DB Drill Manual

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The purpose of this section is to describe and illustrate different drills used to

improve defensive back technique.

Pre-Practice Drills
Drill: Duck Walk

Purpose: To improve leg and hip flexibility.

Coaching Points: DB’s must stride within their body and keep chest up. DB will
slightly rise with each stride, but maintains duck walk position. Do
drill on yard line from sideline to numbers or near hash. Across and
back equals 1 repetition.

Drill: Hip Flexibility Exercises

Purpose: To increase flexibility by using exercises designed to loosen the hips.

Drill: Low Pedal

Purpose: To emphasize keeping shoulders and chin over toes when backpedaling.

Coaching Points: DB’s must keep their shoulders and chin over toes throughout drill.
The bottom of DB’s stomach should be grazing the top of his thigh.
This provides a solid base for a smooth back pedal. Elbows should be
parallel to back. Progress from walking to half speed pedal. DB
should graze grass with the balls of his feet. Do drill on yard line from
sideline to numbers or near hash. Across and back equals 1 repetition.

Drill: Karoke

Purpose: To improve a defensive backs foot quickness and hip flexibility.


Coaching Points: Start by voice command. Next DB starts after 3 yard cushion. Watch
for quick feet and hips, use arms. DB’s karoke facing coach. Add a
ball for coordination and go in both directions.
Drill: Rake

Purpose: To teach technique of stripping the football during or shortly after reception.

Coaching Points: DB aligns 3 yards behind receiver. On receivers movement drill

begins. Receiver runs half speed, when DB closes receiver extends
ball. DB keys hands for when to strip the ball. Once this occurs DB
rips down on the ball and then attempts rake the ball out and up from
the receivers hands. Strip ball before initiating tackle so receiver does
not squeeze it.

Drill: Punch

Purpose: To teach technique of punching the ball out of a receivers hands after he has

Coaching Points: DB aligns 3 yards behind receiver. On receivers movement drill

begins. Receiver runs half speed and keeps ball tucked. When DB
reaches receiver he punches the ball up through receiver’s hands.
DB should punch at ball before initiating tackle so receiver does not
squeeze ball.

Drill: Fumble Recovery (Crowd/Clear)

Purpose: To teach technique of how to recover a fumble.


Coaching Points: When area is clear DB bends at knee and scoops ball by sliding
fingertips underneath. If ball bounces it should hit DB’s body and
move forward. In a crowd DB slides across ball surrounding and
securing it with arms, chest and thighs. Do drill by rolling ball to DB
and step away or step to DB to give him a clear or crowded look.
Footwork Drills

Drill: Backpedal

Purpose: To improve the technique of backpedaling, while maintaining a good pad level.



Coaching Points: DB starts pedal on a yard line when football is raised. Drill is
worked from sideline to near or far hash. Make sure each DB
maintains a good tempo and pad level the entire drill. The speed of the
pedal can vary so proper body positioning can be emphasized.

Drill: Fast / Slow

Purpose: To improve the ability of backpedaling while increasing and decreasing speed.



Coaching Points: DB starts pedal on a yard line when football is raised. Drill is
worked from sideline to near or far hash. Make sure each DB maintains a good tempo
and pad level the entire drill. The speed of the pedal varies by the coach extending and
pulling the ball from his chest. Execute 3 – 4 changes in speed.

Drill: Pedal and Turn

Purpose: To improve the technique of backpedaling and opening the hips to run.

Coach DB

Coaching Points: Start DB into backpedal for 8-10 yards by raising football with both
hands. When hand comes off ball DB must open hips, rip arm and
shoulder through low and sprint through hash. Work drill from
sideline to near hash on yard line. It is important to stay on line for
proper transition into run. Can be done with a partner for realistic feel
of speed threatening cushion. Turn right and left.

Drill: Weave ( line/angle )

Purpose: To improve the technique of backpedaling while maintaining leverage.


