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Fourth Quarter 1975

THE ANARCHIST BLACK HAMMER No, 4 ^ A l A j O t A t c U j f A W C by F. Woodworth

COVER:A member of the Woodstock Anarkist Parti in Malmo Sweden is arrested by police at a
large supermarket for leafleting in support of the United Farmworkers boycott durning a What is Anarchism?
demostration by the Malmb' WAP ant the Industrali Workers of the World(lWW) Such As defined by Anarchists themselves, it is "the philo- According to the widest traditions of humanity, govern-
demostrations and support by WAP members around the world helped in bringing about change sophy of a new social order based on liberty unrestricted ment is, in fact, absolutely necessary. Do Anarchists
by man-made law; the theory that all forms of government suppose they are right while the vast majority of people,
and reform in the farm labor laws effecting the United Farmworkers.(Photo by B.Roslund)
rest on violence, and are therefore wrong and harmful, as who do believe we need governments, are wrong? It would
well as unnecessary." An Anarchist named Emma Goldman seem that to compare the relative numbers of each
wrote this definition about fifty years ago, but the idea of philosophy's adherents, Anarchists are so badly out-
Anarchism—that human society would be better off not numbered as to be virtually discredited. Most people
having governments—did not originate with Emma Gold- affirm a desire for government.
man or, properly speaking, any other single person we This argument that the majority is against us is not real-
are today aware of. There have been people of a more or ly so profound. It would be trite to point out specific in-
less Anarchistic leaning in every era and place, although stances where majorities were completely wrong. History
the actual word "anarchy", compounded out of Greek is filled with them. But more importantly, Anarchists do
root-words meaning "without rule", was coined compari- not even believe that the majority of the people have in
tively recently. reality consciously chosen to have any government.
You say "more or less". Aren't all Anarchists in com- Rather, we feel, they were simply conditioned to believe
plete agreement? the rationales for governments; and in any event, these
No. Formerly all those who accepted the label of An- governments usually existed even before the birth of any
CONTENTS person who is ruled by them, making the question so
archist to describe themselves were divided into two
main categories: the individualists and the collectivists. obscure that most people have failed to consider it at
ANARCHISM - fred woodworth - The Match 1 While these groupings differed over matters pertaining all. The acceptance of government is an acculturated
to economics, organization, and general philosophical value. Who questions the germ theory of disease? This
ANARCHY - ernest mann - Little Free Press • • •5 orientation, they found common cause in opposing per se- is not to imply that that theory is necessarily wrong; but
ttle existence of government. considering the way we all accept it virtually on faith,
Today, these two broad divisions still exist, but an- for all we know, it might be wrong. This is the same way
FELLOW ANARCHISTS LET US NOW STRIDE FEARLESSLY TOGETHER - michael tobin - holland 8 in which people used to be certain that demons and spir-
other enters the picture as well. Referred to loosely by
the term "libertarian", this third grouping or division its existed and caused misfortune, etc. The current age
INMATE GOVERNMENT - red warthan - Bar None.. , .....13 holds weakly to the idea that certain forms of coercion may indeed be one of enlightenment—that is, enlighten-
probably ought to be avoided, but, on the whole, the ment of a type pertaining to scientific theory. But let's
MALE SEXUAL LIBERATION - red warthan - V/AP 14 modern "libertarian'' movement does not attack or con- not kid ourselves by pretending that people today are
demn the basic concept of government in and of itself, less gullible than they ever were.
SELF MANAGEMENT - SMG - australia 15 as traditional Anarchism does. The "libertarians" believe If people have "accepted" government, it is no won-
government is not harmful but is in fact desirable when der. But whether this kind of acceptance has anything in
it is provided by what they call "free contracts". The common with a true, conscious choice by a person who
POEMS - lester tate - WAP and donald Packard - WAP (prisoner) 20 distinction here, in other words, is that while Anarchists fairly considers alternatives and is not forced into this
oppose all government because they oppose what it is or that mental set by schooling or early training, ought
that governments do, the "libertarians" (again, in the to be obvious— it is not any kind of actual, conscious
modern usage only) merely reject the particular manner choice at all. The truth of the matter is that the people
in which governments are usually organized. Libertarian- are believers in the necessity of the State only because
ism, which is considered to be a phenomenon of t h e of the engineering of—the deliberate creation of—this
political Right, is rejected by Anarchism, which can be self-perpetuating belief by governments themselves. They
regarded (a bit imprecisely, perhaps) as a Leftist phil- accomplish this feat through the indoctrinations of their
osophy. schools, churches, and sundry means of propaganda
which permeate the entire culture of nations. But what-
To Anarchists, the "libertarians"' advocacy of mer- ever the truth may happen to be with respect to any par-
cenarism is completely mistaken. For, why are the ticular question, we repeat that this truth is in no way
mercenaries any more to be trusted with power over our affected by what the majority may believe.
lives than any other political rulers? It is difficult to
The name of this magazine depicts the Anarchist political color,black,which is the see how a person who has, for instance, suffered a beat- Supposing that this is correct—that governments further
absence of all governmental color,be it left wing red or right wing blue or anything in ing at the hands of a so-called free-market policeman is the very attitudes required to ensure their own survival,
any the less oppressed than one who has been maltreated how is it that anyone ever comes to be an Anarchist
between. It also depicts a symbol of the non-capitalist worker. The Anarchist black by a policeman in the employ of the more conventional within such a milieu?
smith is reforming the world of the old into the world of the new. The smithy in not government. Libertarians object that these abuses will There can be no one answer to this question. Some An-
smashing it,s/he is a worker not a government official. It is a fact that the general not occur because Constitution-like documents will con- archists become so after discovering some item of litera-
public do not know the true meaning of the words Anarchy,Anarchist and Anarchism. A good tain provisions stating that they are not to occur; An- ture by or about Anarchists. Or else they meet and talk
definition of these words, which is generally used by most Anarchists,is found on the archists say that maltreatment of the subject populace with Anarchists and are swayed by their arguments. Still
will take place no matter what the supposed sanctions, others (but this is the exception) reason out government-
inside back cover of this publication. - You will find within the pages of THE because government is, by nature, an institution which
ANARCHIST BLACK HAMMER articles by anarchists of different views as well as articles by less philosophies of their own by themselves, and only
increases constantly in power, owing to a basic instab- later discover what correct label to affix to their logic.
non-anarchists that are in line with Anarchist ideals,to wit;the freedom of all people ility. This predisposition to shift toward more authority But aside from just a few trends or tendencies, very little
to run their own lives as they see fit without authority over themselves or others. and to increasingly interfere in the affairs of its subjects is known about the psychology of getting to be an An-
is an intrinsic quality of all past and present govern- archist.
ments, and it would seem to be inescapable that future
governments will behave in the same way.

What do Anarchists do?
Like anyone concerned with changing society, they try to service, such a service could probably not continue to In other words, I mean that the supposed "need" for
ity even if we desired it, which, at least here, we don't.
convince other people that government is unnecessarily function, and would cease. In the event that this hap- government is an artificial dependency, manufactured by
Governments can change whole nations from one system
intruding in this or that area, and also provide a consis- pened, and if there was still a need for medical services, those in control who naturally want to stay in control.
of terminology to another merely by imposing it as law.
tent analysis showing from this that there is no necessity personal responsibility would of necessity reappear among We Anarchists think that people can live in peace with a
Anarchists think that that itself is a thing to oppose.
for it in other areas. In other words, Anarchists propagan- the irresponsible portion of the people. really low incidence of true crime, once the responsibil-
Occasionally, as an experiment, Anarchists have in- But more likely than this is that changes in attitudes ity-destroying cause of today's "crimes"—namely, the
dize. Propaganda, despite the bad overtones which the dividually tried calling themselves by some other name.
word has acquired, (because of the bad example set by resulting from the abandonment of the present governmen- authoritarian system of laws and enforced morality—is
But then, when they speak to people, their hearers are not tal system of institutionalized irresponsibility would al- finally removed.
governments, actually) is literally the only way to root the fooled. After a little while they exclaim: "Why, you're
State out of its position, for the nature of government is ready have precluded any such desire arising to evade You mean you are saying that the Anarchist society
just an Anarchist!" There's no escaping it, and anyway payment for services rendered. In any case, within a short
such that if people did not—as we say—legitimize it by we're a bit proud to be so disreputably thought of by a might still have some crime? Isn't this a justification for
permitting it to make decisions binding them, it could time, free interaction would tend to establish a high retaining government?
culture wherein violence, crime, and inhumanity called level of personal responsibility. Importantly, as long as
not exist. law and order, are rife. Not unless government itself could reduce crime to
government exists, self-reliance and responsibility are nothing. The fact of the matter is, government increases
Our propaganda can be through the word, in writing, How would public services be organized under Anarchy? constantly eroded, making more laws "necessary" to
public speaking or personal conversations; or, in certain all the time, but so does crime. If the governmentalists
First of all, I should remark that it is a mistake to talk force compliance; of course, this has the effect of erod- were right, as government increased, crime would de-
instances, propaganda takes the form of some demon- about life "under" Anarchy. There is no "under". The ing self-reliance even further...
stration specifically against government (as contrasted to crease. Yet this does not happen; in fact, the opposite
implication of "under" is that a uniform system is to be Admittedly there are many wrongs and abuses. We all happens. It is possible that random, arbitrary crimes will
demonstrations which call upon the government to perform imposed upon everyone, and that standard solutions to
some action). But in no sense is our propaganda modeled recognize that government has become too large and its always take place; however, we do know that all of the
societal problems will be accepted and take precedence bureaucracy has intruded into areas where it is com- so-called "victimless crimes" are not really crimes in
after the propaganda of governments, which practically over the ones of today, so that instead of living under
ram their messages down the people's throats with high- pletely unneeded. But wouldn't you agree that it is any sense, and with the abolition of government, the
the present system, we live under a new one. In reality, somewhat unrealistic to demand an end to government whole category of crimes occasioned by the existence of
pressure salesmanship. We can do without high-pressure the nature of the projected pluralistic Anarchy is such altogether? Wouldn't it be better to try to simply reduce government now, including tax evasion, draft resistance,
salesmanship. We want to convince people in a rational that a wide diversity is not only tolerated, but encour- government to an acceptable level? "sedition", lese majeste, etc., would simply no longer
way, not create another reflection of the unthinking ac- aged. Many techniques, not merely a single one, would For us, no level is acceptable. We refuse to pay for exist. As for the others, the true crimes such as murder,
ceptance people maintain for government. To try to create find acceptance among varying groups of people who had "services" which we hate and reject, and of course gov- rape, robbery, and so on, these appear to be symptoms of
an Anarchist society in that way would be disastrous. different ideas about what they wanted to accomplish, and ernment cannot function at all without taxation. "Liberal" the present cultural disorder perpetuated by government,
Blind acceptance of anything is antithetical to the An- different criteria to determine if they were succeeding at it. governments only reshuffle priorities. And so-called rather than the justification for government as some peo-
archistic ideal of freedom which desires to bring about Very often, when a person says "public services", he "limited" governments somehow never stay "limited" at ple erroneously imagine.
a condition of freedom that can only exist when people or she has in mind something quite definite, and simply all. The government of the United States is a fine ex- In a social situation wherein a cancerously expanding
think for themselves. assumes that everyone else postulates the need for it ample of a government which once operated on a much series of laws renders more and more possible varieties of
Your answers make no mention of assassinations or the too. As an example, some would claim that free public lower scale but which, in a process greatly resembling behavior illegal and "criminal", the number of so-called
use of bombs, activities with which Anarchists are in- schools are their idea of a necessary service which would maturation, "grew up" from its "limited" infancy into an criminals is bound to increase. This is an obvious reason
evitably associated in the public's mind. What about have to be provided for. Others, who have different ideas "unlimited" monstrous adulthood. What good were its to stop, before everyone is turned into a "criminal", and
this association with violence which Anarchism has; is about how learning takes place, see no need whatever limits, when they are finally outgrown? it is equally a reason to reverse the process so that the
there any basis for it? for schools. The idea here isn't to make one or the other The reason there can be no acceptable level, even if laws diminish. The end of the diminishment of laws, the
We feel there is not. The philosophy of Anarchism is not of these groups "give in"; instead we should adopt a a lower level of government could be attained and kept, condition of no laws—the Anarchy—is our ideal.
intrinsically related to the question of violence, even live-and-let-live attitude and not try to figure out ways to is that, as the basis of all governments is robbery, or So you do admit that some random violence against per-
if some Anarchist individual may occasionally (as all force people who don't want or need schools (for example) compulsory taxation, any talk of "good governments" is sons might occur as a result of unpredictable factors and
kinds of people do) commit some sort of violent act. An- to help set them up and keep them going; or to prevent only pretense that there is such a thing as good robbery. unbalanced individuals. Wouldn't we need protection from
archists are unfairly linked with violence. When some others who are interested in them from implementing their As with murder, the principle itself is wrong. There are these acts of violence?
