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Ww 435, 426. 437. 438, 439. TEAM MANAGEMENT QUESTIONS Identify the facilitation technique that would most likely result in team confi a. Multivoting b. Voting ©. Consensus 4. Nominal group technique The Hawthorne studies conducted by Elton ‘Mayo concluded that: Increasing illumination would increase ‘worker productivity b. Workers responded favorably to humane treatment fe. The needs of management wero not understood at the floor level 1d. Group behaviors influenced by arelatively few floor level leaders ‘The proper sizing of a team Is: ‘Something that management should include in the team charter b. Best based upon including representatives of all affected parties A straightforward management decision ‘A complex balancing of a number of considerations 4. When the team is creating their guidelines, the issue of what information will be shared outside the team is callet Brainstorming Conflict resolution Confidentiality Empathic listening pore ‘The most valid reason for removing a team member from a team would be: ‘a, Personality conflicts between several team members. b. Lack of skills by the member Poor team meeting attendance Member needed for other management directod activities 4.40. at 442, 43, When developing the potential for win-win agreements, what strategy is the most appropriate starting point? Vorify areas of agreement Resolve any differences Confirm each party's goals Consider alternate solutions. Brainstorming is best used as a technique when: ‘a. Many highly intelligent people have ideasto solve a problem b. A company needs additional money to develop new technologies ‘©. Creative ideas are needed and the solution is not obvious d, Team members have little or no knowledge about the problem at hand Why is the PDCA cycle so readily accepted by most American teams and individuals? a. It is the natural way that most people already approach problems b. Itwas promoted by Dr. Deming who has a wide American following fe. It has been widely used in Japan with success 4, Itrequires much less work than comparable Improvement techniques Material rewards to team members should always: a. Be the same for all members of the team b. Be individualized for each team member within an established value range Be something with the company's logo on rly distinguish those who made significant contributions The answers to all questions are located at the end of Section XII. essBe 2012 WV-78 © QUALITY COUNCIL OF INDIANA

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