C.P. Start DB into backpedal with ball and 15yds C.P. DB starts with ball

direct weave by moving football from movement. First stem

right to left. Work on yard line from 10 yards step with inside foot
side line to near or far hash. Can do then pedal at angle
both drills with partners. Use desired with shoulders
cushion. parallel to coach. Use
dots if available.

Drill: Stem

Purpose: To enhance the ability of a defensive back to backpedal and maintain

horizontal and vertical leverage, while keeping his shoulders square.



Coaching Points: DB must backpedal and maintain inside leverage throughout

drill. Receiver will stem inside and push vertical, then stem
opposite and do the same movement. The receiver will finish drill
by breaking off a route.

Drill: Plant Step

Purpose: To teach proper step when changing direction.

Right Foot Step Left Foot Step

Coaching Points: DB’s line up on sideline or yard line in a right or left foot stance. On
the Coaches whistle, DB’s take plant step and return foot to original
position. Execute 3 – 5 steps per side, then rotate.

Drill: Step and Drive

Purpose: To teach DB how to plant then drive to execute change of direction.



Coaching Points: DB’s align in two lines, slightly facing in 5 yards from cones.When
front hand comes off the ball DB must plant back foot and explode off
of front foot through the cones. Place cones 5 yards apart. Go one line
at a time.

Drill: Angle Break

Purpose: To teach how to change direction and break at a 45 degree angle from a


Coaching Points: Start DB into backpedal for 5-7 yards by raising a football with both
hands. When coach turns and front hand comes off ball DB must plant,
point and drive at a sharp 45 degree angle over outside part of cone.
Place cones 5 yards apart. Go right and left in single movements or
Drill: W

Purpose: To improve the technique of efficiently backpedaling and changing directions

at a angle.


Coaching Point: Start first DB in a single file line at first cone with ball or voice
command. Each DB must pedal to the outside of the back cone and
plant and drive to the outside of the front cone until all the cones are
passed. The next in line starts when DB plants off first back cone.
Make sure all breaks are at sharp angles. Stagger cones 10-12 yards
apart in width and 5 yards apart in depth. Do drill to right and left.
Can do drill without cones.

Drill: Hip Turns (3)

Purpose: To teach a defensive back how to change directions once his hips are open.

1.) Hip Turn and Break – DB pedals, hip turns and executes break from open position.

* 3 Breaks ( back, in and out )

2.) Hip Turn, Baseball and Break – DB pedals, hip turns and continues to execute
baseball turn, then accelerates back to coach.

3.) Hip Turn, Baseball and Break (Out/In Route) – DB pedals, opens and baseball turn
to drive a out route.

Coaching Points: The defensive back must learn when to break from a hips open
position and when to baseball turn.
General Rule:
1.) When a DB has his hips open (hips are facing middle of field), break back.
2.) When his hips are closed (hips are facing goal line), execute a baseball turn.
Drill: Backpedal 45

Purpose: To improve a defensive backs ability to backpedal and open to a right and left
angle on command.



Coaching Points: Start DB into backpedal by raising football. With football and
shoulders give a right or left directional turn. This turn tells DB to
open up and run at a 45-degree angle with eyes on coach. Change
direction 2-3 times.

Drill: Post Sideline

Purpose: To improve a defensive backs ability to recover from a route run opposite his



Speed turn

Coaching Points: Same as Backpedal 45 except when DB opens at 45-degree angle,

coach fakes throw opposite to get DB to turn his hips and eyes all the
way around. Do drill in both directions.
Tackling Drills

Drill: 3 Step Progression

Purpose: To teach the fundamental techniques of tackling.

Fit Position Step and Fit Step, Fit and Drive

Coaching Points: DB should have eyes up, good bend in knees and strike with same
foot, same shoulder. Progress from fit position to step and fit to step
fit and drive. Rotate from right to left side. Coach can execute drill by
voice or by whistle.

Drill: Same Foot, Same Shoulder

Purpose: To teach defensive back how to gather and deliver a blow using the same foot
and same shoulder on contact.