Democrat kills another in a bar, no newspaper ever re- ideas. People's opinions about what is necessary are of- no good governments. By "protection", I presume you mean police?
ports that "a self-avowed Democrat killed one man and ten greatly unlike each other, and this is as it should be. The only meaningful change that can be made in Yes.
injured two in a brawl at the..." etc. But let an Anarchist But today, under the governmental system, even people government is to change its gathering of income from a Then what if the "unbalanced individual" whom you are
do something like this and see the condemnation which who oppose the public schools and who never make use demanded requirement to a request which can be ig- so worried about happened to be a policeman?
is heaped upon the whole movement. In reality, we have of them are compelled to pay for them. The essence of nored, and to remove the authoritarian nature from it so I suppose I would have to protect myself.
heard of clean-cut Republicans who have climbed with this system, unlike Anarchy, is standardization and uni- that no one must listen to it, abide by its decisions, sup- Indeed you would, provided that you had not already del-
rifles up into high towers from where they insanely kill formity. Under it, everyone in an entire country can be port it, be bound by it. But since to remove these authori- egated so much responsibility and power to your protector-
innocent passers-by below. Are Republicans universally forced to aid in the realization of one person's pet pro- tarian attributes from government, is to remove the very attacker that you had no defenses left. But this is an ar-
stigmatized because of this? ject. In the Anarchy, or freely constituted network of vol- qualities that makes government government, we say that gument against the State again, not against Anarchy, for
Violence is, at least at the present stage of human untary relationships, "public services" would be organ- there can be no meaningful change in it except that kind in the free society the ultimate protector is yourself—
development, something of a universal activity. At times ized anywhere that people were interested in seeing them that abolishes it entirely. you who are in this incorruptible.
it may even be necessary, when one must defend oneself, made reality, and would be made possible by the help of As for the objection that we are "unrealistic", gov- But as for the original objection, I answer that life is
resist a dictator, etc. But it is in no way an integral part like-minded individuals who would support the projects if ernment itself is, in our view, the more unrealistic; it a series of risks which everybody has to take. Intelligence
of Anarchist beliefs. they wanted them. Similarly, people would be under no promises peace but delivers war. It institutionalizes rob- or stupidity will maximize or minimize our chances for
compulsion to support projects which they felt were un- bery as its means of "protection" against the criminals survival, but there is never any guarantee that a person
This is unfortunate if Anarchism is precluded from an in- deserving, and if nobody believed that some "service" who might commit robbery. Its conscription enslaves us
telligent appraisal because of its bad name. Why don't is absolutely safe. As you amble along the city sidewalk,
was necessary, it very likely would disappear until such so as to force us to defend ourselves against enslave- you risk having a flowerpot plunge into your skull from a
Anarchists call themselves by some other name and get time as interest rekindled and people were willing to ex- ment by foreign countries' governments. Its police sur-
around the problem? point seventeen stories above. You may burden yourself
tend support again. veillance, its continually augmenting pile of laws to with a steel umbrella, or drive an armored car everyplace
Because that doesn't work. The only reason Anarchism which no one can be safe from accidental disobedience,
has such a bad name is that people with a vested interest This is the reply to every question about roads, you go, from neurotic fear of falling objects, but you have
show that in "protecting" us, government actually in- really solved nothing. Such "solutions" only substitute a
in government have deliberately slandered us. The sylla- schools, hospitals, post offices, and the like. As for the vades farther than the alleged criminal or anti-freedom
bles of the word did not just magically acquire all this more onerous burden for that posed by the original risk,
objection that people might, for example, travel on a road elements from which we are "protected." Government is an
connotation of evil, and the fact is that we Anarchists and lower life's quality farther than the previous danger.
that they had not helped to pay for, my answer is: so unrealistic, unworkable, Utopian dream. It has been so
are not the monsters that we are made out to be—so Exactly the same is true in the case of the State and in
what? Is that an argument against the free society? If so, demonstrated and proved countless times.
somebody had to see to it that we were systematically the case of police, armies, and other such stultifying
it is an argument against the coercive society too, be- People feel that without a system of laws and police,
denigrated. Thus we feel that if we called ourselves and ruinous remedies for the unknown problems of our
cause even with compulsory funding through taxation, there would be chaos in human society. Don't you think
"sans-govemists", or some other name we could invent, existences.
some people never do contribute to the maintenance of that there is some real basis for this fear?
IT would eventually suffer also the same predictable services which they use. If one-third of the whole pop- If there is such a basis in reality, it is only a product of Regardless of their several faults which you have point-
libel in newspaper articles and children's textbooks, and ulation saw the necessity for establishing medical cen- ed out—that they are ordered in compulsion, based on a
the present authoritarian order. Suppose a heroin addict technical theft which is taxation, and maintained solely
so what is the use? Anyhow, as Anarchism has no lead- ters, and did so, and if then deadbeats from the other claims he cannot live without his drug; does that mean
ers to impose usage, there is no way of ensuring uniform- two-thirds of the people began to "steal" use of the by popular prejudice excited through propaganda—
that heroin is a basic human need? That would be getting haven't the world's governments still done the best that
things backward—mistaking effects for causes. could be done to make civilization progress?

posite of the correct description of affairs, which is that It is both easy and difficult to be a "member" of the
Isn't it true that for all their lackings, governments Anarchist movement. Then> are no entrance fees or mem- IS AN HOUR OF YOUR LIFE WORTH MORE TO
are familiar and predictable, while Anarchy, which has the social principle of government, itself evil (in the YOU, THAN AN HOUR OF ANYONE ELSE'S LIFE
never been tried, is completely unpredictable? bership cards, but everyone who has a sincere wish
sense that it does harm) is only overcome so that society to participate in this quest for freedom, is welcome. Seek IS WORTH TO HIM OR HER?
What about revolutionary governments, such a s those can work, by the principle of Anarchy, or freedom, spon-
of the Soviet Union or the People's Republic of China— out other Anarchists and add your efforts to theirs; add
taneously asserting itself in the uncontrolled interstices their efforts to yours. Improve your understanding of all
aren't those at least closer to your position, and there- of the social matrix. Then why should one person get paid more per hour
fore less to be condemned? subjects which can be useful in this work. Constantly
Only selective enforcement of the laws and wide- question every aspect of authoritarian society; launch an than another?
I will answer these questions in order, with a short spread disobedience of them prevents the chaos of un-
preface: Government is essentially a hysterical reaction unremitting assault on all ignorance and superstition, and
workable regimentation. If the laws are "made to be upon every common, unthinkingly-accepted notion which So, if we all got paid the same wages, why bother with
to existing conditions. Whereas ordinary people will broken, why make them at all? helps to justify the continuing delay of total emancipa- wages at all?
normally rank interpersonal violence as a last resort of Whoever has had an idea which would have increased tion. Read and listen to what other Anarchists have had
social breakdown or crisis, government operates with the leisure and pleasure of all people, (this is the pur- to say, and disagree with them unhesitatingly at those
violence as its immediate priority; determined courses of pose and definition of progress) has labored to defy the points where they seem to be wrong. Publish, speak,
action are decreed, not voluntarily decided upon; ordered, massed force of social compulsion—government—and, write, or assist these activities; organize like-minded
not freely accepted. If the principle of government were when succeeding, has achieved a true victory for Anarchy. people so that collective as well as individual effort can If people were allowed to work at any work that they
extended consistently and uniformly throughout society, The self-styled revolutionary nature of some govern- be put to use to achieve our common goal! liked and got free training on the job and the workers
true chaos would result—every civilized relationship ments deserves only contemptuous disdain from Anarch- Even so doing, success is not guaranteed. Can An- together controlled their work, would people then
would give way to the gun or knife: force, not persuasion. ists. Some crisis of "the heroic party" or some alleged archy be achieved? Even among Anarchists the spectrum
We have only the principle of Anarchy operating—the work for the love of work, instead of for money?
danger to "the people's State" inevitably provides a jus- of opinion ranges from that of the extreme pessimists,
principle of no compulsion—to thank for the fact that the tification for suspension of civil liberties, crackdowns on who believe that Anarchy is a beautiful ideal, but one
present social condition is not as faulty as it might be. which we will never reach, to those cheerful optimists Would workers be glad to train more people and there-
artists, stoppage of critical commentary, etc. If such so-
Numerous social interactions even today still take place cieties continue to function, it is in a limited sense: the who predict that government is all but dead already. And by reduce the working hours for everyone?
with an absence of compulsion, although State-ordained people are watched and checked, and everyone salutes, today's pessimists are the optimists of two years ago.
procedures are of course increasing daily. In the remain- Somewhere in between these positions of great cer- If we worked for free, our products would be free (I'll
ing spontaneous relationships between persons there is robotlike, or parrots slogans. These are not "closer" to tainty, the remainder of Anarchists go on, sometimes bet we'd quit making a lot of junk). When everything
no ubiquitous policeman interceding (yet); nonetheless T the Anarchist position, but rather, more remote from it. doubtfully, but always hopefully.
most transactions, conversations, even quarrels, are ac- But wouldn't an Anarchist society be just as repressive that we want is free, who will need to steal?
complished without resort to coercion. Government's as the Statist ones, only to a different class of people?
standard operating procedure is to use coercion first and For instance, wouldn't the occasional governmentalist
discuss matters afterward: "Under penalty of three years be in the same position then that the Anarchist is now,
that is, as a persecuted "radical"?
in the federal penitentiary or $10,000 fine, or both, you Today I can't see that there is a free county anywhere.
are herewith required to..." etc. This reversal of proper Today there is a legal-judicial system in existence, A N A R C H Y
responsive to the whims of the ruling class, which car- I can see the need for a free world which would mean
order, and exaggerated tendency to resort to force, is free people—free persons.
completely typical of governments; the tendency to ries out sanctions against people who are "different". In
the contemplated Anarchy there is neither a judicial sys- ARE WE LIKE PAPER CUPS?
place social compulsion uppermost is certainly not nat-
tem nor a ruling class. Nor are Anarchists worried about The 'ogic of it all is available for anyone to examine.
ural or justified. It should be noted that even those peo- "subversion" of their society's principles because the
ple who defend government get along fine without it in Are we filled with ideals, hot air and promises that All it takes is the desire and the courage to look for
very same forces that grew powerful enough to force the don't put any real strength into our cup?
their relations with friends or neighbors, most of the demise of the State through refusal to support it any long- truth. J
time, and would think a person rude, insulting and vio- er, would presumably act to assure that it did not re-
lent who behaved privately as governments do publicly. appear. Provided that there was anybody who felt maso- When the big giants step on us, do we get smashed
chistically displeased at the scarcity of bosses or down and squashed? Are the big giants the big cor-
I reply to the above questions thusly: To the extent tyrants or ruling cliques to order their lives for them,
that people have been able to ignore their various gov- porate trusts who can regulate prices,wages, politicians, Which is of more value: Life or property?
perhaps such pathetic individuals would cater to each
ernments, civilization has progressed. If we were to have other's peculiar deviance. If there were any such frustrat- rules, quality and laws.
a method to calculate what the world would be like to- ed authoritarians, they would naturally be quite free to Would you trade your life for a car or for a million
day had the thousands of wars of history not occurred; if denounce the Anarchist society through their own press Do we continually get squashed down as they contin- dollars? What good would it be to you if you were
we could determine what negative effect was exercised and through speeches, and so on. Undoubtedly they would ually walk all over us?
provoke lively discussions and disagreements—perhaps dead? Then, what gives us the right to kill a man if he
by the numberless benighted laws, arrogances, and inter- is stealing a car or robbing a bank? Isn't his life also
ference of governments, we would see that their exist- even serve a necessary function by way of contrasting as
"horrible examples" and so illustrate the advantages of Let's put some common sense and logical cooperation worth more than property?
