many of us are well educated

Most of us are working in private company

Only few of us are I.A.S and I.P.S officers

Most of flowers are wither shortly

Most of educated people are go to foreign country to earn more money

Whether- or, Either- or, Neither- nor, Nothing but, Apart from
Whether you come or not. I will go to College.

Whether you see me or not. I will go on see you.

Whether you like me or not me. I like you.

Whether you believe are or not. I have done my degree.

I was in AIC room, I did not know Whether rain come or not.

Either---or [edu alladu adu]

Don’t say no drink either tea or coffee.

Select either blue car or green car.

Neither---nor[eduvum illai aduvum illai]

Neither I drink tea nor coffee.

Neither he speaks with me nor comes to my house.

Neither the film is best nor worst.

Nothing---but [ithai thavira]

I take nothing but English subject.

We learn nothing but English.

She is nothing but my sister.

Not only---but also

AR .Rahman is a music director and also a singer.

AR .Rahman is a music director and singer too.

AR .Rahman is not only a music director but also a singer.

He is not only actor in this film but also director.

This is not only class room but also home

Apart from (ethu matdum ellamal)

Apart from doing our course, we learn English

Apart from taking class for you, I teach others

Apart from having back money is Singapore he is also have back money
in swis
Apart from having aircel card, I have airtel card

Apart from acting in the film, she also direct the film

Let [vidu] allow

We let water form nuilam dam irrigation purpose

We won’t let you without eating

My mother let me to play with other

Let me know where did you work?

Let me know your name

Let me know how much price?

Let me go

Let me come

Let us come [va povom]

Let him come [avar varatum]

Let him go [ avar pohatum ]

Let me speak [nain pasukiran]

Let it be as it as [appadi appadiya iukatum]

Let it grow [ethu valaratum]

Let me try [nain muyarichi painran]

Let us stand on our own legs

Let us start our own business

Let us some babri mussad issues by dussion

Let us make our country strength

Let him walk he may full let him fall.

Let them ridicule

Let them enjoy

Let them die

Let us weeded the road

Let us show our protest against raju baksa

Let us think positive and let it happen positive

Let almighty accept our all prayers

Let us speak in English

Let us apply to the company if there is no responsible

Let us try somewhere else.

Let me be at home

Let me be happy

Let me be what I am

Let them be happy

Let them be enemy

Let him be fool cowed, innocent

Let them not happy, Let him not go to job

Somewhere else [varu enkayavathu]

Everywhere else [varu enkayavathu]

Nowhere else [varu enkum elli]

Though although even though

Even Though Abdul kalam is Scientists He is very Simple

Even Though He is rich Wealthy man he is always travels by bus like a

common man

Though tomorrow is holiday you have to come to office

Even though he took tow centuries his team did not won

Even though they are well-educated, they behave like beast

Even though he spend money like water for getting rotes

He did not win.

Even though he sets in the air-condition room he sweats.

Even though he has every thing he is not happy.

Even though there are no of tree around here there is no air

Even though he is old person. He works like youth.

Even though there is a river nearby there is a water scarcity

Even though he studied in English medium right from the being

He is not able to speak even few word in English

Al though they are poor. They are very happy.

Though I had fever I went to office yesterday.

Dispute being famous scientists. He is very simple

Dispute being rich man He is always travels in bus like a common man

Despite eating heavy I feel hungry

Dispute being holiday you have to come to office

Despite taking two centuries his team did not win

Despite being well-educated they behave like beast

Despite being spending money like water for getting votes he did not

Despite being in air-condition room he sweats

Despite having everything he is not happy

Despite being no of tress around him there is no air

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