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Fundamentals of WSEF System of Serrada Escrima

Module 2
Cover art by Guro James Hogue

By Michael Schwarz Copyright 2010 Page - 2 -
Guro Michael Schwarz
World Serrada Escrima Federation

Copyright © 2008 – Michael Schwarz

All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form without the written permission of the author, except for the inclusion quotations in
review. Copyright 2010 Page - 3 -

Message from the author
In 1979, I began instructing Tae Kwon Do/Hapkido(Moo Du Kwan) under Master Changhee
Jhoon. It was thru my TKD/Hapkido training that I developed unmatched body
conditioning/hardening skills. While in the military I continued training in Moo Du Kwan and
obtained my 2nd & eventually 3rd Degree Black Belts. My initial introduction to the FMA
came in 1985.

Upon my return from the military in 1991 I

continued study in Serrada Escrima under
Pangulong Guro Chuck Cadell III, I achieved
Pangisang Guro status. My empty hand, blade and
stick/cane abilities increased under his instruction.

Most recently, I obtained the status of Master

Instructor level/Panginoon Guro in the
Davis/Cabales System of Escrima

Additionally, I have been asked to represent

Martial Arts International & WSEF (World Serrada
Escrima ederation) throughout the midwest and
east coast. I also have recently been honored with
becoming the Midwest Representative for the
WMAU(World Martial Arts Union).

My credentials are certified by the WSEF/MAI (World Serrada Escrima Federation/Martial Arts
International), USMA (United States Martial Arts Association, and the MMA (Midwest Martial
Arts Association). Copyright 2010 Page - 4 -


I would like to express my sincere gratitude and respects to all

instructors who I have trained with from 1977 to the present.
A special thanks in particular to GM Anthony Davis, Master
Chuck Cadell III, Phil Porter Sensei, Joe Finchen Sensei and
Master Chang Hee Jhoon.

Special dedication to Grandmaster Angel Cabales. GM

Cabales was a pioneer by his introduction of Serrada Escrima
to non Filipinos in 1966.

The WSEF is dedicated to the proliferation and propagation of

the combat style of GM Angel Cabales and the WSEF System
of Serrada Escrima. Copyright 2010 Page - 5 -

The author and publisher of this material are NOT
RESPONSIBLE in any manner whatsoever for any injury
which may occur through reading or following instruction of
this material.

The activities, physical and otherwise, described in this

material may be too strenuous or dangerous for some people,
and the reader(s) should consult a physician before engaging in
them. Copyright 2010 Page - 6 -

6 Copyright 2010 Page - 7 -

Angle 4 Punch Block Stick Deflection

When the opponent initiates the attack with a thrust from the left had, the
defender slightly draws his/her stick & empty hand up at a 90* angle;
simultaneously drawing the right foot backward onto the ball of foot. Then,
as the 2nd strike begins, the defender’s center of gravity drops with the stick
on top of the opponent’s stick as the left foot drops back. Simultaneously,
with the empty hand drop on top of the opponent’s weapon hand. Copyright 2010 Page - 8 -

Angle 4 Punch Block Stick Deflection continued

As the opponent’s stick is guided downward & outward, follow with the
empty hand (checking hand) & also follow with an upper cut strike to the
ulnar nerve (underside of the wrist). Then utilize the empty hand (checking
hand) to monitor the opponent’s stick hand. The defender then strikes with
his stick to the radial nerve (upper side/thumb side of the wrist). Then
empty hand (checking hand) monitors the opponent’s stick hand again. The
defender then locks out to finish the counter. Copyright 2010 Page - 9 -

Angle 4 Cross Block Stick Deflection

When the opponent initiates the attack with a thrust from the left had, the
defender slightly draws his/her stick & empty hand up at a 90* angle;
simultaneously drawing the right foot backward onto the ball of foot. Then,
as the 2nd strike begins, the left foot drops back & your center of gravity
drops. Simultaneously let the tip of your stick drop inward & down so that
the stick is now perpendicular to the on coming strike while simultaneously
supporting the stick hand with the wrist of the up turned empty hand. Copyright 2010 Page - 10 - Copyright 2010 Page - 11 -
Angle 4 Cross Block Stick Deflection Continued

As the strike carries thru, follow with the empty hand (checking hand) &
also follow with an upper cut strike to the ulnar nerve (underside of the
wrist). Then utilize the empty hand (checking hand) to monitor the
opponent’s stick hand. The defender then strikes with his stick to the radial
nerve (upper side/thumb side of the wrist). Then empty hand (checking
hand) monitors the opponent’s stick hand again. The defender then locks
out to finish the counter.