ence has retarded and hampered the actual advance of
of mankind, rather than aiding it. the free society. into our cups. Like clay, not pie in the sky. Let's
And true, governments are familiar and predictable The Anarchist revolution is not intended to substi- bake this common sense and cooperation with the
fire of heated argument and discussion, until it's hard Isn't life also worth more than ideals? Of what use is
enough. In all the literature of the subject there is not one tute any new ruling group for old. Unlike other revolution-
aries, Anarchists have no "ulterior motives" for carrying as a brick. an ideal if you are dead?
recorded instance of a government following any other
course than that of compulsion and arbitrary authority, on their work: no promised positions in a "provisional
growing constantly in power, until it intrudes into the government" or assured berths as prominent officials "after Then when the giants step on us they will not squash Isn't life worth more than nationalism? What good is
whole of society, at which point society can no longer the revolution." There's nothing in it for Anarchists ex- a nation? We are all inhabitants on this planet called
cept the satisfaction of working for their own freedom and us but we will roll and remain firm. They will fall.
function and a revolution is made necessary to throw off that of others. They won't have a place to stand because we'll roll "Earth". No one has any more right to life or to this
the chains of bureaucracy and repression. Then, promptly, planet's natural resources than anyone else. So why do
Can the goal of Anarchism be achieved, and if so, how? together.
tragicomically, they institute a new government which it-
self travels full cycle and has to be overthrown in a few A considerable amount of re-education will have to be ac- we need nations and corrupt governments to support?
years more. Yes, this is all quite familiar. complished before people come to see the desirability of They will never be able to rise again and they will •
But the social principle of Anarchy is familiar and ending the perpetuation of government. Unless people wither away. Somewhere, sometime, way back, some crafty person
predictable also. Whenever one person helps another; agree that government is unnecessary, simple destruc-
tion of the existing government can accomplish nothing; invented competition. Now it is the name of the game,
whenever people solve their problems and no policeman Once we start cooperating and helping each other they the world over. It keeps people (yes nations) fighting
popular demand would immediately put a new one in its
or law instructs or compels—in short, at the taking place place. When people do agree that government is un- will have no way to control us. one another. It makes it much more difficult to live.
of any human development which is not mandated, or- needed, total withdrawal of support will render their gov-
dained, decreed, controlled or interfered in by a legisla- ernments impotent without resources and will signal their Fill your cup with clay, brother and sister!
ture or by someone acting so as to force a result, we have It would seem to me to be a good time to introduce co-
imminent collapse. As there is no Anarchist society with- operation to this planet's people. This may be the key-
the principle of Anarchy at work. It is ordinarily claimed out Anarchists, and as Anarchists are only "made" by
that this social Anarchy, which is thought to be evil, can rational discourse and understanding, these processes secret to peace, plenty, and happiness for all people.
only be overcome and regulated by governments, which ought to be encouraged and actively helped along by all
are thought to be necessary, so that society can "work". those who oppose government already.
I assert that this explanation is false and the exact op-
We now have the means of instant mass communication, Here is a good example of what one person can do to You might also say that there is a lot of work that no Most of us are or were in such deep cyclic ruts that we
tremendous production capabilities, vast computer- publicize an idea. one would like to do. I would guess that if they can't or couldn't see what's happen'en.
stored knowledge which will make it easy to supply
couldn't invent a better way of doing the job to make
the world's people's needs in abundance. If you could just convince two people so well that they it enjoyable or if fhey couldn't automate it, then, per-
would each convince two more people to do the same- haps it shouldn't pet done. When the good people who work on TV, radio and the
By cooperating instead of competing we will discon- here is what would happen: The Numbers Pyramid. big papers and magazines start to help with this idea,
tinue the obsolete "profit motive" oriented economic You convince 2 people who each convince 2 more = then it will grow much faster.
system which teaches "Charge all the traffic will bear" 4 persons who each convince 2 = 8 who each con If some could put these ideas to music it might
and start doing things for people (life) instead of for vince 2 = 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1,024, etc., etc.
profit (death). speed up the transfer of this truth.
• If we realize that the army and police force are com
Do you realize that if each person convinced his or her Others might put them in a novel. posed of working peoplj we can then see the need to
When we build things for people; we'll build them to two people the next day, that in 30 days we would
work well, last a long time and be easy to repair. This introduce the TRUTH OF COOPERATION ideas to
have over 300 million people convinced? That's about
will cut down on our working hours because we won't them. They are our brothers, fathers, sons, uncles or
twice the U.S. population.
have to be continually building new ones for replace- friends and they will need to understand too.
I expect the TRUTH OF COOPERATION ideas will
ment. Of course I know that it will not happen that quickly. spread to the rest of the world because there are
• Then who will be left to stop us?
But it does show how important you and I are, and people here who speak another language and will re-
Seems to me this cooperation system would be better what you and I may accomplish. turn to their native land to teach cooperation there.
for everyone so it should be really easy to implement.
It is not forcing anything on anybody. But merely
First of all I guess we would have to start talking about introducing an idea to them. If our idea is a TRUTH
it. We would all have to understand it thoroughly. it will take root. Another thing that I think will bring the world's people I retired 4 years ago (age 42) and was then in a position
Much discussion and arguing would help the truth of closer together in understanding will be a universal to buy about anything I wanted. But I soon discovered
cooperation to come out. As for myself, I can't see any work or play that is more language that the computer should be able to invent. the fact that I didn't really want any things. I just
important for me to be doing at this moment than to If it starts from scratch I should think it could come wanted to be able to use them once in a while. It's
People couldn't be expected to change to this Free try to introduce this idea to you. up with sounds that would be easy for any nation's like who would want to own and keep up a large air
World Idea unless they could see how it would be bet- people to pronounce and a simple grammar. Prob- plane. But I like to ride in one occasionally. I even
ter for them. When everyone understood it there ably a language far superior to any other. One that got rid of my car. All that I own now I can put in a
would be no need for revolution or blood shed, we could be taught as a second language on TV, radio, bag and carry on my back. It's sure a lot less hassle.
would just quit using money and begin cooperating. I can see many really good people doing all that they tapes, etc.
can do to make things better in areas that they see are I have discovered my needs to be very few now. I need
We would of course need to reveal to people all the wrong. As they begin to see competition as the cause food but not as much or as expensive as before. I need
of these wrongs, I expect they will redirect their tre- "Ignorance is of a peculiar nature; once dispelled, it is
ways that crafty people accumulate power so that no a place to get in out of the cold with a warm friend. I
mendous energies toward introducing the truth about impossible to reestablish it. It is not originally a thing
one would allow another to rule him or her. need some clothes (to keep out of jail). And these I
cooperation. in itself, but is only the absence of knowledge; and get at rummage sales. (The clothes cost me $1.50
though man may be kept ignorant he cannot be made that I wore on my recent trip to Europe.)
This TRUTH OF COOPERATION cannot be kept Thomas Paine (1791)
I have been a very small consumer, lately. The best
hidden any longer. It is now too obvious. HOW CAN ANY PERSON OWN LAND? IT WAS things in life are free. Soon I hope all people can be
HERE LONG BEFORE MAN. IT IS HERE. WE ARE Our present cars kill 1,052 people per week and injuie free to do what they please with their lives.
90,386 people per week in the U.S. alone. Besides the
millions of other life forms they kill and cripple. This Should you wish to correspond with me about these
This TRUTH presents such gigantic opportunities for LET ALL LIFE SHARE IT. is insane. ideas, it would be appreciated if you can enclose a
happiness that few people will be content to put these self-addressed stamped envelope. This would save me
ideas aside until they are realized. How can any person or corporation own a factory, It seems probably to me that when we build for people considerable time and money as there are several cor-
apartment building or mine? These places were built instead of for profit we will devise a method of trans- respondents now. But I am sincerely anxious to cor-
and are operated by the labors of many many persons. portation that will not kill. respond with you too.

I can't even see a need for any kind of government The raw materials and the tools came from the labors
of many many people. There are no dues, no money to send, nothing to join.
when we start cooperating. Was it Cezar who said "Give the people bread and There is thinking and work to be done.
circus to keep them quiet."

Well, we're sure getting a lot of circus now from ERNEST MANN
Would you work and do your share if you could work
You can begin now to do your part. You can write to at a work you liked and everything that you wanted Watergate and wars.
me and we can argue or discuss. Perhaps both of us was free?
will then have a better understanding. Or, if you are But the price of the ticket is pretty high.
already convinced perhaps you can get this paper re- For information about how to get this
printed in some other paper or magazine. Or you can FREE SYSTEM, send a stamped addressed
You might say that some people wouldn't work if they long envelope to: Little Free Press, 715 E.
have several copies printed and distribute them. Or,
didn't have to. But I doubt that. If they were offered If you say to me "What's wrong with the present 14 Street, Minneapolis, Minn. 55404.
you can rewrite the ideas into your own words and
the same opportunities as you, I think that they would world system?" I'd have to say to you, "Get out of
distribute them.
all find some work that they liked. There is a great your rut for a little while and just take a look around.
satisfaction and joy in doing a work one likes. I doubt See for yourself."
And you can start to talk to your friends about this that they would wish to miss this. • • • • • • • • • • • •
idea of COOPERATION. It is very important that you
help because everyone must understand. i
F E L L O W A N A R C H I S T S , L E T US N O W
STRIDE FEARLESSLY T O G E T H E R ! i n t h e f o r m of t h e N a z i - s t y l e N u r e m b e r g A n a r c h i s t s h e r e . And so they a r e inclined
r a l l i e s . No, i t i s s h o w i n g i t s e l f i n m u c h to b e c o m e d o w n h e a r t e d .
( T h e f o l l o w i n g i s t h e t e x t of a s p e e c h rounding countries by brute force and m o r e subtle ways than that. For second It i s t i m e t o e n d t h i s a t t i t u d e . G e r m a n y
made by Michael Tobin at a t h r e e - d a y c o a r s e p r o p a g a n d a . In t h e e n d a f t e r a generation German Fascism wears a i s n o t t h e c e n t e r of t h e w o r l d . A n d s o w h e n
i n t e r n a t i o n a l g a t h e r i n g of A n a r c h i s t s i n most savage world war they w e r e m a s k . I n s t e a d of a c a r p e t - e a t i n g H i t l e r , n e o - f a s c i s m c r a c k s down on A n a r c h i s t s in
N e u l u s s h e i m , W e s t Germany, on the eventually beaten. at the helm there a r e honey-tongued pol- t h i s c o u n t r y i t d o e s n o t m e a n t h e e n d of
5th, 6th, and 7th J u l y , 1975.) itical s h a r k s with d i s a r m i n g s m i l e s . I n - e v e r y t h i n g for u s .
