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1. Hastie, Chen, and Kuo’s Work (2007)
Educational Technology & Society, 10 (4), 281-294.

Hastie, Chen, and Kuo’s Work (2007) who conducted a journal

entitled “Instructional Design for Best Practice in the Synchronous Cyber
Classroom” Several theories used in this study among others; a) Dick &
Care (2001) theory about instructional design. Dick & Care ( 2001) states
that instructional design is the process through which an educator
determines the best teaching methods for specific learners in a specific
context, attempting to obtain a specific goal, b) Topping (2005) theory
about the advantages of cooperative learning and peer tutoring facilitated
by ICT tools can increase students’ self-organizing opportunities and
improve cognitive gain, c) Marjanovic (1999) theory about Synchronous
learning methodology has been acknowledged as an important strategy for
collaborative learning, d) Chen, Ko, Kinshuk, & Lin (2005) theory about
the advantages of the synchronous cyber classroom are in the provision of
immediate feedback such that learners in the cyber classroom are able to
correct themselves immediately and thereby strengthen their learning. The
aims of the research are to investigate the correlation between the quality
of instructional design and learning outcomes for early childhood students
in the online synchronous cyber classroom. The synchronous process
enhances student motivation through the students’ obligation to be present
and to participate in the face-to-face cyber environment.
The research design of this research was the correlation. The
techniques of collecting data used were observation, interview, and
document analysis. Participants of this research were a group of students
aged 5 to 8 years collaborated with their teacher at Brisbane School of
Distance Education, Australia in a trial of online synchronous learning.
The technique of analyzing data used was the researchers analyzed on two
phases, namely (a) communication with isolated learners and (b) student
and teacher real‘ collaborative learning.
The result of this research shows that when the teacher adopted a
simplified and minimalist‘ approach to instructional design: the students
contributed significantly more information and demonstrated higher levels
of learning. The researchers regard this as real‘ collaborative learning. The
students‘ rate of response was faster and involved an integration of visual,
auditory and kinesthetic processes. Besides that, the researchers attribute
this to the unique and ideal learning environment that is created in the
synchronous cyber classroom.
Based on the result of research, it can be concluded that the trial
identified ‘best practice’ in the instructional design of synchronous lessons
delivered through the Collaborative Cyber Community (3C) learning
platform at the National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan. A guideline for
‘best practice’ in the instructional design of online synchronous cyber
lessons for early childhood students has been developed and discussed.

2. Hsu, Wu, and Hwang’s Work (2007)

Educational Technology & Society, 10 (4), 118-130.

Hsu, Wu, and Hwang’s Work (2007) who conducted a journal

entitled “Factors Influencing Junior High School Teachers’ Computer-
Based Instructional Practices Regarding Their Instructional Evolution
Stages”. Several theories used in this study among others; a) Sandholtz,
Ringstaff, & Dwyer (1996) theory about five stages in the “evolution” of a
teacher’s capacity for the computer based instruction entry, adoption,
adaptation, appropriation and invention which hereafter will be called the
teacher’s computer-based instructional evolution. b) Angeli & Valanides,
2005; Hsu, Cheng, & Chiou, (2003) about positive impacts computers
or/and Internet technology.
Teacher’s stage of computer-based instructional evolution with
factors, such as attitude toward computer-based instruction, belief in the
effectiveness of such instruction, degree of technological practice in the
classroom, the teacher’s number of years of teaching experience (or
“seniority”), and the teacher’s school’s ability to acquire technical and
personnel resources (i.e. computer support and maintenance resources).
The objective of this research is to investigate teachers‘ beliefs regarding,
attitudes toward and practices of computing technology in the classroom.
The research design of this research was a survey method. The
technique of collecting data used was (a) questionnaire which was divided
into (1) demographic background, (2) current stage of instructional
evolution with computing technology, and (3) perceptions and practices of
computer-based instruction. Techniques of analyzing data used was (a)
frequency analysis to show the distribution of teachers in different stages
of instructional evolution, and (b) MANOVA techniques to examine
correlations and interactions between two factors (teaching seniority and
the stage of computer-based instructional evolution) on five measures
(beliefs, high-level interactive practices, technical and personnel resources,
low-level interactive practices, and attitudes).
The result of this research shows that teacher‘s beliefs, attitudes
toward computers, and available school resources to be the factors that
most affected their computer-based teaching practices. The contribution of
each factor to teachers‘ computer-based instruction is different for
different stages of instructional evolution. Teachers‘ beliefs and available
resources are the major predictors of their high-interaction practices;
beliefs and attitudes contribute significantly to the prediction of low-
interaction practices.
Based on the result of research, it can be concluded that teachers’
belief is the best predictor of their computer-based instruction practices. A
useful focus of future research would be the issue of how to create the
learning environments in which teachers might best learn the necessary
computer-instruction skills and pedagogies, and might best develop more
positive beliefs and attitudes with regard to computer-based learning
3. Dick’s Work (2008)
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 2006 volume 34(1), 9-16