Angle 4 Outside Largo Stick Deflection Counter

When the opponent initiates the attack with a thrust from the left had, the
defender slightly draws his/her stick & empty hand up at a 90* angle;
simultaneously drawing the right foot backward onto the ball of foot. Then,
as the 2nd strike begins, the defender’s center of gravity drops with the stick
on top of the opponent’s stick forearm, as the left foot drops back.
Simultaneously, with the empty hand drop on top of the opponent’s weapon
hand. Copyright 2010 Page - 12 -

Angle 4 Outside Largo Stick Deflection Continued

As the strike carries thru, follow with the empty hand (checking hand) &
also follow with an upper cut strike to the ulnar nerve (underside of the
wrist). Then utilize the empty hand (checking hand) to monitor the
opponent’s stick hand. The defender then strikes with his stick to the radial
nerve (upper side/thumb side of the wrist). Then empty hand (checking
hand) monitors the opponent’s stick hand again. The defender then locks
out to finish the counter. Copyright 2010 Page - 13 -

Angle 5 Cross Block Stick Deflection

The attacker steps forward thrusting with the stick toward the defender’s
center midsection. Simultaneously the defender steps back with the left
foot. The defender places the stick in a perpendicular position with the tip
pointing down, supported by the empty hand (checking hand) the defender’s
stick guides the aggressor’s attack away from defender’s center body mass.

Angle 5 Cross Block Stick Deflection

After guiding the aggressor’s thrust away from the defender’s center, use the
empty hand (checking hand) to monitor the attacker’s stick hand. The
defender sweeps the stick out & up, striking downward on top of the
attacker’s arm (radial) simultaneous removing the monitoring hand. Then
utilize the empty hand again to check (monitor) the attacker’s stick hand &
defender brings the butt of his stick to his waist preparing to strike or thrust. Copyright 2010 Page - 14 -

Angle 5 Cross Block Stick Deflection Continued

Follow with an upper cut strike to the ulnar nerve (underside of the wrist).
Then utilize the empty hand (checking hand) to monitor the opponent’s stick
hand. The defender then strikes with his stick to the radial nerve (upper
side/thumb side of the wrist). Copyright 2010 Page - 15 -

Angle 5 Cross Block Stick Deflection Continued

Then empty hand (checking hand) monitors the opponent’s stick hand again.
The defender then locks out to finish the counter. Copyright 2010 Page - 16 -

Angle 5 Outside Largo (Flip) Stick Deflection

When the attacker enters with the midsection thrust, the defender steps back
with the left foot, simultaneously the defender raises the stick allowing the
empty hand (checking hand) to act as a preventive guide for the attacker’s
thrust. Copyright 2010 Page - 17 -

Angle 5 Outside Largo (Flip) Stick Deflection Continued

The defender uses a abanico (fanning) strike downward onto the outside of
the attacker’s stick, then follow with a opposite side abanico (fanning) strike
to the top or inside of the attacker’s hand/wrist or forearm. Then the
defender strikes & uses the stick to the attacker’s outside forearm, then
monitor the opponent’s stick arm with the defender’s stick.
The defender then locks out to finish the counter. Copyright 2010 Page - 18 -

Angle 5 Outside Guide Stick Deflection

The attacker enters with a midsection thrust, simultaneously, the defender,

steps back with the right foot, allowing the defender’s stick to rise upward,
bringing the stick perpendicular to the attacker’s thrusting stick, while the
empty hand ‘monitors’ the attacker’s stick hand at the base of the thrust.
The defender’s stick acts as a ‘guide’ for the thrust to follow. Copyright 2010 Page - 19 -

Angle 5 Outside Guide Stick Deflection Continued

After bringing the defender’s stick to the upright/guide position, maintain

stick to stick contact (sticky stick) and the defender slides the stick down the
attacker’s stick to strike the attacker’s stick hand, simultaneously removing
the empty (checking) hand. The defender then moves his stick into a 45*
downward angle against the outside of the attacker’s forearm, checking
(monitoring) the attacker’s arm. The counter is then completed with the lock
out. Copyright 2010 Page - 20 -

Angle 6 Cross Block Stick Deflection

The attacker steps forward thrusting with the stick toward the defender’s left
center/left pectoral region. Simultaneously the defender steps back with the
left foot. The defender places the stick in a perpendicular position with the
tip pointing down; supported by the empty hand (checking hand) the
defender’s stick guides the aggressor’s attack away from defender’s body
mass. Copyright 2010 Page - 21 -

Angle 6 Cross Block Stick Deflection Continued

After guiding the aggressor’s thrust away from the defender’s center, use the
empty hand (checking hand) to monitor the attacker’s stick hand. The
defender sweeps the stick out & up, striking downward on top of the
attacker’s arm (radial) simultaneous removing the monitoring hand. Then
utilize the empty hand again to check (monitor) the attacker’s stick hand &
defender brings the butt of his stick to his waist preparing to strike or thrust. Copyright 2010 Page - 22 -

Angle 6 Cross Block Stick Deflection Continued

Follow with an upper cut strike to the ulnar nerve (underside of the wrist).
Then utilize the empty hand (checking hand) to monitor the opponent’s stick
hand. The defender then strikes with his stick to the radial nerve (upper
side/thumb side of the wrist). Copyright 2010 Page - 23 -