But when they w e r e b e a t e n F a s c i s m
did not die with t h e m . F a r f r o m it. F o r s t e a d of g a s c h a m b e r s f o r t h e w h o l e s a l e A s A n a r c h i s t s , we m u s t f i r s t and f o r e -
T h i s i s the first t i m e I have s p o k e n F a s c i s m i s something that i s part and m u r d e r of t h e b o d i e s of p o l i t i c a l o p p o n - m o s t r e a l i z e t h a t w e b e l o n g t o no l o c a l
i n p u b l i c i n t h e ' F a t h e r l a n d of F a s c i s m 1 . p a r c e l of e v e r y m o d e r n S t a t e . W h a t h a p - e n t s and s c a p e g o a t s , it h a s i s o l a t i o n c e l l s political unit. F o r our country i s the
A n d what a g r e a t p l e a s u r e it i s to s p e a k pened in G e r m a n y and Italy during the a n d i s c a r r y i n g on r e s e a r c h for t h e whole world. This m e a n s that there is
a t t h i s l a r g e g a t h e r i n g of f e l l o w A n a r c h - 1 9 2 0 ' s a n d 3 0 ' s w a s t h a t t h e v i r u s of w h o l e s a l e m u r d e r of t h e m i n d s of t h o s e no such thing a s a G e r m a n Anarchist, or
i s t s h e r e in the fields outside the little F a s c i s m gave r i s e to ugly and h o r r i b l e who d a r e oppose i t s malignant growth. a F r e n c h Anarchist, or a J a p a n e s e A n -
t o w n of N e u l u s s h e i m . F r o m a l l o v e r g r o w t h s o n t h e b o d i e s of t h e s e t w o I n s t e a d of u s i n g t h e W e h r m a c h t t o c o n q u e r archist, or an American Anarchist. There
Europe we have c o m e to m e e t e a c h other, n a t i o n - s t a t e s . A s a r e s u l t of t h e S e c o n d other t e r r i t o r i e s it e xploits o t h e r p e o p l e s c a n only be E a r t h or World A n a r c h i s t s
to g e t t o k n o w e a c h o t h e r , a n d t o e s t a b - b y m e a n s of i t s p o w e r f u l e c o n o m i c m a - who s e e this whole planet — and indeed
World War these growths were chopped
l i s h fruitful contacts for the future. chine. the whole Solar System — a s their
o f f . B u t t h e v i r u s of f a s c i s m w a s n o t
The last time I w a s in W e s t G e r m a n y d e s t r o y e d . It c o u l d n o t b e u n l e s s t h e A n a r c h i s t s who live in G e r m a n y today c o u n t r y . It i s t r u e t h a t c i r c u m s t a n c e s
w a s b a c k i n 1 9 5 2 . In t h o s e d a y s m a n y p a r t s G e r m a n and Italian state machines t h e m - a r e finding out t h r o u g h h a r d a n d b i t t e r d e m a n d that we live within the f r a m e w o r k
of t h e f o r m e r T h i r d R e i c h w e r e i n r u i n s . experience that F a s c i s m i s once m o r e r e - of n a t i o n - s t a t e s b u t t h a t d o e s n o t m e a n
selves w e r e destroyed and an Anarchist
I c a n s t i l l r e m e m b e r s e e i n g s t r e e t s of e m e r g i n g h e r e in t h i s c o u n t r y . But t h i s i s that we h a v e to w e a r the b l i n k e r s that
s o c i a l s y s t e m p u t i n p l a c e of t h e m b y
b u r n e d o u t a n d b l a c k e n e d h o u s e s . In p a r - only to be expected. F o r , a s A n a r c h i s t s , we s t a t e s put o n t h e i r c i t i z e n s a t b i r t h . At
their peoples.
ticular, I r e m e m b e r seeing tall factory a r e t h e a r c h - e n e m i e s of F a s c i s m i n e v e r y all t i m e s we should r e a l i z e that we
F a s c i s m i s a n a s p e c t of e v e r y m o d e r n f o r m , and so we m u s t expect to b e the f i r s t form a world brotherhood. And when
c h i m n e y s s t i c k i n g o u t of t h e r u i n s of
state m a c h i n e . And it can be r e a d i l y t a r g e t s when the G e r m a n state r e g r o w s its repression strikes our brothers and
i n d u s t r i a l a r e a s of t h e R u h r .
d e m o n s t r a t e d that this is so. Basically, fascist claws. Unfortunately, however, a s i s t e r s i n a n y p a r t of o u r c o u n t r y , t h e
Today the r u i n s a r e g o n e . But what
Fascism is ultra-nationalist, is reaction- few c o m r a d e s have r e e l e d u n d e r the initial world, we should deal with it a s a world
c a u s e d the r u i n s and t h e h o r r o r and t h e i n -
a r y , a n d i s b o t h e l i t i s t a n d r a c i a l i s t . It i s a t t a c k m a d e o n u s 0 I n s t e a d of d e v e l o p i n g b r o t h e r h o o d . So i n s t e a d of c u t t i n g l i n k s
describable human suffering i s still with
u l t r a - n a t i o n a l i s t in that it puts the i n - - o u r c a p a c i t y to d e f e n d o u r s e l v e s a n d to fight with our b r o t h e r s and s i s t e r s outside
u s . A n d if w e d o n o t t a k e p r o p e r a n d
t e r e s t s of t h e s t a t e a b o v e a l l e l s e . It i s back, s o m e c o m r a d e s have sought to h e a p t h e l o c a l a r e a of r e p r e s s i o n w e s h o u l d
effective action now h i s t o r y will r e p e a t
r e a c t i o n a r y i n that it s e e k s to r e t a i n o r the b l a m e for t h e i r t r o u b l e s on m i l i t a n t be doing our damndest to strengthen
itself in an even more horrible form.
even r e n e w old antiquated national t r a d i - authoritarian socialists such a s the Red them and establish m o r e .
For Fascism, particularly German
t i o n s , w a y s , a n d m y t h s . It i s e l i t i s t i n A r m y Fraction. This attitude, however, is I t i s v i t a l t h a t a l l of u s e x t e n d o u r v i e w
F a s c i s m , i s now showing only too
t h a t i t p r o m o t e s t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t of m i s g u i d e d . F o r it i s putting t h e c a r t b e f o r e of t h e p r e s e n t s t r u g g l e s i n v o l v i n g A n -
c l e a r l y t h a t it i s s t i l l v e r y m u c h a l i v e .
r u l i n g e l i t e s m a d e u p of s o - c a l l e d s u p e r - t h e h o r s e . T h e b a s i c c a u s e of o u r p r e s e n t a r c h i s t s b o t h i n t e r m s of t i m e a s w e l l
F a s c i s m i s a m u c h u s e d t e r m . But for
i o r people destined to r u l e over the s o - p r o b l e m s in t h i s c o u n t r y i s not t h e M a r x i s t - a s space. The p r o b l e m s confronting us
many people F a s c i s m is identified in
c a l l e d i n f e r i o r w o r k i n g m a s s e s . W h i l e it Leninist b o m b e r s and k i d n a p p e r s but the i n t h i s p a r t of t h e w o r l d a r e n o t n e w o r
their e y e s only with Hitler's G e r m a n y ,
i s r a c i a l i s t in that it a s s u m e s the m e m - n e w a n d o l d f a s c i s t e l e m e n t s of t h e W e s t novel ones. And neither i s r e p r e s s i o n
M u s s o l i n i ' s Italy, and F r a n c o ' s Spain.
b e r s of i t s o w n n a t i o n a r e s u p e r i o r t o G e r m a n s t a t e . If t h e R e d A r m y F r a c t i o n a n d of A n a r c h i s t s a p h e n o m e n o n p e c u l i a r
A n y t h i n g w h i c h i s n o t a m i r r o r i m a g e of t h e S e c o n d of J u n e m o v e m e n t s d i d n o t s p a r k only to G e r m a n y .
o t h e r p e o p l e s , p a r t i c u l a r l y t h o s e of a
t h e s e r e g i m e s i s not f a s c i s t i n t h e i r off t h e c u r r e n t w a v e of r e p r e s s i o n , s o m e t h i n g
m a r k e d l y different r a c e and color. We should always try and r e m e m b e r
eyes. This attitude, however, i s a very e l s e w o u l d h a v e d o n e i t . F o r b e f o r e a n y of
T h e s e a r e t h e f o u r b a s i c e l e m e n t s of that s t r u g g l e s between A n a r c h i s t s and
wrong one to take. F o r it blinds one to t h e s e g r o u p s c a m e into e x i s t e n c e both the s t a t e s a r e worldwide and that they have
f a s c i s m . And when one t a k e s a close
the g r i m d e v e l o p m e n t s which a r e taking c a p a c i t y a n d t h e d e s i r e for r e p r e s s i o n b e e n going on for m o r e than a c e n t u r y .
look at o u r w o r l d it i s e a s y to s e e that
p l a c e i n o u r w o r l d of t o d a y . W h a t m u s t w e r e a l r e a d y p r e s e n t in t h e W e s t G e r m a n If w e d o n o t d o t h i s w e e n d u p g e t t i n g a
t h e y f o r m p a r t of t h e m a k e - u p of a l l
be u n d e r s t o o d from the s t a r t i s that s t a t e . And we will get n o w h e r e until we v e r y d i s t o r t e d v i e w of o u r o w n l o c a l
m o d e r n s t a t e s — to a g r e a t e r o r l e s s e r
r e g i m e s like H i t l e r ' s and Mussolini's g r a s p fully t h i s f u n d a m e n t a l f a c t . s i t u a t i o n . Not a l o n e t h i s b u t i n s u c h
d e g r e e in each individual c a s e .
o n e s w e r e f a s c i s t r e g i m e s o n l y of t h e c i r c u m s t a n c e s we can readily develop
But while e v e r y n a t i o n - s t a t e e m b o d i e s At t h e m o m e n t t h e r e i s a c e r t a i n s e n s e
most c r u d e kind. They w e r e openly a f e e l i n g of i s o l a t i o n w h i c h i n t u r n c a n
t h e v i r u s of F a s c i s m i t i s i n c o u n t r i e s of d e f e a t i s m i n t h e r a n k s of s o m e c o m -
brash and brutal. The jackboot, the l e a d t o a s a p p i n g of o u r m o r a l e a n d w i l l
such a s W e s t G e r m a n y that this v i r u s i s r a d e s h e r e i n G e r m a n y . O n e of t h e b a s i c
c o s h , a n d t h e g u n w e r e t h e s y m b o l s of to s t r u g g l e .
r e a s o n s for this is, I think, b e c a u s e they
such r e g i m e s . One could indeed call these giving r i s e to new and ugly fascist
a r e looking at the p r e s e n t situation f r o m I w o u l d a s k a l l of y o u h e r e t o d a y t o
particular r e g i m e s first generation fas- g r o w t h s . H o w e v e r , we n e e d to r e a l i z e
t o o n a r r o w a p o i n t of v i e w . T h e y t e n d t o r e f l e c t u p o n t h i s for a m o m e n t . T h e a g e
c i s t s t a t e s . T h e y sought to d o m i n a t e fully that t h i s s e c o n d g e n e r a t i o n f a s -
s e e o n l y G e r m a n y a n d t h e r e p r e s s i o n <>i of t h e E a r t h i s a b o u t f o u r a n d a half
t h e i r c i t i z e n s a n d p e o p l e s in t h e s u r - c i s m in G e r m a n y i s not b e i n g m a n i f e s t e d
8 9
b i l l i o n y e a r s o l d . T h e f i r s t k i n d s of between A n a r c h i s t s and the nation-state however awkwardly, to the new situation, T h e e n d i n g of c l a s s / s t a t e s o c i e t y i s n o t
living f o r m s evolved s o m e t h r e e thous- is seen in its c o r r e c t historical p e r - no A n a r c h i s t society w a s p o s s i b l e . F o r going to be an easy thing. However rocked
a n d million y e a r s ago. Some six h u n d r e d s p e c t i v e . T h e n , i n s t e a d of l o o k i n g b a c k no n e w society c a n o r e v e r e v e r w a s by c r i s e s it m a y b e at t h i s m o m e n t , i t will
million y e a r s have elapsed since many- t o t h e p a s t a n d t r y i n g to r e l i v e t h e g l o r i e s b o r n so long a s the old s o c i e t y c o n t i n - t r y to continue to solve t h e p r o b l e m s it .
celled c r e a t u r e s first swam in the oceans of A n a r c h i s t s t r u g g l e s i n R u s s i a a n d i n ued to linger on. h a s itself c r e a t e d right to the b i t t e r end.