Starting Position Finishing Position

Coaching Points: DB takes short chop steps forward while back walks towards him.
Once DB gets close to back, he gathers and explodes through ball
carrier delivering a same foot, same shoulder form tackle. Drill is
executed with a straight ahead tackle and an angle tackle.
Drill: Club Up

Purpose: To teach a DB how to deliver a blow from his hips, while ripping his arms up
and through a ball carrier and buzzing his feet.

Coaching Points: DB and back line up 3 yards apart and move towards each other on
the sound of the whistle. DB delivers a blow from his hips and then
recoils back along with the ball carrier. This movement is repeated
three times with the 3rd hit ending with a form tackle.

Drill: Angle Tackle, Angle Spin

Purpose: To teach defensive backs how to tackle a ball carrier at an angle by getting
there head gear across and striking with the top of the pads.



Coaching Points: Place 4 cones 2 yards apart on both sides. Keys: 1. Head across
Coach gives a set call to get both sides in 2. Hit with top of
football position. Ball carrier starts drill pads (SF,SS)

by movement. Go right then left. 3. Upper cut arms

4. Square up back
5. Drive until
whistle blows
Angle Spin

Coaching Points: Same as angle tackle except back spins on

contact. To stop spin throw hip in the direction
of the spin. Angle Spin Tackle initially can be
taught from a fit position.
Drill: Leverage Tackle

Purpose: To teach DB how to attack and tackle back while communicating and using
proper leverage when he has help from either side.

15-20 yards


10 yards apart

Coaching Points: Drill starts on the movement of the back. The back will attack down
hill until he feels the DB’s have closed down the cushion, at this point
he will try to bounce outside to either direction. The DB’s will close
on the back communicating inside or outside keeping there shoulders
square and then execute a tackle.

Drill: Outside – In Tackle

Purpose: To teach DB how to tackle a ball carrier from an outside-in position using
proper leverage and body position.




Coaching Points: Drill starts when coach tosses the ball to running back. Back attacks
in front of cone and either cuts up field or bounces outside. Corner
takes backpedal steps and attacks back toward the cone. Corner keeps
shoulders square and executes a tackle on the bounce or cross faces
the back when he cuts up field.
Drill: Sideline Tackle ( Inside or Over the top )

Purpose: To teach a defensive back how to use the sideline as an extra defender to pin
the ball carrier and make a tackle.

#’s Coach #’s


DB (5 yards)

(15 yards) DB

Coaching Point: The drill starts when the ball is thrown to the receiver. The DB must
close hard, shorten his stride and sink his hips as he constricts the ball carriers running
lane. Once he takes away the backs angle he should accelerate through the carrier and
make the tackle.

Drill: Open Field Tackle (Angle)

Purpose: To teach technique of leveraging and tackling a ball carrier one on one in the
open field from an angle.


middle of
20 yards #’s field


Coaching Points: Ball carrier starts drill by movement and can go right or left. DB
sprints while keeping inside leverage on ball carrier. When DB
approaches cones he shortens his stride and sinks his hips to come
under control. DB must maintain inside position and mirror ball
carrier, before sliding head across and executing tackle. Ball carrier
can make one move. Full speed to cones ¾ tempo on tackle.
Drill: Open Field Tackle (Head Up)

Purpose: To teach technique of leveraging and tackling a ball carrier one on one in the
open field from an initial head up position.

A. B.

RB # 5 YDS

10 YDS



Coaching Points: In drill (A), DB’s align 15 yards apart. When RB moves drill begins.
They both sprint 5 yards. The DB wants to beat the RB to that
position and break down. When the RB commits to a side the DB
shuffles laterally then presses to the inside hip. This will flatten the
RB’s move and give DB inside advantage. When RB gets within 2
yards DB attacks and executes tackle. If DB gets beat to a side he
must drop step and take proper angle to RB. Coach can allow RB to
make one or more moves before declaring direction. RB must run
between sideline and numbers.

In drill (B), DB’s align 15 yards apart. DB starts drill on movement.

He must sprint and breakdown 5 yards from the RB. When DB is in
breakdown position RB goes right or left. DB attacks RB and
executes tackle. RB runs directly at cone do not allow for any moves.
Block Protection Drills

Drill: Stalk ( 3 step progression )

Purpose: To teach technique of defeating stalk block.

