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Tetsuya ISHIKAWA “, Hiroshi OHNUMA “, Kenji IZUMO ” and Shohji OHARA ”


Based on results of a pure triaxial compression tests, ultimate strength envelopes and ultimate strain envelopes of
high strength concrete reinforced with steel fiber under triaxial compression were mathematically expressed. Secondly, a
constitutive model was proposed by applying a hypoelastic orthotropic approach and an equivalent uniaxial strain theory.
Furthermore, the application of this constitutive relation to preceding concrete was evaluated from the comparison of the
experimental results with the analytical results.
KEYWORDS : high strength concrete reinforced with steel fiber, triaxial compressive stress. hypoelastic orthotropic model,
equivalent uniaxial strain theory


A problem of the practical application of high strength concrete, it is brittleness accompanying the increase of
compressive strength. One of the methods to improve ductility of concrete is to reinforce with steel fiber. When evaluating
the effect of the steel fiber on the ductility of concrete, it is important to understand the behavior of strength and
deformation under multiaxial compressive stresses. Moreover, in order to analyze concrete structures subjected to three
dimensional forces, it is necessary to develop a nonlinear analytical procedure considering mechanical characteristics under
triaxial compressive stresses.
It is the purpose of this paper to clarify the non-linear behavior of the stress-strain curve of high strength concrete
reinforced with steel fibers under pure triaxial compression. In the first place, ultimate strength and ultimate strain were
obtained from a meridian stress plane test and a deviatoric stress plane test, and ultimate strength envelopes and ultimate
strain envelopes under triaxial compression were mathematically expressed. A constitutive model was proposed by
applying a hypoelastic orthotropic approach based on an equivalent uniaxial strain theory. It was clear that this model was
able to predict the non-linear stress-strain relationship along any stress path.



Normal portland cement was used in this experiment. Fine aggregate was sea sand that was produced in Mukawa, and
its fineness modulus, specific mass and absorption were 2.87, 2.67 and 1.43 %, respectively. The maximum size of coarse

*I Kumagai Gumi Co., Ltd.

*’ Department of Structural and Geo-technical Engineering. Graduate School of Engineering. Hokkaido University

Table 1 Mix proportion of concrete

Max. size of
Slump WIG
(cm) (%I

10 ( 15fl 1 27.0

*: AE water reducing superplaskizer

Table 2 Mechanical properties of concrete

A t testing ( 40 days )

meridian test 80.9 __ 37.1 0.21 85.9 39.8 0.21
( 0=60')
meridian test 81.7 5.06 40.4 0.24 87.0 38.0 0.21
stress plane 81.6 5.01 41.4 0.23 83.6 41.1 0.22
t: Specimen of 0 150X 200mm was used.

aggregate was 10 mm, and its specific mass was 2.65. The mix
proportion of the high strength concrete reinforced with steel fibers
is shown in Table 1. Water to cement ratio. required slump and sand- f Urnanal compressive strength
0: /
coarse aggregate ratio were 33 % , 15 + 1 cm and 44.5 % , ,’ Rendulic stress plane
respectively. The mass of AE water reducing superplasticizer was
1.0% of that of the cement. Steel fibers with 9mm long and 1.0%
of the volume of concrete were used.


The mechanical properties of high strength concrete

reinforced with steel fibers using a cylindrical specimen of 0
lOOmmX200mm, which was cured in water until the day before
testing, were measured. The compressive strength, Young’s modulus
and Poisson’s ratio of the concrete at 28 days and at testing under
triaxial compression are shown in Table 2.