Angle 6 Cross Block Stick Deflection Continued

Then empty hand (checking hand) monitors the opponent’s stick hand again.
The defender then locks out to finish the counter. Copyright 2010 Page - 24 -

Angle 6 Inside Block Stick Deflection

When the attacker steps forward & thrusts, the defender steps back with the
left foot, simultaneously greeting the thrust with the defender’s stick tip in
an upright position perpendicular to the attacker’s stick, with the empty hand
(checking/monitoring hand) supporting the defender’s stick hand in a wrist
to wrist method. Copyright 2010 Page - 25 -

Angle 6 Inside Block Deflection Continued

Immediately after the defender guides the oncoming attacker’s thrust away,
the defender uses the empty hand (checking/monitoring hand) to
check/monitor the attacker’s stick hand while simultaneously the defender
uses his stick to the 3rd thru floating rib area underneath of the attacker’s
arm. The defender will withdraw the stick, bringing the butt of the stick to
the waist, again using the empty hand (checking hand) to check/monitor the
attacker’s stick hand/arm, then removing the empty hand; the defender
utilizes an uppercut strike to the ulnar nerve area of the wrist. Copyright 2010 Page - 26 -

Angle 6 Inside Stick Deflection Continued

Then the defender uses the empty hand (checking/monitoring hand) to

check/monitor the attacker’s stick hand, & strikes down on the top of the
attacker’s wrist onto the radial nerve area. Copyright 2010 Page - 27 -

Angle 6 Inside Block Stick Deflection Continued

Then empty hand (checking hand) monitors the opponent’s stick hand again.
The defender then locks out to finish the counter. Copyright 2010 Page - 28 -

Angle 6 Angle 5 vs. 6 Stick Counter

When the attacker steps in & thrusts, the defender steps to left & forward at
a 45* angle, simultaneously, the defender passes the attacker’s thrust with a
left hand pass simultaneous the defender thrusts to the attacker’s midsection
with an angle 5 thrust. Copyright 2010 Page - 29 -

Angle 6 Angle 5 vs. 6 Stick Counter Continued

Then the defender ‘rolls’ the blade of the stick as if slicing up & around the
outside of the arm ending in a wing/shield position. The defender’s stick
from the wing/shield position utilizes the stick to check/monitor the
attacker’s arm. The defender then uses the empty hand(checking/monitoring
hand) to check/monitor the attacker’s stick arm with a ‘C’ hand. Remove
the ‘C’ hand & strike with an Angle 1 strike to the attacker’s arm. Copyright 2010 Page - 30 -

Angle 6 Angle 5 vs 6 Stick Counter Continued

The defender then moves his stick into a 45* downward angle against the
outside of the attacker’s forearm, checking (monitoring) the attacker’s arm.
The counter is then completed with the lock out. Copyright 2010 Page - 31 -

6 Copyright 2010 Page - 32 -

Angle 4 Punch Block Stick Disarm

When the opponent initiates the attack with a thrust from the left had, the
defender slightly draws his/her stick & empty hand up at a 90* angle;
simultaneously drawing the right foot backward onto the ball of foot. Then,
as the 2nd strike begins, the defender’s center of gravity drops with the stick
on top of the opponent’s stick as the left foot drops back. Simultaneously,
with the empty hand drop on top of the opponent’s weapon hand.

The empty hand snakes the attacker’s weapon wrist/arm, forcing the
attacker’s weapon out of their hand. Copyright 2010 Page - 33 -

Angle 4 Punch Block Stick Disarm Continued

Immediately after the stick disarm, the defender utilizes their stick in an
uppercut motion (angle 11) to the attacker’s jaw, then returning with a
downward strike (angle 2) to the back of the attacker’s head. Copyright 2010 Page - 34 - Copyright 2010 Page - 35 -
Angle 4 Cross Block Stick Disarm

When the opponent initiates the attack with a thrust from the left had, the
defender slightly draws his/her stick & empty hand up at a 90* angle;
simultaneously drawing the right foot backward onto the ball of foot. Then,
as the 2nd strike begins, the defender’s center of gravity drops.
Simultaneously let the tip of your stick drop inward & down so that the stick
is now perpendicular to the on coming strike while simultaneously
supporting the stick hand with the wrist of the up turned empty hand.