Dick’s Work (2008) who conducted a journal entitled “Instructional

designers at work: A study of how designers design”. Several theories
used in this study among others; a) Jonassen (2002) states about
Instructional design is a classic example of ill-structured problem-solving.
There is an infinite ber of possible solutions to that problem and despite
claims to the contrary, there is not a sufficient research base to support any
(ID) model in diverse settings. b) Ertrem & Cennamo, (1995); Moallem
(1998); Rowland, Parra, & Basnet (1994) states about alternative ways of
teaching instructional design that departed from prescriptive models. The
objectives of this research are to know constitutes good instructional
design and to describe how instructional designers create good design.
The research design of this research was qualitative
research/grounded theory and contextual inquiry. Technique of collecting
data used was interview with a group of eight professional instructional
designers responsible for helping university faculty members shift some of
their instruction to an online Learning Management System (WebCT
Vista, in this case) or other web-based environments. The technique of
analyzing data used (a) listening to the recordings, (b) reviewing the
researcher‘s note, and (c) analyzing and grouping interview results into
rough categories.
The results of this research show that (a) there is a rich variety
reflection encountered in the eight instructional designers and (b) at the
most general level, participants of this research trace the actions with
which they searched for ways to understand and communicate with their
subject matter experts (SMEs). The researcher interprets these actions as
interventions directed towards two types of goals: building relationships
through the use of social skills; and building sense through the use of
cognitive tools. Based on the result of research, it can be concluded that
instructional designers employ a set of social skills and cognitive tools that
enable them to act as a pedagogical “conscience” in the design process.
These skills in terms of “theory of mind” in the context of instructional

4. Jin and Boling’s Work (2010)

Journal of Visual Literacy, 2010 Volume 29, Number 2, 143-166

Jin and Boling’s Work (2010) who conducted a journal entitled

“Instructional Designer‘s Intentions and Learners‘ Perceptions Of the
Instructional Functions of Visuals in An E-Learning Context”. Visuals
used with instructional text offer several potential benefits for learning.
Several theories used in this study among others; a) Levin (1981) theory
about classifies five instructional functions of visuals: decoration,
representation, organization, interpretation, and transformation. Levie and
Lentz (1982) states about four instructional functions of visuals: the
attentive, affective, cognitive, and compensatory functions. Rieber (1994)
classifies instructional functions of visuals into the affective and cognitive
functions. b) Clark and Lyons (2004) argue about the functions of those
visuals there is a support critical psychological learning process: support
attention, activate or build prior knowledge, minimize cognitive load, build
mental models, support transfer of learning, and support motivation. The
objective of this research is to compare an instructional designer‘s
intentions with the learners‘ perceptions of the instructional functions of
visuals in one specific e-learning lesson.
The research design of this research was qualitative research. The
techniques of collecting data used were observation, interview, and
document analysis. The technique of analyzing data used was content
analysis. It consists of two phases: the first phase includes defining,
recording and contextualizing units, and sorting the units; the second phase
includes making inferences about the data relative to the context.
The results of this research show that (a) the designer and these
learners share only a diffuse understanding relevant to these visuals
perhaps due to the different quality of experience and the different mental
models, or conceptual models, that designer and learners held. In
particular, while learners may have had a practical notion of interest and
motivation with regard to learning, and a consequent ability to apply those
to their consideration of their own learning and the intentions of someone
who designs learning materials, they may have considerably less
experience with a concept like transfer of learning. This is not to say that
transfer of learning cannot be supported unless students know what it is
and perceive that visuals are trying to support it, but it is conceivable that
such a function for visuals might be enhanced if learners did have this
conscious perception, and (b) if nothing in the visual or its presentation
determines a learners‘ interpretation of its function, then that interpretation
will rest entirely with the learner and be subject to variations in the factors
affecting the learners‘ interpretation. Based on the result of research, it can
be concluded that visuals can be beneficial in learning materials, and the
learners can infer intentions they attribute to designers when asked to do

