Mayday, Mayday... K25 Rhonda Requires Assistance Immediately - Being Pulled Into Star Gravity - Engines Failing - Power Gone.

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“Mayday, Mayday...

K25 Rhonda requires assistance immediately - being pulled into star

gravity - engines failing - power gone.”

As Seb walked up to the bridge, he checked the ship’s vitals on the screens
that plastered each wall. As he walked, the K25 Rhonda’s call echoed through
his mind, reminding him why the fleet had been sent into space two years
before schedule.

The doors to the bridge hissed softly, alerting the Captain someone had come
through. No matter how many times he was here, the area took his breath
away at the sheer technological marvels everywhere; touch screens adorned
most walls, the steering in the centre of the room lighting up as the pilot
navigated the ship. Near the steering column was a holographic, three-
dimensional star map, constantly changing to show the different areas they
were cruising through within the Andromeda Galaxy.

“What can I do for you, young Sebastian?” The Captain asked happily.

“Well Sir, I was wondering when the next expedition team would be going
out, and if I could be part of it since I have completed my training.”

After a pause, the Captain replied

“The next expedition team will be in two days time, after all equipment has
been tested for faults,” he looked Seb directly in the eyes “You can join them,
as long as you stay out of trouble for the next two days.”

Seb couldn’t help but smile as his Captain turned around, answering a call
from one of the many ships surrounding the SU3 Raymond.

Two days later saw Seb being kitted up for the expedition. Before they went
out, the Captain came and briefed them on all of the dangers and emergency
procedures they needed to know.

Before Seb walked out, the Captain grabbed his arm and whispered,

“Beware of the dangers, Sebastian, and trust only your partner. No one else. It
could mean the difference between life and death. Only do what your partner
asks and please be careful or your parents will have my guts for garters if any
harm comes to you.” He placed his hands on Seb’s shoulders. “Do you

“Yes Sir.” Seb replied, a little uncertainly. His parents had died a long time
ago and he was sure they hadn’t known this captain.

When he floated out into space, his partner was waiting for him with a grin.
His partner Will Harris had been a brother to Seb since his parent’s death and
had treated him like a brother.

Seb’s view of the outside was wonderful. The stars glistening like diamonds
on black velvet cloth, slightly more pink tinged than the stars of the more
familiar Milky Way.

“Come in, Sebastian. Do you read me?”

“Loud and clear, Captain.”

“Good,” the Captain replied, releasing a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been

In their usual reconnaissance, Seb spotted something near a clump of green

stars. At first, he thought it was nothing.

Looking closer, it seemed to resemble ship parts.

In the middle of the mess was what looked like the bridge and two
compartments, still intact.

“Captain, spotted what looks like ship wreckage to the right of the SU4 Thalia,
permission to go and investigate before ships come in and disturbs the mess?”

“No. Permission denied. Return to the ship immediately. That is an order.”

A little confused, Seb and the others returned, worried about the turn in the
Captain’s normally happy nature.

Back on the bridge, the Captain radioed out to the other ships and they turned
towards the SU4 Thalia. Seb couldn’t believe it; it could be the Rhonda! But

everyone was puzzled by how it lost communication – it had been the best
ship out of them all.

“Everyone report to the bridge immediately. It appears we have found the


The expedition team headed towards the bridge, knowing full well what
would happen. The bodies would be found and maybe survivors, then the
long trawl back to Earth.

Seb wanted to stay in space but knew he couldn’t. He didn’t want to face
reality again...

He wouldn’t have to. Seb was part of the team sent out to investigate.

They never came back.

“Captain – turn - ships - towards home – save everyone while you have time”
Seb radioed out to the Raymond

“Seb what has happened tell us we can save you” the captain pleaded.

“No captain, not enough time, they are looking for me making sure no
survivors escape. Don’t know who but are hostile”

There was a scream in the background and the radio picked it up. The fleet
was shocked at its painful sound and an agonised sound escaped Seb’s throat
as he identified the person.

“That was Will’s girlfriend Leila, she must have found his broken body and
they must have found her. They are close. They have broken the necks of
everyone that went in. The crew form the Rhonda we found the same as what
they are doing now – please captain turn around and get away, before they
move to the rest of the fleet. PLEASE” Seb pleaded through the radio as he
heard footsteps coming through.

Seb’s scream echoed through the fleet as a grief stricken captain made the call
for everyone to make their way home as quickly as possible to get away from
whatever had hit the Rhonda.

Mean While.....

“Well done everyone the role play was great. We tricked the Raymond and
the fleet into thinking we had all died and something will come after them”
Will said with real happiness.

Seb knew this had to happen. They wanted to keep travelling and made sure
all the people who could repair the ship were on the expedition team. These
people were only from two ships the Thalia and the Raymond and he could
trust them with his life if that ever came. The good thing was that they found
everyone that was part of the Rhonda alive and hanging onto hope. Will took
command and the old captain of the Rhonda took second in command as his
experience provided information. He was guarded at all times to make sure
he didn’t contact the fleet and tell them nothing had happened.

“This is the captain calling, can everyone make their way to the ship
immediately” Will said with some boastfulness.

As everyone made their way to the deck Leila was sitting with Seb.

“You know Seb; you sounded really distraught when you made that call. I
know how you feel because I felt the same thing when I had to scream as if
Will had been murdered. I don’t see any point of doing this anymore. I know
will and the others don’t want to go back to society but it was wrong of them.
The captain sound really sad when you “died” and I feel sorry for you.” Leila
said with heaps of meaning.

“Leila you make me feel better and I wish you were my girlfriend not Will’s”
Seb said rather sadly.

“I know how you feel and maybe things can work towards your way from
now on. I can let will off lightly. I am starting to see he only wanted me to
make his image look good but he is still a good captain. Just not a god
boyfriend” Leila said as a matter of fact voice”

Seb and Leila walked towards the bridge hand in hand but stopped when Will
walked into them.

“Leila may I talk to you privately please”

“Sure Will. Seb I talk to you later meet me at the lookout room tonight at

“Sure thing Leila, can’t wait”

Seb walked away knowing full well what Will was about to get. He took the
thought off his mind as he ran into some of the technicians.

“Hey can I help you guys fix the screens and other things?”

“Yeah sure thing Sebastian, we could do with an extra pair of hands”

Seb worked steadily through when Will walked past in a furious mood. He
gave aseb a look of complete hate, Seb knew this wouldn’t last as the repairing
and building of the ship would soon heal Will’s mind.

When it was time for Seb to go he was filled with joy now that Leila might be
his girlfriend finally after so many tires.

“Seb, it’s good to see you. Will took it badly and was quite angry but I think it
is for the better of us. Do you think it was?” Leila asked unhappily.

“Yes I do, because I love you more and it dosen’t matter what my image looks
like with you part of it. It is only an image. That can be mended, but true love
cannot be mended if it is broken.”


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