Fit Position Lock Out Position Shed Position

1. Hair line under chin 1. Explode ankles, knees and hips 1. Violently throw defender to side
2. Hands fit on outer chest 2. Lock out arms for separation 2. After shed step and replace
3. Bend ankles, knees and hips 3. Hands at eye level 3. Make tackle
Drill: Stalk 1 on 1

Purpose: To improve technique of engaging and defeating a stalk block through reading
proper sequence of keys.




Coaching Points: DB lines up at depth desired by Coach. Drill starts on snap or QB’s
movement. DB reads QB for run pass read and flow. Once run read is
recognized eyes snap to WR. Attack receiver keeping outside arm
free. Execute proper technique and finish at cone in a breakdown
position with shoulders parallel to yard line. Cut blocks can be mixed

Drill: Pads Out

Purpose: To improve hand placement and hip explosion during blow delivery.

2, 4 or 6 point stance 2 point explosion 6 point explosion

Coaching Points: DB gets in football position in front of sled. When coach blows
whistle DB strikes bag while toes remain planted in the ground. After
reaching a fully extended position, the DB must recoil back to ready
position as quickly as possible. Hands should be at or above eyes.
Coach can blow whistle anywhere from 1-5 times. Drill executed
from 2, 4 or 6 point stance.

Drill: Blue Bag

Purpose: To teach technique of engaging and defeating a block keeping your shoulders
3x3 from cone FB

DB 3X3 from cone

Coaching Points: On whistle FB attacks to cone with blue bag in outside arm. DB
sets edge by attacking with shoulders square and inside foot down.
Aim point for shoulder is middle of numbers. Close down run lane
on line of scrimmage, be in position to play bounce.

Drill: 3 Man Butt

Purpose: To teach blow delivery keeping shoulders square in confined area.




Set call gets feet chopping Right DB attacks first Left DB attacks second Rotate Clockwise
1 yard alignment each side after DB resets

Coaching Points: DB must delivery blow with shoulder and forearm. DB must also get
front foot down before contact and keep shoulders square.
Drill: Cut Block

Purpose: To teach technique of defeating a block below the waist.


3 yds COACH

1 yd

10 yds

Coaching Points: DB and cut blocker align 1 yard across from each other. CB has
option to cut right or left. DB will defeat block by attacking and
pressing CB down and away from legs. DB must have a low base and
keep outside leg clean. Bend at knees not waist. Aim point for hand
placement should be on CB’s head and shoulder. A running back can
be included to complete the drill. Drill starts with CB’s movement.

Both drills can be done with a ball.

Drill: Sting Out

Purpose: To improve cut block technique using a series of blocks.



Progression: 1. Bags or Sled

2. Cut Block
3. Cut Block and Back

Coaching Points: DB must shuffle and keep out side leg free and clean. Make sure DB
bends at knees more than waist keep chest, back and head upright.
Progress from bags or sled to cut block then cut block and back.
Rotate from DB to RB. Once everyone goes through rotate cut
blockers to DB. Spread bags 3-5 yards apart.

Drill: Crack

Purpose: To improve ability to recognize and defeat crack block in ¼’s and ½ coverage.

Fake run action right or left

Force Point (4x1) WR


Stop make sure crack occurs

Coaching Points: Coach tells WR want he wants. On QB’s movement drill starts. QB
will give run flow action to right or left. Safety and Corner read keys
and take there read steps. Once crack block is recognized, corner
gives “crack” call to safety. Safety will eye ball blocker, attack and rip
underneath the block. Corner will squeeze and stop to ensure crack,
then fill over top of block for contain. Crack and Go can be added to
prevent playing the drill. Can incorporate press and bail technique.
Coverage Drills
Cover 2
Drill: Mirror

Purpose: To improve a defensive backs ability to maintain proper position on a receiver

by shuffling laterally.


Coaching Points: DB is head up or shaded depending on desired technique.

