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Parent Questionnaire

1. What is your child’s favorite subject?


2. What does your child like to do for fun outside if school?


3. What traditions holidays or celebrations do you share as a family?


4. What concerns do you have about your child’s education?


5. How would you describe your child’s learning style?


6. What are you hoping for your child to learn this year?

7. Does your child have any food allergies? If yes, please describe the type

of allergies?

8. What is the primary language used in home?


9. Do you prefer I communicate with you in a different language?

10. How would you like to be involved in our school’s activities? Select all that apply.

In the classroom

 Helping with art activities

 Reading to individual children or to small group

 Supervising on a field trip

At home

 Sewing costumes for play area

 Bring refreshments for meetings

 Repairing damaged classroom library books

What topics would you like us to cover in a program for parents?

 Literacy activities to do at home

 Testing issues for young children

 Family services available in the community

 How to help my child with English when I am not a native speaker of that

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