The defender’s empty hand snakes the attacker’s weapon wrist/arm, &
utilize the butt of the stick to hook the attacker’s stick. The defender then
simultaneously, utilizes the pressure from the butt of the defender’s stick to
push the tip of the attacker’s stick toward the attacker’s head/face in a raking

Immediately after the stick disarm, the defender utilizes their stick in a
downward strike (angle 2) to the attacker’s head, then an uppercut motion
(angle 11) to the attacker’s jaw, then returning with a downward strike
(angle 2) to the back of the attacker’s head to finish the disarm. Copyright 2010 Page - 36 - Copyright 2010 Page - 37 -
Angle 4 Outside Largo Stick Disarm Counter

When the opponent initiates the attack with a thrust from the left had, the
defender slightly draws his/her stick & empty hand up at a 90* angle;
simultaneously drawing the right foot backward onto the ball of foot. Then,
as the 2nd strike begins, the defender’s center of gravity drops with the stick
on top of the opponent’s stick tricep/elbow area, as the left foot drops back.
Simultaneously, with the empty hand drop on top of the opponent’s weapon

The defender places the stick on top of the attacker’s weapon arm’s
elbow/upper forearm. The defender’s empty hand arm snakes the attacker’s
weapon arm, as the defender’s empty hand grasps the tip of the stick. The
defender then compresses his body, in doing so the defender lowers the
center of gravity. As the defender lowers the center of gravity, the defender
applies pressure to the attacker’s tricep/elbow area.

After the defender has applied sufficient pain & pressure on the attacker’s
stick arm to cause possible dislocation of the elbow, the defender will then
slide the butt of the stick behind the elbow, causing the attacker’s arm to
bend as the defender’s arm slides the empty hand up the spine, toward the
attacker’s head, bring the attacker into a ‘hammer lock’. Simultaneously,
the defender will step forward & behind the attacker’s right foot/leg with the
defender’s left foot/leg. This action places the defender in a control position
& in a position to further disable the attacker, maintaining control. Copyright 2010 Page - 38 -

Angle 5 Cross Block Stick Disarm

The attacker steps forward thrusting with the stick toward the defender’s
center midsection. Simultaneously the defender steps back with the left
foot. The defender places the stick in a perpendicular position with the tip
pointing down, supported by the empty hand (checking hand) the defender’s
stick guides the aggressor’s attack away from defender’s center body mass.’

Angle 5 Cross Block Stick Disarm Continued

The defender’s empty hand (checking/monitoring hand) grabs the attacker’s

stick, trapping the attacker’s fingers with the stick. Simultaneously the
defender strikes downward on to the attacker’s wrist with the butt of the
defender’s stick utilizing an angle 2 striking motion. Copyright 2010 Page - 39 -

Angle 5 Cross Block Stick Disarm Continued

When the butt of the stick strikes the attacker’s wrist, the defender will
simultaneously pull/strip the stick from the attacker’s hand.

The defender finishes with a series of strikes to the attacker’s head using a
combination of normal grip strike combined with reverse grip on the stick
taken from the attacker. Copyright 2010 Page - 40 -

Angle 5 Outside Guide Stick Disarm

The attacker enters with a midsection thrust, simultaneously, the defender,

steps back with the right foot, allowing the defender’s stick to rise upward,
bringing the stick perpendicular to the attacker’s thrusting stick, while the
empty hand ‘monitors’ the attacker’s stick hand at the base of the thrust.
The defender’s stick acts as a ‘guide’ for the thrust to follow. Copyright 2010 Page - 41 -

Angle 5 Outside Guide Stick Disarm Continued

After bringing the defender’s stick to the upright/guide position, maintain

stick to stick contact (sticky stick) and the defender slides the stick down the
attacker’s stick to strike the attacker’s stick hand, simultaneously removing
the empty (checking) hand.

The defender then raises the wrist which causes the defender’s stick tip to
point downward at a 45* angle; then the defender inserts their stick inside
the attacker’s stick wrist. Then the defender then rotates their
hand/wrist/stick so that both sticks are parallel & horizontal position.

The defender grasps the attacker’s stick with their empty hand utilizing an
underhand grip. Simultaneously, the defender pushes the attacker’s stick
while the defender pulls their stick pincering the attacker’s thumb & forcing
the attacker’s stick out of the attacker’s grip.

The defender finishes the disarm using constant striking from the heaven six
pattern. Copyright 2010 Page - 42 -

Angle 6 Cross Block Disarm

The attacker steps forward thrusting with the stick toward the defender’s left
center/left pectoral region. Simultaneously the defender steps back with the
left foot. The defender places the stick in a perpendicular position with the
tip pointing down; supported by the empty hand (checking hand) in a up
turned position so that the defender’s stick guides the aggressor’s attack
away from defender’s body mass, while the empty hand can catch the
attacker’s hand/wrist. Copyright 2010 Page - 43 -

Angle 6 Cross Block Stick Disarm Continued

The empty hand snakes the attacker’s weapon wrist/arm, forcing the
attacker’s weapon out of their hand.