For cover 2, the DB is shaded. On coaches whistle WR begins to
move right and left within the 5 yard cone area. The DB must shuffle
laterally maintaining his shade. DB should not touch heels together,
maintain medium width base. Drill should last 3-5 seconds.

Drill: Mirror Jam

Purpose: To improve a defensive backs ability to maintain proper position by shuffling

and jamming the receiver.


Coaching Points: DB is head up or shaded depending on desired technique.

On coaches whistle WR begins to move right and left within the 5
yard cone area. The DB must shuffle laterally mirroring the receiver.
On the second whistle, the receiver should release to his outside and
the DB should shuffle and funnel the receiver inside.

Drill: Shuffle Jam Drill

Purpose: To teach a DB how to properly use his hands when funneling a receiver.
10 15 20
Sideline DB

2nd Start Finish

Coaching Point: DB must jam receiver with palm of his hands and favor one side. Blow
should be delivered like a boxer’s jab. WR can go in any direction for 3
Drill: Funnel

Purpose: To improve ability to collision and funnel receiver.


DB 12 yards

Coaching Points: Receiver runs an inside or outside route. DB shuffles laterally to

collision and funnel receiver. After DB funnel’s receiver he drops to
cone and gets in position to break on the ball. Mix in desired stems.
Drill: Triangle

Purpose: To improve ability of cover 2 corner to break in three primary directions.


DB 5 yards

10 yards
Coaching Points: DB aligns on air or WR.
On snap DB collisions and
drops to12 yards on numbers.
When coach fakes throw to cone
DB breaks over top of that cone. #’s

Drill: 2 on 1

Purpose: To improve the ability of a defensive back to break on the ball at an angle
from a halves or thirds technique.

12 yards DB

Coaching Points: Drill starts when coach drops back. The drop will be a 3 or 5 step set.
DB pedals on snap reading the drop. When coach throws ball DB
breaks at proper angle intercepting ball at highest point. Ball should
be sprinted back to coach when intercepted. Receivers can be added.
Drill: Buddy

Purpose: To teach proper positioning versus different route combinations using various

Cover 3 Corner Cover 2 Corner & Safety



Cover 4 Corner & Safety Cover 2 Cathy



Coaching Points: Make cards or teach route combinations. Pair up in groups of 3 to 4

players depending on coverage emphasis. Routes are run when
whistle is blown or ball is moved. Check to make sure DB’s balance
and squeeze to routes properly. Pair safeties with corners when
working on corner routes and vice versa. Different techniques can be
Cover 3

Drill: Buddy Drill

Purpose: To teach a DB how to cover his zone vs. different route combinations.

Drill: 2 on 1

Purpose: To test and give a DB the confidence to cover his entire zone.

Drill: Invert

Purpose: To teach and improve the pass drop technique of an inverted safety.

5x5 S


Coaching Points: DB aligns 5 x 5 from TE. When QB moves ball and pass sets, DB
drops to landmark. DB squares up and reads QB to determine where
the ball is going to be thrown. When QB fakes throw to designated
area, DB breaks on arm and sprints over cone or dot. Use 5 step drop
as base, but other pass sets such as 3 step, sprint out and bootleg can
be incorporated.
Drill: Drop and Read

Purpose: To improve a defensive backs ability to recognize run/pass and break on the
ball at an angle from cover three techniques.



Coaching Points: DB’s break huddle and sprint to their base alignment. On snap or ball
movement drill begins. DB’s pedal or drop reading for run or pass. If
run shows DB’s sprint through the line of scrimmage. If pass shows
DB’s continue to pedal or drop. When QB throws ball all DB’s
break to ball. Nearest DB intercepts ball and sprints down near
sideline past QB. Other DB’s sprint to lead interceptor. Tip drill can
be incorporated to improve break and close to ball.

Drill: Bail

Purpose: To teach bail technique versus basic routes.


