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Lean Success in an

Administrative Environment
Customer demand is the heart of the office, supported
by a one-team philosophy.

Mick Corrie

oes lean translate to administrative Each location sent representatives from
areas? Our experiences at human resources (HR), finance, production,
Waukesha Bearings Ltd. put this engineering, sales, and operations to the
question to the test, specifically within our event. We listened to the benefits of the
sales and engineering office headquartered whole enterprise "true conversion" to lean.
in Northwood Hills on the outskirts of As engineers, we accepted the relevance of
London. The company is a subsidiary of lean for production yet questioned how
Dover Diversified Corporation and Dover could lean work in our engineering/admin-
Corporation (NYSE: DOV), a specialist engi- istrative environment. In production, the
neering company that designs and manu- formation of manufacturing cells and the
factures bearings. Our products are tailored development of takt time-driven standard
to meet customer needs in a variety of work would obviously improve perform-
rotating machinery applications for power ance, but our non-manufacturing processes
generation, oil/gas, chemical, and industri- did not repeat and often the flow was dif-
al use. Our lean journey began in November ferent every time.
2001 when George Koenigsaecker (chair- In sales and engineering, we signed up
man of the Shingo Prize), visited our exec- for a ten percent share of the 100 "rapid
utive team to discuss the potential of a improvement events" to be run by Waukesha
"lean conversion." during 2002. We were soon to discover that
The UK operation had been recently lean would make a significant contribution
acquired by Dover, so this inaugural wel- across all areas, a dramatic transition from a
come to "lean thinking" was also a chance traditional functional sales and engineering
to meet with new colleagues from all of the office.
corporation's bearing manufacturing sites.
Slow Out of the Blocks
As predicted, the value stream map-
In Brief ping (VSM) process undertaken by our
Initial success in Waukesha Bearings’ administrative areas indicates manufacturing colleagues went fairly
that lean can be applied wherever there are customers and a smoothly. The input and output of manu-
process to serve them, according to author Mick Corrie. Centralized facturing steps was relatively easy to iden-
office workflow puts customer demand at the heart of the process. tify, the scope being from the launch of an
order and initial material release, right

Target Volume 20, Number 1
through to eventual packaging and dis-
patch. The goal of the "future state" map
was to combine all of these steps into a sin-
gle manufacturing cell, so that product
could flow unhindered by waste. We real-
ized this future state over a year by making
huge changes to the way we did things and
the benefits as a company have been
The culture in our sales/engineering
office was a little different in that the case for
change seemed less compelling. We already
prided ourselves on our relationships with
Figure 1. Distance traveled by a new inquiry (initial map).
customers and our applications engineering
expertise. We were skeptical, to say the
least. "How could lean help improve the per-
formance of our office?" we asked Simpler
Consulting people (who were helping us to add value. By looking at each step in the
with our lean conversion). "There are so process, we learned that if we have process
many different processes that take place steps that don't contribute to this value,
within account management; lean will sim- then we should really question, "Why do we
ply not be able to help us." We were pressed do them?" Put even more simplistically, why
does any company want processes that
to list these processes. The first step was to We were soon to
map the key processes. Our fear was that to waste resources, including people's time,
that do not contribute to the overall health discover that
VSM just one of these processes would
negate the value of all the other processes of the company? It is easy to say, looking lean would
we do. In hindsight, we just needed to map back, that our initial doubts about how lean make a signifi-
could apply to us were natural and typical
one process to see what waste we had (the cant contribu-
initial map is shown in Figure 1). when you do not really understand lean
fundamentals or practical realities of a lean tion across all
conversion. Translate that doubt to denial of areas …
The Three-Day Value Stream
the change itself. It is a hard question to ask
Mapping Events of anyone: "So how do you add value?"
Within our initial VSM event, we came Asking yourselves is harder still.
to realize that many of the "different The process we initially mapped was
processes we do" were actually just pieces "the inquiry process" because it touched
of a common value stream. We also found most individuals in our office and is really
that a major reason for a lot of both per- the first contact a customer has with our
ceived (and real) variation was that there organization. Inquiries range from simple
was no "current best way" shared by the needs, such as a straight repeat order, to
team. In fact, almost all of our process highly complex, one-off engineered solu-
steps were dependent on the individual tions. For the mapping, our first "lean
style of the person doing the work. We event" involved a cross-functional team of
were assured that this is normal in modern six people including myself as the team
offices where most people work alone with leader and, interestingly, a colleague from
their computer in a cubicle, rarely sharing our manufacturing division. The neutrality
process knowledge or improvement ideas of this team member and the consultant
that lead to action. helped to keep the mapping process flowing
Our first value stream map defined, as sales and engineering team members
with absolute simplicity, the process behind discussed and mutually agreed what the
our very existence: "To win profitable busi- inquiry process steps were. The "outsiders"
ness for the company." This is what we do were great, as they could ask all the basic