5. Yaratan and Kural’s Work (2010)

The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – April 2010,
volume 9 Issue 2
Yaratan and Kural’s Work (2010) who conducted a journal entitled
“Middle School English Language Teachers’ Perceptions of Instructional
Technology Implementation In North Cyprus”. Several theories used in
this study among others; a) Abelle (1973) theory about definitions of
instructional technology. He states that “Instructional technology may be
viewed as the whole range of communications media available to
supplement the traditional approach to the teaching-learning process”.
Instructional technology (IT) was also defined by Seels and Richey (1994)
as “the theory and practice of the design, development, utilization,
management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning”. b)
Ferdig (2005) suggested some issues be considered for good
implementation of technology in education from a social constructivist
perspective. First, he asserted that the innovation provided by technology
should be authentic, interesting and challenging for the learners to be
engaged in the subject matter. Second, he recommended that the
innovation should give learners a sense of control. Moreover, technology
should lead learners to create artifacts since producing real solutions
makes learners more aware of practical concepts of what they have
learned. Lastly, technologies implemented in education should provide an
opportunity for publication, reflection, and feedback. It is essential for
learners to produce work on their new information, reflect on their
learning and get feedback from others. c) According to İşman (2002),
technology contributes to education by fostering faster distribution of
information, providing individual learning situations, promoting
permanent learning, representing a ground for project works and giving an
opportunity for global education.
This research investigated the current state of instructional
technology utilization in English Language classes at middle schools in
North Cyprus. This study intended to reveal teacher‘s perceptions of the
contribution of technology to English classes. The research design of this
research was qualitative study. The population was 253 English Language
teachers serving in 30 middle schools in North Cyprus. Twenty-one
schools were randomly selected from the total of 30 by using random
cluster sampling method. The selection was conducted by writing the
names of the schools on different pieces of papers, putting them in a
container and then drawing lots. Techniques for collecting data used were
observation and questionnaire. Techniques of analyzing data used were the
reliability analyses.
The result of this research shows that teachers are generally positive
about technology use in English Language classes instructional technology
implementation is below the desired rates due to some restrictions mainly
lack the technological means and lack of time. Those teachers that use
technology frequently assert that the traditional technologies mostly
provide good control over English Language teaching and improve
vocabulary development and that the modern technologies provide the
interactive environment and improve English skills, while both types of
technology increase the motivation of the students.
Based on the result of research, it can be concluded that the teachers
that use technology frequently assert that the traditional technologies
mostly provide good control over English Language teaching and improve
vocabulary development and that the modern technologies provide the
interactive environment and improve English skills, while both types of
technology increase the motivation of the students.

6. Dinçer Biçer2 and Ömür Akdemir’s Work (2012)

International Journal of Human Sciences, volume: 12 Issue: 1 Year: 2015

Dinçer Biçer2 and Ömür Akdemir’s Work (2012) who conducted a

journal entitled “Effective instructional design for web-based English
vocabulary learning: Under the light of theories”. There has been exciting
and serious progress in the field of computers for teaching English.
Identification of the most effective methods is essential to make teaching
and learning more efficient. Web-based Language Learning is becoming a
main component of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL).
Several theories used in this study among others; a) As Hamatr (2008)
states, the use of the internet and computer networks for the purpose of
learning and teaching foreign languages has become more widespread
since the improvement in computer networks at the beginning of the
1990s. Web-based Language Learning is becoming a main component of
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL). b) Karal and Berigel
(2007) states about point out that the advances in the web-based foreign
language learning are exciting and they are in a process of considerable
improvement. The information to be used in the web-based learning
environment is present in the internet. c. Wood (2001) states about the
components of web-based language learning as follows: 1. Animations, 2.
Audible components, 3. Hints for the meaning of vocabulary, 4.
Presentation of the given information in various formats and 5. Online
definitions, dictionaries, and word lists. The purpose of this study is to
investigate the effects of using multiple content forms in web-based
instruction on students’ English vocabulary learning.
The study was conducted at the Compulsory Preparatory Program of
a state university located in the Black Sea region of Turkey with 106
students. The research design of this research was semi-experimental
research, especially the factorial research design. Thus, the effect of using
multiple content forms in web-based instruction on students’ English
vocabulary learning was analyzed. Techniques of collecting data used was
an online multiple choice vocabulary test. The vocabulary level of students
was measured with a web-based multiple choice English vocabulary
achievement test. The measure of internal consistency of the English
vocabulary achievement test was 0.966. The techniques of analyzing data
analyzed using the ITEMAN (An Item Analysis Program for Test)
The findings of this study indicate that in vocabulary teaching,
providing definitions in an audio format in English is more effective in
teaching English vocabulary than providing the same definitions in an
audio format in English accompanied with pictures. Mobile devices which
eliminate the time and distance limitations can be used in further studies
with developmental applications to investigate the effects on students’
English vocabulary learning. Based on the research findings, it can be
concluded that Using the target language or the native language for
vocabulary definitions have identical effects on students’ vocabulary
learning in the web-based vocabulary learning environment

7. Isman, et al’s Work (2012)

The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology – January 2012,
volume 11 Issue 1