of t h e p r i m e v a l E a r t h . W h i l e m o d e r n Spain we will tend to look to the future. B y a d o p t i n g a b r o a d s t r a t e g i c v i e w of And it will do i t s v e r y b e s t to t r y and c r u s h
M a n b e g a n h i s c a r e e r m a n y t e n s of F r o m s u c h a s t r a t e g i c p o i n t of v i e w our overall struggle A n a r c h i s t s will any opposition from whatever quarter it
t h o u s a n d s of y e a r s a g o . we will r e a l l y b e able to s e e why A n - quickly lose any p e s s i m i s m which m a y c o m e s . Should anyone have any doubts about
T h e s e a r e h u g e l e n g t h s of t i m e . A n d a r c h i s t s i n t h e m o d e r n s e n s e of t h e t e r m have sapped their m o r a l e . They will the road the prevailing social order is
i n t e r m s of e v o l u t i o n o n o u r p l a n e t t h e e m e r g e d o n t h e s t a g e of h i s t o r y a t a r e a d i l y b e a b l e to s e e why the A n a r c h - now taking let m e quote s o m e r e c e n t w o r d s
hundred y e a r s or so since Anarchists p a r t i c u l a r h i s t o r i c a l m o m e n t and not i s t s t r u g g l e s of t h e l a s t c e n t u r y d i d n o t of t h e n o t e d h i s t o r i a n A r n o l d T o y n b e e . H e
b e g a n struggling against s t a t e s i s but a before. A n a r c h i s t s a p p e a r e d on the end in our favor. But they will also see s a y s : "I c a n i m a g i n e t h e w o r l d b e i n g h e l d
moment in E a r t h time. historical scene when the Industrial w h y t h e s t r u g g l e s of o u r d a y a n d a g e together and kept at p e a c e in the y e a r
D u r i n g t h e e a r l i e r p a r t of t h i s c e n t u r y Revolution, modern science, and p a r - a r e going to eventually lead to the 2000 by an atrociously t y r a n n i c a l d i c -
m a n y A n a r c h i s t s thought that the e m e r - l i a m e n t a r y f o r m s of g o v e r n m e n t b e g a n b u i l d i n g of a n A n a r c h i s t s o c i e t y . T h e y t a t o r s h i p which would not h e s i t a t e t o kill
g e n c e of a n A n a r c h i s t s o c i e t y o n o u r p l a n e t to bring about profound changes in will s e e c l e a r l y , for i n s t a n c e , t h a t t h e or t o r t u r e anyone who, in i t s eyes, was
w a s i m m i n e n t . But it w a s n ' t . F o r t h e r e traditional s t a t e / c l a s s society. We can, e x i s t e n c e of t h e t e c h n o l o g i c a l l y - a d v a n c e d a m e n a c e to the unquestioning a c c e p t a n c e
w a s a lot m o r e life left i n t h e n a t i o n - in fact, s a y that m o d e r n A n a r c h i s t s n a t i o n - s t a t e h a s b e e n the m a i n r e a s o n of i t s a b s o l u t e a u t h o r i t y . . . If t h e r e l u c t a n t
state than was generally imagined at w e r e b o r n with the technologically- why we j u s t c o u l d not s u c c e e d i n e a r l i e r majority does accept this dictatorship...
t h e t i m e . L o o k i n g b a c k now it i s p o s s i - advanced nation-state. With the b r e a k - t i m e s . A n d why, on the o t h e r h a n d , t h e a u - I think they would be making the right
b l e t o s e e t h a t A n a r c h i s t s t r u g g l e s of d o w n of a g e - o l d w a y s i n t h e w a k e of t h o r i t a r i a n state s o c i a l i s t s with an choice, b e c a u s e it would e n a b l e the
e a r l i e r d e c a d e s w e r e but the initial the Industrial Revolution, a need was i d e a - s y s t e m m i r r o r i n g t h a t of t h e h u m a n r a c e to s u r v i v e . " (Surviving the
battles in the overall war between An- c r e a t e d for A n a r c h i s t s . But what w a s state capitalist technologically-advanced F u t u r e ) . L e t t h e s e w o r d s of A r n o l d
a r c h i s t s and the n a t i o n - s t a t e . And it could n o t f u l l y u n d e r s t o o d b y A n a r c h i s t s of nation-state, have been able to m a k e Toynbee s e r v e a s a w a r n i n g about what
not be o t h e r w i s e . F o r the e m e r g e n c e an e a r l i e r generation w a s that the s i g n i f i c a n t , if o n l y t e m p o r a r y a d v a n c e s . t h e f u t u r e h a s i n s t o r e for u s u n l e s s we
of a n A n a r c h i s t s o c i e t y o n o u r p l a n e t technologically-advanced nation-state But, above all, they will also be able to now t h r o w e v e r y t h i n g w e ' v e got into the
will m a r k the greatest step ever taken which had e m e r g e d with the Industrial s e e t h a t the h i g h - r o a d to a n A n a r c h i s t present struggle.
b y m a n k i n d . It w i l l i n v o l v e a c o m p l e t e Revolution, w a s going to l a s t for m o r e future i s now opening up b e c a u s e the F r o m a g e n e r a l s t r a t e g i c p o i n t of
r u p t u r e with a g e - o l d traditions, ways, than a few y e a r s and had a c o n s i d e r a b l e technologically advanced nation-state view, the new and novel social conditions
a n d b e l i e f s . I n t e r m s of s o c i a l e v o l u t i o n l o t of l i f e i n i t . i s b e i n g s h a k e n b y c r i s e s of e a r t h q u a k e of o u r t i m e s s h o w t h a t t h e t i m e h a s n o w
t h e c r e a t i o n of a n A n a r c h i s t s o c i e t y w i l l • proportions. These c r i s e s m a r k the c o m e for A n a r c h i s t s t o walk on to t h e
m e a n that Man h a s at last b e c o m e c i v i l - Basically, the technologically - d e a t h a g o n y of c l a s s / s t a t e s o c i e t y . It c e n t r e of t h e s t a g e of h i s t o r y . O u r g e n e r a l
i z e d a n d h a s f i n a l l y c a s t off t h e c h a i n s advanced nation-state, which A n a r c h i s t s c a n no l o n g e r cope with the novel c o n - t a s k now i s to p r e p a r e for a n i n t e n s e
a n d s u p e r s t i t i o n s of h i s p r i m i t i v e a n d h a v e b e e n struggling a g a i n s t for the last d i t i o n s of o u r t i m e s . O n l y a n A n a r c h i s t p h a s e of s t r u g g l e o n a w o r l d w i d e s c a l e .
savage past. h u n d r e d y e a r s , i s t h e s k e l e t o n of t h e social s y s t e m can provide the final How we go about this exactly i s for u s
old s t a t e / c l a s s society d r e s s e d up in a a n s w e r to the p r o b l e m s now confronting to d i s c u s s and decide. But the m o s t i m -
Can it be any s u r p r i s e then that the
new way. One c a n say, in fact, that the mankind. portant point i s that we now m a k e up our
A n a r c h i s t s t r u g g l e s of t h e e a r l i e r p a r t
technologically-advanced nation-state F a r from being pessimistic, then, m i n d s t o r i d o u r s e l v e s of p e t t y f e a r s
of t h i s c e n t u r y d i d n o t r e s u l t i n i m -
r e p r e s e n t s an attempt by s t a t e / c l a s s A n a r c h i s t s can rejoice, knowing that the a n d n a r r o w thinking and p r e p a r e for strugg
m e d i a t e s u c c e s s ? It w o u l d h a v e b e e n a
society to cope with the new c i r c u m - t i m e f o r t h e b u i l d i n g of a n A n a r c h i s t on a l a r g e scale. Let u s end all childish
m i r a c l e had they succeeded.
s t a n c e s c r e a t e d by the Industrial R e v - s o c i e t y h a s c o m e . I n s t e a d of t a k i n g a r i v a l r i e s ! L e t u s do o u r b e s t t o o p e n
W h a t i s of v i t a l i m p o r t a n c e n o w i s
o l u t i o n . A n d t h e v e r y e x i s t e n c e of t h e defensive stance, we should now b e going our h e a r t s to each other ! Let u s show
that all A n a r c h i s t s realize and realize
technologically-advanced nation-state o v e r t o a s t r a t e g i c o f f e n s i v e . Of c o u r s e , w h a t g o o d stuff A n a r c h i s t s a r e m a d e o f !
fully that we should not look back upon
shows that this attempt w a s quite s u c - the m o d e r n state i s trying to hit u s h a r d . L e t u s s h o w t h a t A n a r c h i s t s of t o d a y c a n
t h e l a s t h u n d r e d y e a r s of s t r u g g l e a s a
cessful. Of c o u r s e , t h e g u t t e r p r e s s i s t r y i n g t o w e a r t h e s a m e s i z e s h o e s of t h e g r e a t
s e r i e s of d e f e a t s . F o r i t w o u l d b e
It i s i n d e e d p r e c i s e l y b e c a u s e t h i s b l a c k e n u s a s m u c h a s p o s s i b l e . Of c o u r s e A n a r c h i s t s of t h e p a s t — m e n a n d w o m e n
t o t a l l y w r o n g to do so. E v e r y l o c a l A n -
attempt by s t a t e / c l a s s society to cope we a r e meeting with opposition from many of t h e s t a t u r e of B a k u n i n , K r o p o t k i n , G o l d -
a r c h i s t struggle during the last hundred
with the new conditions w a s quite s u c - s i d e s . But i s t h a t not o n l y t o b e e x p e c t e d ? man, Makhno, Berkman, Durruti, and a
y e a r s was only a tactical engagement.
cessful that Anarchists have been unable W o u l d i t n o t b e s t r a n g e if n o n e of t h e s e g r e a t m a n y o t h e r f e a r l e s s f i g h t e r s for
And, however important each such
to m a k e any significant strategic gains t h i n g s w e r e h a p p e n i n g ? S u r e l y w e do not h u m a n freedom. Let u s follow in the
s t r u g g l e might s e e m in itself, it w a s
over the last hundred y e a r s or so. Mod- expect to walk along a path s t r e w n with p r o u d t r a d i t i o n s of t h e s e , o u r A n a r c h i s t
o n l y a s m a l l p a r t of t h e l o n g - t e r m g l o b a l
ern technology and economic u n d e r - roses? f o r e f a t h e r s ! Let us, a s A n a r c h i s t
s t r u g g l e a i m e d at bringing into being
takings demand an Anarchist social f r e e d o m - f i g h t e r s , hold o u r h e a d s up high
an Anarchist society. L e t u s not fool o u r s e l v e s ! W e a r e in
s y s t e m — i n t o w h i c h t h e y w o u l d fit l i k e a n d w i t h a s o n g of t r i u m p h i n o u r h e a r t s
A n a r c h i s t s now n e e d to d e v e l o p a h a r d t i m e s now. But we a r e going to have
1 0 a hand into a g l o v e . But so long a s s t a t e / 11 t h r o w o u r s e l v e s into the g r e a t world
g r a n d strategy in which the struggle to f a c e h a r d e r t i m e s b e f o r e v e r y long.
c l a s s s o c i e t y w a s able to a d j u s t itself,

struggle to liberate ourselves from I will not go into the Prison

"Straw Bosses" here. We all know of
fascism, capitalism, imperialism, and these prisoners that want power over
a l l t h e o t h e r e v i l s of t h e n a t i o n - s t a t e ! other prisoners for their own gain.
Those that turn fish kids into queens
Michael Tobin, and control priogduction of the prison
Box 10638 so that they can profit. (Best clothes
Amsterdam, from the laundry, canteen money from
Holland. their slaves [punks, as these masters
call themj, the best cell and all the
extras.) These prisoners hold rule by
force and fear. Terrorism, race hatred,
etc., are their tools. But these same
UNTITLED POEM — jenny tools are used by the state to promote
wap, fat city tribe. an Inmate Government inside the
We are not ivy plants prisons. (Prison Inmate Councils and
We are not fungus. Ward or Cellblock Governments, In-
It is not necessary to mate goon squads and fink patrols.) In
Feed upon another person's Atascadero it was worse than most
soul. prisons in the fact that ASH was
We are self-maintaining
organisms. always into experimenting withi such
We each are able to stand alone trash. The halls were patrolled by the
We each MUST stand alone. Patient Patrol, the grounds by the partake in any government job that
I cannot feed upon the Patient Security Patrol, the wards by gave me authority over another in-
soul of another, that's
Not love, it's addiction. Ward Government and the hospital by mate. This whole government game
I will not allow the "Emotional Security Program." A was a program to convert the prisoners
another to feed on my special ward for the young, 12- 16-year into good little citizens. (Though today I G
soul. I would die. -olds was goverfied by the Big Brother I am an anarchist.)
