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Spanish Vocabulary Cheat Sheet

by Language Chimp (LanguageChimp) via

Numbers - Numeros Days Of The Week - Dias de la Semana Colours - Colores

One uno Monday lunes Red rojo

Two dos Tuesday martes Yellow amarillo

Three tres Wednesday miérc​oles Green verde

Four cuatro Thursday jueves Blue azul

Five cinco Friday viernes Orange naranja

Six seis Saturday sábado Pink rosa

Seven siete Sunday domingo Purple violeta

Eight ocho Black negro

Months - Meses
Nine nueve White blanco

Ten diez January enero

February febrero Animals - Animales

Twenty veinte

Thirty treinta March marzo Butterfly mariposa

Fourty cuarenta April abril Cat gato

Fifty cincu​enta May mayo Chicken pollo

Sixty sesenta June junio Cow vaca

Seventy setenta July julio Dog perro

Eighty ochenta August agosto Snake serpi​ente

Ninety noventa September setie​mbr​e/s​ept​iembre Elephant elefante

One Hundred ciento October octubre Rabbit conejo

One Thousand mil November novie​mbre Pig cerdo

One Million un millón December dicie​mbre Horse caballo

Lion león

Monkey mono

Mouse ratón

By Language Chimp Published 27th March, 2013. Sponsored by

(LanguageChimp) Last updated 25th June, 2015. Measure your website readability!
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Spanish Vocabulary Cheat Sheet
by Language Chimp (LanguageChimp) via

Transport - Transporte Food - Comida Body - Cuerpo

Taxi taxi Eggs los huevos Arm brazo

Train tren Cheese queso Body cuerpo

Bus autobus Bread pan Ear oreja

Plane avion Soup sopa Eye ojo

Boat barco Cake torta Face cara

Ship buque Chicken pollo Foot/Feet pie/s

Car carro Apple manzana Finger dedo

Motorcycle motoc​icleta Banana platano Hair pelo

Bicycle bicic​leta Orange naranja Hand mano

Scooter motoneta Lemon limon Head cabeza

Corn maiz Leg pierna

Beverages - Bebidas
Rice arroz Mouth boca
Coffee café Neck cuello
Tea té Clothing - Ropa
Nose nariz
Wine vino Hat sombrero

Beer cerveza Dress vestido

Juice jugo Skirt falda

Water agua Shirt camisa

Milk leche T-Shirt camiseta

Trousers los pantal​ones

Seasons - Temporadas
Shoe zapato
Spring la primavera Coat abrigo
Summer el verano Belt cinturón
Autumn​/Fall el otoño

Winter el invierno

By Language Chimp Published 27th March, 2013. Sponsored by

(LanguageChimp) Last updated 25th June, 2015. Measure your website readability!
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