Isman, et al’s Work (2012) who conducted a journal entitled

“Effectiveness Of Instructional Design Model (Isman - 2011) In
Developing The Planning Teaching Skills Of Teachers College Students'
At King Saud University”. Several theories used in this study among
others; a) Dick & Carey (2001) ; Ross &Kemp (2004); Smith & Ragan
(1993) and Posner& Rudnitsky (2001) stated about the term instruction
design can be defined as the systematic method for analyzing, designing,
developing, evaluating and managing the instructional process efficiently
on the knowledge and experience of learning and instructional theories. b)
Arthur Markman (1999) stated about mental models are one way that
humans represent knowledge. c) Markman (1999) stated about definition
of instructional design. Instructional Design is defined as "a conceptual
model for developing instruction and typically includes analysis, design,
development, implementation, and evaluation. (i.e., ADDIE model). Isman
(2011) presented new instructional design model in his paper entitled
“instructional design in education: new model”. The major goal of this
model is to point up how to plan, develop, implement, evaluate, and
organize full learning activities effectively so that it will ensure competent
performance by students. Isman model is based on instructional system
theory. It occurs in the five stages. These are input, process, output,
feedback and learning (Isman, 2011. p 142)
The aims of this research is to examine the effectiveness of the
instructional design model (Isman-2011) in developing the students
teaching skills (Planning Teaching Domain) by redesign “General teaching
methods course- our 233”, which taught to the sixth level students at
teachers’ college, King Saud University. The type of this research is quasi-
experimental study. The technique of collecting data is observation. The
technique of data analysis is using sampling. The sample of the study
consisted of 80 students that enrolled in the second semester 2010/2011,
they were divided into two groups of 40 students each, (an experimental
group and a control group).
The result of this research shows that there are significant
differences between the pretest and the posttest in favor of the posttest,
Also this finding indicates that the model contributes to developing the
planning teaching skills in indicators over standards. Then the results of
statistical treatment indicated that there are significant differences between
means of pre-post treatment in the experimental group in favor of posttest.
As students thought, these results indicated that using (Isman - 2011)
model helped them to improve their planning teaching skills. In general,
the result indicated that (Isman - 2011) instructional design model which
had significantly increased the students’ competencies in planning lessons
and their learning.
Based on the research findings, it can be concluded that Isman
(2011) model for instructional design hasn’t measured its validity in
teaching class, but the findings of this study are the logic result. Because
this model based on the theoretical foundation of behaviorism,
cognitivism, and constructivism, and using materials which related with
goals and objectives and flows scientific consequence process from
identifying needs, contents, goals-objectives, teaching methods,
instructional media through assessment and feedback to exist the long-
term learning.

8. Altun and Banykduman’s Work (2007)

Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice 7 (1) • January 2007 • 30-39
Altun and Banyukduman’s Work (2007) who conducted a journal
entitled “Teacher and Student Beliefs on Constructivist Instructional
Design: A Case Study”. This research using constructivist learning theory
is based on Piaget`s developmental learning theory and Vygotsky`s socio-
cultural learning theory. To design an instruction from a constructivist
approach requires that the designer produces a product that is much more
facilitative in nature than prescriptive. Several theories used in this study
among others; a) Brown (1996) stated about the functions of constructivist
instructional environment helps students gain the habit of working
collaboratively and makes it easier to concentrate on the subject area. b)
Demirel et al. (Cited by Erdem, 2001), stated that the constructivist
instructional environment is an instructional environment in which
students enjoy group work, gain responsibility, share ideas, do exercises
on the subject and participate in the class actively. The aims of this
research is to evaluate the effects of a constructivist approach instructional
design on a group of students and their teacher.
The research design of this research was quantitative study. The
research was conducted at Istanbul Technical University, School of
Foreign Language, English Preparatory Program. The instructional design
based on the constructivist learning principles that are developed by the
teachers together with the class teacher was applied to the sample group.
The subjects of this research comprised of 26 students and their teacher at
ITU School of Foreign Language, English Preparatory Program. The data
were gathered using quantitative data collection techniques, analyzed and
interpreted. Method of collecting data of this research by using the teacher
was requested to cover some materials on constructivist instructional
design. At the second session, the teacher asked some questions related to
materials to clarify how she should apply it. At the last session, the
researchers and the teacher went over the principles of constructivist
instructional design, asking and answering questions. To analyze the data,
the writer using seminars, each lasting about an hour.
The result of this research is constructivist instructional design has a
positive effect both on the students and the teacher. On the other hand,
because most schools in Turkey have an exam-oriented system, the
constructivist instructional design does not appeal to some students. Based
on the result of research, it can be concluded that Based on the research
findings, it can be concluded that if the problem that the system being
exam-oriented is solved, it can be said that constructivist design could be
implemented more effectively.