We can help each other program. The Big Brothers were all
Why are others insisting As long as prisoners who are
on being parasites? child molesters who were "learning to victims of this society, buy the hog-
We have all got our OWN control themselves" and "helping wash that they must reform into a N < C > 0
wings, to fly away these Little Brothers." The ward and third class citizen and have nothing in
alone, or together hospital governments were elected un- common with their fellow prisoners,
As each will choose der strict screening by the staff. On
their own way. because they're in for an unpopular
the ward level there was a Greivance crime or their color is different or the
Committee and other committees M * V
sentence is longer or shorter, they will
where staff or patients could write up continue to do the state's work in
a fellow inmate and put him on trial keeping their fellow prisoners down.
and hand down punishment which When prisoners see that they can, and
was always approved by the staff. must, fight the system and do, the
Punishment could be extra work, re- state will have to give way to their
moval of priviledges, or almost any- demands. Refuse to work, refuse to
thing. Ward government took care of obey and stand by your fellow inmate.
work, play, discipline and most of the T < > R
A trustee is nothing more than a
work the staff would have to do, which scab-fink who takes the place of a
left the staff with little to do but drink guard in exchange for time off or other
coffee, write reports, and carry keys. rewards. A good trustee is no more to
The thing was kept alive by class be loved than a good guard. A trustee
hatred. The criminal patients were is nothing more than one who has E N
pitted against the sex offenders in earned the trust of the keepers. The
such a way that the governments were only good thing a trustee can do is to
always acting in self-defence or the violate that trust by escaping and/or
"CI" against the "SP". In Vacaville helping others to do the same, not M
prison this same style was also used helping the man with a honest head
with sex offender goon squads which count or turning keys in the cell doors
would come with four goons and two for him. Prisoners are prisoners, not
guards (the four to protect, the two to guards. No guard would want to be-
beat up some "trouble maker" and let come a prisoner, why would any pris- E
the screw give him a shot of an ECT oner want to become a guard? Only to
treatment, etc.). The Patient Patrols of sell out for favors, prisoners must find
Atascadero were of the finest fink a 100% solidarity—otherwise they will
class, they stood in the halls on the never find the power to fight the state.
grounds with badges, writing people N
While we out here fight the state to
up for anything and everything. By the end all prisons, you inside must fight
time I left Atascadero, I refused to too. It only serves the state to do the

1 2
1 3
state's work. If the state cannot profit
other prisons won't help, they gol the uniiked hut "free" or outside the
from its prisons they will have to
government too. Going to Australia prison walls.
lesson them or in the end close them.
or someplace else for a new start won't S E L F / w m x A / m
If anti-prison minded people would FOURTH CLASS CITIZENS: pri-
help, they got government, too. Only
get on juries they could "hang" them, soners, crazies, etc. When the day
when we do away with government on
and save some brothers and sisters comes, as it will, if we do not do away
all levels will we see a society that will of their lives.In their realis- abolished conscription and the
from the place. If everyone who was with governments, we will find that the
allow everyone to be free—only then. VNHKT IS IT? ation that what is personal is standing army,replacing it with
arrested refused to plea bargain, they fourth class will be in special pro- a citizen militia,one battalion
And to those who are on the streets also political,liberation move-
would flood the court calendar to the grams, bent on making them into Simply expressed, by self ments such as Women's liberation of which,incidentally,burnt the
and think they're safe, let me remind
point where no one could come to trial obedient workers run by the masters. management we mean the ability Gay Liberation,Anti-psychiatry guillotine,to the surrounding
you — " T h i s whole world is just one
in the time allowed if not waived. If we for every individual in society etc represent a fundamental masses great pleasure.The
prison yard, some of us are prisoners I think the world in the end will Central Committee of the
stop thinking of ourselves and start to control his/her own life. break with Left movements of the
and some of us are guards." When one come to one of two states of Anarchy lhrough our own experience, the National Guard proclaimed on
thinking as a whole, we can fight past and an essential part of
is in a lower class because of one (total freedom with no authority— experience of many other people the movement towards a self March 18 that
government from within and without.
reason or another, the ones at the order without law) or totalitarinism and through careful study of managed .society.Self management "the proletarians of Paris,
The real criminals in this society are
lower levels are prisoners because (total government as written in Or- this a/id past societies, we have means a change in people,not amidst the failures and
the police, judges, lawyers of the state, come to the conclusion that the
they're locked out of something that is well's 1984). Remember that none of only in institutions,and it treasons of the ruling
keepers and those who sell out to them fundamental problem of todays classes,have understood tha't
rightfully theirs or they are forced to us are free unless all of us are free— presumes a liberation of all of
to protect their own ass—one would society is that of power and us from the rigid roles into the hour has struck for them
live below the masters. Our status prisoners too. As for revolutionary
think that prisoners would be the most powerlessness. The powerlessness which we all fall. to save the situation,by
governmented society has the follow- groups that claim to free the political of people is what prevents the taking into their own hands
anarchistic of this society, but they are
ing classes: prisoners, these would only restock the full expression of the potential the direction of public
not. They make rules—"I can't talk to Once again,the point must be
you because the other whites would prisons with their own class prisoners. for human development which we made that we are not just naive affairs ... it is their
FIRST CLASS CITIZEN: the ruling These would not just be the 1% all possess. Utopians,who think that people imperious destiny and their
not like it." " Y o u ' r e so-an-so's old absolute right to render
class with its leaders, moneymen. masters we have not, that will all be will one day simply decide to
lady, he wouldn't like it if he saw us themselves masters of their
judges, and police [hurt one of these dead in 20-30 years anyway, but any- The question of power shows behave in a radically different
talking together." (Possessive and very own destinies, by seizing
and you 11 get 10 to life at best. ] one who does not fit the revolutionary itself in many ways. The most way to that in which they are
un-anarchistic.) People should be free fundamentalpower relationship upon the governmental power"
scheme. The children of the Russian used to.The change that is (The Commune Solidarity
to do as they wish, don't you want SECOND CLASS CITIZEN: the in society is that between the required can only develop
freedom too? "You're going to be my ruling class were shot along with their Pamphlet No 35)
working class, some of whom think boss and the worker.Where we through protracted struggle,
punk or HI kill." (Slavery, very un- parents. Does Patty advocate the rul- work is where we spend much of
they can get to be first class. [You'll autonomous activity which we,
anarchistic.) The state has made a ing class that her father is a part of? our lives. It is where we Accordingly,all elected repre-
get lesser time generally for hurting as workers,must initiate our
slave of you, does it give you status to To sum this up: Prisons are a form of produce the wealth of the selves with others.Self manage- sentatives were subject to recall
one of these unless the ruling class
be the owner of another? If so, you're government—we will never do away society from where we gain the ment cannot, by definition,be at any stage and had a limited
wants to appear like it's sen'ing all, means with which to satisfy the
as bad as the pig that makes you clean with prisons or mind control and have instigated from above. term of office. The Paris
then an example will be made, j very many needs of human beings. workers recognised over a
his laundry. There are many more total freedom until we do away with
governments, totally and forever. . . . SelF management means the total century ago the essential
examples I could sight. Let's face THIRD CLASS CITIZEN: ex-prison- abolition of the order-giver/
Red Warthan content of a socialist society
it—you can't run from it. Transfer to ers who have little or no rights, ex- order-taker situation. It BASIS IN HISTORY - control from below.
crazies, the poor, the un-pooular and involves the refusal by workers
to submit to the domination of Our belief that self management Almost 50 years later, in the
MALE SEXUAL LIBERATION - red warthan wap - fat city tribe even those who claim to be acting can become a reality lies also Russian revolution,the validity
on their behalf (or "in the best in what has happened in the of the Communards demands was
Wile much voice has come to the call of so called female liberation,few have though male lib interests of the working class") past.In so many of the revolu- once more illustrated. However,
little more than a joke. This is due to the fact that the world is run by males,though many tions in history,women and men this time it wasn't the
have sought to achieve similar
males run the few. It is the male child that is born with "an oblation to serve his counrty". Most importantly, self management goals to ours.The revolution of bourgoisie which defeated the
It is the male child that has his body cut on shortly after birth to insure his "health" and •neans a change in people.At Paris,1871,usually known as the workers - it was a group of
present most people often submit Paris commune,is correctly people who claimed to represent
the doctors fee and Moses' law. It the male that is sentence to death by the State at the rate to their domination, in fact the working class which created
of 125 to 1 in California. It is the male most offten that looses the children in devorce. celebrated by socialists all
they often aid it. However this over the world as one of the a new type of ruling class
is a fact we embrace as a first,if not the first,revolt
No dought if these facts were brought to the High Courts of the land(America in this case) starting point, not as an end. which showed the way towards
If this was not the case, then Many of the features of revol-
they would say that the sexs should be equal and hence women should be drafted and murdered the future.How many people utionary activity in 1917 were
by the State in equal numbers with men.A word to the wise sister seeking liberty;"Seek not we would not be revolutionaries, know of the amazingly democratic
and you would not be reading accontinuation of the egalitar-
your liberty at the hands of governments" None of us are free unless all of us are free.Equal "government" without any prior ian tradition of the Paris
this. But we state that this is planning,of the way in which
slavery is equal but not free.Look at Russia where women are equal in the government and serve not an inherent characteristic commune._he organs of power
the day to day affairs of the which arose independently of
in the armed forces,on the courts and in the Central Commettee. Election of 'yOP/o women into the of some philosophical "human Parisienne people,the transport
nature", and that people are the Bolshevik Party were the
government will not change things for the better,cause governments only make things worse.Only of goods,working of the Workers and Soldiers Soviets
capable of co-operating together, factories etc were organised
in a unblimished anarchy will we find sexual equality. To bring about this state we must start in a rational way, in order to and these bodies gradually
co-operatively,non-hierarchically became the effective power
to shange our heads now.To do this sisters must give up seeking their rights through the Law make this society one which and sensibly?The ordinary people
and men must give up their sexual hang-ups.Examples of these are:"You aint a man if you aint encourages meaningful human of Paris took the first steps holders in Russia. In the name
relationships. You can't have a towards running their own lives of these Soviets,Lenin's
been phuced by the time your 13 years old" "Only queer men kiss"(sometimes said about women fulfilling relationdhip with Bolsheviks seizei power and
too)Taking a old female friend to coffee is a sound reason for her husband to think your out without being directed by any
someone who gives you orders, selfstyled revolutionary leader their successors in the
balling. Men must stop owning women and seeing other men as foes.The list goes on and on,but nor when you are enslaved to a ship. Communist Party continue to
once we get it together we will have a new freedomfwe will not have to fear loosing something machine, be it a drill or a control the U.S.S.R and many
typewriter, nor when all your other countries today.Simultane-.
because we will not declair to own it,be it a woman or land. We will do away with husbands
ously,there also developed
and armies,with prisons and courts. ideas,feelings,creativity,hopes The Paris commune decided a factory committees in Russia,
and fears have arisen from a maximum wage for all members based on the workplace and demo-
We seek not the replacement of the "maoho"society with a new "macha" one but a society where society which systematically and employees of 6000 francs.It cratically elected.Whereas the
man,women,gays,hetro,a-sexuals,transexuals and everyone is free and truly equal. - - - - - - - dominates people, for the whole Bolsheviks controlled the
1 4 1 5
with the Ukrainian peasant many very promising artempts at Today, more and more people are
Soviets and used these for their a libertarian organisation of comprised only of actual workers. destiny"
armies,the banning of strikes These Councils federated (Bookchin pp 249-50) experimenting with different
own purposes,in order to increase such as those in Petersburg in the economy.
their own power and influence, nationally,co-ordinating and types of institutions, in att-
the Factory Committees were support of the Kronstadt demands controlling the essential The general strike of May 1968 empts to create non-hierarchial
for freedom from Party tyranny, More recently in the so-called creative and flexible structures
autonomous bodies,composed of "communisfcountries of east services of the country and cut across all traditional
workers and beginning to the outlawing of the inter-party providing an important communica- class lines.It involved not only that encourage autonomous action
Workers Opposition - all these Europe,Workers Councils have by all members of the groups.The
federate nationally in 1917. again sprung up in periods of tions link.In fact,the workers students and workers,but tech-
Lenin and Trotsky,the principal are aspects of the inevitable ran the economy themselves .without nicians and clerical people.It attempt to place the power and
revolutionar>' upsurge. In March decision making in the hands of
Bolshevik leaders paid these result of allowing anyone to 1953,Stalin died,and in June bosses and without hierarchies. swept in professionals and
possible future organs of rule in your own name.It is The importance of this spontane- labourers,intellectauls and even the lowliest workers can be
the East German and Czechoslo- seen in such developments as edit-
socialist democracy only lip important to realize that the vakian workers rebelled.Russian ous movement is expressed by football players TV broadcasters
serviceand once they gained lies, slanders,shootings,purges Andy Anderson in Hungary '56. and subway workers, doctors and orial collectives, rank and file
tanks smashed them.Tn June 1956 action groups, struggles against
power,systematically sought to etc all began before Stalin came Polish workers elected factory involved neighbour-
destroy their influence by in to power. Naturally we recognise hood action committees, which union bureaucracy, struggles
committees and presented deman "In 1956 the Hungarian working against assessment and discipline
corporating their tasks and that the backwardness of the cmands going beyond pay increa class inscribed on its banner controlled suburbs and distrib
oower within the trade unions, economy,the Civil war,the Imper- uted supplies, it involved in schools and universities etc.