Immediately after the stick disarm, the defender utilizes their stick in an
uppercut motion (angle 11) to the attacker’s jaw, then returning with a
downward strike (angle 2) to the back of the attacker’s head. Copyright 2010 Page - 44 -

Angle 6 Inside Stick Disarm

When the attacker steps forward & thrusts, the defender steps back with the
left foot, simultaneously greeting the thrust with the defender’s stick tip in
an upright position perpendicular to the attacker’s stick, with the empty hand
(checking/monitoring hand) supporting the defender’s stick hand in a wrist
to wrist method. Copyright 2010 Page - 45 -

Angle 6 Inside Stick Disarm Continued

Immediately after the defender guides the oncoming attacker’s thrust away,
the defender uses the empty hand (checking/monitoring hand) to
check/monitor the attacker’s stick hand while simultaneously the defender
uses his stick to the 3rd thru floating rib area underneath of the attacker’s

The defender grasps the attacker’s stick with their empty hand utilizing an
underhand grip. Simultaneously, the defender pushes the attacker’s stick
while the defender pulls their stick pincering the attacker’s thumb & forcing
the attacker’s stick out of the attacker’s grip.

The defender finishes the disarm using constant striking from the heaven six
pattern. Copyright 2010 Page - 46 -

Angle 6 Angle 5 vs. 6 Stick Lock/Disarm

When the attacker steps in & thrusts, the defender steps to left & forward at
a 45* angle, simultaneously, the defender thrusts to the attacker’s midsection
with an angle 5 thrust. Copyright 2010 Page - 47 -

Angle 6 Angle 5 vs. 6 Stick Lock/Disarm Continued

Then the defender ‘rolls’ the blade of the stick as if slicing up & around the
outside of the arm ending in a wing/shield position. The defender’s stick
from the wing/shield position utilizes the stick to check/monitor the
attacker’s arm. Copyright 2010 Page - 48 -

Angle 6 Angle 5 vs. 6 Stick Lock/Disarm Continued

The defender uses the back of empty hand/arm snakes the attacker’s weapon
arm, as the defender’s empty hand grasps the tip of the stick. The defender
then compresses his body, in doing so the defender lowers the center of
gravity. As the defender lowers the center of gravity, the defender applies
pressure to the attacker’s tricep/elbow area.

After the defender has applied sufficient pain & pressure on the attacker’s
stick arm to cause possible dislocation of the elbow, the defender will then
slide the butt of the stick behind the elbow, causing the attacker’s arm to
bend as the defender’s arm slides the empty hand up the spine, toward the
attacker’s head, bring the attacker into a ‘hammer lock’.

Simultaneously, the defender will step forward & behind the attacker’s right
foot/leg with the defender’s left foot/leg. This action places the defender in
a control position & in a position to further disable the attacker, maintaining
control. Copyright 2010 Page - 49 -

6 Copyright 2010 Page - 50 -

Angle 4 Punch Block Empty Hand Translation

When the opponent initiates the attack with a thrust from the left had, the
defender slightly draws both hands up at a 90* angle; simultaneously
drawing the right foot backward onto the ball of foot. Then, as the 2nd strike
begins, the defender’s center of gravity drops with right forearm toward the
opponent’s stick as the left foot drops back. Simultaneously, with the empty
hand drop on top of the opponent’s weapon hand. Copyright 2010 Page - 51 - Copyright 2010 Page - 52 -
Angle 4 Punch Block Empty Hand Translation

As the opponent’s stick is guided downward & outward, follow with the
empty hand (checking hand) & also follow with an upper cut strike to the
ulnar nerve (underside of the wrist). Then utilize the empty hand (checking
hand) to monitor the opponent’s stick hand.

The defender then strikes with a back fist to the right side of the attacker’s
head (approximate target being the ear & temporal region). Then left hand
follows with a palm strike or left cross to the same general area. The
defender finishes with another uppercut palm heel strike (the fist can also be
used) to the tip of the jaw of the attacker. Copyright 2010 Page - 53 -

Angle 4 Cross Block Empty Hand Translation

When the opponent initiates the attack with a thrust from the left had, the
defender slightly draws his/her empty hands up at a 90* angle;
simultaneously drawing the right foot backward onto the ball of foot. Then,
as the 2nd strike begins, the left foot drops back & your center of gravity
drops. Simultaneously let the right hand drop inward & down so that the
right hand is now perpendicular to the on coming strike while
simultaneously supporting the right hand with the wrist of the up turned left
hand. Copyright 2010 Page - 54 -

Angle 4 Cross Block Empty Hand Translation Continued

As the strike carries thru, follow with the empty hand (checking hand) &
also follow with an upper cut strike to the attacker’s jaw. The defender then
follows with a backhand/back fist strike to the ear/temporal region of the
attacker’s head. The defender then strikes with an upper cut palm heel strike
or upper cut with the fist to finish. Copyright 2010 Page - 55 -

Angle 4 Outside Largo Empty Hand Translation

When the opponent initiates the attack with a thrust from the left had, the
defender slightly draws his/her hands up at a 90* angle; simultaneously
drawing the right foot backward onto the ball of foot. Then, as the 2nd strike
begins, the defender’s center of gravity drops with a ridge hand or fist on top
of the opponent’s stick forearm, as the left foot drops back. Simultaneously,
with the empty hand drop on top of the opponent’s weapon hand. Copyright 2010 Page - 56 -

