Customer Is The King

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It is common understanding that you cannot digest a business if you do not have customer to stain ones palms
the product you produce or services you deliver; hence customer is an
integral part of every business. There was a time when customers
was treated less critical and vocal by the businesses and markets was
treated hardly as dumping grounds for the product. Today customers
have more choices than ever before, by dint of more diverse
channels. Companies who fail to leave up to the expectation are
finding hard to ready or retain the customers- absolute majority of the
unsatisfied customer do not complain they just change the suppliers.
Therefore retailers have realised that the only look to sustain in the
competitive market is by universe customer centric. Today every
businesses treat customer as king and aware that only exceptional take aim of customer service can differentiate
them from the competition in an increasingly saturated marketplace. Customer is often treated as the asset of
the company and considered in the strategic level final making because he has all the power and money.

A business owner identifies the customer. It takes responsibility to make them feel like a king does. It
acknowledges the customers in a public way which retunes the expectations of all customers.




When the buyer will give money to the seller. Seller will give the money to the wholesaler. When the wholesaler will give

the money to the fabrication. Fabrication will give the money to the trader. Trader will give to the seller. Seller will give to
the buyer.


When the buyer wants the money back which we have given to wholesaler- to- fabrication- trader- to- seller and then the
seller will give the money back to the buyer .


Their first preference will be the customers and

their choices. We give the best quality and quantity
to our customers within the given point of time as
per their requirement.

HiraTek International are well-known and reliable

trader of a qualitative range of Cotton Elastic,

Designer Lace, Garment Button, etc.

In business, engineering, and

manufacturing, quality has a pragmatic
interpretation as the non-inferiority or superiority of
something; it's also defined as being suitable for its
intended purpose while satisfying customer
expectations. Quality is a perceptual, conditional,
and somewhat subjective attribute and may be understood differently by different people. Consumers may focus
on the specification quality of a product/service, or how it compares to competitors in the marketplace. Producers
might measure the conformance quality, or degree to which the product/service was produced correctly. Support
personnel may measure quality in the degree that a product is reliable, maintainable, or sustainable.
Our brand new business was customer-centric and it put our customers
above everything else and that made everyone happy to take part. A
customer-centric approach was the only way best buy manager Carl
knew he could boost sales and help facilitate his company in the
direction he wanted it to go. its most promising managers, in which a
speaker was enlisted to discuss ways to promote a positive and
customer-centric environment that enhances the buyers experience,
promotes sales and works to ensure customer loyalty, above all.

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