9. Xingbin Tian and Suksan Suppasetseree’s Work (2013)

English Language Teaching; Vol. 6, No. 3; 2013

Xingbin Tian & Suksan Suppasetseree’s Work (2013) who

conducted a journal entitled “Development of an Instructional Model for
Online Task-Based Interactive Listening for EFL Learners”. Several
theories used in this study among others; a) MOE (2007) stated about
College English Curriculum Requirements (CECR) which is the new
English curriculum for Chinese non-English major undergraduate students
was issued by Ministry of Education of China (MOE), aiming to
emphasize “developing students’ ability to use English in an all-round
way, especially in listening and speaking”. b) Dick, Carey & Carey (2005)
theory about the role of instructional design plays an important in
language teaching due to the fact that instruction is “a systematic process
in which every component (i.e., teacher, learners, materials, and learning
environment) is crucial to successful learning”.c) about the kind Since
1940s, a good number of instructional design models have emerged to
meet different teaching purposes. However, the present study just
reviewed four relevant models, including ADDIE Model, Dick and Carey
Model, Kemp Model and SREO Model. none of them is suitable to be an
online listening teaching model, nor able to deliver listening courses via
the Internet or Intranet. Thus, the present study aims at developing an
instructional model for online task-based interactive listening (OTIL
Model) for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners and
investigating the effects of using OTIL.
The research design of this research was quantitative study. The
research was conducted at Tongren University, China (TU). The subjects
of this research were second-year non-English major undergraduate
students of Tongren University, China (TU). Method of collecting data of
this research by using of several methods; the first, researcher constructed
the OTIL Model by analyzing and synthesizing four effective and
manageable instructional design models. Subsequently, three experts in the
field of instructional systems design and English language teaching
evaluated the OTIL Model. Next, two non-English major intact classes at
Tongren University, China (TU), were employed in the experiment by
using OTIL designed based on the developed OTIL Model. Additionally,
the results of the two classes were compared by pre- and post-tests,
revealing a significant difference in the post-test score between the
experimental and control classes (P=0.000, P≤0.05). To analyze the data,
the writer using SPSS was used to conduct descriptive and statistical
The result of this research showed that the OTIL Model was suitable
to teach English listening online with the task-based approach,
emphasizing interaction, activity, and flexibility. The OTIL Model brings
broad changes to the traditional way of teaching listening skills in English
and the relationships between teachers and students. Students could learn
English listening anytime and anywhere through OTIL. For pedagogical
implication, the development of the OTIL Model might offer practical
solutions for the development of English teaching and improve students’
listening ability in China. Based on the result of research, it can be
concluded that the development of the OTIL Model might offer practical
solutions for the development of English teaching and improve students’
listening ability in China.
10. Aytekin İşman et al’s Work (2003)
International Journal of Computational Intelligence v1 n1 2003

Aytekin İşman et al’s Work (2003) who conducted a journal entitled

“Effects of Instructional Design on Learning”. Instruction is a part of
education because all instruction consists of experiences leading to
learning. As a teacher, educators should choose instructional strategies,
because instruction means plans, design and open, flexible alternative
based teaching-learning process on the basis of type and level of student
performance expressed in your instructional objectives, subject matter
area, student strengths and preferences, information derived from learning
theory and research, insights from teacher experience, limitations of time
and resources, talents and preferences. Several theories used in this study
among others; a) Hackbarth (1996) theory about applying of instructional
design. b) İşman (2002) stated about the theory about the role of the
teacher in instructional design. Thus, the present study aims at usage of
instructional design and effects of instructional design on learning in
The design of this research was quantitative study, especially
experimental research. The research was conducted at Canakkale
Secondary Schools in Famagusta. The subjects of the teachers in
Canakkale Secondary Schools in Famagusta. Method of collecting data of
this research by using questionnaires, interviews were implemented to
sample from the population and results reflect the approximate reflections
of the effectiveness of instructional design on learning. To analyze the
data, the writer using t-test.
The result of this research showed that statistical implementation, the
significance values represent lower than 0.05. Therefore, there is a
meaningful difference between control and experiment groups. This
indicates that research results prove that instructional design effects on
learning. All these reflections provide to examine different classes indicate
that using technological tools or contemporary teaching strategies enhance
the success of students by constructing meaningful learning. Based on the
research findings, it can be concluded that all teachers have a big role to
integrate new developments in the educational cycle for increasing the
learning of students and their productivity at teaching process with
applying the instructional design.



 Review of proposal thesis

The writer who conducted a thesis entitled “The Instructional
Design for the Teaching of Writing Skill at the Tenth Grade of MAN 1
Surakarta in 2017/2018 Academic Year”. The writer uses some of the
theory relating the research topic, among others; a) Nunan (2003) theory
of writing skill, b) Richards and Rodgers (2003) theory about nation of
instructional design, c) Richards and Rodgers (2001) theory about the
instructional design components, d) Dick et al. (2001) theory about the
instructional design components. The study is aimed at observing the
instructional design on teaching writing skill the at eight grade of SMP
Negeri 2 Colomadu in 2013/1014 academic year. The objective of the
study is to describe the instructional design in teaching learning process
of writing skill at SMP Negeri 2 Colomadu. In this research, there is nine
components of instructional design in teaching writing skill that the
writer analyzes, namely: (1) Learning Objective. (2) The Syllabus. (3)
The Instructional Material. (4) The Classroom Procedure. (5) Technique
in Teaching Writing. (6) Teacher’s Role. (7) Learner’s Role. (8)
Evaluation Model and (9) Teaching Media. The type of the study is
descriptive qualitative. In this research, the data are taken from event and
informant. There are three techniques for collecting data, namely:
observation, interview, and document. The techniques of analyzing data
are the reduction of data, display the data, and verification or drawing