Angle 4 Outside Largo Empty Hand Translation Continued

As the strike carries thru, follow with the empty hand (checking hand) &
also follow with an upper cut strike to the attacker’s jaw. The defender then
follows with a backhand/back fist strike to the ear/temporal region of the
attacker’s head. The defender then strikes with an upper cut palm heel strike
or upper cut with the fist to finish. Copyright 2010 Page - 57 -

Angle 5 Cross Block Empty Hand Translation

The attacker steps forward thrusting with the stick toward the defender’s
center midsection. Simultaneously the defender steps back with the left
foot. The defender greets the thrust with a right downward facing palm hand
parry & this is followed with the left checking hand (monitoring hand). Copyright 2010 Page - 58 -

Angle 5 Cross Block Empty Hand Translation Continued

The defender then follows with a backhand/back fist strike to the

ear/temporal region of the attacker’s head followed by a left crossing palm
heel or a fist. The defender then strikes with an upper cut palm heel strike or
upper cut with the fist to finish. Copyright 2010 Page - 59 -

Angle 5 Outside Largo (Flip) Empty Hand Translation

When the attacker enters with the midsection thrust, the defender steps back
with the left foot, simultaneously the defender raises the right hand & arm
allowing the left hand (checking hand) to act as a preventive guide for the
attacker’s thrust Copyright 2010 Page - 60 -

Angle 5 Outside Largo (Flip) Empty Hand Translation Continued

The defender uses a abanico (fanning) strike downward onto the outside of
the attacker’s stick/stick hand, then utilizing the left hand to hold the
attacker’s arm in place, follow with a opposite side abanico (fanning) strike
to the top or inside of the attacker’s hand/wrist or forearm.

Angle 5 Outside Largo (Flip) Empty Hand Translation Continued

Then the defender strikes & uses the right forearm to the attacker’s outside
forearm, then monitor the attacker’s stick arm. Immediately strike the
attacker’s head/face with a left cross palm heel or fist strike. Then finish
with a combination of a barrage of strikes to the attacker’s head/face. Copyright 2010 Page - 61 -

Angle 5 Outside Guide Empty Hand Translation

The attacker enters with a midsection thrust, simultaneously, the defender,

steps back with the right foot, allowing the defender’s right hand & forearm
to rise upward, bringing the hand & forearm perpendicular to the attacker’s
thrusting stick, while the empty hand ‘monitors’ the attacker’s stick hand at
the base of the thrust. The defender’s hand & forearm acts as a ‘guide’ for
the thrust to follow. Copyright 2010 Page - 62 -

Angle 5 Outside Guide Empty Hand Translation Continued

After bringing the defender’s right hand & forearm to the upright/guide
position, maintain forearm to stick contact (sticky stick) and the defender
figuratively slides the hand & forearm down the attacker’s stick to strike the
attacker’s stick hand, simultaneously removing the empty (checking) hand.
The defender then moves their right forearm into a 45* downward angle
against the outside of the attacker’s forearm, checking (monitoring) the
attacker’s arm. The defender then strikes the attacker’s face with a barrage
of open hand or fisted strikes to finish. Copyright 2010 Page - 63 -

Angle 6 Cross Block Empty Hand Translation

The attacker steps forward thrusting with the stick toward the defender’s left
center/left pectoral region. Simultaneously the defender steps back with the
left foot. The defender guides the thrust downward with right empty hand as
the left hand (checking hand) monitors the attacker’s stick hand. Copyright 2010 Page - 64 -

Angle 6 Cross Block Empty Hand Translation Continued

The defender then follows with a backhand/back fist strike to the

ear/temporal region of the attacker’s head followed by a left crossing palm
heel or a fist. The defender then strikes with an upper cut palm heel strike or
upper cut with the fist to finish. Copyright 2010 Page - 65 -

Angle 6 Inside Block Empty Hand Translation

The attacker steps forward thrusting with the stick toward the defender’s left
center/left pectoral region. Simultaneously the defender steps back with the
left foot. The defender wipes (passes) the thrust away from the defender’s
body with right empty hand.

Angle 6 Inside Block Empty Hand Translation Continued

As the left hand (checking hand) follows & monitors the attacker’s stick
hand, the right hand strikes the attacker with a low back fist or backhand to
the attacker’s floating rib region. Immediately following the strike to the
attacker’s ribs, the left hand forcefully guides the attacker’s stick arm
downward, while simultaneously performing an upward palm strike to the
attacker’s stick arm’s elbow in a scissoring motion hyper extending the
attacker’s elbow. Copyright 2010 Page - 66 -

Angle 6 Inside Block Empty Hand Translation Continued

The left hand monitors the attacker’s stick arm, while the right hand strikes
the attacker’s temporal region of the head with a back hand or back fist
strike. The right hand is then followed by a left palm heel or left cross. The
defender then finishes the attacker with an upper palm heel or upper cut fist
to the attacker’s chin. Copyright 2010 Page - 67 -

