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EPISODE 03 Alpha Release

©2017-2018 Jayce Ran All Rights Reserved

Presented By

The story, characters, and events, in this book

are entirely fictional. Any similarities to actual people,
places and events are entirely coincidental. This story
contains heavy violence, strong language, and sexual
themes; that may or may not be entirely safe for the
ideologically sensitive. Reader's discretion is advised.

Intended for Adult Audiences Only

©2017-2018 Jayce Ran All Rights Reserved

Table Of Contents
Chapter 8: Crowns And Pitchforks
Part 1...................................................................4
Part 2 ..................................................................8

Chapter 9: Hidden Spaces

Part 1.................................................................15
Part 2.................................................................21

Chapter 10: The Blue Ash Crisis

Part 1.................................................................27

Chapter 11: We See All

Part 1.................................................................34
Part 2.................................................................39

About The Author................................................41

Future Release Dates..........................................45

Chapter 8
Crowns And Pitchforks

Part 1

The wooden gate to Apricot's family home opens with the

tug of her pale hand. Cars and well-kept shrubbery line her street.
The shadows from the fixtures under streetlight purpose a constant
suspicion of danger. "They are coming to my house now," Apricot
whispers under her breath her eyes darting towards every strange
shape. Stretching her fingers through her hair she tugged at her roots,
the pain stealing any hope that this was a bad dream. Drawing a deep
breath, she shivers as the cool night breeze brushes against her skin.
A sense of comfort covering her fears for the moment as the air was
not frigid.

Apricot had concluded these phantoms caused phenomena

in their surroundings. Arctic temperatures followed them along with
electrical disturbances. These two signs satisfied her as Guidestones
to identify when these beings were near. Moving through the night
Crowns And Pitchforks
streets, Apricot could not help but notice how empty her quiet
burrow seems. As if the civilized world had vanished with the night,
like crossing some forbidden threshold. All the talk of terrorist
attacks must have people scared to go out she guesses.

She stops in the middle of the road. A convenience store

lights the night street shining like a glowing beacon and there it is, the
subject of her curiosity. Peering through the large store window she
notices the magazine rack with a stack of Erie Truth's Monthly on a
lower shelf. The store door opens with a synthesized bell. "I can't
believe I am doing this," she mumbles under her breath as her heart
pounds with embarrassment. Behind the counter, an elderly man
gives her a quiet nod acknowledging her presence. She waves her
hand back to him, a simple but kind gesture of reciprocation. She
passes by several assorted racks of junk food, a fixture displaying a
new gum, and a cooler of soft drinks. Glancing over the magazine
rack she considers grabbing several hoping to mask what her intended
purchase was. Instead she decides to just look through the issues
pages. She holds the copy for a moment noticing a bead of sweat
dripping from her nose onto the magazine's cover. "Well I can't go
back now," she says as the splotch seeps into the paper.

Tossing the magazine onto the counter Apricot smiles at the

gruff looking old man. "Will this be all for you dear?" he inquires with
a professionalism from times past Apricot admired.

"Yeah, weird thing to get at night huh." Apricot submits.

The old man chuckles "I have seen stranger things, hun.
These can be quite the entertainers. I read the Daily Notes Paper
myself. It has a lot of interesting stories."
Crowns And Pitchforks
"You don't say." Apricot senses the heat around her getting more
intense. "You like this place kept warm huh?" she comments.

"The place gets a little chilly every time that door opens. So
I like to keep it at a solid 75 degrees," he says after ringing up the
magazine. "Your total comes to five Marks, my dear."

Apricot draws a plastic card from her pocket swiping against

the reader. The little screen displaying the number of marks being
taken out of her account with a short animation to show the
transaction going through. "75 degrees you say." Apricot hesitates,
feeling as though the heat was well over a blistering 120.

"You know now you mention it. It is feeling a little warm in

here." the old man offers. He raises his hand to his head removing
several beads of sweat. He walks over to a beam behind the counter
looking at a small white box. "Nope, the heater is set to 75. It seems
a bit cooler over here. Must be my dang computer system overheating

"Yeah, the computer system," Apricot adds.

The older man doddles back over to the counter. "Young

lady, I am sorry if it caused you any discomfort." he apologizes
handing the magazine to her in a white plastic bag.

"Oh not at all. It is fine. I feel bad for you having to work in
this kind of heat." Apricot says. "Thank you, sir."

"No, no, thank you. Now you go enjoy that magazine of

yours." the man says before lowering behind the counter grumbling
about unclogging the dust from the computers fan system.
Crowns And Pitchforks
Apricot could not get home fast enough. As she left the
mans store she was close to a full sprint. The heat seemed to follow
her. Through her front door, she snaps the locks shut and up the
stairs, she goes. Once in her room, she jumps onto her bed flopping
on her stomach flipping open the magazine. The first few pages were
advertisements for survival equipment. Once she found the table of
contents, she scans the magazine for anything that may explain things.
"I can't believe I am doing this." she thinks to herself while browsing
the page.

Paranormal Experiences Of Eastway Park And The Eastway Monster .................... P. 04

Religious Cult And Ritual Performance On Stage At Matsume Theater ................ P. 15
Tricked Into Initiation By Vampire Club ....................................................................... P. 28
Man-Eating Leeches Found In Okabe Sewers ............................................................ P. 33
Boy Claims To Be Alien From Another Planet ............................................................ P. 40
Claw Fingers Linked In Ikijoji Murders NEW PHOTOS ............................................... P. 42
Mental Travel And Astral Projection ............................................................................ P. 51
Woman Claims To Have Caused The Blue Ash Crisis ............................................... P. 57
International Conference For Paranormal Studies Blocked .................................... P. 62

After looking down the list she chuckles to herself, "What

am I doing?" Apricot flips to page 42 to see an image of "Claw Fingers"
caught on surveillance footage.

"It seems as though wherever disaster strikes ,"Claw Fingers"

appears. Many people have theorized that ,"Claw Fingers" has caused
disasters around Okabe since he appeared several months ago. "Claw
Fingers" was first photographed during the subway disaster in
Tsungdung, appearing inside the subway tunnel. While crews were
removing the wreckage of red line 45."