1. Hastie, Chen, and Kuo’s Work (2007)

Title: Instructional Design for Best Practice in the Synchronous Cyber
Hastie, Chen, and Kuo’s work and the current research have
similarities of research. First, Hastie, Chen, and Kuo’s research discuss the
instructional design. In the current research, the writer also does the
research about instructional design. Instructional design is learning process
designed by teachers in order to help them in teaching at the classroom
based on the available resources and focuses on what the instruction
should be like, including look, feel, organization and functionality.
Second, the techniques of collecting data of Hastie at al’s research and the
current research are same used were observation, interview, and document
The topic of research in this journal discusses the instructional
design for best practice in the synchronous cyber classroom. The research
focused on the synchronous cyber classroom, whereas the topic of the
current research is discussed the instructional design for the teaching of
writing skill at MAN 1 Surakarta. In the current research focused on the
instructional design used by the teacher in teaching learning process of
writing skill. The aims of the research are to investigate the correlation
between the quality of instructional design and learning outcomes for early
childhood students in the online synchronous cyber classroom, whereas
the aims of the current research are to describe of the instructional design
used by the teacher in the teaching of writing skill at MAN 1 Surakarta.
The research design of the research was the correlation, whereas the
research design of the current research is descriptive qualitative.
Participants of this research were a group of students aged 5 to 8 years
collaborated with their teacher at Brisbane School of Distance Education,
Australia in a trial of online synchronous learning, whereas the current
research is two English teacher and tenth-grade students. The technique of
analyzing data used of the research is analyzed on two phases, namely (a)
communication with isolated learners and (b) student and teacher real‘
collaborative learning, whereas in the current research using the qualitative
descriptive method. The steps of analyzing qualitative data consist of 1)
data reduction, 2) data display, and 3) conclusion.

2. Hsu, Wu, and Hwang’s Work (2007)

Title:Factors Influencing Junior High School Teachers’ Computer-Based
Instructional Practices Regarding Their Instructional Evolution
Hsu, Wu, and Hwang’s work and the current research have the
similarities of research. Both of the research discuss the instruction.
Instruction is a part of education because all instruction consists of
experiences leading to learning. There are diagnose, design, procure,
refining the instructional development model
The topic of research in this journal discuss factors influencing
junior high school teachers‘ computer-based instructional practices
regarding their instructional evolution stages. This research focused on
computer-based instructional, whereas the topic of the current research
discusses the instructional design for the teaching of writing skill at MAN
1 Surakarta. In the current research focused on the instructional design
used by the teacher in teaching learning process of writing skill. The
objective of this research is to investigate teachers‘ beliefs regarding,
attitudes toward and practices of computing technology in the classroom,
whereas the objective of the current research is to describe of the
instructional design used by the teacher in the teaching of writing skill.
The research design of this research was a survey method, whereas
the research design of the current research is descriptive qualitative.
Technique of collecting data used of this research were (a) questionnaire
which was divided into (1) demographic background, (2) current stage of
instructional evolution with computing technology, and (3) perceptions
and practices of computer-based instruction, whereas techniques of
collecting data used in the current research were observation, interview,
and document analysis. Techniques of analyzing data used was (a)
frequency analysis to show the distribution of teachers in different stages
of instructional evolution, and (b) MANOVA techniques to examine
correlations and interactions between two factors (teaching seniority and
the stage of computer-based instructional evolution) on five measures
(beliefs, high-level interactive practices, technical and personnel resources,
low-level interactive practices, and attitudes), whereas in the current
research using qualitative descriptive method. The steps of analyzing
qualitative data consist of 1) data reduction, 2) data display, and 3)

3. Dick’s Work (2008)

Title: Instructional designers at work: A study of how designers design
Dick’s work and the current research have similarities of research.
First, discuss the instructional design. Instructional design is learning
process designed by teachers in order to help them in teaching at the
classroom based on the available resources and focuses on what the
instruction should be like, including look, feel organization and
functionality. Second, the design of both research was qualitative
research/grounded theory and contextual inquiry.
The topic of this research is instructional designers at work. This
research focused on the instructional designer, whereas the topic of the
current research discusses the instructional design for the teaching of
writing skill at MAN 1 Surakarta. In the current research focused on the
instructional design used by the teacher in teaching learning process of
writing skill. The objectives of this research are to know constitutes good
instructional design and to describe how instructional designers create
good design, whereas the objective of the current research is to describe of
the instructional design used by the teacher in the teaching of writing skill
at MAN 1 Surakarta.
Technique of collecting data used was interview with a group of
eight professional instructional designers responsible for helping
university faculty members shift some of their instruction to an online
Learning Management System (WebCT Vista, in this case) or other web-
based environments, whereas techniques of collecting data used in the
current research were observation, interview, and document analysis. The
technique of analyzing data used (a) listening to the recordings, (b)
reviewing the researcher‘s note, and (c) analyzing and grouping interview
results into rough categories, whereas in the current research using the
qualitative descriptive method. The steps of analyzing qualitative data
consist of 1) data reduction, 2) data display, and 3) conclusion.

4. Jin and Boling’s Work (2010)

Title:Instructional Designer‘s Intentions and Learners‘ Perceptions Of the
Instructional Functions of Visuals in An E-Learning Context

Jin and Boling’s work and the current research have the similarities
of research. First, both of the research discuss the instructional design.
Instructional design is learning process designed by teachers in order to
help them in teaching at the classroom based on the available resources
and focuses on what the instruction should be like, including look, feel,
organization and functionality. Second, research design both of the
research were qualitative. Third, the techniques of collecting data both of
the research using observation, interview, and document analysis.
The topic of this research talks about instructional designer‘s
intentions and learners‘ perceptions of the instructional functions of
visuals in an e-learning context, whereas the topic of the current research
is discussed about instructional design for the teaching of writing skill at
MAN 1 Surakarta. The objective of this research is to compare an
instructional designer‘s intentions with the learners‘ perceptions of the
instructional functions of visuals in one specific e-learning lesson. An
instructional designer created each visual with more than two purposes
related to the psychological, cognitive, and affective aspects of learning,
whereas the objective of the current research is to describe of the
instructional design used by the teacher in the teaching of writing skill at
MAN 1 Surakarta.
The technique of analyzing data used was content analysis. It
consists of two phases: the first phase includes defining, recording and
contextualizing units, and sorting the units; the second phase includes
making inferences about the data relative to the context, whereas in the
current research using the qualitative descriptive method. The steps of
analyzing qualitative data consist of 1) data reduction, 2) data display, and
3) conclusion.