compressive strength

A triaxial compression test was carried out on a 1OOmm cubic

specimen that was cast in a steel mold. After approximately several Fig. 1 Concept of meridian stress plane and
hours of casting, the surface of the specimen was finished with deviatoric stress plane
cement paste, with a water to cement ratio of 28 % and the
specimens were cured in water up to the day before testing. To minimize surface friction between a loading platen and the
specimen. a pad of two teflon sheets of O.lmm with silicon grease was used. The coefficient of friction of the pad was
measured to be 0.014 on average. The testing machine for the triaxial compression test could apply independently each 01
the three principal stresses. The maximum capacities of the testing machine were 2 MN in all directions.
A meridian stress plane test and a deviatoric Gress plane test were adopted In this experiment. Two extreme meridian
planes corresponding to Q = 0” and e = 60” are called a
tensile meridian and a compressive meridian, respectively.
2.5 C3rodcc
The compressive and the tensile meridian planes include the
uniaxial compressive strength and equal biaxial compressive I.5
strength as special cases. In the compressive meridian test, a ,
maximum principal stress was increased to failure while other 0.5
principal stresses were kept as a specified value. In the tensile o
meridian test, two principal stresses equally increased to os
failure while the minimum principal stress was maintained as ,
a specified value.
Tests in the deviatoric stress plane were carried out in 2 1
such a way that the sum of the principal stresses was kept 2.5
constant. Three successive stresses were firstly applied along Fig. 2 Ultimate strength envelopes in meridian
the hydrostatic axis up to 70N/mm*. The three stresses were stress planes
increased hydrostatically up to a specified deviatoric stress
plane, and then varied within this plane along one of five
loading paths to failure. For an isotropic material, the
envelopes in that plane must have three-fold symmetry.
Therefore, it is necessary to explore only the sectors of the
angle of similarity from e = 0” to 60”, and five stress paths
were adopted in this test. The concept of the meridian stress
plane and the deviatoric stress plane is shown in Fig. 1.


I 2 J--r
0 1
cc ( UC

Fig. 3 Ultimate strength envelope in deviatoric

The general shape of an ultimate strength surface in a stress planes
stress space can be best described by envelopes in the
meridian stress plane and the deviatoric stress plane. The envelopes of ultimate strength in the meridian stress plane are
intersecting curves between the surface and a plane containing the hydrostatic axis with 0 = constant. The test results of
ultimate strength in the compressive and tensile meridian are shown in Fig. 2. Firstly, the ultimate strength envelopes for
high strength concrete reinforced with steel fibers in two meridian stress planes could be approximated by the following
parabolic equations in terms of octahedral stresses.

toe= a,,f )-0138

-0.0442+0.8664 (, . (o,s )‘ (0.76a~s1.76) (1)
z = 0.0634+1.355(~) -0.3689(,)' (O.,,,~, ,,,) (2)
in which : a and 5 a are octahedral shearing stresses at 0 = 0” and 0 = 60”, respectively, u oc, is octahedral normal stress,
o c is uniaxial compressive strength and e is the angle of similarity.
In Fig. 2, dotted lines are the expressions of the ultimate strength envelopes for conventional concrete ( plane and
normal strength concrete ) obtained by Ohnuma et al. [l]. The obtained test results in this investigation were 13% higher
on average in the compressive meridian, and 4.8 % higher in the tensile meridian than values calculated by expressions for
conventional concrete. This is due to the increase of the relative shearing strength. Namely, the ratio of shearing strength to
uniaxial compressive strength of high strength concrete reinforced with steel fibers is higher than that of conventional
concrete. Therefore, it was concluded that the ultimate strength envelopes of high strength concrete reinforced with steel
fibers in the meridian stress planes could be estimated by Eqs. (1) and (2).

Fig. 4 Stress-strain curves in compressive meridian Fig. 5 Stress- strain curves in tensile meridian

Secondly, the envelopes in the deviatoric stress plane, which are the intersecting curves between the ultimate strength
surface and that plane, were provided. When concrete is assumed to be isotropic and homogeneous, the envelopes in the
deviatoric stress plane must have three-fold symmetry, and it is necessary to explore only the sector of the angle of
similarity 0 from 0” to 60”. The envelopes in the deviatoric stress plane may be given by the following equation, which is
defined as a part of an elliptic curve [Zl

The comparison of the envelope estimated by these equations and with experimental results in the deviatoric stress
plane is shown in Fig. 3. The expression of ultimate strength envelopes in the deviatoric stress plane was found to closely
approximate the experimental results for high strength concrete reinforced with steel fibers.