Some grainy images of the reaper appeared to be showing

him standing. However, it is hard to tell since the images are so blown
up and manipulated to show him.
Crowns And Pitchforks
"He has had several sightings around the city since then. There were
reports of him watching from the rooftops at the mysterious
Bokohara antique shop attack. Still no information on what that was
about. Now we have new reports of him being sighted on Ikijoji street
last week before and after the murders had occurred. What we can say
is that "Claw Fingers" is not going away and is being increasingly
sighted. Authorities have refused to comment on the sightings and
reports but instead, have suggested that this is some kind of mass
public hysteria. I think they perceive something and they are not
telling us. What do you think?"

Apricot stops reading the article putting it down. "He said

something about being a reaper. Maybe he is there because that is his
job or something." Apricot lets out a laugh. "Listen to me. I am
theorizing about a freaking urban legend," her giggle frenzy comes to
a halt with a sobber acknowledgment, "One I saw." Tossing the
magazine flapping across the room Apricot leans back in her bed.
"They are as clueless about everything as I am. I was crazy to think
one of these magazines could hold the answers I was looking for. This
"Claw Fingers" is not my threat right now though. It's these
"phantoms". I can't keep running away from the truth. The reaper
said something about having to stop them. What is he crazy? I can't
fight those things on my own. And I can't tell the police." Apricot
muses. She lets out a sigh placing both her palms against her eyes
laying on her back against her pillow. "A gun," she says aloud
removing her hands from her face. "I need a gun."
Crowns And Pitchforks
Part 2
The next morning Apricot made her way across town. Two
subways, a bus ride, a bite to eat at a small restaurant called "The Blue
Lady", window shopping and still she could not find the nerve to
purchase a weapon.

She had passed Bullseye's several times. The shop window

plastered with advertisements for ammunition and new tactical gear
along with Ready To Eat Meal specials. She watched as a young lady
about her own age walked out of the shop with two bags. "Well,
maybe it won't seem so strange to them," Apricot assures herself
rousing what little courage she had.

Crossing into the storefront she noticed her fingers tingle.

The unoiled door opened with a creak greeted by walls overspread
with every kind of black tactical weapon she had ever seen. Her eyes
grow wide as she is struck with intimidation. Several glass display
cases had various knives displayed along with some decorative swords.
Survival gear and backpacks with an assembly of accessories line the
other walls. As she looked around, she is overwhelmed. "You look a
little-lost hun. Whatchya in here for." comments a young man at the

Apricot sheepishly walks to the counter. Each step small and

deliberate as she scans the room with her eyes. "I want a gun. A
pistol," she says.

"A lady that knows what she wants. I like that in a girl." he
chirps. "A pistol, huh? First-time buyer?"

Apricot nods looking at a rather menacing long barreled rifle.

Crowns And Pitchforks
"Is that, a sniper rifle."

"Why yes honey that is. Why this is a Maji-O' B15A112,

pretty little girl isn't she, I call her Naniko. If you got the right sights,
you can land a shot dead center from half a mile away. Gas piston so
she needs a little more love than your spring variant but she is hell'a
more accurate." the man tells her. He bends behind the case picking
up a small pistol from the back. "Since this will be your first gun, I
suggest the Markov C14 also known as Justice," he chuckles admiring
the short-barreled silver polished weapon in hand. "This little gun is
a standard issue of civil servants, has a carrying capacity of seven 9mm
rounds, plus one in the chamber. Lightweight, easy to carry, and
won't break the bank either. You don't need to clean it as often but
she still needs love too from time to time. It is good for first-time
buyers because she is easy to care for and the recoil won't be breaking
your wrist."

Apricot nods. "Yeah that. That will work. How much?"

"Well, tell you what, normally I would sell this to you for 400
but since it's your first gun, how about 250?"

Apricot draws several Jade Marks out of her wallet placing

them on the counter. "Done," she says.

The man smirks at her. "I like your enthusiasm. I do. But
you need a background check first." he says drawing several papers out
of a folder. "I need you to fill out these forms and then we can send it
on in."

"How many hours do I have to wait?"

Crowns And Pitchforks
"Eager, heh, well, it takes two weeks. Sometimes longer
depending on how many are sent in."
Apricot shakes her head. "No no, I need that gun today."

The man shakes his head. "Sorry sister, that won't be

happening? Did you get trouble? If you do, I would suggest going to
the police before taking things into your own hands."

Apricot nods. "I am a student reporter sir. I need a weapon

for protection."

"Heh, you think that will convince me to break the law?

Honey, do you understand the amount of trouble I could get in if I let
you have this gun without a proper check?"

"I do but, this is different. I really need it. I can't explain why
but I need it."

"No. I am sorry hun," he says taking back the papers. "I don't
feel comfortable selling this to you. Like I said if you are having
trouble go to the police. I can't help you. Sorry."

"Fine, I will do the background check. Look I need this ok."

Apricot retorts.

The man turns. "I don't feel comfortable with this. I will
have to ask you to leave my store. I won't report this to the police
cause I have a feeling you are looking for an article. However, I would
suggest you don't do this with anyone else. You got it."

"I want to buy a pistol." Apricot fumes before turning away

from the counter and out the front door.
Crowns And Pitchforks
Relaxing on the bus Apricot stairs off, hunched over on the
small ridge of a windows sill. She watches the buildings and cars
below pass by as the bus continues down the long stretch of roadways.
Deep in thought, her mind spirals with worries and fears. She
realized she sure as hell was not getting her hands on a gun, not legally
that is. However, even illegally, it is not like people advertise that.
She thought about wandering around the more shady parts of town,
however without knowing what she was doing she figured she would
be in danger of being trafficked. She could ask Cortez but she was
positive he wanted nothing to do with her after she witnessed him
getting beat up.

Her thoughts turned to identifying people she may know

that knows something about illegal firearms. That is when her mind
landed on Solenne, she was an officer. Clerical but an officer none the
less. Though she considered her reaction to asking her about getting
a firearm illegally. If she were to do something like that, she may find
Solenne handcuffing her. She has to up hold the law after all. But
being a journalist she could offer the idea as being for an article.
Apricot smiled to herself taking out her cellphone.

"So why did you want to have tea with me at this hour?"
Solenne asks sitting back in a private secluded corner. The fabric of
the lounge chairs in the tea house is a gray that matched the carpets
in the center of the cafe. The floors on the raised platform where
Crowns And Pitchforks
Apricot and Solenne sat are a warm hardwood. Above them hung
large red ball lanterns with golden tassels hanging from its light. The
cafe had a yonic shape to it. A live pianist serenading the air with
background music.

Apricot sipped her tea with a flushed smile. "You don't waste
time." she chuckles.