increases, questioning the way the demand for workers manage- We propose a form of organisation,
which of course the Bolsheviks ialist invasion,the economic the work was organised and ment of production. It insist workers councils in almost every
controlled.The same was done blockade and the failure of the walk of life, and one thing was the workers councils, as the
demanding changes.When they ed that Workers Councils basis for a non-hierarchial soc-
with the Soviets as the power German revolution all helped in (naturally) received little should play a dominant role in in conrnon; no longer were people
of the Party grew. prepared to accept the society iety, organised roughly along the
the growth of the bureacracy and meaningful response,they went all roles of social life ... following lines.
on strike and after a fierce on the land" as it was, no longer would they
the degeneration of the Bolshev- put up with not having control
iks. But these don't change the two day battle, were smashed (pagel)
Let us not be hesitant about by Polish tanks. over their own lives. A society based on workers
this. In contrast to almost all facts we have stated about
workers management being the Another point must be made.Not councils in every workplace, whe-
other groups in the Left, we ther that be factory plant, build-
state quite plainly that Lenin only real possibility of pre- Throughout the early months only were revolutionary workers For a brief moment in May, all
venting a new ruling class from opposed to their own bosses.They the social roles and barriers ing site,mine,railway yard,office,
acted in a counter-revolutionary of 1956 political agitation educational institution, or what-
way; he sought to concentrate assuming power. against the government in refused to swap one lot of between people were broken down
bosses for another by advocating and people began to discuss in ever, workers would elect a coun-
power in the hands of the Party Hungary gradually became more cil of delegates who could be re-
apparatus,strangling truly Since 1921,when all effective and more open. As intellectuals a capitalist society such as we groups and streetcorners topics
know here in Australia. The thay had never bothered to called at any time and replaced,
autonomous workers movements opposition was silenced within grew in courage and strength, by a mass meeting, who could not
before they could flower.One Russia,there have been several their criticisms became less press that you read in this discuss before, with people
country may cover sucli events thay had never really spoken to remain in office for more than a
particular example is that of instances of hope,where revolu- veiled and more blatant.In particular fixed term, and who
the Nobel Oil Refinery in tions have placed power where September and early October,the with glee,pleased to be shown before. People gained a taste
as being correct about the of what life could be like with would be empowered to represent
Petersburg. The bosses having it belongs - in the hands of Hungarian workers joined in, the wishes of those workers who
fled after the seizure of power, the ordinary people.The Spanish totalitarian regimes known as out domination;the streets were
demanding "genuine workers self "Conmunist".They won't make it a carnival of joy. Unfortunately elected him/her. This council
the 4000 workers organised them anarchists stressed this fact would run the daily affairs of
salves into mobile groups,and and showed how it can be done. government" in factories.Natur- clear that the Hungarian and the traditional left hadn't
ally, the Trade Union Council Yugoslav and Polish and East changed. All the shit about the factory, office etc., refer-
They were defeated due,at least ring all important decisions back
tried to find fuel,raw materials partly,to the treachery of the tried to moderate these demands, German and Czechoslovakian "vanguard parties" and "prolet-
but the workers began to demand workers and students hve no less arian leadership"was there,and to a general assembly of workers.
outlets and means of transport. Russians,who withheld raw A Central Assembly of delegates
They appealed to the Bolshevik materiaIs,arms and support,and to be allowed to manage their a criticism of Australian the conservative nature of the
own factories without interfer- society than of their own. Trade unions and the Communist would also be elected by the
government,only to be told that also due to the actions of some general assemblies, based on work
they must come under the orders of their own leaders,who joined ence from above.On October 23 Parties was laid barer than
a huge demonstration was fired ever. places, which could tackle the
of the government.After some a bourgois republican government, Lastly,mention must be made of problems involved in management of
struggle,the factory was closed. thinking that the fascist Franco upon by the Hungarian secret
police and the hours that foil France 1968 (and Czechoslovakia the economy as a whole:the co-
Lenin's (and Trotsky's!) writings had to be defeated before the 1968,and Italy 1969-73 etc etc) Now the lessons we can learn ordination of transport,supply
revolution spread to the rest of followed were the beginning of
on "workers control" on one-man revolution The 1968 May June uprising in from History are many and of raw materials,decentralisa-
management of factories,on " Spain.However,agricultural co- France was a most important varied. But we must not make a tion of the economy,planning for
"labour discipline" etc make it operatives were set up, in which stage in the struggle against fetish of WorkersCouncils,for the future,national campaigns
clear that they and nearly all a general assembly of working Russian tanks were called in by example,as they will be the on pollution,the problem of
peasants in each village elected those who held power in modem
the Bolshevik leaders saw the the "Communist"government to society,and it deserves further only institutions through which economic growth etc.Like the
proletarian or workers nature of a management committee respons- smash the workers and students Workers Councils,these people
ible for economic administration. discussion than that offered self management will be achieved
the government as "hinging on who were occupying the main here.However,we can suggest its expressed in the economic form. would remain at work,meeting
Apart from the secretary,all centres.Amazingly,they were regularly and reporting to the
the proletarian nature of the members continued their manual significance by indicating how New forms of organisation will
Party" that had taken state defeated by the Hungarian people evolve through struggle, and other working people as often
labour.Artisans,hairdressers, who distributed arms amongst it raises totally new questions
power. None of them saw the and solutions. unless there is a cliange in as needed.
shoemakers etc grouped them themselves,fraternised with some
proletarian nature of the selves in collectives. Rent, Russian soldiers and dropped social relations, Workers
Russian regime as primarily,and electricity,medical care,old crude Molotov cocktails on others Councils will degenerate as they
crucially dependent upon the In modern capitalist society,
age assistance,pharmaceutical, others in their tanks.But a week most people have enough to eat, did in Russia, Workers Councils would be the
exercise of workers power at education etc were free. The later,the Russians were back, basis of the economic structure
the point of production (ie on a job, a home and many items "One car, offer no guarantee
relationships between people in reinforced with East German tank that were once considered that a revolution will not of a self managed society.Yet
workers management of anarchist areas underwent a crews who didn't realize they they would also play a signif-
production) luxuries.(certainly not all degenerate. There are no re-
remarkable change.In Catalonia, were facing a Hungarian revolution people do, and its not. only icant part in all aspects of
(The Bolsheviks and Workers factory workers continued to cipes for maintaining a high social life.The integration of
tion.Even so,many soldiers on both aborigines who lack basic level of activity amongst
Control - A solidarity Book p42) operate the factories after the both sides fraternised when they work into people's daily lives
bosses fled and many technicians necessities such as food,but people. But history has shown would be part of the transfor-
realised that the Party and the that is not the point, because
helped.They elected a managerial Bureacracy was their common enemy that certain factors do lead. mation of society.No longer
It becomes exhausting and dis- committee,who elected a manager most people in Australia are a retreat by people would labour be equal to drudg-
enemy.It took two weeks to defeat not in that position)"The
heartening to go through all the with varying powers.There was defeat the Hungarian workers and from political activity. ery, as what work was left after
other actions the Bolsheviks central management to some students,but in the mean time a motive forces of revolution These factors are the emerg- the introduction of advanced
took to prevent the survival of extent,and attempts were made, great deal had been achieved. today,at least in the indust- ence and consolidation of automation and cybernetics was
opposition,both within Russia largely sabotaged by the comm- rialised world are not simply individuals or groups who revitalised through job rotation
and in the International.The unists,to plan the economy. scarcity and material need,but 'take charge' of society's retraining and elimination of
brutal suppression of the Although full self management Throughout the turmoil,Workers also the quality of everyday common affairs." the increasingly specialised
revolutionary Kronstadt sailors was never a reality,there were Councils were elected all over life, the demand for the liber- (The Meaning of Socialism division of labour.Together with
in 1921,the treachery and dis- the country,delegates being ation of experience,the attempt P 14) fhe phasing out of jobs such as
honesty of Trotsky in dealing immediatelv revokable and to gain control over one's own 17
1 6
T Similarly, we don't support not be inserted into .the working Tho '-IpanifiM of iflc. ..HI I
society.A society in which class from outside as Lenin rcassei tion of the "al content
idvertising,much of the public skills should be rewarded for Trade unions. Throughout history jf socialism .tgain>c the
their greater production would homosexuals remain powerless and Trade Unions have demonstrated thought necessary.What does need mystification of trie torxist-
service, stock brokerages etc oppressed has not challenged our to be done is to help formulate Leninist and cold twr ideologies
which serve only the capitalist do well to remember that not their inadequacy as revolution- •todern Capital ism and Revolution
everyone in a society has a concepts of human living. The ary bodies and in modern cap- this and make it explicit. What
society,this would mean that raises peoples consciousness is (P Cardan) A fundamental critique
people could gain control over chance to gain specialised qual- liberation of dykes and poofters italist society they show their of the traditional left.The real
ifications and ski lis.To the (the names lose their derogatory conservative nature quite revolutionary action initiated political questions today -
their work situations instead connotations when we throw them by workers and directed at bureacratisation,ana thy,general
of being dominated by the need arguments of professional people blatantly.In almost all revolu- alienation.
such is doctors,lawyers and in the faces of our oppressors) tionary situations,Trade Unions changing the power relationships
to produce wealth for bosses. cannot be separated from human of this society. A national net The Crisis of Mpd*rn Society
Labour would be a means for engineers, that they deserve a play a reactionary role.It is [V CardaaJTfe Interlocking crisis
reward for their years of long liberation throughout the rest work of Workers Councils has to in work .polities, values,i
satisfaction of the needs of of the society. not just a question of policies; be built throughout Australia, tion,the faulty tad r o l t t i t
the people, not a means to make and arduous study, we reply that between th* sexes.
education should be a process of if that were so then perhaps and when that happens, the Self
profits or a type of social Unions could act in a more Management Group,unlike Marxist/ From Bolshevist to trn* fcar—cracy
domination. creative and enjoyable learning, Whilst both men and women are (P Cardan) The role of lolshevik
not a dreary period of endless oppressed, it is men, and male revolutionary way.It is a Leninist parties,will disband, ideology in destroying the
fact-memorising and mindless controlled institutions which question of whether or not they its task fulfilled.We do not Russian revolution.
Such a radical change in work encourage workers to organize seek to become the new rulers The Kronstadt Co—unc (Ida Mett)
acceptance of so-called oppress women in particular.Thus The final defeat of organised
would necessarily be accompanied "knowledge" that very often has a demand for equal wages and at rank and file level,to create of a socialist society,but we communist politics in Russia
by great changes in lifestyle. l i t t l e to do with one's l i f e . equa] power has an even greater non-hierarchical and autonomous do seek to become members of a Working Class Consciousness
No-one can give a blueprint of organs of power composed of self managed society. Ts there an implicit struggle
This would be the case in a self significance for women.Women have in production against th* noraa
the future, but some of the managed society and students even less power overtheir lives workers,not ex-workers.It is a of capitalism?
possibilities can be suggested. would also receive a living wage than men,expressed most import- question of whether or not they Neither do we see ourselves as
For example alternatives to eliminating the common financial antly in the institution of promote the self-activity and possessors of an absolute Truth,
the nuclear family could be hardship present today. political awareness of their totalitarimniui froa witala tat
marriage.Marriage places women of the destiny of History,of Bolshevik Perty.
explored, and ways of encouraging in a position of dependence on is a question also objective knowledge or any such
c r i t i c a l attitudes, self security of what type of society they Kronstadt,1921(Victor Serge)
men , forcing them to define bullshit. Accordingly,we invite A Bolshevik looks at Kronstadt
and co-operation attempted. S E X I W L T Y & themselves in terms of their role benefit most from,a capitalist constructive revolutionary and draws disturbing conclusions.
