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Eka Sahriani , Harmania , Itsna Khumaerah Susanto , Muammar Subair

Basic Physics Laboratory Department Of Physic FMIPA

State University of Makassar

Abstract . Has done lab work " Fluid Viscosity " . The lab aims to understand the working principles
of the experiment and determine the coefficient of liquid using Stokes Law . With the method of
measuring the object's mass , diameter solid ball , the density of glycerin , measures the time taken
from the solid ball bracelet bracelet first to second . An object moving in a viscous liquid will
experience a friction force caused by the viscosity of liquids . The next ball drop into the substance ,
when touching the surface of the liquid and the time on the run was stopped when the ball right in the
distance . Obtained from the experimental liquid viscosity coefficient is different on each ball . In this
case the frictional force on a moving object in a viscous liquid can be seen through the velocity .
According to Stokes law , the friction force experienced by a solid sphere moving in a viscous liquid
which is Fs = - 6πηrV . In addition to the friction force on the liquid, a solid sphere moving in a
viscous liquid which will have the force tia friction , buoyancy , and gravity . When the ball has
reached a solid steady pace , then the third resultant force will be equal to zero , so that the objects
move in a straight uniform . When moving straight for uniform , takes the ball to move so far during t
y . The conclusion of this lab is the mass and diameter solid ball affect the velocity of the object when
dropped into a tube of experiments obtained by Stokes and liquid viscosity coefficient of each ball is
different liquid viscosity coefficient is proportional to the force barrier . The greater the force barrier ,
the greater the viscosity coefficient

Keywords : Fluid Friction Style , Stokes Law , Mass objects , friction , gravity , buoyant force .


Objects moving on a rough solid surface will experience friction. Analogous to this,
the objects are moving in a viscous liquid will experience a frictional force caused by the
viscosity of the liquid. The difference is the frictional force on a moving object in a viscous
liquid depends on the velocity of the object. According to Stokes law, the friction force
experienced by a solid sphere moving in a viscous liquid that is:

FS  6  r V

Dengan, FS= Force of friction of liquids (kg.m.s-2)

 = Coefficient of viscosity of liquid (N.m-2.s atau kg.m-1.s-1

r = radius of solid sphere (m)

V = velocity of motion of objects in fluid

In addition to fluid friction force, we also are familiar with gravity and Archimedes
force. Thus, it is in a solid sphere moving in a viscous liquid (Figure 6.1) will have the third
force or:

F  W  F A  FS

When the ball has reached a solid steady

pace ,then t he resultant force will be equal
to zero, so that the objects move in a
straight uniform. Great speed in the
circumstances it is:
2r 2gρ  ρ 0 
y FA FS 9η

Dengan, g = gravity (m.s-2)

 = density of solid ball (kg.m-3).

 0 = density of liquid(kg.m-3).
Gambar 6.1 : Stokes force
If during the regular straight ball moves require time to move far during t y, then the
equation (8.2) above can be changed to:

9ηy 2gr 2 ρ  ρ 0 
t or y
2gr ρ  ρ 0 

where y is the distance when the ball starts moving at constant speed to a stop, and t is the
time taken.


Tools and materials used in this experiment are the ruler to measure the distance a
rubber band, vernier caliper to calculate the diameter of the ball, Ohauss balances serves
to calculate the mass of the ball, stopwatch to calculate the time it took the first rubber band
ball of rubber bands to the second, glycerin as liquid or fluid, cloth / tissue, sieve to take the
ball at the bottom, a rubber band to restrict the distance the ball, and the ball solid with the
ball size I 0.0342 m, 0.02435 m balls II, and III ball 0.0163 m as an expense that will be used
and tools to learn the speed that occurs in the fluid.

Working procedure of this experiment are the first we measured the diameter of each
ball using calipers and determine its mass using Ohauss balance. then we Enter the glycerin
into the tube until almost full and wrapped a rubber band 20 cm from the bottom first then
second rubber tube that can be set-set 32 cm above the bottom of the tube of the first rubber
band. Then take the first ball, is placed just above the surface of the glycerin and released.
Then measured the time it took the ball solid, observe the speed of the ball with a stopwatch.

Then do a re-trial by a margin distance of 10 cm, as well as 2 and 3 balls. Then record the
observations in the observation table.