Solenne nods. "Rarely do we go out for tea just the two of us.
So I got enough intuition to know," she says lowering her gaze to
Apricot. "What exactly do you want to know?"

"To know?" Apricot says innocently.

"Well, your text kind of made it obvious. Solenne, I am so

stressed about my next article. I can't think of anything to write
about," she mocks Apricot rolling her eyes. "Want a scoop?"

Apricot nods. "I kind of want something specific. I was

looking through the official reports about that bank robbery."
Solenne nods her head. "Well, they had illegal firearms. How does a
criminal get an illegal firearm here?"

"Oh, there are black markets all over the place girl." Solenne
gesturing with her hand. "You would not believe how many there are.
We have an entire department dedicating to busting up illegal

"Yeah, so how do you guys find those guys?" Apricot asked.

"Well, they don't make it easy. It's not impossible to find

them, but like I said it is difficult. Especially for police. They know
Crowns And Pitchforks
who is a cop and who is not normal. A lot of our officers get messed
up looking for them. We tend to use undercover cops. Infiltration is
the best method." Solenne explains taking a sip of her tea.

"So, how do the undercover cops find these groups?" Apricot

sets her tea down grabbing her notepad from her side.

Solenne chuckles seeing the notepad come out. "Oh, I am

being interviewed now."

"Something like that," Apricot says.

"Well, the first thing to look for is their calling card. It's
normally a bar away with a crown with a pitchfork going through the
crown. That is how you know it is an illegal arms seller. However,
you just can't ask to buy a firearm. They won't like that. So we have
to find these spots, the symbols can be hard to find but normally the
pitchforks base is the arrow pointing in the direction of the ship. You
can search all over town until you find the specific shop." Apricot jots
down everything Solenne is saying.

"So how dangerous are these places normally?"

"Hey, you're joking right?" Solenne says smirking

"Dangerous. I know I would not want to be on assignment anywhere
near those types of people."

Apricot nods her head. "I know right. I can't imagine having
to do something so dangerous on a daily basis."

Solenne pauses straitening her posture. "Apricot," she says

in a firm tone. "Don't do anything crazy with that knowledge. I think
Crowns And Pitchforks
that is enough to give you an article."
“Plenty," Apricot says. "Thanks, Solenne," Apricot says
putting down the notepad. "So, tell me, how are things with you and
Chapter 9
Hidden Spaces

Part 1

Traveling the streets Apricot followed the signs and symbols

all over the city. It was late evening, and the sun had set. A treck into
several bars and other shady looking places resulted only in funny
looks as Apricot tried to hint at purchasing a gun. She had been
kicked out of several and she was sure by now the police had been
contacted at least once about her inquiries. Still, it was a matter of life
and death. If she did not have a suitable weapon, she could not end
her nightmare. She owed it to her family, including herself. While
gesturing and speaking her mind was dueling between the two

Walking out of an automotive body shop named "The

Grease Monkey" Apricot lets out a low sigh. "Pssst!" she hears from
across the street. She sees a middle-aged man of Uchellan decent in
normal attire waving her over with his hand. "Miss, overhear." the
Hidden Spaces
man says. Apricot felt an extreme amount of apprehension being
contacted by a stranger. Reluctantly, she decides it is best to check it
out. She walks across the empty sunset street to the man in the
alleyway. "Hey, kid, you looking for a piece all wrong," he says placing
his hand on her back leading her down the alleyway.

She didn't want to go along with this man. She had seen
enough movies to know this is where the girl gets kidnapped. When
several men pop out of a back door with bats, clubs, and metal poles
she tries to turn away from the man. However, from behind her three
other men are coming down the other end. "There is no way out." the
man next to her sneers.

"Please, I don't want any trouble," Apricot says in a panic.

The man spits onto the ground as she is circled. "Sure, kid.
One of my boys said a funny girl was moving around town looking to
buy a gun. Real pretty girl with brown hair. You would not be her
would you?"

Apricot turned her head to the man, she imagined her

expression of joy is painted over by the mask of horror that abruptly
was forced upon her. In stutters, she says "Y-yes, I-I am."

"Sure kid, funny thing, you have no clue what you are doing,
yet you knew how to find your way around town." the man says with
an unamused look taking several steps away from her towards the
brick wall. She felt alone encircled by a group of dangerous men all
looking eager to tear her to pieces or worse.

"First time buyer." she jokes hoping to lighten the mood. She
got a few chuckles and even a smirk out the man she now believes is
Hidden Spaces
the leader.

The man nods his head. "Yeah, first, time, buyers." he shakes
his head. "You know, I got to have a hard time believing a, first time
buyer, just figured out our code. Who told you?"

"No one," Apricot responds.

The boss man closes his eyes. "Sure," he pauses "See I have a
hard time with this because you did what the cops do. Sure we got
those old pitchforks, but you did not ask properly. You kept pressing.
I got to have a feeling a cop told you all this. Not a good cop cause
even the cops are not as sloppy as you." Apricot could feel a lump in
her throat growing as the man nodded his head. "Heh, well I guess
you don't want to talk about it."

"I would like to purchase a gun. I need one. For safety." she
burst out hoping if she insisted they may believe her. "Please."

The boss man raises his hand to her. He cocks his head.
"Yeah, you will need protection." His eyes dart over to a young man
dressed in a red hoodie and a white shirt holding what looked like a
black plastic baton. The boss man nods his head towards Apricot.
The young man lets out a chuckle before jumping up to Apricot. She
tries to back away taking a few measured steps backward.

She bumps into something solid, she looks up to see a huge

bald man grinning down at her. He wraps his arms around her
holding her. She can feel her feet leave the ground to dangle as he lifts
her. The man is about to strike her when someone else out of the
crowd says "Ji Li, man this isn't right. We don't need to do it like this."
Hidden Spaces
"Oh yeah? You willing to vouch for her." Apricot's eyes scan
the group to find the guy who may save her. She can't place him
however because of the two men blocking her view.

The man hesitates. Apricot could not tell if they were just
going to beat her up, or flat out kill her. "I-I look, this girl, she ain't
no one. She has done nothing either. Just let her go."

Ji Li, the boss chuckles. "You gotta vouch for her."

"Please!" Apricot shouts. A thump bursts into her stomach

as she lets out a grunt. She looks down to see the young man with the
baton had hit her in the stomach. The tea she had drunk earlier
spewing out of her mouth.

