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La Consolacion University, Philippines

City of Malolos, Bulacan

Submitted to:

Dr. Jocelyn M. Santos

Submitted by;

Mary Kristine N. Manuel

My name is Kristine but I'd like to be called as Tine.

I'm 22 years old and a single woman. I'm the eldest

child among my 3 siblings in my nuclear family. I'm

very close with my parents and all of my siblings

especially with my youngest sister

I also love to watch films, listen to music or visiting to my sibling's house in my spare time. Other

than that, I love to travel as well. I love playing drums and having ministry in church.

I took BS Mathematics with specialization in Business Applications while I was in University.

After I graduated, I work as a Math Teacher in St. James School of Apalit. All these experiences

are useful to myself and make me realize how I should be grateful for having a nice and loving


However, sometimes I've had a hard time since I am the eldest there are a lot of challenges or

pressure as well. But even so, I've tried to be optimistic, because I know dealing with human isn't

an easy thing. In order to improve my work performance and myself, I believe there are still many

things I have to learn, and need to strive for having a better life in the future.
Chapter II: Philosophy of Education

Education is essential to every student’s life as well as their future. Students can have a

prosperous life by receiving a good quality education. I believe that every student is different but

special in their own way. Every student should be instilled with good values so that they can grow

up to be good valuable men and women. They deserve to be educated in a positive environment

where they feel safe, comfortable, motivated and engaged in their learning. Behind every school

and every teacher is a set of related beliefs-a philosophy of education that influence what and how

the students are taught. A philosophy of education represents answers to question about the

purpose of schooling, a teacher’s role, and what, why and how should be taught and by what

methods they will be use by the teacher for them to facilitate the learners. It will also help the

students to gain more knowledge and skills so that they will be able to function in society. Students

need to be provided with the necessary skills so that they can learn to become productive citizens.

There are many advantages that are associated with receiving an education. Students will be able

to contribute to their community and help make it a better place to live. Education basically helps

shape society because it helps students learn to become more sociable and helps them develop

relationships with their peers. Students will be more qualified for different job positions if they

have a good solid education. Education is vital to each student’s life, therefore, by working hard

to provide the best instruction possible will help train students to become a future leaders and will

lead them to have a better life and a better future.

Chapter III: Own Philosophy

Why teach

For the 21st century learner I want the students to have their freedom that allows for
expression and show their creativity as fun with them. Encourage them for the lifelong learning.
The Students should be able to experiment with their likes and dislikes and to realize their own
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and their threats. For them to discover their potentials and
skills to be globally competitive.

What to teach

The students will learn different moral values and value education. Curriculum is based
around the activities that simulate intellect, develop critical thinking skills as well as develop
moral, values, self-realization, responsibility and self- control for them to be a productive citizen
in our society and to prepare the learners for their real life situation.

How to teach

I want to teach students in a way that has some straightforward instruction, but that also
gives students room to grow and expand on their own. At the beginning of the year, it is
understandable for the teacher to lead class discussions, but towards the end of the year, students
will pose their own questions and try to answer them independently. I feel it is beneficial for
students to sometimes work for the answer rather than being told because it stretches their
knowledge and teaches them how to find information in a variety of ways. I also feel a key to
success is for the class to work on projects to help others. As a future educator, it is important not
only to help the students that you are teaching, but also give them direction to help others.
Chapter IV: Conclusion

Education is a continuous learning. The educational process depends on four fundamental

aspects, the education institution, teachers, curriculums, and the students. These four aspects

correlate with each other strongly. Both teachers and students have their roles. Teachers primary

role is to teach students to become their own person while making responsible choices. The teacher

should treat the learners as individuals who bring a unique set of needs and abilities to the

classroom and he or she will also the one who encouraged to become responsible for their own

learning. The student’s role is to be more concern in their education to be actively engage in their

learning. The importance of educational philosophy is to helps to understand and to modify the

educational process. It helps to identify conflicts and contradictions in any theory. It develops the

human capacity to raise questions about theory. Also, it clarifies concepts and assumptions that

are underlying educational theories. Vividly, it’s clear that the importance of studying the

educational philosophy at the present time is to understand deeply the educational process. Each

fundamental aspect has a basic function in the education process. As a future educator, I will not

only focus on one philosophy of education but instead influence them such as personal experience,

instructions, intuitions and a combination of different philosophy of education.

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