Strategy Log

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Strategy Purpose Procedure Classroom

Close reading Opportunity for -Students read selected Reading for multiple
multiple reading i.e. texts by themselves meanings
critical thinking, vocab -Second reading with Perspective
lesson, fluency, teacher guidance for a Math
inferences specific reason
Inside out Students share with Students stand in two This strategy can be
Inside outside circle different partners, it’s a circles one inside the used across content
cooperative learning others. Students face areas. During reading it
strategy. each other and discuss can be used to discuss
different questions the the text.
teachers poses. One
circle stays in place
while the other shifts
left of right after each
question. This allows
for students to share
with different partners.
Morning pages Have students free In their journals As the name suggest
write about any topic students are given time the strategy can be
they choose. Focus on to write about a topic dome in the morning,
getting their thought of their choice. but can be
on paper not spelling implemented at any
or grammar. time during the day.
Sprinting Engage students in Teacher recites words This strategy can be
writing. and students write used to assess students
anything they think of. prior knowledge of a
subject or simply to
engage them in writing.
Read like a Writer To make connections Read the text multiple Look at authors
to text times, each time look perspective, identify
for different things. authors

Reciprocal Budding Find universal theme Partner A reads first, Any subject area.
Reading (RBR) that can be applied partner B listens Students are able to
through all content attentively and then recall information
areas. summarize and ask about the text, while
clarifying questions. assessing their
Repeat process an comprehension.
alternate between
Writing from one genre Create an atmosphere
to another of writing
Literature Circles Literature circles A piece of literature is This strategy can be
provide a way for selected from a variety done using different
students to engage in of options. Students types of literature.
critical thinking and are placed in groups of Students are able to
reflection as they read, 4-6. In these groups compare and contrast
discuss, and respond to students write about literature they have
books. different topics. Each previously read while
students has a role in to make personal
the group there is a connections with these
discussion director, texts.
connector, passage
picker, artful artist, and
a summarizer.
Shared reading This strategy helps with Everyone has a copy of
comprehension, the text. Reading is
fluency, and accuracy. done as a whole group.
For lower grades model
reading and choral
reading can be used to
help with fluidity.
Modeled writing Used to pre-teach and Students are primarily Used during whole
reinforce specific listening and watching group instruction and
writing skills or the teacher. The across all content
concepts. teacher is writing she is areas.
thinking aloud and
making decision about
her writing. Students
are able to observe the
teacher use different
writing strategies.
Guided reading Teachers with small The text is chosen by Used primarily during
groups of students with the teacher. In small small group instruction,
similar reading levels. groups the teacher will but different subjects
This allows teachers to guide students in can be incorporated.
work with students at reading the text. While The lesson’s objectives
their level of reading/ a each student reads the also change, so one
form of differentiated teacher is making week’s focus may be
instruction. observations, providing phonemic awareness,
support and making while another week
notes for future lessons may be sequencing or
and on students’ retelling.
achievements. The
purpose if for students
to be able to work at
their reading level and
eventually move to
different group of a
higher reading level.
Interactive writing Teacher and students Teacher shares the Can be done across
work collaboratively to writing experience with content areas and all
create a writing piece. young students on the students participate
white board or chart regardless of writing
paper. Students level. During this
participate by giving activity the teacher
the teacher ideas and models different
also by writing words, techniques for writing
phrases, or sentences and students get to
with the teacher’s participate during the
guidance. process.
Shared writing Allows students to Students come up with Can be done as a whole
practice writing. the ideas as a whole group and in small
Students are group and the teacher groups. Students are
encouraged to write on does all or most of the coming up with the
their own pace, do actual writing. ideas, so they get to
their best, and problem collaboratively share
solve. their ideas.
3,2,1 Monitor student After reading the text, Can be used with a
engagement during the student write 3 things variety of texts and
reading task. they learned, 2 things across content areas.
that were interesting,
and 1 question they
Making predictions Students engage in the Students can make Can be used using a
text by guessing what predictions before and variety of texts and is
will happen next. during the readings. good for
Once they have made comprehension and
their predictions, the engaging students
think pair share during the reading.
method can be used to
initiate students in a
class discussion.
Use background This strategy uses Before and during the Can be used in all
knowledge students’ prior reading ask students if content areas to
knowledge to guide the text reminds of scaffold students
students’ something they have comprehension.
comprehension of the previously read. Use
text. students’ prior
knowledge to guide
student reading

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