As for the variables in the experiment are first manipulated variable is the variable
that deliberately altered including distance. Distance is the length of the path taken by the
first ball of rubber bands to the second rubber band was measured with a ruler. The second
variable is the response variable that changes with changes in variables including time
manipulation. Time is the time taken by the first ball of rubber bands to the second rubber
band was dropped when measured with a stopwatch. Last control variable is a variable that
has not changed, including the density of glycerin and the sphere's radius. Glycerin is a type
of fluid used in this experiment are not interchangeable, the density of glycerin derived from
theory. The radius of each ball remains, measured with calipers.


A. Experiment Result
1. Ball 1

Mass of ball 1 = |55.07±0.05| g

Diameter bola 1 = |0.03420±0.00005| m

Density of glycerin = 1.26 × 103 kg/m3

Vernier caliper NST = 0.005 cm

Ohauss balance NST = 0.01 gram

NST stopwatch = 0.1 s

Tabel 1. Tabel Hasil Pengamatan 1

No Mileage (m) Travel Time (s)

1. |1.1±0.1|

1 |0.3200±0.0005| 2. |1.0±0.1|

3. | 0.9±0.1|

2 |0.4200±0.0005| 1. |1.2±0.1|

No Mileage (m) Travel Time (s)

2. |1.2±0.1|

3. |1.1±0.1|

1. |1.4±0.1|

3 |0.5200±0.0005| 2. |1.6±0.1|

3. |1.5±0.1|

1. |1.8±0.1|

4 |0.6200±0.0005| 2. |1.9±0.1|

3. |1.8±0.1|

1. |2.0±0.1|

5 |0.7200±0.0005| 2. |2.1±0.1|

3. |2.1±0.1|

2. Bola 2
Mass of ball 2 = |18.09±0.005| g
Diameter bola 2 = |0.02435±0.00005| m

Tabel 2. Tabel Hasil Pengamatan 2

No Mileage (cm) Travel Time (s)

1. |0.7±0.1|

1 |0.3200±0.0005| 2. |0.7±0.1|

3. |0.7±0.1|

1. |0.8±0.1|
2 |0.4200±0.0005|
2. |0.9±0.1|

No Mileage (cm) Travel Time (s)

3. |1.0±0.1|

1. |1.3±0.1|

3 |0.5200±0.0005| 2. |1.2±0.1|

3. |1.2±0.1|

1. |1.5±0.1|

4 |0.6200±0.0005| 2. |1.4±0.1|

3. |1.5±0.1|

1. |1.5±0.1|

5 |0.7200±0.0005| 2. |1.7±0.1|

3. |1.7±0.1|

3. Bola 3

Mass of ball 3 = |6.00±0.005| g

Diameter bola 3 = |0.01630±0.00005| m

Tabel 3. Tabel Hasil Pengamatan 3

No Mileage (cm) Travel Time (s)

1. |0.9±0.1|

1 |0.3200±0.0005| 2. |0.8±0.1|

3. |0.8±0.1|

1. |1.2±0.1|

2 |0.4200±0.0005| 2. |1.2±0.1|

3. |1.1±0.1|

3 |0.5200±0.0005| 1. |1.4±0.1|

No Mileage (cm) Travel Time (s)

2. |1.4±0.1|

3. |1.3±0.1|

1. |1.5±0.1|

4 |0.6200±0.0005| 2. |1.6±0.1|

3. |1.6±0.1|

1. |1.8±0.1|

5 |0.7200±0.0005| 2. |1.8±0.1|

3. |1.8±0.1|


1. Ball 1


Distance (m)



0 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.28 0.35 0.42 0.49 0.56 0.63 0.7 0.77
y = 2.7x + 0.076 Travel Time (s)
R² = 0.9746