5. Yaratan and Kural’s Work (2010)

Title: Middle School English Language Teachers’ Perceptions of
Instructional Technology Implementation In North Cyprus

Yaratan and Kural’s work and the current research have the
similarities of research. First, both of the research discuss the instructional
design. Instructional design is learning process designed by teachers in
order to help them in teaching at the classroom based on the available
resources and focuses on what the instruction should be like, including
look, feel, organization and functionality. Second, the research design both
of the research was qualitative design.
Topic of this research talks about middle school English language
teachers‘ perceptions of instructional technology implementation in North
Cyprus. This research focused on instructional technology to English
classes, whereas the topic of the current research discusses the
instructional design for the teaching of writing skill at MAN 1 Surakarta.
In the current research focused on the instructional design used by the
teacher in teaching learning process of writing skill. This research
investigated the current state of instructional technology utilization in
English Language classes at middle schools in North Cyprus. This study
intended to reveal teacher‘s perceptions of the contribution of technology
to English classes, whereas the current research is to describe of the
instructional design used by the teacher in the teaching of writing skill at
MAN 1 Surakarta.
The population was 253 English Language teachers serving in 30
middle schools in North Cyprus. Twenty-one schools were randomly
selected from the total of 30 by using random cluster sampling method.
The selection was conducted by writing the names of the schools on
different pieces of papers, putting them in a container and then drawing
lots, whereas the current research is tenth-grade students. Techniques of
collecting data used were observation and questionnaire, whereas
techniques of collecting data of the current research were observation,
interview, and document analysis. Techniques of analyzing data used were
the reliability analyses, whereas in the current research using the
qualitative descriptive method. The steps of analyzing qualitative data
consist of 1) data reduction, 2) data display, and 3) conclusion.

6. Dinçer Biçer2 and Ömür Akdemir’s Work (2015)

Title: Effective instructional design for web-based English vocabulary
learning: Under the light of theories
Dinçer Biçer and Ömür Akdemir’s work and the current research
have the similarities of research. Both of the research discuss the
instructional design. Instructional design is learning process designed by
teachers in order to help them in teaching at the classroom based on the
available resources and focuses on what the instruction should be like,
including look, feel, organization and functionality.
The topic of this research discusses effective instructional design for
web-based English vocabulary learning: Under the light of theories. This
research focused on the effectiveness of an instructional design for web-
based English vocabulary learning, whereas the current research discusses
the instructional design for the teaching of writing skill at MAN 1
Surakarta. In the current research focused on the instructional design used
by the teacher in teaching learning process of writing skill. The aims of the
research are to investigate the effects of using multiple content forms in
web-based instruction on students’ English vocabulary learning, whereas
the aims of the current research are to describe of the instructional design
used by the teacher in the teaching of writing skill at MAN 1 Surakarta.
The population 106 students of Compulsory Preparatory Program of
a state university, whereas the current research is tenth-grade students. The
research design of this research was semi-experimental research designs,
especially the factorial research design, whereas the research design of
especially is descriptive qualitative. Techniques of collecting data used an
online multiple-choice vocabulary test, whereas techniques of collecting
data of the current research were observation, interview, and document
analysis. Techniques of data analysis are the ITEMAN (An Item Analysis
Program for Test) software, whereas in the current research using the
qualitative descriptive method. The steps of analyzing qualitative data
consist of 1) data reduction, 2) data display, and 3) conclusion.

7. Aytekin Isman, Fahad AbdulAziz abanmy, Hisham Barakat Hussein,

Mohammed Abdurrahman Al Saadany’s Work (2012)
Title: Effectiveness Of Instructional Design Model (Isman - 2011) In
Developing The Planning Teaching Skills Of Teachers College
Students' At King Saud University
Isman, et al’s work and the current research have the similarities of
research. Both of the research discuss the instructional design.
Instructional design is learning process designed by teachers in order to
help them in teaching at the classroom based on the available resources
and focuses on what the instruction should be like, including look, feel,
organization and functionality.
The topic of this research discusses the effectiveness of instructional
design model (Isman-2011) in developing the planning teaching skills of
the teacher's college students’ at King University. This research focused
on the effectiveness of the instructional design, whereas the current
research discusses the instructional design for the teaching of writing skill
at MAN 1 Surakarta. In the current research focused on the instructional
design used by the teacher in teaching learning process of writing skill.
The aims of this research is to examines the effectiveness of the
instructional design model (Isman-2011) in developing the planning
teaching skills (Planning Teaching Domain) by redesign “General teaching
methods course”, whereas the aims of the current research is to describe of
the instructional design used by teacher in teaching of writing skill at
MAN 1 Surakarta.
The population was the sixth level students at teachers’ college, King
Saud Univesity, whereas the current research is seventh-grade students.
The research design of this research was quasi-experimental study,
whereas the research design of the current research is descriptive
qualitative. Techniques of collecting data used were observation, whereas
techniques of collecting data of the current research were observation,
interview, and document analysis. Techniques of data analysis of the
research using sampling, whereas in the current research using the
qualitative descriptive method. The steps of analyzing qualitative data
consist of 1) data reduction, 2) data display, and 3) conclusion.