Stress-strain curves obtained from the compressive and the tensile meridian tests are illustrated in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5.
respectively. As shown in these figures, ultimate strength and ultimate strain of high strength concrete reinforced with steel
fibers subjected to triaxial compression increased to a much greater degree than that of the uniaxial compression, and the
increase was mainly dependent on the combination of principal stresses, This is because the characteristics of concrete
change from the brittle to ductile to repress the growth of microcracking in concrete when confined stresses increase. The
expressions of ultimate strain surface in terms of octahedral normal strain E on and octahedral shearing strain Y ocl may be
determined from the experimental results by the least squares method as follows.

y,, = 3.9534 + 0.109 (4)

E cu

2y,,(y;< - y,2,)cose + y,&y,, - Y,, )J4(Yic - Y,', )cos* 0 + sr,z, - 4YmYoc

r,m= (6)
4 (Yic - Y% )cos* 0 + (Y,, - 2YJ
in which t EU is the strain corresponding to uniaxial compressive strength, Y ,,p is octahedral shearing strain at e = O”, ?’ n
is octahedral shearing strain at ‘3 = 60”, and 0 is the angle of similarity.
The comparison of straight lines derived from Eq. (4) and Eq. (5)m a meridian strain plane with the experimental
results is shown in Fig.6. In this investigation, ultimate strain is defined as the strain corresponding to ultimate strength. It
was clear that the expressions of ultimate strain envelopes in a meridian strain plane could be determined by these equations
though scattering of the experimental ultimate strains was larger than that of the ultimate strength.
The ultimate strain envelope in a deviatoric strain plane could be provided to the same curve as ultimate strength. The
experimental results and the ultimate strain envelope obtained from Eq. (6) for high strength concrete reinforced with steel
fibers are shown in Fig. 7. As clarified from this figure, the
expression of the ultimate strain envelope in the deviatoric
strain plane could agree well with the experimental results.

M E4.(5)

4 MATHEMATICAL DESCRIPTION OF I--.dhod .3f bd 92usre.j


-0.5 O? 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

m P o
Assuming orthotropy of the principal stress axis and I)<
gi Ed41
reducing the variables caused by symmetry, the incremental 10.0 L
constitutive relation for axisymmetric problems can be
Fig. 6 Ultimate strain envelopes in meridian strain planes
written as follows.

{dE,}=[D]'{dai} (7)
in which {d E ,} and {d u ,} are the vectors of incremental
strain and stress, respectively, and

- E;’ - &2E;‘E;’ - &,E;‘E;’ 0

- p2,E;‘E;’ 0
[D]= : “f’ Ej o

symm. G,‘-
, if-,: = V II ?, z,, if ‘?, = V ?, V ,* and /L ‘,) = V ,, V ,,.
In order to work out Eq.(7) with the form of the
incremental constitutive relation, the seven incremental I
* C&t
hypoelastic modulus need to be determined. So the concept *=0.61 0 4
of equivalent uniaxial strain. as developed by Darwin and
Pecknold [3], is applied in this study. Fig. 7 Ultimate strain envelop in deviatoric strain plane


Based on the concept of equivalent uniaxial strain which defines the variation of E,, E, and E, with respect to the
variation of stress, the relation between incremental equivalent uniaxial strain d E ,” and incremental stress d (I , for
axisymmetric problems may be written in the following matrix form.

Ei=r; ; ;, jqj

The vector on the right-hand side of Eq.@) may be defined as the incremental equivalent uniaxial strains. The
incremental equivalent uniaxial strains can be evaluated from Eq.(8) in the simple form.

dq, = da, I E, (9)

Moreover, the total equivalent uniaxial strain may be determined by integrating Eq.(9) over the stress path.

E*, =J% (10)

The incremental equivalent uniaxial strain of Eq.(9) is the increment of strain in direction i that the material would
exhibit if subjected to a stress increment d u , with other stress increments equal to zero. However, d E I” depends on the
current stress ratio, and E I” and d & iy do not transform in the same manner as stress. Both are fictitious except in a uniaxial
test and are only significant as a measure of the variation of material parameters.


A description of stress-strain relationship including the softening region under uniaxial compression has been proposed
by Saenz [4]. Replacing the strain with & iy in this equation, the stress-equivalent strain curve can be obtained as follows.

cTi = (11)
l+(~+~-~).(~)~(~-l).(jL): +I?.(:)
in which

=4~,, ‘ic, E,,4,, o,,=%
2 4’ %
‘if ’ -1 &if
(1Ei, 1
and E, is the initial modulus of elasticity, u ,c is the maximum stress, associated with direction i, that occurs for the current
particular principal stress ratio, E iC is the corresponding equivalent uniaxial strain, and u if and E if are the coordinates of a
point on the descending branch of the stress-equivalent strain curve.
Differentiating Eq.(ll) with respect to E iy, the required modulus E, can be obtained as follows.