First Quarter 2004
questions like, "Why? How? What for?" We tunities of banishing waste once and for all
discovered truly amazing variability in our emerged from both our sales and engineer-
Mapping cannot process steps. Another finding: Mapping ing departments, expressing a desire to
be done in a cannot be done in a conference room. You "give it a go." We looked forward to our first
conference have to actually go, see, and touch the rapid improvement event.
room. You have work to understand how it is really done.
Within 48 hours, we had created the Not Quite a Showcase
to actually go, current state map, an ideal state map, and
The lean movement went into over-
see, and touch finally a future state map. This last map
drive with full backing from the top, espe-
the work to was a statement of intent of what we want-
cially at the manufacturing plants. We had
understand how ed our inquiry process to be like within six
to wait three months for our "sensei" (Chris
to 12 months. The mapping process is labor
it is really Cooper of Simpler) to conduct our first
intensive, but it took the team to such a
rapid improvement event in the sales/engi-
done. deeper level of understanding of what was neering office. The unsightly current,
actually happening and that the case for future, and ideal state maps had remained
change was compelling. For instance, we on the walls all this time. After looking at
previously sensed that our response time these maps every day, we wanted to learn
on proposals to customers could be how to remove waste from our processes
improved but was basically good. It was and we had identified the inquiry process
only when actual calendar time and touch as the main artery of the office, affecting
times (worked on time) were determined sales and engineering personnel alike.
that it brought home to us how much waste We set our first rapid improvement
we actually had (it was substantial). event to make a significant change in only
Recording (with reluctance) actual times five days. A new cross-functional team of
with stopwatches was a real culture shock. six people (an account manager, three
Reality never matches your hunches or the- engineers, an estimator, and a customer
oretical times. service representative) was assembled,
From the VSM project, it was clear that including two from the original team (cre-
inquiries for repeat parts should be fast- ator of the value stream maps). The other
tracked with less engineering support. Not four members had heard only an introduc-
only would this reduce the number of steps tory presentation about lean concepts.
on repeat inquiries, but also enable engi- To ensure continuity of thinking and
neering to focus on the value-adding steps purpose, the team conducted a detailed
required of new-engineered inquiries. In analysis of the current inquiry process. We
effect, the fast flow required for "repeats" assessed each step of the existing process,
was being held back by the other inquiries. noting the time it took, the distance trav-
Any individual could prioritize, stop, or eled, whether the step added value (or not),
re-sequence any job as they chose, and whether it could be done right first time.
compounding this effect. When you add the The results revealed a close correlation to
phone calls and interruptions, which are a the data from the current state map, but the
normal part of any office life, it was easy to added detail allowed the team to set further
see why things took so long. So two future targets for reduction in process steps, dis-
state VSMs were created, corresponding to tance traveled, and work in progress.
"repeat" and "new" inquiries. In spite of these clear targets, change
Customer value, in terms of inquiry is never obvious until it is discovered. The
response time, was now quantifiable from team found it difficult to imagine a future
the future state map targeting one hour for state that was significantly different from
repeat inquiries and one day for new the current desk-based environment.
inquiries. Through mapping, we had identi- Breakthroughs occurred when Chris led the
fied "our" waste — catalyst for real change. team out of the conference room and
Change agents who recognized the oppor- encouraged us to "trystorm" in the open