Angle 6 Angle 5 vs. 6 Empty Hand Translation

When the attacker steps in & thrusts, the defender steps to left & forward at
a 45* angle, simultaneously, the defender passes the attacker’s thrust with a
left hand pass simultaneous the defender punches to the attacker’s
midsection with an angle 5 straight punch with the right hand. Copyright 2010 Page - 68 -

Angle 6 Angle 5 vs. 6 Empty Hand Translation Continued

Immediately following the body punch, the defender’s left hand will check
at the back of the attacker’s upper arm, while simultaneously striking
upward with a right forearm/elbow strike. The defender’s right hand strikes
down on the attacker’s stick arm with an angle 1 strike. The defender then
follows with a forearm check, keeping the forearm at a 45* angle to the
attacker’s arm. The defender will then strike with the left palm heel or left
cross to finish. Copyright 2010 Page - 69 -

6 Copyright 2010 Page - 70 -

Angle 4 Punch Block Empty Hand Disarm

When the opponent initiates the attack with a thrust from the left had, the
defender slightly draws both hands up at a 90* angle; simultaneously
drawing the right foot backward onto the ball of foot.

Then, as the 2nd strike begins, the defender’s center of gravity drops with
right forearm toward the opponent’s stick as the left foot drops back.

Simultaneously, with the empty hand drop on top of the opponent’s weapon
hand. Copyright 2010 Page - 71 -

Angle 4 Punch Block Empty Hand Disarm Continued

The empty hand snakes the attacker’s weapon wrist/arm, forcing the
attacker’s weapon out of their hand, simultaneously grasping the tip of the
attacker’s stick with the right hand.

Immediately after the stick disarm, the defender utilizes the stick taken from
the attacker in a downward strike (angle 2), followed with an uppercut
motion (angle 11) to the attacker’s jaw, and then returning with a downward
strike (angle 2) to the back of the attacker’s head. Copyright 2010 Page - 72 -

Angle 4 Cross Block Empty Hand Disarm

When the opponent initiates the attack with a thrust from the left had, the
defender slightly draws his/her empty hands up at a 90* angle;
simultaneously drawing the right foot backward onto the ball of foot.

Then, as the 2nd strike begins, the left foot drops back & your center of
gravity drops. Simultaneously let the right hand drop inward & down so that
the right hand is now perpendicular to the on coming strike , while
simultaneously supporting the right hand with the wrist of the up turned left
hand. Copyright 2010 Page - 73 -

Angle 4 Cross Block Empty Hand Disarm Continued

The defender’s left hand snakes inside of the attacker’s weapon hand wrist.
Grasping the attacker’s weapon hand with the thumb on the outside of the
hand & fingers gripping at the palm, this forces the attacker into a reverse
wrist lock. This subsequently forces the attacker simultaneously locking the
weapon arm.

With the right hand, the defender then grips the tip of the attacker’s stick
with the right hand.

Immediately after the stick disarm, the defender utilizes the stick taken from
the attacker in a downward strike (angle 2), followed with an uppercut
motion (angle 11) to the attacker’s jaw, then returning with a downward
strike (angle 2) to the back of the attacker’s head. Copyright 2010 Page - 74 -

Angle 4 Outside Largo Empty Hand Disarm

When the opponent initiates the attack with a thrust from the left had, the
defender slightly draws his hands up at a 90* angle; simultaneously drawing
the right foot backward onto the ball of foot. Then, as the 2nd strike begins,
the defender’s center of gravity drops with the right hand on top of the
opponent’s stick tricep/elbow area, as the left foot drops back.
Simultaneously, with the empty hand drop on top of the opponent’s weapon

The defender then snakes inside the attacker’s weapon forearm with the left
hand & arm. The defender then clinches the left & right hand together on
top of the attacker’s weapon arm’s elbow/upper forearm. The defender then
compresses his body, in doing so the defender lowers the center of gravity.
As the defender lowers the center of gravity, the defender applies pressure to
the attacker’s tricep/elbow area. Copyright 2010 Page - 75 -

Angle 4 Outside Largo Empty Hand Disarm Continued

After the defender has applied sufficient pain & pressure on the attacker’s
stick arm to cause possible dislocation of the elbow, the defender steps
forward at a 45 * angle with the left foot, the defender will step forward &
behind the attacker’s right foot/leg with the defender’s left foot/leg
simultaneously then slide both hands gripped behind the elbow, causing the
attacker’s arm to bend.

Then defender also applies additional pressure by drawing the attacker

closer. The defender remains compressed retaining a low center of gravity.
The defender’s left arm slides the empty hand up the spine, toward the
attacker’s head; bring the attacker into a ‘hammer lock’. To make the lock
stronger the defender then slides the left hand down from the shoulder to just
behind the attacker’s right elbow.