∆∆𝑠 ∆∆𝑡
∆𝑣 = | ∆𝑠 + 𝑡

0.1 𝑚 0.014 𝑠
= |0.6 𝑚 + 0.224 𝑠
| 2.7 𝑚/𝑠

= 0.786 𝑚/𝑠

DB = R2 × 100%

= 0.9746 × 100%

= 97.46 %

DE = 100 - DB

= 100 - 97.46

= 2.54 %

PR = |2.70 ± 0.618 | m/s

2𝑟 2 𝑔 (𝜌𝑏 − 𝜌𝑔 )
Ƞ =| 9𝑣

2(0.0171)2 𝑚 (9.8)𝑚/𝑠2 (1.753−1260)𝑘𝑔/𝑚3

=| 9 (2.7)𝑚/𝑠2

= 0.2029 𝑁/𝑚2
∆𝑚 3∆𝑟
2∆𝑟 ∆𝑣 +
∆Ƞ = {(| 𝑟 | + | 𝑣 | ( 𝑚 𝑟 ) 𝜌𝑏 ) Ƞ}
(𝜌𝑏−𝜌 ) 𝑔

0.00005 𝑘𝑔 3(0.00005)𝑚
2(0.00005)𝑚 0.618 𝑚/𝑠2 +
0.05507 𝑘𝑔 0.0171 𝑚
= {(|
0.0171 𝑚
| +|
2.7𝑚/𝑠 2 | ( (1.753−1260)𝑘𝑔/𝑚3
) 1,753𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 ) 0.2029 𝑁/

𝑚2 }

= 0.0503 𝑁/𝑚2
DB = Ƞ
× 100%

= × 100%

= 24.79 %

DE = 100 – DB

= 100 – 24.79

= 75.21%

PR = | 0.2029 ± 0.0503| N/m2

Ƞ𝑡𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑖− Ƞ𝑒𝑥
% DIFF = | Ƞ𝑡𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑖
| ×100%

= | 1.5
| ×100%

= 86.47 %

2. Ball 2


Distance (m) 1
0 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.28 0.35 0.42 0.49 0.56 0.63 0.7 0.77
y = 2.3x - 0.036 Travel Time (s)
R² = 0.9944

∆∆𝑠 ∆∆𝑡
∆𝑉 = | ∆𝑠 + 𝑡

0.04 𝑚 0.01 𝑠
= |0.32 𝑚 + 0.20 𝑠
| 2.3 𝑚/𝑠

= 0.514 𝑚/𝑠

DB = R2 × 100%

= 0.9944× 100%

= 99.44 %

DE = 100 - DB

= 100 – 99.44

= 0.56 %

PR = |2.300 ± 0.5149| m/s

2𝑟 2 𝑔 (𝜌𝑏 − 𝜌𝑔 )
Ƞ =| 9𝑣

2(0.0121)2 𝑚 (9.8) 𝑚/𝑠2 (1600−1260)𝑘𝑔/𝑚3

=| |
9 (2.3)𝑚/𝑠2

= 0.0450 𝑁/𝑚2
∆𝑚 3∆𝑟
2∆𝑟 ∆𝑣 +
∆Ƞ = {(| 𝑟
| + | 𝑣 | ( 𝑚 𝑟 ) 𝜌𝑏 ) Ƞ}
(𝜌𝑏−𝜌 ) 𝑔

0.00005 𝑘𝑔 3(0.00005)𝑚
2(0.00005)𝑚 0.5149𝑚/𝑠2 +
0.01809 𝑘𝑔 0.0121 𝑚
= {(| 0.0121 𝑚 | + | 2.3𝑚/𝑠2 | ( (1600−1260)𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 ) 1600𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 ) 0.0450 𝑁/

𝑚2 }

= 0.0136 𝑁/𝑚2
DB = Ƞ
× 100%

= 0.0450 × 100%

= 30.22 %

DE = 100 – DB

= 100 – 30.22

= 69.78 %

PR = | 0.0450 ± 0.0136| N/m2

1.5 −0.0450
% DIFF = | 1.5
| ×100%

= 97 %

3. Ball 3
Distance (m)

0 0.07 0.14 0.21 0.28 0.35 0.42 0.49 0.56 0.63 0.7 0.77
y = 2.4x + 0.052 Travel Time (s)
R² = 0.9931