E, =E, (12)

The incremental elastic modulus of Eq.(8) may be determined from the above equation provided that the parameters
are known for the particular ratio of total stresses.


Prior to implementing the incremental stress-strain relationship, it is also necessary to determine the values of
Poisson’s ratio appearing in Eq.(7). Poisson’s ratio has been determined from the uniaxial compression data of the tests by
Kupfer et al. [5] as shown in the following function of strain, by the least-squares tit of a cubic polynomial.

in which E is the strain in the direction of uniaxial loading, E cy is E ,c for the uniaxial test, and !J , is the initial value of
Poisson’s ratio V .
It has been assumed that an axially symmetric Poisson’s ratio may now be applied to each equivalent uniaxial strain.
Three independent values of Poisson’s ratio 1/ , may be postulated for the following form.

v, =vo.f :
( IC 1
However, it should be noted that a limiting value of 0.5 has been placed on for v , as determined from Eq.(14). This
value corresponds to a limit of zero incremental volume change.

Fig.8 Comparisons of analytical results with experimental results obtained in deviatoric stress plane


There are two methods of stress and strain increments in the analysis procedure. The former is convenient due to
determining the strain associated with the predefined stress path. However, it was clear in a previous study that the method
of stress increment had two faults. Firstly, the associated strain for a stress increment was considerably large with an
extremely low secant modulus Ei near ultimate strength, and secondly it could not be calculated by a stress-strain curve in
the region of softening. Accordingly, we used the strain increment method in this paper, and conducted trials to estimate the
stress-strain curve including that of the softening region.


Comparisons of the analytical results with the experimental results in deviatoric stress plane tests of five stress paths
are shown in Fig. 8. As shown in these figures, it was clarified that the constitutive model applying an incremental
hypoelastic model based on an equivalent uniaxial strain theory could satisfactorily estimate the nonlinear behavior of the
stress-strain curve along any specified stress path.
The preceding expressions were useful to predict the ultimate strength and the ultimate strain in a specified stress
combination, and could be applied for the non-linear three-dimensional analysis of concrete structures. Particularly, the
method of strain increment could predict the descending branch of the stress-strain curve in the region of softening,
although the method of stress increment could not be provided.

A summary of results obtained in this investigation is as follows.

(1) It was suggested that ultimate strengths and ultimate strains for high strength concrete reinforced with steel fibers under
triaxial compressive stresses remarkably increased on comparing with uniaxial compressive stress.
(2) The experimental results of ultimate strength of high strength concrete reinforced with steel fibers were slightly larger
than those of conventional concrete. Accordingly, a mathematical description of ultimate strength envelopes in the
meridian stress planes for the concrete was newly proposed.
(3) The mathematical description of an ultimate strain surface of high strength concrete reinforced with steel fibers was
also derived from experimental results.
(4) It was made clear that the constitutive model proposed in this paper could predict the stress-strain response along any
stress path, and the analytical stress-strain curves for high strength concrete reinforced with steel fibers in the deviatoric
stress plane agreed well with the experimental results including the softening region.


(1) Ohnuma, H. and Aoyagi Y., “Ultimate Strength Property of Concrete under Triaxial Compressive Stresses,”
Transactions of the 71h SMiRT, H4/8, Aug. 1983, pp.l-7.
(2) Chen, W. F., %&&L&&rinReinforced Cw,” McGraw-Hill, 1982.
(3) Darwin, D. and Pecknold, D. A., “Nonlinear Biaxial Law for Concrete,” ASCE EM Division, April 1977, pp.229-241.
(4) Saenz, I. P., “Discussion of “Equation of the Stress-Strain Curve of Concrete” by P.Desayi and Krishanan,” AC1
Journal, Vol.61, No.9, 1964, pp.1229-1235.
(5) Kupfer, H. B., Hilsdorf, H. K., and Rusch, H., “Behavior of Concrete under Biaxial Stresses,” AC1 Journal, Vol. 66,
No. 8, Aug. 1969, pp.656-666.
(6) Ishikawa, T., Ohnuma, H. and Nawa, T., “Stress-Strain Relationship of Concrete under Triaxial Compressive Stress
Conditions,” Proceedings of the 1’ Joint Symposium between Korea and Japan, Feb. 1998, pp.105-112 ( in Japanese ).

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