"Whatchya you do that for?" Ji Li says looking at the young

man gesturing towards the man defending her. "Can't you see we are
talking here. Your ears fucking broke?"

"She was disrespectful."

"Your disrespectful, heh, Balbo let that girl down." Ji Li

gestures with his hand. "Spitting up shit, kid gets the fuck outta here.
Fuck, man walk her out. Make sure she is doing right." Ji Li points
towards the man who saved her then out the alleyway.

Apricot takes a deep breath as Balbo lets go of her. She

drops to her feet and looks up at the man who steps away from her.
"Shit, what you thinking." she hears Ji Li says as he is walking inside
the back of the building.

The man who saved her was of Uchellan decent, his short
Hidden Spaces
spiky mint green hair was strange to her. His clothes were of a more
traditional Uchellan style, a red high collard neck along with black
pants. The sleeves larger than they needed to be. "You ok," he asks as
Apricot tries to walk up straight. She found it difficult to breathe.
Each one took a great amount of effort. She felt as though she was
straining her muscles to get air.

Regardless of those facts, she says "Yeah, I am fine." The man

walks with her until they are several blocks away from the shops. The
secluded alleyway provided perfect cover Apricot thought. "I was
interested in buying a gun."

"Kid, shit, stop that," he tells her.

"You don't understand, my life is in danger. I need help. I

need a gun. I can't explain it." Apricot says to him.

The man stands up straight. "Kid you are lucky to be alive.

If no one had spoken up for you. You would have been dead. I knew
you were not working for the cops though."

Apricot smirks. "Yeah cause you're a cop." The man rolls his
eyes with an uncomfortable look. "You are a cop."

"Don't even joke." the man says attempting to cover his

tracks. "So what does a girl like you need with a gun."

"I am fighting against phantoms," Apricot says with a straight

face to the man.

He chuckles a little. "Right, aren't we all?"

Hidden Spaces
"No. I mean phantoms. Monsters, things that come out of
thin air and dispute right back into it. The terrorist attacks." Apricot
firmly says to the man. His gaze becomes uncomfortable. "You know
what I am talking about because you are a cop."

"Stop with the cop thing and anyone will look at someone
funny talking like that," he says to her. He turns his back towards
Apricot taking a few steps away from her. He turns back to look.
"You are not wrong about those things though. Do you know what
they are yet?"

"I have not a clue. I know I have to shut up about them. I

worked at Ichigari Grocery. I need a gun." the man takes a deep
breath drawing a pistol from his pocket. Apricot wraps her fingers
around the handle feeling a sense of power and security coming over

He looks down at the gun not letting go at first. "It's a 45,

that means the bullets it uses have point 4 5 on them. Don't get
caught with that." the man says letting go. "It holds a death penalty
on it." The man shakes his head. "The numbers have been filed off
and there is not tracking devices on it. It should work even in jammed
areas as well. It's the real deal. I don't even know why I am doing this
but, I feel like it is the right thing to do. Whatever you are doing, I
hope it works." the man says before walking away from Apricot. She
places the pistol inside of her purse zipping it up.
Hidden Spaces

“Paranormal Experiences Of Eastway Park

Part 2 And The Eastway Monster”

If you have been out at Eastway Park at night and have found
yourself lost, you are not alone. A startling number of reports from
passers-by have said this small little park at night appears as an
endless labyrinth. So many in fact the city of Blue Ash has put a ban
on entry after dark. So you won't be able to check this one out for
yourself. We would not suggest you try, anyway. If you thought
those reports were strange, what lays inside police records might have
you even more on edge.

People said inside that labyrinth, there were monsters.

Strange creatures of various description. Some reported seeing
strange shadows along the walls. We have also had many letters sent
one letter detailing out a monster that reminded us much of a flying
squid. The only thing we know for sure is something strange is going
on in the Eastway Park."

Jumping off the small metal bars of the barricade Apricot

peered into the dark of the Eastway Park. She would see how true
those claims were. If this one panned out, there may be something to
the rest of those stories. A thought while walking home crossed her
mind. What if all these "paranormal" things were the phantoms effect
on their world? If that was the case she would have to investigate
these weird urban legends around town. With the gun firmly pressed
against her hip, a certain assurance pervaded her peace of mind.

Passing by a fountain at the core of the park she walked

Hidden Spaces
around the pavement loop. It was not long before she found herself
at the start again not finding this "labyrinth". With the roll of her
eyes, she walks towards a small patch of trees, the overgrowth battling
against the man-made order. As she continues strolling around the
park, she felt increasingly like an idiot for even trying this stupid

Apricot decides its best to leave, all but done with this fiasco.
During her abandonment of the park, her eye is drawn to something
she had not seen the first few times around. It is a tunnel, with
strange markings on the outside of it. Painted symbols and signs of
spirals, circles, and triangles. "If there was a labyrinth, then this must
be the place." Apricot surmised.

The smell wafting from the labyrinth is rancid. Reminding

her of the sour smell of rotted meat. Placing her hand on the pistol
she slowly slides it from the waste of her blue jeans leveling it into a
stance she had seen on TV before. She slowly approaches the tunnel
gazing into the interior of the foul place. Its walls looks like it had
been painted with some kind of off-white color. That, however, was
pealing exposing the blackish brick stone. As she walked in, she
noticed puddles of what she considers being blood on the floor. No
bodies though, she supposed that was a good thing. Further, into the
dark tunnel, she felt a warm wetness hit her head. She looked up to
see that the ceiling is comprised of some very large looking veins.

Her heart jumped as they wiggled like they were pumping.

In fact, as she listened it sounded as though there was a heartbeat
deep within the walls of this tunnel. She let out a shriek as she felt
fingers touching the side of her arm. She looks over to see a pale lady
staring at her. Her eyes are fixed on Apricot. "You scared me,"
Apricot says. The thin lady says not a word but instead moves her
Hidden Spaces
face closer towards Apricot. She takes a step back, feeling a sudden
sense of danger come over her.

“How long have you been here?" Apricot asks noticing that
her clothing looks off. Like it was from another era entirely. The
woman opens her mouth still stretching her face towards her. Her
tongue snakes out of her mouth and then retreats inside. "Do you
understand me?" she asks without reply.