∆∆𝑠 ∆∆𝑡
∆𝑉 = | ∆𝑠 + 𝑡

0.04 𝑚 0.01 𝑠
= | + | 2.4 𝑚/𝑠
0.36 𝑚 0.15 𝑠

= 0.4266 𝑚/𝑠

DB = R2 × 100%

= 0.9931× 100%

= 99.31%

DE = 100 - DB

= 100 – 99.31

= 0.69 %

PR = | 2.400 ± 0.4266 | m/s

2𝑟 2 𝑔 (𝜌𝑏 − 𝜌𝑔 )
Ƞ =| 9𝑣

2(0.0081)2 𝑚 (9.8) 𝑚/𝑠2 (1935−1260)𝑘𝑔/𝑚3

=| 9 (2.4)𝑚/𝑠2

= 0.0367 𝑁/𝑚2
∆𝑚 3∆𝑟
2∆𝑟 ∆𝑣 +
∆Ƞ = {(|
| + | 𝑣 | ( 𝑚 𝑟 ) 𝜌𝑏 ) Ƞ}
(𝜌𝑏−𝜌 )

0.00005 𝑘𝑔 3(0.00005)𝑚
2(0.00005)𝑚 0.426 𝑚/𝑠2 +
0.006 𝑘𝑔 0.0081 𝑚
= {(|
0.0081 𝑚
| +|
2.4 𝑚/𝑠 2 | ( (1935−1260)𝑘𝑔/𝑚3
) 1935 𝑘𝑔/𝑚3 ) 0.0367 𝑁/

𝑚2 }

= 13.48 𝑁/𝑚2
DB = Ƞ
× 100%

= × 100%

= 3.673

DE = 100 – DB

= 100 – 3.673

= 96.32 %

PF = | 0.0367 ± 13.48 | N/m2

1.5 −0.0367
% DIFF = | 1.5
| ×100%

= 97.5 %


Practicum on Fluid Viscosity . In the lab we did our materials Liquid glycerin . Prior
to the measurement of viscosity or viscosity of the liquid, mass of the object is determined in
advance , the diameter of the ball solid on the balance sheet and calipers as well as the first
to set bangle bracelet limits second . Tools we use in the measurement of viscosity is stokes
tube . The tools used must be clean . Of the materials used , each material has each different
viscosity grades . We told you earlier that the viscosity is a measure of rejection of a fluid to
deformation under pressure or viscosity properties due to friction caused by one part of the

liquid to the other parts . Viscosity of the fluid shows how the movement of solids in the
fluid , the greater the viscosity , the more difficult a solid move in it . Each object is moving
with respect to another object will experience friction . It is also experienced by objects
moving in a liquid or gas , caused by the viscosity . Viscosity is a measure or standard
viscosity fluid that has a certain friction . In the liquid viscosity is caused by a type of
cohesive forces between molecules , whereas the viscosity of the gas due to collisions
between molecules .
Objects being dropped on the initial velocity of liquid will get accelerated by the
forces that work . With W is the weight of the object style , Fa is the upward lifting force and
Fr is the friction of liquids with surfaces . The style is called the Stokes force . This style is
associated with coefficient viskosits liquid . When the ball is dropped , the ball moves very
pcepat , but when the speed increases, the Stokes force also increases , so that a time will
reach a balanced state sehngga ball moving at a constant speed called terminal velocity . At
terminal velocity the resultant force is zero . In the experiments we use are solid ball , not the
cylindrical object and the beam , because the rigid body has a curved surface making it easier
to lift up or Stokes force , thus allowing for the viscosity
An experiment can make mistakes either the deliberate or unintentional , such as when using
stopwatch.Pada uncertainty analysis can be seen that the calculation of the density of
glycerin , volume , speed , and has a viscosity koefiensi KR ( Error relaif ) . It may occur due
to inaccurate practitioner in making observations . One example is when measuring the
travel time is used when the ball is inserted into the tube containing the liquid stoes glycerin


After doing a practicum "Viakositas liquid", then it can disimpuka From the lab that
we have done, it can be concluded that the viscosity (thickness) can be considered a section
in a fluid friction, because the viscosity is then to move one layer of fluid above another
layer should be done three styles namely buoyancy, friction, and gravity.
Viscosity of a substance is affected by temperature, concentration, pressure, and
molecular weight of a more viscous solution used, the greater the viscosity value. Each
solution has a viscosity (thickness) different. The greater the mass of the load, the load speed
and the coefficient of viscosity of the liquid increases. Liquid viscosity has a stylish barrier
for the incoming object, the force is called the Stokes force


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