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Foreign Travel Request Bond

1. Objective:
Global exposure is encouraged and is desirable for an individual's personal & professional development.
Wipro always attempts to provide opportunities to its employees to gain global exposure. As the
organization invests considerably in providing this exposure, it expects the employee to serve the
organization for a fair period of time in return. To formalize this expectation, and protect the company's
interest, employees going on a Long Term Overseas Deputation, henceforth will be required to accept a
service agreement which requires them to serve the company for a minimum period of six months from the
date of return from the overseas deputation. This policy defines the terms and conditions of this agreement.

2. Eligibility & Scope :

This policy would be applicable to all the employees of Wipro Technologies, Wipro Infotech, Wipro BPO
& Wipro Corporate (hereinafter referred to jointly or singly as “the Company”) or such groups as specified
by the Executive Vice President Human Resources from time to time, who meet the following criteria:

• This policy applies to all employees who are deputed fromIndiafor a long term overseas deputation
(deputation for a period over 3 months).
• WASE-ians, retainers and employees who have been locally hired in locations outside Indiaare not
covered as part of this policy.
• This policy will not be applicable for employees in Bands C2 & above.
• This policy will also not be applicable for employees who travel on Business visas/ Dependant
• This is applicable for employees who raise their work permit (WP) of Foreign Travel (FTR) request
on or after 1st August 2007, only.

3. Policy :

• Employees going on Overseas Deputation would be required to execute a service agreement on web
(FTR/ Work Permit Module) & a service agreement hard copy attached to the deputation letter
committing to return to India and serve the company for a minimum period of six months from the
date of his / her return to India after completion of the overseas deputation. However, the tenure of
six months can be served at either location (Overseas or India or both in part) based on the
requirement of the reporting manager. Although service agreement is applicable for employees who
are deputed on long term overseas deputation, even the employees who are going on short term
assignment would be required to accept the service agreement on the web, however, in this case, it
would only take effect if the deputation is converted into a long term deputation while the employee
is overseas.

• Liquidated damages :

Ø The employee is expected to return toIndiaand serve the company for a minimum period of 6
months from the date of return from the overseas deputation. In case, he does not wish to
continue service in the company while overseas or after returning from the overseas deputation,
he would be required to pay the company liquidated damages of Rs. 4,20,000 to the company.
However, the tenure of six months can be served at either location (Overseas
orIndiaor both in part) based on the requirement of the reporting manager. If the
employees services are terminated before the expiration of the Committed Service
period for reasons such as Misconduct or Breach of Integrity on the part of the
employee, the Employee shall pay to Wipro liquidated damages mentioned above.

Ø The liquidated damages will be reduced pro rata basis month wise depending on the tenure
served by the employee post his/her return from the Overseas Deputation or date of
resignation whichever is earlier. If the employee wishes to separate from the organization
while being overseas on the assignment, employee will be liable to the full penalty amount
irrespective of duration of notice period served while being overseas, unless part of or the
complete notice period of six months is required to be served overseas based on the
requirement of the reporting manager.

Ø Pro rata basis calculation : based on duration of notice served :

o Liquidated damages value = (6 - No of months actually served) /6 * 4,20,000

o E.g. If an employee resigns after spending one month post his return, he or she would
be liable to pay 5/6th * 420000.

Ø The amount has been determined based on the expensed incurred by the company in
providing Overseas Deputation.

Ø In the event of employee fails to comply with the terms of the agreement, the relieving letter
would not be provided to the employee and legal action proceeding will be initiated against
the employee.

4. Process :

• Before raising a Foreign Travel Request /Work Permit for overseas deputation, the concerned
employee has to go through this policy and accept the terms and conditions of the agreement
(which would be conveniently hosted in the FTR & Work permit module).

• In addition, the employee also has to sign and return the deputation letter (which would contain
the policy terms & conditions and agreement) to wividus.

• In the event the employee does not comply with the above and the terms and conditions of the
service agreement, the deputation would be deemed as cancelled and appropriate disciplinary
action would be initiated by the concerned TED.

5. Exceptions :

• All exceptions to this policy would have to be approved by Business Unit - HR.

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