Now the woman seems like she is straining her neck to

stretch it further. Her arms going straight as she tries to lean forward.
Her face splits down the middle like dried paper, a skin covered skull
pushing through. It stretches several feet away from the body its
pulsing muscles visible as the woman stands to a height of at least ten
feet Apricot speculates. Its chest bursts out revealing a larger shell
like chest and arms like a praying mantis's scythe. Its shell brown.
Her thorax wiggles out from its rear and its legs arc in an odd fashion.

Apricot screams pointing the gun at the creature. She pulls

the trigger, the force knocking her hand in the air, pain surging
through her wrist. The creature does not seem phased by the bullet.
Instead, it slashes, Apricot ducking to hear the blade scraping across
the wall.

She turns and runs towards the entrance but she cannot see
it from this distance. Instead, the tunnel looks like an endless dark
hall. The only light coming from the dull red glow of the veins above
her. The creature is not far off behind her. She can feel the vibrations
of its steps. It hisses at her as it continues down the tunnel. Turning
around Apricot takes another shot at the creature. She watches this
time to see the bullet impact its chest. It hits and sparks and then
disappears. "What!" Apricot screams. This is it. She will die. The
Hidden Spaces
creature dives as she huddles into a ball screaming.

"That will not help you." says a male voice. She looks up to
see the creature's scythes held back by a young man in a suit holding
a decorative rod.

Apricot is stunned. "Who are you?"

Pushing with his arm he forces back the creature. "So you
like picking on little girls huh." the guy says walking casually towards
the creature who is now screaming a high pitched roar at him. "Yeah
yeah complain all you like." The creature then lunges swinging back
over to him. The man parries the strike knocking the claw aside.
This repeated several times until he uses the back end of his rod to hit
the creature in the face. A large spark flying out of the creature, its
face looking as though acid had been thrown on it. The skin was
falling free revealing the skull tucked beneath it. parts left on it were
melting dripping off like slime. The creature tries to retreat. "What?
Don't like silver?" he says to the monster before throwing the rod into
the creatures back causing it to fall to the ground. The tunnel lights
up as the body sparks convulsing as though it was being electrocuted.
Its shrieks die down as the body becomes a puddle of thick sludge.

The man takes several careful steps toward the rod lifting it
from the pool of gunge. He then turns to look back over towards
Apricot. "Hello madam, my name is Shiori Kinzo,"

"He is royalty!" Apricot shouted in her head.

"And yes I am the heir to the Kinzo family nobility. Now my

dear, what has you walking in tunnels like these with an illegal gun."
his tone is firm and makes Apricot consider her response.
Hidden Spaces

"I, am hunting phantoms," Apricot says with a straight face.

The man smirks rubbing his chin. "How interesting. I think

I might like you." Apricot had not realized it but she was still on the
ground. As the man approached she was reminded of that fact as she
quickly got to her feet. "I will forgo this chance encounter for now. I
will ignore that pistol of yours. If you are going to be using that,
however, I suggest you learn how to shoot that thing."

Apricot at a loss for words simply nods her head. "Seems as

though you are not the talkative type. Star struck? Hmm?" he gloats.

"I almost got killed," Apricot tells him.

Shiori nods "You better get used to it miss phantom hunter.

Most things are not too friendly when you are trying to kill them." He
continues walking past her towards the end of the tunnel.

Apricot quickly snaps to face him yelling "Wait!" Shiori

turns his head to glance back at her. "Do you know what these things
are? Why were you here? What is going on!?"

“I will only answer one of those questions. Take your pick."

Shiori smugly replied. Apricot quickly ran through the questions.
Which one was more important? Which one would give her the most
information? "If you are going to waste my time I have elsewhere to
be. This night is not over yet."

Apricot rushed decides on her first. "Do you know what

these things are?"
Hidden Spaces
"I do." Shiori resumes his walking laughing.

"What! Aren't you going to tell me?" Apricot yells.

"Not a chance my dear." Shiori laughs. "However, if you

survive, I might consider it later."

Apricot follows him "You are a jerk you know that?"

“A jerk that saved your life, my dear. Remember that," he

says chuckling. "I will give you one thing. The Crisis. Start there."

Apricot scrunches up her face. "What do you mean the

Crisis?" This time he did not reply. Instead, he increased his pace.
Once they had both reached the exit Apricot expected Shiori to at
least give her a farewell but instead, he continued. "What an asshole."
Apricot thought to herself. “But at least I am not the only one doing
Chapter 10
The Blue Ash Crisis

Part 1

Woman Claims To Have Caused The Blue Ash Crisis

This entry is rousing. We received a letter from a Chino Tokuma

who claims to have worked on a secret project that caused the Blue
Ash Crisis.

It took little time for Apricot to track down this Chino Tokuma. The
magazine article had little substance and a lot of speculation claiming
the letter was too sensitive to publish. The neighborhood was
pleasant to say the least. A quiet urban sprawl, a few children playing
in the alleyways. She passed by several houses spruced up with plants.
She had always found the inner city to be less than pleasing. All that
concrete and how it was devoid of nature. This area, however, it was
beautiful. The brick apartment buildings are surrounded by so much
vegetation it appears as if they naturally grew out of the ground
The Blue Ash Crisis

The sound of a stream echoed as the other side of the road was home
to a creek. 1514 Dujho street, after seeing the numbers displayed on
the black cast iron fence Apricot smiled. This was Chino's home. She
walks up the concrete stoop knocking on her forest green door. After
a few moments, the door opens to a mature Uchellan woman.
Apricot found it hard to place her age despite the black graying hair
and pitted crows feet. She had a blue button up shirt on with a pair
of blond slacks. "Hello dear, is there anything I can help you with."

"My name is Apricot Signa, I am a student journalist. I read you had

a story to tell about what happened during the Crisis." Apricot says in
her best attempt at a sullen voice.

Chino nods her head with a half smile. "Step in dear." Once Apricot
steps inside Chino's Uchellan background became clear. The hard
wood floors and low mat black furniture. The warm lighting and
choice of shrubbery. She is led into a larger living room. Chino
ushers Apricot to sit at a small table. "I will get us some tea to drink."

Apricot quickly rushes to mind for the proper etiquette to drink tea.
Being non-native to Uchella she forgot her mannerism. Instead, she
often came across as a "galjo" a derogatory term in Uchellan for a
careless foreigner.

As Chino returns with a plate of hot tea Apricot places her knees
together sitting so her rear just touches the heels of her feet. She bows
attempting to at least mask she had forgotten most of the conventions
of tea drinking. Chino lets out a small snicker. "My dear, you are an
immigrant are you not?" Apricot hesitantly nods her head. "With a
name like Signa what could you expect. I don't even think my
The Blue Ash Crisis
children know the old ways anymore. I respect you tried though.
Now now sit like a modern lady."