This action places the defender in a control position & in a position to

further disable the attacker, maintaining control Copyright 2010 Page - 76 -

Angle 5 Cross Block Empty Hand Disarm

The attacker steps forward thrusting with the stick toward the defender’s
center midsection. Simultaneously the defender steps back with the left
foot. The defender greets the thrust with a right downward facing palm hand
parry & this is followed with the left checking hand (monitoring hand).

Angle 5 Cross Block Stick Disarm Continued

The defender’s empty hand (checking/monitoring hand) grabs the attacker’s

stick, trapping the attacker’s fingers with the stick. Simultaneously the
defender strikes downward on to the attacker’s wrist with right hand (back
fist) utilizing an angle 2 striking motion. Copyright 2010 Page - 77 -

Angle 5 Cross Block Stick Disarm Continued

When the backhand strikes the attacker’s wrist, the defender will
simultaneously pull/strip the stick from the attacker’s hand. The defender
finishes with a series of strikes to the attacker’s head using a combination of
the reverse grip stick strike followed by a ridge hand fist & finishing with a
back fist to the attacker’s head. Copyright 2010 Page - 78 -

Angle 5 Outside Guide Stick Disarm

The attacker enters with a midsection thrust, simultaneously, the defender,

steps back with the right foot, allowing the defender’s right arm to rise
upward, bringing the hand/arm perpendicular to the attacker’s thrusting
stick, while the left hand ‘monitors’ the attacker’s stick hand at the base of
the thrust. The defender’s hand/arm acts as a ‘guide’ for the thrust to follow.

Angle 5 Outside Guide Empty Hand Disarm Continued

The defender’s right hand hooks (grabs) the attacker’s stick arm’s wrist.
The defender then turns (twists) the attacker’s wrist so that the attacker’s
stick is parallel to the ground. Copyright 2010 Page - 79 -

Angle 5 Outside Guide Empty Hand Disarm (Continued)

After the defender brings the attacker’s stick parallel to the ground the
defender then grabs the attacker’s up turned weapon hand with the left hand
pincering the attacker’s thumb to the attacker’s stick. As the defender
continues to twist the attacker’s stick hand & stick further with the left hand,
the defender grabs the tip of the attacker’s stick with the right hand.

Angle 5 Outside Guide Empty Hand Disarm (Continued)

Immediately after grabbing the tip of the attacker’s stick, the defender
continues to apply pressure by continuing pressure on the attacker’s weapon
hand & wrist. As the pressure is applied to the attacker’s hand, this weakens
the attacker’s grip on the stick. This action allows the defender to rip the
attacker’s weapon from his hand. Following the removal of the attacker’s
hand, the defender continues through with an angle 2 strike to the attacker’s
head. The defender finishes the attacker with an upper cut or angle 11 strike
with the attacker’s weapon to the attacker’s chin or front of face. Copyright 2010 Page - 80 -

Angle 6 Cross Block Empty Hand Disarm

The attacker steps forward thrusting with the stick toward the defender’s left
center/left pectoral region.

Simultaneously the defender steps back with the left foot. The defender
guides the thrust downward with right empty hand as the upturned left hand
snakes the attacker’s stick hand/wrist. Copyright 2010 Page - 81 -

Angle 6 Cross Block Empty Hand Disarm Continued

While snaking the attacker’s wrist & forcing pressure to loosen the grip of
the attacker. Then the defender grabs the tip of the attacker’s stick with the
right hand.

Immediately after the stick disarm, the defender utilizes the stick taken from
the attacker in a downward strike (angle 2), followed with an uppercut
motion (angle 11) to the attacker’s jaw, then returning with a downward
strike (angle 2) to the back of the attacker’s head.

The defender finishes the attacker with an upper cut or angle 11 strike with
the attacker’s weapon to the attacker’s chin or front of face. Copyright 2010 Page - 82 -

Angle 6 Inside Block Empty Hand Disarm

The attacker steps forward thrusting with the stick toward the defender’s left
center/left pectoral region. Simultaneously the defender steps back with the
left foot. The defender wipes (passes) the thrust away from the defender’s
body with right empty hand.

Angle 6 Inside Block Empty Hand Disarm Continued

As the left hand (checking hand) follows & monitors the attacker’s stick
hand, the right hand strikes the attacker with a low back fist or backhand to
the attacker’s floating rib region. Immediately following the strike to the
attacker’s ribs, the left hand forcefully maintains control of the attacker’s
stick arm. Copyright 2010 Page - 83 -

Angle 6 Inside Block Empty Hand Disarm Continued

Then execute an arm break by bringing the left hand down on the wrist &
the right hand upward simultaneously to the opponent’s elbow.

While restraining the opponent’s wrist, pull your arm against the radial
nerve of the opponent’s arm & using the push/pull motion, remove the
opponent’s stick, then a combined empty hand &stick striking finish. Copyright 2010 Page - 84 -

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