Target Volume 20, Number 1
office rather than "brainstorm." To reduce the step towards performance measurement in
effect of interruptions and reduce distance an admin environment.
traveled between steps, we imagined a dedi-
cated cell for the handling of inquiries. One Step Back
A suitable location was identified, but
Within two weeks of creating the
again difficulties arose as time was taken
admin cell, the task of flowing inquiries
up by the natural tendency to "brainstorm"
through the cell had become intolerable to
and "intellectualize" our ideas. After a rapid
those using it. In our office different skills are
series of "trystorming" activities in quick
mixed to handle a number of inquiries con-
succession, the inquiry cell layout emerged.
currently; the cell had, in fact, become an
It was constructed four different ways
inhibitor to flow. We saw graphically that our
before the team found a truly viable solu-
customer demand was random; it seemed
tion. The result, though, was a high-quality
every time a new inquiry arrived, the cell
admin cell created in only five days. It could
was already occupied (picture the scene of
handle multiple customers/languages/cur-
people jostling for position to use the cell).
rencies and products passing through it. This problem resulted in regular batching-
As we calculated the reduction in dis- and-queuing of work at the entrance to the
tance traveled by a repeat inquiry from 128 cell. With time ticking on the response times
to 36 meters, an enduring lesson was for these inquiries, people quickly returned
learned: It is better to remove huge waste- to personal desks to complete the work.
ful steps rather than slightly improve the Conversely, there would also be times when
value-added steps. no one was using the cell. In our minds we
It is equally important to think way had effectively created a cell, which was at
beyond today's traditional office layouts. If times too small for the number of people
you think it through, most human-based required to operate it and at other times too
processes add value when people collabo- big. We did learn that the perceived issue of
rate, discuss, and make value-adding deci- "interruptions," which led to the creation of
sions. So why are 99 percent of the people a stand-alone cell, was not as big a problem
in 99 percent of the offices in the world star- as we had thought.
ing into computers in the corner of a cubi- Needless to say, our production board
cle? We learned to be wary of the "post- (whiteboard) was quickly packed with ideas
poned perfection" that brainstorming often and suggestions, and it was the richness of
leads to when you literally talk your way out this feedback that directed our next rapid
of doing anything. We learned to adopt a improvement event. The original intention
practical, step-by-step "try it then improve was to conduct a 6S (sort out, straighten,
it" approach, which lifts morale as tangible scrub, standardize, sustain, and safety)
improvements are made. Rather than just event for the whole office, but the rate of
talk about things as we had done for years, issues arising from the cell outstripped our
we were changing things for the better. ability to resolve them. We felt we had
The team gave a summary each reached a crossroads with lean. Feelings
evening to the rest of the office. This pro- were mixed. The cell had had an adverse
vided focus towards achieving things at the effect on our response times but mapping
end of each day and we received good the inquiry process had been successful in
feedback and input. identifying waste to banish.
As we ended the event, a whiteboard On his return Chris Cooper smiled and
(one of many disused items located) was asked us, "What has the cell revealed?" He
commandeered to enable everyone to give encouraged us to think of improvements to
"safe" feedback without judgment beyond build on what our cell had taught us. It was
the event itself. The same whiteboard was at this precise moment that top manage-
also utilized to make visual the number of ment (the ultimate sponsor) truly began to
inquiries in/out each day, marking our first devolve responsibility for improvements