Apricot at eases herself releasing the tension. "You have decorated

your home so nicely, miss Tokuma."

"Flattering an old lady like me will not get your report finished. You
must be eager to hear what I have to say. I won't bore you with
niceties. I know you youngsters are busy people." Chino says taking a
sip of her tea. Apricot smirked slightly appreciating the
consideration. "Now, before we start I want to know exactly why you
are interested in interviewing me?" Chino asks.

"Well," Apricot says.

Chino interrupts her saying "I want the honest truth. Not some
slippery correct way of saying things. I have to have you agree though
nothing leaves this room."

Apricot nervously chuckles to herself. "I don't know why myself. I

am just interested in what happened. Someone said I might find an
answer to a question I had if I understood it."

"And what question is nagging you?" Chino asks.

Apricot shakes her head. "No, that question sounds crazy."

Chino nods her head. "When I was a young girl like you I would have
felt the same way. I won't press you on it. If it is the Crisis I would
imagine it is not a comfortable subject."

"No, it really is not." Apricot wonders if Chino already knew. She

The Blue Ash Crisis
imagines that this elderly lady had gained a wisdom over the years
considering her claimed experience. Some healthy skeptisism of what
is what. That she had become an oracle. Apricot blew it off as wishful
thinking. Though she was curious to know if this lady paid any mind
to current events. "Did you hear about the Ichigari Grocery attack?"

Chino nods her head. "It was all over the news."

"I was there. Do you believe what they are saying about it?"

"I suppose I should not with a question like that."

Apricot feels a seriousness come over her face. "What if I said there
was this monster."

"If you are asking if I think you are crazy, I do not," Chino says with a
faint smile. "In fact, I would tell you I have seen strange things too.
Lots of them. I am an old woman now though. I can't go on any
longer. I told my story to that strange man who runs that rag of a
magazine. Even he did not publish it."

"What is your story?" Apricot asks.

"Oh well, I grew up as a farm girl in Yoshima. My parents were

farmers and their parents and so on until antiquity. My parents
noticed at an early age I was quite good at my studies. I developed a
real love for electricity before I was ten. I had created an electric
generated that used water by the age of twelve. The state caught wind
of this and the Uchellan empire conscripted me to work with the Blue
Ash project. Blue Ash at the time was a tiny fishing and mining
community. When I had first arrived my job was to assist in
establishing power lines along with city planners.
The Blue Ash Crisis

It did not take long before we transformed the sleepy little town of
Blue Ash into a bustling city. A drilling expedition had been working
all the while below the city. It became cover for what we really done."
Chino says finishing the last of her tea. She grabs a silver pitcher
pouring herself another cup. "Would you care for me to top off
your's?" Chino asks.

"No thank you, but please continue," Apricot says.

Chino places the pitcher down and takes a sip of tea. "Below the city,
we had made a very elaborate machine. Its purpose was to make
teleportation possible. We were rather proud of our work and early
tests showed we could in fact transport matter from one end of the
base to the other in a matter of seconds. Things changed however
when we attempted our first manned test. We discovered it was not
so simple as we had thought. Inside the gate was a black void similar
to that of outer space. We called this the between plane." Chino
smirked. "This is where things will get weird hun." Apricot nods her

"The leaders of the group were the Okabe family and a man named
Uraias Hilderic. Uraias was a strange man. I later found out why but
at the time I found him to be focused on his work. So Uraias would
spend a lot of time in the main corridor mumbling to himself taking
notes. The plans and schematics he had drawn out were far more
advanced than anyone had ever seen before. He demanded that it was
this spot to make this device. It was a gate but not like the others.
This gate did not create a space but would rather be used to look into
hyperspaces. He had very specific coordinates too.

We had assembled a satellite that would be our observer. Everything

The Blue Ash Crisis
went as planned. We set the satellite out into the hyperspace and
could observe from the satellite's transmission what the hyperspace
was like. We quickly discovered however everything was not as we
expected. There were lots of orbs floating around inside the
hyperspace. We had simply thought they were pockets of energy that
had balled together and could not dissipate.

Uraias devised a way to harness the energy, so we built a second

satellite. Once it was inside the void we put a technician in a suit and
sent him out with the thing. I was manning the electric output that
day. It was difficult, my job was to keep the power on for the city
goers above while maintaining the gate so our technician did not get
trapped inside. Uraias had not shown up. I felt uneasy, to begin with,
but that made me feel even more uneasy. There was an large orb that
appeared in the distance. It rushed through destroying everything in
its path. The sound it made was so loud it destroyed the radio

We were in a panic. A complete blackout. When we left the control

room we found Uraias in the main corridor surrounded by those orbs.
A pair of workers had been ripped to pieces, he was eating them. He
was saying some crazy things mumbling about a new world. Those
blue orbs just kept flying out of the gate. Whispering around the
room like they were alive. That was when the Okabe clan showed up
and destroyed the gate. They took all of us into custody and we were
arrested. I was cleared of all charges fairlyquickly. Told not to talk
about any of this."

Apricot nods her head with concern. "That sounds terrible."

"I am not done." Chino continues. "We had built that city in a
particular design. In the form of a sigil. It was all a ritual. The people
The Blue Ash Crisis
who lived above were spirited away. I cannot imagine what happened
to them. The city stayed intact. There was no explosion. The sun
went black for several days, that is true but that was not from smoke.
I never found out what those blue orbs were though or where they
went to. I never left. I just stayed here. Uraias, we never found out
what happened to him. He was not alone though. We always
thought he was babbling to himself like it was the way he thought.
He was taking orders from something. He was not alone. He sure
designed none of those devices. That is my story dear."

"Thank you, Miss Tokuma," Apricot says. "I really appreciate what
you have told me. It answers my question."