Politics would lose i t s mystical as adjuncts to men and as bearers society,into which they are well criticism,but not sectarian Black Seperatism, White S>xophancy
and farcical character and become S E L F / M M G E / M E N r integrated and secure,or a self About racist "anti racists'' and
and raisers of children.House phrase-mongering,or ideological their supporters.
the rational discussion of the work is an excellent example of managed society,where they would diatribes.If you would like to Race Power and Oppression.Black/
co-operative management of The demand for equal power and be useless.Already,workers in White Attitudes In Australia
equal wages expresses quite work in a position of powerless know more about our ideas and
society.This would be accompanied ncss.Women's Liberation can only Australia and elsewhere are actions,contact us at any of Are blacks and whites inherently
by a total transformation of mass simply the essential nature of rejecting them,as they refuse different or is racisa rooted
what we are struggling for. come about when women refuse to the addresses below. elsewhere?
communications in order to simp- be dominated by men, when they to be manipulated,sold-out and Th* Irrational In Politics
lify so much that is complex organise together to counteract pissed off by arogant Trade Subservience is a s»tt*r of
in modern society.clarify that One crucial aspect of present Union bureaucrats who are out SELF MANAGEMENT GROUP belief, not of brainwash.lag,
society is sexuality.Capitalism a sexist society and break out
which is mystifying and ensure of their position of powerless- for their own personal gain,not FOR A SOCIETY BASED ON WORKERS Strategy for Industrial Struggle
equal access to information for represses free healthy sexual for the revolution. COUNCILS. How to build autonomous struggle
activity as part of its general ness at the same time freeing How not to let initiative fall
a l l . With the free participation themselves from their own self into the hands of the bosses
of people in the political l i f e process of suppressing the P.O. Box 67 and burcacrats.
realisation of himan potential. is not. a question Russia,China and their satellites
of the society, and their real- of a 'class analysis" being North Adelaide 5006 French Revolution 196B A large
isation that they have some The distortion of equal human represent for us more an example struggle around the idea of
relationships through the impos- primary as various Marxist sects of how not to build a socialist P.O. Box 332 workers power.
control over the decisions made will scream, nor of women's Hungary 56 Russian imperialism
and also the possibilities prop- ition of sexual roles is an society than a model to be North Quay Brisbane 4001 against a communist revolution.
important aspect of the perpet- liberation being the basis of admired.They are all class
osed, politics would become all liberation.Self management or Economics of Self management
integrated as an aspect of the uation of an oppressive social soc ie t i es,not ' 'degenera ted Economics as a social question
means equality of power for women workers states"(Trotskyists)not The Red and Black Bookshop
daily lives of everyone. The existence.The imposition of both as well as men, just as human Elizabeth Arcade The Bolsheviks and Workers
Council might also take over masculine and feminine roles in
"Socialist based countries" Control m%\m W Union)
liberation means the liberation (Stalinists) but totalitarian Brisbane Where was the real communist
the running of the tasks of the childhood is a stifling of both of both men and women together. struggle in Russia?
judiciary,the problems of educa- state capitalist societies
men's and women's ability to The two cannot be separated. ;the following pamphlets are Socially responsible Scientists
tion and the creation of better treat each other as human beings
controlled by a ruling class,
available from the above or Soldier ;Technicians
spoil Science
opportunities to creatively use and we abhor them as much as andTfcrality
rather than as objects as means we attack our own exploitative addresses: Paris,1981 The need for autono-
one's leisure time.Neighbourhood to various ends. Both men and Where does this leave us in mous Workers Councils.
committees would probably also relation to existing political and oppressive society.While Workers Councils The Economics
women are oppressed and a move the P.R.G. represents a vast
play an important role. ment for human liberation must institutions? of a SeU Managed~~SocietyThe
take this into account.The
and significant improvement management of the economy as
Parliamentary politics is a over the U.S and its puppets in based on Workers Councils
But Workers Councils alone cannot liberation of one sex without Saigon, we believe it will and their relations to other
guarantee that an e l i t e will not the other is a non-liberation, cover for the real situation of social questions.
power in the society,which has still tend to create a new
develop and take power. and a selfmanaged society must ruling class once it gains
"The population can only develop waysof caring for kids its basis at the point of
production.For most people, power,unless it develops a
exercise power i7~it wants which do not perpetuate the society where power resides in
to. The organisation proposed • hierarchies of adult/child politics is not seen as relevent
to their daily lives. They are the hands of the peasants and
would ensure that the popula tyranny and which allow the workers of South Vietnam.We do
tion could exercise such power creation of a child who is not interested,and its hardly
surprising,considering the amount not see it as likely that the
if it wanted to" neither aggressively dominant P.R.G. will work towards its
(Worker Councils p 50) nor passively submissive, but of influence they have.Accord-
ingly, we do not stand candidates own eradication.
who is self-reliant (yet still
Because i t perpetuates inequal capable of close human relation- for any elections,nor so we
ities in power and satisfaction ships) and refuses to accept a suggest voting for anybody It should be obvious by now that
of needs, and because i t has been situation of powerlessness. (including labor - the ALP can we are opposed to all self
at the forefront of revolutionary Homosexuals are another aspect. never become a revolutionary styled (or otherwise) "vanguard
Markers dewnds, an equal wage They pose a threat to the body and it's no use saying we
should force it to adopt social- parties".We believe that the
for every job is an essential part "normal" sexual roles we are oppressive social relations
of a self-managed society.Equal forced into, they act as scape ist policies).If you must vote,
express your contempt for all compel workers continually to
wages and equal power are closely goats for the frustrations of struggle against the bosses
dependent on each other.Those others and challenge the ideol- politicians and parliament with
the appropriate conment: who and that "working class consc-
reactionaries who exclaim in ogy of the peculiarity of the iousness can only develop
horror that those with particular family as the basic unit of ever you vote for, a politician
always gets in! through this struggle - it can
by Donald Packard
Woodstock anarchist party, •fat city tribe" wap prisoner
u.s.a. Pittsburgh, Penna. R E A L Y T H E M A T C H '
I don't want to go. When grappled in the law's embrace ONE YEAR 12 issues $3.00 Write To: WAP
Because she's got a TV eye on me. Who first betrayed an anxious face,
And swore he'd shield me from disgrace? TWO YEARS 2 4 issues $6.00 Box 171
She shows us kids
shows and armed robberies. My Lawyer! THREE YEARS 3 6 issues 18.50 Stockton, CA.—95201 (USA)
Don't blame her. THE MATCH! P. O. Box 3488. Tucson, Ariz. 85722 USA
Life is cartoons, Who told me I should not confess,
That all my wrongs he would redress, (These rates are the same for readers in all countries; subscription
singing loony tune
in stereophonic beat. And set me free from all distress? copies to other countries are sent via sea mail. Payment may be made
Let her show us for real womanhood. My Lawyer! with local currencies at prevailing exchange rates.)
ANARCHISM—The philosophy of a oew social order based on
Woman that is half ally liberty unrestricted by man-made law; the theory that all
and half strange beauty show. While sick in jail, I senseless lay,
Who took my watch and ring away, forms of government rest on violence, and are therefore
With a fist in a clinch wrong and harmful, as well as unnecessary.
am I deranged? Lest prowling thieves on me should prey?
Ha you don't even know My lawyer! ANARCHY—Absence of government; disbelief in, and disregard
my sanity. of, invasion and authority based on coercion and force, a
My eyes have seen the glory, Who to my wealth stubbornly clung,
For me wagged an oily tongue, condition of society regulated by voluntary agreement instead
of space things. of government.
Rockets red glare, And at my foes hot embers flung? $ w a C W i m - €eut& <fau *&tu&
bombs bursting in air. My Lawyer! ANARCHIST—A believer in Anarchism; one opposed to all
I hear the government's forms of coercive government and invasive authority; an
into TV Who alone with peerless pride, *Wouf6 you ta CiQppicr uj iverutruno thai you wanU6 woo
My rights affirmed, my guilt denied, advocate of Anarchy, or absence of government, as the ideal
Programed on street corners. jrtei *Wou(6 you hi. witting to work, for |rw if that
Shooting moving pictures And swore the state's attorney lied? of political liberty and social harmony.
My Lawyer! wouio qivi urn a &m i^^tem^ ^Hfhat U il tiki, to
of you and me.
Pigs on the other end, work ad a vofuntwr with ottar vofuntwro0? tyfov-tb o.n.u-
Watching the activity. When twelve men in one compound, on& owa property, faboitry or naiuroi reoourceo if trieu-
Kids pulling armed robberies. For me a guilty verdict found, coufon't moke, a profit from, t r W ? ^lfouf6 we ao vot-
Don't like this? Who came to staunch my bleeding wound? An InjurytoOne is on bpjrytoAl One Union One Label One Enemy
You can always go home, My Lawyer! (tvott k\66 cinb o(6 ^o(fto) be woxmtu welcomed into
and watch TV. cdt pforei of work, beccaux ike more \xx>rktro trey nav«- (m> I n d u s t r i a l W o r k e r
Take your pick; Who said my time within the wall, tta ttoo rWt\> everyone witt rueo to work1? tfouid we
FBI reruns and Would be exceedingly brief and small, OFROAL ORGAN OF THE INDUSTRIAL WORKERS OF THE WORLD
The minimum or none at all? then iwe our* creativity to make, our work. |un ano \vi-
Alice Cooper getting guillotined. ^ — ^ — i ^ — — — — — — — » — • i »• •
News Flash! My Lawyer! fi!fina9 ^/tfauib we 6i.jcontinue bolna jofco ihcd we
coutb we ware u^e-Usaf ^H/itfi fiouoina, foo6, worfe. <z 752 West Webster Chicago 60614 Phone 549-5045
Anarchists getting garroted. When the judge my doom proclaimed
Shut it off, please, And six years of exile named, ano ewrv/tnirio teitig ^rte .(or tveruoae, what wouio hap- Please allow at least three weeks for postal delivery.
or show me the closet door. Who looked indignant and ashamed? pen, to our parent-cfuto cmo to our num. woman refation.-
So I can go and scream. My Lawyer! -arUfvo'? tytfitt we continue to ptaci more vaiiu on Name
Stop killing us.
History in the making. When at the sheriff's stern command, thinao than on people® *Hf'dt we tawe a xm.b for
It's a bunch of bunk. I for the chain was told to stand, competition- or govern me uto wtati we are cooperating
We don't want it, Who longest shook and squeezed my hand? ^uot tninJt of cdt the cpob ininoa iked vjitt happen,
you can have It, City State or Province.
My Lawyer! when, we Atari ootna for people bwUab of for profit.
It's not my American dream.
If you want TV it's okay. Who closed the mortgage on my lot, 'sfouldn't we cftanae over to taw 0ne Ayotem oo Country Zip or Postal Code
I'll show you Kung-Fu, Drove my family from their cot, .*>on. ao enouah. peopfe (ittow aboui it ano wont it*?
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Beep Beep the roadrunner, ftfoulo upu tike to rWp aet thj. <0ree J*uotem
My lawyer!
moving at a creep. 8 -started &o there ar.ijthina tfmi y/>u cou/6 oo to Enclosed find $ for a year subscription to the IW :
Watch out for sniper humans. Who, when of prison clothes I'm stripped, kelp Apr&ab u\& wor6(? ($2.50 for 1 year, $4.50 for 2 years, $6.50 for 3 years)
Superman doing an Ex-Lax commercial And from these walls I'm homeward shipped,
on a toilet seat. Will get himself immediately whipped? k
I'm a Monopoly city ghetto. My Lawyer.
People throwing kryptonite
cause the fucking honkies
ass stinks. • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • • • *
and we can burn *
the ghetto down. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO PLANET EARTH Please send to this address:
And let the joker • A WAP Membership Subscription ($2 # 50»nclude WAP
make a joke about it. Newsletter mail label number.)
How about Bozo the clown * Sure. You can count me as one person who would work "tor yL
being liberated free"
^ ^ if^ ^everything
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everyone else worked for free. ] A Non-Member at cost subscription ($3.00 third class
from his straight jacket, talk with my friends about this FREE idea. mail, $3«40first class)
without a lobotomy, [~] A bundle order of the next issue (30$ per copy).
amusement free, [~~] A free copy of the next issue
prolixin freed? Name
I want to scream freak. Address HI A free, prisoner's subscription (include prison or jail
KiU your TV. * City State Zip * number).
Have it commit suicide
with mental bullets. * Name Number
Have it lose itself and W Please send me a copy of the next issue. No. 4, which will report the num-
find reality. ^ ber of pledges received. I'm enclosing a stamped addressed envelope. * Address. .City
Get it high on LSD "^t Little Free Press. 715 E. 14 Street, Mpls., MN. 55404 State Mail Code
Make it like
you and me. It's degrading to be thrown in with common politi- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Country,
Anarchy. 2 0 cians.
Should we talk about
Post Office Box 171
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from a n o l d d i c t i o n a r y and an a u s t r a l i a n n e w s p a p e r . . .

The ANARCHIST BLACK HAMMER is published quarterly by a collective of the Woodstock Anarchist Party.

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