First Quarter 2004
and placed trust in the decisions being processed differently from the typical, ever-
taken at a local level. It would have been all changing feast and famine of one person
too easy to identify another process to ultra-busy, the next person not.
"lean" and report positive results upwards, So the team constructed a workflow
but if the local team were to remain enthu- control system in the middle of the office. A
siastic, we needed to find a solution to the "visual" place was needed and real success
difficulties we were experiencing. We would only come if it were easy to get in and
This process of received full backing to re-look at the cell, operate. Intense "trystorming" ensued which
simplifying the which to the unenlightened could look like now engrossed most of the office. Out went
physical office a duplication of the earlier five-day event. 11 partitions, four tables, two desks, and 17
layout had a This event week was to become a pivotal boxes of paperwork, which could be
point for sustainable success. archived. This freed up floor space so that
wide-reaching printers and fax machines, which had been
effect on every- Two Steps Forward sitting in passageways, could be relocated to
one involved in an ideal true point of use. (See Figure 2.)
A second cross-functional team was This process of simplifying the physical
the inquiry formed for the event. From our previous office layout had a wide-reaching effect on
process. teachings we recruited in two neutrals rep- everyone involved in the inquiry process.
resenting manufacturing and IT. It is now Personal desks were moved and separate fil-
our tradition to actively change and mix ing systems, which had evolved in different
team players so that everyone gets an equal quarters of the office, were co-located with a
opportunity to participate and we have the standardized method of file storage and
right skills available as needed. The numer- retrieval agreed among all parties.
ous issues concerning the admin cell fell The most profound impact to the
into many categories and provoked a vari- working environment was yet to come —
ety of opinions. We were shown the cause climbing over the psychological hurdle of
and effect problem-solving tool which losing personal in-trays from one's desk to
quickly lent itself to the separation of opin- the new centralized office workflow sys-
ions from facts. Our understanding was tem. This change was necessary to achieve
strengthened by a series of interviews of all a visual process for the entire office. The
cell users. The main problem causes were positive benefits of the cell were retained
soon identified and solutions sought. and re-integrated onto people's desks,
Rather refreshingly, the admin cell was whilst solving one of the main obstacles to
deemed not to be quite the failure we had fast flow (smoothing and leveling the load).
believed it to be. It had actually been very
successful in revealing underlying issues.
Concurrent One-Piece Flow
Small islands of excellence, such as some
impromptu sharing of engineering work- Whilst it may have been difficult in its
load on new inquiries and visual perform- execution, the centralized office workflow
ance measurement, had come to light system has paid enormous dividends by
through its execution. We did not want to placing customer demand at the heart of
lose these benefits. the process. It is analogous to a customer
The team decided that their plan of standing in the middle of an office pulling
action for this event would be how to make the whole team along.
the workload leveling process happen Over the past several months since we
office-wide. We were assured that initial have been operating our new lean system,
cells always reveal underlying issues to be average response time on inquiries (repeat
solved, so the cell had indeed done its job. and new combined) decreased from 5.6 days
We had learned that although individuals to 1.3 days. This improvement enabled us to
had in-trays and phones, we needed to work up the monthly number of inquiries
think of the whole office as having a collec- received in to buck the current downturn in
tive in-tray that could, and should, be our markets and use freed-up time to do