1 yd DB

15 yards

3 yards 3 yards

Coaching Points: DB aligns 1 yard from ball with inside eye on outside eye of
receiver. Depending on preference DB keys ball or receiver.
On movement, DB bails. DB must always bail 1 yard outside receiver
to protect against the fade route. DB must also bail hard for first
5 yards and key through receiver or receiver’s to QB. This drill is
designed to work the fade, skinny post and 3 step route. Once route is
recognized DB sprints over that routes dot or cone. Receiver can run
route or show movement on snap to give DB read.

Drill: 3 Step

Purpose: To improve technique of breaking on 3-step read.



20 25 30 35 40

Coaching Points: Set one stand up bag on each side. Place bag in position based on
the particular route being emphasized. DB gets base alignment from
cone. Both DB’s read QB for 3-step drop and passing direction. When
key is read DB snaps eyes to find bag (route) then breaks to the bag.
To the passing direction, the DB sprints past the outside of the bag
emphasizing making the hit or tackles the bag. Away from the passing
direction, the DB sprints to the outside part of the bag and breaks
down. All 3-step routes including go’s can be done in this drill.

Drill: Post / Go

Purpose: To teach a DB how to over play the post and go route when playing a Quarters


DB (8x2) (8x2)DB

Coaching Points: DB must maintain 11/2 – 2 yard inside leverage and adjust to route as
it develops. Make sure DB keeps inside attitude and breaks hard on
all other routes. Can add post corner as third route.
Drill: Crack / Crack and Go

Purpose: To improve ability to recognize and defeat crack block in ¼’s and ½ coverage.
Fake run action right or left

Force Point (4x1) WR

make sure crack occurs

Coaching Points: Coach tells WR want he wants. On QB’s movement drill starts. QB
will give run flow action to right or left. Safety and Corner read keys and take there read
steps. Once crack block is recognized, corner gives “crack” call to safety. Safety will eye
ball blocker, attack and rip underneath the block. Corner will squeeze and stop to ensure
crack, then fill over top of block for contain. Crack and Go can be added to prevent
playing the drill. Can incorporate press and bail technique.

Drill: Read

Purpose: To teach technique of Quarters front and backside safety run support angles.
Route combinations can also be included in this drill.


Force point 4x1

5 yards

Contain (fill where needed) Cutback (C gap)
1. Flat Foot 1. Flat Foot
2. Flow To 2. Flow Away
3. Fill 4x1 outside or where needed 3. Secure backside C gap
4. When balls declared take proper angle

Coaching Points: Drill starts on QB’s movement. Make sure proper read steps are being
taken. Have numbered cards so run and pass patterns are shown and
memorized. Use corners for offensive personnel.
Man Coverage Drills
3 Step:

Drill: 3 Step

Purpose: To improve technique of breaking on 3-step read.



20 25 30 35 40

Coaching Points: Set one stand up bag on each side. Place bag in position based on
the particular route being emphasized. DB gets base alignment from
cone. Both DB’s read QB for 3-step drop and passing direction. When
key is read DB snaps eyes to find bag (route) then breaks to the bag.
To the passing direction, the DB sprints past the outside of the bag
emphasizing making the hit or tackles the bag. Away from the passing
direction, the DB sprints to the outside part of the bag and breaks
down. All 3-step routes including go’s can be done in this drill.
Intermediate Routes:
Drill: Chop

Purpose: To improve a defensive backs ability to read and react to a receiver who
lowers and redirects his hips to run a specific route. These type of routes are
generally intermediate routes run anywhere from 8-12 yards.


chop chop

15 yards

Coaching Points: On Coaches command or receivers movement the drill will begin. The
receiver must run 8-12 yards and lower his center of gravity and
run a route. The route should be a curl or an out. When the DB sees
the receiver start to lower and chop his feet he must settle and drive
the up field shoulder of the route. The receiver should initially over
emphasis lowering and chopping his feet so that the DB can get a
good picture. Make sure the DB is breaking at a sharp angle.

Drill: Stem ( Stem Step, Weave )

Purpose: To enhance the ability of a defensive back to backpedal and maintain

horizontal leverage when in man coverage.