"I am glad dear. I can rest easy now knowing my story will live on
beyond me." Chino says. "The nights seem to get longer these days.
Now, go on your way. I did my good deed for the day." Chino walks
Apricot to her front door bidding her farewell. As Apricot leaves she
cannot help but feel as though Chino didn't tell her everything and
she had a sneaking suspicion those blue orbs may be the phantoms
that escaped the reaper.
Chapter 11
We See All

Part 1

The morning rays of light peek over the dark cityscape while
Apricot runs along a sidewalk. Her backpack skipping with each step.
As the early traffic passed her, the dull breeze chills her skirt covered
legs. Her treck stops in front of a large apartment complex.
Somewhat winded, her shoes echo as she walks up the concrete steps.
Apricot leans into a pair of glass double doors, yet the metallic bar
gives no purchase. Glancing over to the side she sees a large white box
on the wall, an intercom. The panel's sheer number of rooms
bewildered her. After navigating to 15E, she presses the white square
with her digit. With a beep queuing her she says "Bon Bon. Hey Bon
Bon, it's Apricot. Buzz me in."

A few seconds pass before the intercom beeps again. "Api

what the heck are you doing here so early," Bonni replies with a groggy
We See All
"Bonni!" Apricot shouts. "Just let me in." Another pause
passes and continues. "Is she not going to let me in?" Apricot
pondered to herself.

"Fine," Bonni says as the front doors automatic latch clicks

open. "Come on up."

The apartment complex is uninspiring on indoors. The

carpeting brown and the walls a color from a year that is apparently
out of style. It reminded her more of a cheap motel than a place
people would live. The immediate scent of cigarette smoke greeted
her. "Bonni, what are you doing here?" The whole experience left
Apricot contemplating that very thought all the way into the elevator.

Once upstairs everything was much the same. Apricot made

her way down the musky hall towards 15E, once there she knocks.
"It's open," Bonni replies. Apricot turns the brass doorknob to see a
much more pleasant sight. Black coal ceilings with studio lamps, a
polished faux stone floor, and clean white walls. It was Bonni. "Good
morning!" Apricot says to Bonni who is covered in a fluffy pink

Her eyes half shut and her hair uncombed. "You are awful
spry already. Going to school?" Bonni asks.

"Sure am. Hey, I had a question to ask you?" Apricot smiles

as Bonni rolls her eyes.

Bonni walks over towards her noisy coffee maker. "Not yet
girl. Look I was sleeping, do you need a ride to school or something?"

"No, no!" Apricot shouts waving both of her hands.

We See All
"Nothing like that."

Taking a sip from the black cup of coffee Bonni takes an

exaggerated deep breath releasing her exhale. "Well, what is it then?"

"How many of those Paranormal Monthly's do you got?"

"You mean Eerie Truth's Monthly?" Bonni chuckles. Her

demeanor changes. She suddenly is awake as she walks up to Apricot
poking her in the chest. "I knew you would get hooked!" Bonni chirps.
"You want to borrow some past editions!"

Apricot shook her head. "Yeah if you could, as many of them

as you have. I got the latest one, and I could not stop reading it. Did
you read the one about the vampire club!" Apricot says to Bonni.

"Yeah, I did, what a weird group of people. You know, I

think I met those people once! I was auditioning for a movie." Bonni
trails off in her conversation as she walks out of the room. Apricot
looks around the apartment. She imagined it would be rather easy to
make this place look messy. A minimalist style was always so minimal
any one thing out of place would through off the entire appeal. A few
papers rest on her coffee table. Apricot could not help but take a
glance. A script for a play or movie, a few bills, and a sci-fi book called
Robicon. Glancing out the twin pan windows, Apricot could see a
good portion of the city. The view was beautiful, it made sense now
why Bonni could live in such a place. The lobbies suck, but the
apartments are not half bad.

"Here we are," Bonni says carrying out a stack of magazines.

"I got more, but I figured this is plenty enough to keep you busy." A
wide grin fills Apricot's face.
We See All
She takes off her backpack placing it on the floor. Carefully,
she slides each magazine inside and zips up the bag. "You are a
lifesaver Bonni," Apricot hoists the now heavy backpack onto her

"Well, you know, I like to help," Bonni says. "So you heading
off to school?"

"Yeah, sadly I got to," Apricot tells Bonni. Bonni nods her
head with a smirk. "Have a good day Bon Bon."

Bonni nods "You too, we can talk later about the stories!"
Apricot nods before heading out the door.

Class didn't seem necessary as Apricot listens to Miss Akagi's

lecture. Concentration evaded her as she speculated about that Kinjo
noble. He seemed to know what he was doing. So these phenomena
cannot be something new she concludes. If he perceived the crisis
being linked to these creatures, then maybe all the nobles recognized
this as well. That could be why they are so desperate to cover it up.
It would explain things, but that only left more questions to be
answered. If what Chino Tokuma said was correct, then she had
much more to consider. Like who was this Uraias guy and why would
he be eating people. Now that she thought about it, Solenne
mentioned something about that the other day at the arcade.
We See All

"Apricot," Miss Akagi voice boomed. "What are the four

tenants of journalism?"

"Seek truth and report it, to minimize harm, to act

independently, and to be accountable." Her response must have been
beyond what Miss Akagi expected as she gave a slow nod before
continuing her lecture. A warm feeling of satisfaction fills her
knowing she bested her teacher. In all honesty, though, it almost
seems trivial considering the more significant issue at hand.

The reaper, how could she find and talk to the reaper. She
had questions, and she wanted answers. She only hoped to have a
strange encounter at the reapers convenience. For now, she just
possessed small fragments to follow leads on. From this point
forward things will be different she resolved.

After class Apricot took a detour towards the gym. Once

inside she is greeted by some old acquaintances, she could not quite
place the names of. A smile and wave satisfied her as the proper
greeting. Routing towards the aerobic equipment, she began the
usual stretches she had learned in primary school. It had been a long
time since she was in competitive gymnastics but if she would
undergo such a dangerous journey, she considered it best to be as
prepared as possible. She spent several hours at the gym before
packing up her things and heading home.
We See All
Part 2
Tsungdung is always a busy street, many markets lined this
particular stretch of road. The smells of various cuisines from the
many diverse restaurants became a pleasurable aroma that would
make anyone's mouth water. While deep in thought she glances
beside her to see a polished black cruiser coasting next to her. The
black mirror passion side window rolls down. A man in a black suit
leans out of the door looking at her behind black sunglasses. "Mam, I
have to ask you to step into the car."

Could these guys be connected to that Ji Li guy or maybe that

Shiori jerk? Whoever they were she would not be getting into that
car today. "I am not." Apricot shot back.

"It isn't a request." the man says pulling a badge from his
pocket that read "Okabi Special Investigative Force #2044". Apricot
felt her body become weighted, chest heavy, and a cold sweat coming
on. The rear passenger door opens as a man dressed exactly the same
steps out of the car ushering her inside.