Target Volume 20, Number 1
sales, stimulating follow-up calls that we
previously didn't have the time to do.
We use one-piece flow so that no indi-
vidual works on more than one inquiry at a
time. For that reason, new inquiries are
placed directly into the workflow system to
minimize the disturbances to flow that
were previously attributed to an open plan
office. Actually the real disturbance was the
natural tendency to "take a quick look at it
to see what it is." Work no longer gathers
on personal desks, eliminating the flow-
destroying batch-and-queue. All "live" Figure 2. Achieving line of sight visibility across the office.
inquiries are transparent on the desks and
the level of work in progress/incoming is
visible for the whole office in the central
workflow system. (See Figure 3.)
Are you wondering how you will know
when to offer assistance if you can't see
your neighbors' workload? Doing this with
personal in-trays would mean walking
around the office and asking (disturbing) —
no longer needed with our new workflow
system. We have proven to ourselves that
agile customer service can be achieved
when a team is prepared to share and level
the workload. In essence, our sales/engi-
neering has become a closer team which is
self-managing and responsive to the rate of
customer demand. The traditional "hot list"
and crisis management that traditionally
dominated the office is no longer employed.
Figure 3. Centralized office workload leveling with first in/first out flow system (FIFO).
A strange calmness has arrived. The
leadership role has changed from direct
management and trying to work out what
the performance level was at any time to
that of coaching and developing best prac-
workflow system would not be the "issues
tices with the team. If, for whatever reason,
monster" that the dedicated admin cell had
it is not possible to achieve a desired result,
been. We were relieved that the quality of
then we look at the process first. There
event result had been placed above number
have been examples where we found our
of events in our new approach; now we
new process steps were not explicit
could look forward to new events.
enough, prompting improvement of our
As ideas appeared on the production
standard work instructions which underpin
board, we formed a multi-functional team
our new lean methods.
representing both sales and production,
meeting monthly to work out how best to
Keeping the Habit address them. Minutes are issued with
Our production board, which previ- tasks assigned and deadlines set to ensure
ously buckled under the weight of issues, successful implementation. We avoid
was also moved to a central location. We repeating ourselves by capturing all ideas
quickly recognized that the new office in a "to do list" before the production board

First Issue 2004
Before Lean After Lean
Batch-and-queue on Visible work in progress 100 lean events in 2002, we continued to
desks across office extend lean process improvements during
Partitioning/cubicles Line of sight visibility 2003 by realizing a similar number of dedi-
Uneven workloads Level workload (shared) cated lean events.
In our sales and engineering office, we
Fire fighting Calm
have achieved a one-team philosophy,
Group working Team working encouraging knowledge-sharing and
5.6 days to respond 1.3 days or less development within an open climate.
Improvement ideas continue to be added to
Unknown performance Performance and targets our production board, underlining the fact
‘Hot-list’ management Self management that the removal of waste never ends. To
banish waste, the process needs to be visi-
ble to everyone. Lean has had a dramatic
Figure 4. Comparison of "before" and "after" lean conversion.
and positive impact on our ability to pro-
vide customers with a competitive service.
Since the implementation of our lean
inquiry/order workload system, we have
underpinned our lean conversion with an
is wiped clean for the next month. office-wide 6S event, scoring 96 percent in
There is no better motivator to idea our audit. In turn, we created "free" floor
stimulation and improvement than actually space, decreasing our original footprint by
providing regular time for it. It was through 50 percent. We will revisit our future state
this process that we targeted the need to map annually as we set more ambitious
improve our next key process: creating an targets and we will continue to place cus-
order. Again, this is a process requiring a tomers as the primary pull for all of our
lean enterprise approach between sales processes. We feel we are only at the
and engineering to translate customer beginning of our journey of possibilities
requirements efficiently. with lean: improving yield, minimizing
Lean has taught us that, put bluntly, backflows, avoiding rework, sharing best
every day in admin is one day less to man- practices (internally and externally), devel-
ufacture the goods. So with the benefit of oping lean enterprise thinking in collabora-
our firmly-established workflow system and tion with suppliers and customers. Our ini-
our experience in lean and teamwork grow- tial success proves that lean can be applied
ing, our next event ran smoothly. The work- wherever there are customers and a
flow system was upgraded and modified to process to serve them.
incorporate the order-taking process,
enabling us to extend one-piece flow across
two key processes. We have subsequently
used lean tools to improve many aspects of Mick Corrie, business team manager,
our work, changing our culture. Waukesha Bearings Ltd., Northwood Hills,
UK (website
It is important to think far beyond
today's office layouts, methods, and © 2004 AME® For information on reprints, contact:
Association for Manufacturing Excellence
approaches. Using external advice and
building on our existing skills/experience,
we learned to apply lean in non-traditional
areas. Our commitment to lean conversion
must be long-term for our success to be
maintained. Having completed more than

Target Volume 20, Number 1

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