Coaching Points: DB must backpedal and maintain inside leverage throughout

drill. Receiver will stem inside and push vertical, then stem
opposite and do the same movement. The receiver will finish drill
by breaking off a route.
Drill: Hip Turns (3)

Purpose: To teach a defensive back how to change directions once his hips are open.

1.) Hip Turn and Break – DB pedals, hip turns and executes break from open position.

* 3 Breaks ( back, in and out )

2.) Hip Turn, Baseball and Break – DB pedals, hip turns and continues to execute
baseball turn, then accelerates back to coach.

3.) Hip Turn, Baseball and Break (Out/In Route) – DB pedals, opens and baseball turn
to drive a out route.

Coaching Points: The defensive back must learn when to break from a hips open
position and when to baseball turn.

General Rule:
1.) When a DB has his hips open (hips are facing middle of field), break back.

2.) When his hips are closed (hips are facing goal line), execute a baseball turn.
Deep Routes:
Drill: Cushion / Cushion and Turn

Purpose: To improve a defensive backs cushion awareness and ability to open hips
while covering a receiver.
C.P. Inside leverage for man coverage.

Outside leverage for man free and

WR zone coverage. DB must stay in

DB pedal throughout cushion phase.
(5-7 cushion) Receiver must run full speed until
he passes DB. When working
turn transition tighten cushion for
teaching purposes. Work drill
WR from sideline to near hash.
(3 yd cushion)

Drill: Backpedal 45

Purpose: To improve a defensive backs ability to backpedal and open to a right and left
angle on command.


Coaching Points: Start DB into backpedal by raising football. With football and
shoulders give a right or left directional turn. This turn tells DB to
open up and run at a 45-degree angle with eyes on coach. Change
direction 2-3 times.

Drill: Post Sideline

Purpose: To improve a defensive backs ability to recover from a route run opposite his


Speed turn
Coaching Points: Same as Backpedal 45 except when DB opens at 45-degree angle,
coach fakes throw opposite to get DB to turn his hips and eyes all the
way around. Do drill in both directions.
Drill: Phase ( In & Out )

Purpose: To teach technique of when to look back for the ball versus when to play a
receiver’s head and hand movement.

In Phase Out of Phase

When hip to hip When trailing receiver

Coaching Points: Stagger two DB’s with one yard of separation from front to back.
Each rep starts on lead DB’s movement. Do drill at ½ to ¾ speed.

In phase, press hip with inside hand and lean into receiver. When you
feel you have control and are hip to hip look for ball. Can achieve
phase position with bar arm or body position.

Out of phase, play receivers head turn and raise of hands for football.
Work to smack receiver’s far wrist if possible. Avoid contact with
body and near hand before ball arrives. While catching up to receiver
try to smack near wrist to break his stride.
Drill: Dominate Position

Purpose: To teach techniques that will allow a defensive back to gain the advantage on a

1.) Bar Arm – DB jams the receivers chest with his inside hand to slow
the speed of the receivers vertical movement.

2.) Body – DB places his body in front of the receiver and applies
pressure to the hip of receiver with his inside hand while
fading to the sideline.

3.) Break Stride – DB slaps at receivers wrist in order break his stride
and allow himself to gain ground when he is trailing a
Drill: Route Progression

Purpose: To improve recognition of route patterns.







Post Corner

Coaching Points: DB keys ball before he begins his initial backpedal. He imagines 3
step drop by QB. DB progresses through drill by breaking on
shorter to deeper routes. For example, all DB’s break on slant, then
out, then dig, etc. On any 3-step route DB looks at ball imagines drop
then snaps eyes to cone and breaks. On all other routes DB snap eyes
to imaginary receiver then once he has seen the cone he breaks. Must
feel distance for post and feel distance for speed turn for post corner.
Drill begins on ball movement or coach’s whistle.
Bump and Run Drills
Drill: Mirror

Purpose: To improve a defensive backs ability to maintain proper position on a receiver

by shuffling laterally.


Coaching Points: DB is head up or shaded depending on desired technique.

On coaches whistle WR begins to move right and left within the 5
yard cone area. The DB must shuffle laterally maintaining his shade.
DB should not touch heels together, maintain medium width base.
Drill should last 3-5 seconds.