Apricot scoots across the black leather seat of the car. The
other man stepping back inside closing the door as the vehicle
resumes coasting. "Apricot." says the front passenger. "We
understand that you were involved in the Ichigari Grocery incident."


"How have those biologicals been affecting you? Any strange

visions since then? Any odd behavior?" the man asks.

"None at all."
We See All

"Good good, that makes me happy to hear." the man says.

His voice however to Apricot hinted there is something more
he is looking for. "So, ever see anything strange on Ikijoji streets,
perhaps at night, walking home from Ichigari Grocery." The man
leans his body over the armrest to look back at Apricot. He lowers
his glasses to reveal his dark brown eyes.

"I fell there a few weeks ago," Apricot replies.

The man raises his glasses back chewing with his closed
mouth. "Nothing out of the ordinary? You did not see any monsters,

"Monsters? What do you mean by monsters? I heard about

the murders if that is what you mean. I saw nothing." Apricot says.

The man is quiet as everyone else in the car seems almost

inanimate. "Funny thing, you recently purchased a copy of, Erie
Truth's Monthly. That is kind of a strange thing to be purchased out
of the blue. Isn't it miss Signa."

"A friend of mine had recently shown me an issue. I find

them amusing as a journalist." These guys knew everything about her,
Apricot realized.

"You would not have been trying to purchase a gun at a shop

called, Bullseye's, the other day would you?" the man says holding up
a paper. Several screenshots from a security camera in grainy low-
resolution photographs covered the page catching her at several
angles. "It looks like you did. You really got that shop owner twisted
in a knot."
We See All

Apricot nods. "I was doing an investigation into illegal gun


"Oh, well, sounds like you are a persistent journalist aren't

you. Some on the ground investigative journalism. I like those kinds
of things. I read an article about something like that recently.
Actually, I think it was by you."

"By me?" Apricot inquired.

"Yeah, about being a hostage. I need not remind you of it. I

am sure that experience was a terrible one for you." he says. "Well it
as though you remember little, so let me fill you in. Your little
investigation has to stop. That visit with Chino Tokuma was the final
straw for us. Not to mention you broke into a restricted area,
Eastway Park. We wanted to make it clear to you miss Signa that we
are watching you very closely."

The moments after didn't even seem to register to Apricot's

mind. One moment she was in the back of some anonymous
government cruiser and the next she is standing on the sidewalk of
Tsungdung street staring off surrounded by people who could not
have known what she went through. The smells and sounds go, a
phone pressed tightly against her ear.

"Hello," says a gruff male voice over the phone.

"Arjun, are you off duty?" Apricot could not help but hear the
quiver in her own voice.

"Apricot?" Arjun replied his voice filled full of concern.

My Sweet Insanity
About The Author

I didn’t have many friends growing up. A couple but I never

really found myself desiring the company of others. I was satisfied
with myself. Granted I did have “friends” like any other child but I
spent a great deal of my time alone. I did not invent imaginary friends.
No, instead I invented imaginary worlds. Ones of monsters and
dragons, beasts and terrors, usually loosely based upon whatever
childish show I was watching at the time.

As time passed I grew more interested in sharing my worlds.

The thing about my friends is they did not hang out with me because
I was particularly nice or friendly, but I always had the most elaborate
pretend games to play. Ones that tried our bravery and made us
warriors. We fought aliens and were aliens. The forests of my sleepy
little town were desolate jungles of a ruined world. One that only I
think I ever appreciated. My friends kind as they were tried to see
what I saw. At least I was entertaining.

When I arrived at high school I had completely solidified my

mind that I was going to become an artist. No question about it. I was
an artist and that was what I would be. I had moderate success in the
field too. I wanted to work on video games doing concept art; so off to
the internet I went. I got caught up in a scam or two like any naive kid
would. I used to draw sloppy comics of wacky and weird adventures
based around myself in some dystopian sci-fi setting. It made no sense
but was the rambling fictions of a complete and total self-centered

Now that I look at it I can hardly believe I wrote that stuff.

Those pages are the kind of corny that I could never hope to achieve
these days. Once I got out of school I traveled to where my heart took
me. That happened to be thousands of miles and I don’t regret the
time I spent out west. I had my solitude I craved and I enjoyed
meeting and experiencing new people.

It was in those days that I found myself going through an

alchemical change mentally. I stopped watching TV and unplugged
from society. I began actually reading books something I woefully
avoided prior to my poordom of working life. It helped that I worked
in a bookstore, well entertainment store, it does not much matter I
suppose. I knew I would never work as an artist. To be honest I
started finding the professional life of art difficult. I had been taking
commissions and it just did not pay the bills. I also grew tired of the
tragically hard amount of work without being able to really tell a story.
Growing my admiration of those with the talents (patience) to create
graphic novels.

I knew that I wanted to tell stories, but I had to understand

what exactly I would write. So I began writing ideas for stories. Years
went by…
It was not until I entered college that I considered the
prospect of becoming a writer. I had experienced about eight years on
my own and developed a morbid fear of death. A fear I still hold very
close to my heart; I mean that in the most literal of ways too. I found
myself writing often to calm my nerves. It did not matter what I
would write I just wrote. Though I had this idea for a series that had
been growing all my life. I like to think it grew with me. It came to a
point though when it got, big… real big, too big. So I severed a chunk
of it and then there was two… I stood before the monsters and they
battled for my time. It was in those months that I saw my world was
about to be snuffed out and I had not made my mark on the world yet.

So I refused to go and here I am today writing this biography

about myself. I love myself in a dramatic kind of way but writing
about myself has some difficulty. It’s something I do not enjoy as
much as anyone that knows me would think. So this is how I got to
this point. It is in these days I make all those childhood stories of
worlds unknown legible to others. This is why I chose to be an author
of fiction.

~ Jayce Ran, 2015

Release Dates
Blue Ash Crisis Episode Releases
Episode 1................................................................................January 2018
Episode 2.............................................................................February 2018
Episode 3...................................................................................March 2018
Episode 4.......................................................................................April 2018
Episode 5......................................................................................May 2018
Episode 6......................................................................................June 2018
Episode 7........................................................................................July 2018
Episode 8.................................................................................August 2018

Lyorta: The Saga Of Retribution Releases

Episode 1...................................................................................March 2018
Episode 2......................................................................................June 2018
Episode 3..........................................................................September 2018
Episode 4...........................................................................December 2018

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