Drill: Mirror Jam

Purpose: To improve a defensive backs ability to maintain proper position by shuffling

and jamming the receiver.


Coaching Points: DB is head up or shaded depending on desired technique.

On coaches whistle WR begins to move right and left within the 5
yard cone area. The DB must shuffle laterally mirroring the receiver.
On the second whistle, the receiver should release to his outside and
the DB should punch the receiver with his inside hand and cover him
down the field.

Drill: Shuffle Release

Purpose: To improve a defensive backs ability to maintain proper position on a receiver

by cutting the top of his route.

Coaching Points: DB’s line up 2 yards apart facing the coach. On the coaches command
he moves the DB’s laterally with a ball or his hands. On the second
command the DB to that side becomes the receiver by turning and
releasing down field. The opposite DB becomes the defender and
cuts the receivers route. Can do drill between yard lines.
Drill: Snake

Purpose: To improve lateral footwork, hip flexibility and hand placement when playing
bump and run technique.


Coaching Points: DB begins bump technique on receiver’s movement. After contact is

made receiver works DB in and out down the field. Receiver should
move in and out enough to allow DB to shuffle or move laterally and
alternate hands. Work drill 10-15 yards.

Drill: Dot Drill

Purpose: To teach the proper angle that a DB should have on the 3 basic releases
employed by a receiver when playing bump and run.

1 yd DB

15 yards

3 yards 3 yards

Coaching Points: DB aligns 1 yard from ball with outside eye on inside eye of
receiver. DB keys the receivers inside hip or number. On movement,
DB executes bump technique and punches or counter punches the
receiver. The aim point for the DB’s punch should be the inside or
outside number of the receiver depending on the release. When the
punch is executed the receiver stops and the DB runs over the dot to
the side of the receivers intended route. The drill is designed to work
the fade and skinny post. The third route is designated for a hard
outside release where the receiver comes back inside. The DB should
execute a speed turn.
Drill: Trail Technique

Purpose: To teach man underneath trail technique.




Rules: DB should trail 1 yard behind ( arms length ) with inside leverage.

1.) Key receivers hip initially to his eyes and hands, then play the ball.
2.) Honor all inside fakes. (step with inside move)
3.) Be patient on all outside fakes.(stutter and wait for crossover step)
4.) After 12-15 yards close hard for streak.
Coaching Points: Can teach drill from a funnel position, press position or from a
pre-aligned trail position. Run various routes after the basic three
fundamentals are taught. The key is to cut the receivers angle, and not
to trail in his hip pocket. (be between the receiver and the ball)

Ball Drills

Drill: Straight Ball

Purpose: To develop hand and eye coordination when catching a ball at full sprint.


Coaching Points: Throw ball at different heights and angles to provide a range of
movement. DB must maintain full speed and catch ball with hands.

Drill: Angle Cut

Purpose: To improve the ability to concentrate on a ball thrown in front of a defensive

back, while cutting to the right or left.


Coaching Points: Throw ball in front of DB so he has to extend his arms. DB must
maintain full speed out of break and catch ball with hands.

Drill: Tip

Purpose: To improve awareness and reaction to a tipped ball.

Coaching Points: DB’s align 5 yards apart. First DB tips ball in air and trailing DB
intercepts ball at highest point.

Drill: Backpedal Break

Purpose: To improve a defensive backs coordination with angle breaks and catching the


Use desired alignment


Coaching Points: DB’s may align with width or head up on coach depending on
preference. Use desired cushion and do drill to right and left. DB’s
must catch ball in hands at highest point. Breaks must be sharp

Drill: Route

Purpose: To improve ball skills in combination with route recognition.


Coaching Points: DB’s align at desired depth and start pedal on ball movement. On
QB’s first command DB stems or opens copying route. When QB
gives direction and begins throwing motion DB executes break to
complete route. When the ball is thrown the DB intercepts it at the
highest point. Drill can be alternated from right to left DB. Make sure
DB’s go in both directions.

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