8. Sertel Altun, F. Lke Buyukduman’s Work (2007)

Title: Teacher and Student Beliefs on Constructivist Instructional Design:
A Case Study
Sertel Altun, F. Lke Buyukduman’s work and the current research
have the similarities of research. First, both of the research discuss the
instructional design. Instructional design is learning process designed by
teachers in order to help them in teaching at the classroom based on the
available resources and focus on what the instruction should be like,
including look, feel, organization and functionality. Second, the design
both of research were qualitative design.
The topic of this research discusses teacher and student beliefs on
constructivist instructional design. The research focused on students
beliefs, whereas the topic of the current research is about instructional
design for the teaching of writing skill at MAN 1 Surakarta. In the current
research focused on the instructional design used by the teacher in
teaching learning process of writing skill. The aims of the research are to
evaluate the effects of constructivist approach instructional design on a
group of students and their teacher, whereas the current research is to
describe of the instructional design used by the teacher in the teaching of
writing skill at MAN 1 Surakarta.
The population was 26 students and their teacher at ITU School of
Foreign Language, English Preparatory Program, whereas the current
research is seventh-grade students. Techniques of collecting data used
were quantitative data collection techniques, analyzed and interpreted,
whereas techniques of collecting data used in the current research were
observation, interview, and document analysis. Techniques of data
analysis are using seminars, each lasting about an hour, whereas in the
current research using the qualitative descriptive method. The steps of
analyzing qualitative data consist of 1) data reduction, 2) data display, and
3) conclusion.

9. Xingbin Tian & Suksan Suppasetseree Work (2013)

Title: Development of an Instructional Model for Online Task-Based
Interactive Listening for EFL Learners
Xingbin Tian & Suksan Suppasetseree‘s work and the current
research have the similarities of research. Both of the research discuss the
instructional design. Instructional design is learning process designed by
teachers in order to help them in teaching at the classroom based on the
available resources and focuses on what the instruction should be like,
including look, feel, organization and functionality.
The topic of this research discusses development of an instructional
model for online task-based interactive listening for EFL learners. This
research focuses on the development of the instructional model, whereas
the topic of the current research discusses the instructional design for the
teaching of writing skill at MAN 1 Surakarta. In the current research
focused on the instructional design used by the teacher in teaching
learning process of writing skill. The aims of the research is developing an
instructional model for online task-based interactive listening (OTIL
Model) for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners and
investigating the effects of using OTIL, whereas the aims of the current
research is to describe of the instructional design used by teacher in
teaching of writing skill at MAN 1 Surakarta.
The population were 2 universities of Thailand, and all of them had
Ph.D. degree, among them was a senior professor, whereas the current
research is seventh-grade students. The research design of this research
was quantitative study, whereas the research design of the current research
is descriptive qualitative. Techniques of collecting data used pre-test and
post-test, whereas techniques of collecting data of the current research
were observation, interview, and document analysis. Techniques of data
analysis of this research are SPSS, was used to conduct descriptive and
statistical analysis, whereas in the current research using the qualitative
descriptive method. The steps of analyzing qualitative data consist of 1)
data reduction, 2) data display, and 3) conclusion.

10. Aytekin İşman, Fahme Dabaj, Zehra Altinay, Fahriye Altinay’s Work
Title: Effects of Instructional Design on Learning
Aytekin İşman, Fahme Dabaj, Zehra Altinay, Fahriye Altinay’s work
and the current research have the similarities of research. First, both of the
research discuss the instructional design. Instructional design is learning
process designed by teachers in order to help them in teaching at the
classroom based on the available resources and focuses on what the
instruction should be like, including look, feel, organization and
functionality. The second, Techniques of collecting data both of the
research were observation, interview, and document analysis.
The topic of this research talks about effects of instructional design
on learning. The research focused on the general of learning. whereas the
topic of the current research discusses the instructional design for the
teaching of writing skill at MAN 1 Surakarta. In the current research
focused on the instructional design used by the teacher in teaching
learning process of writing skill. The objective of this research is to know
the usage of instructional design and effects of instructional design on
learning in schools, whereas the aims of the current research are to
describe of the instructional design used by the teacher in the teaching of
writing skill at MAN 1 Surakarta.
The research design of this research was quantitative design
especially the experimental research, whereas the research design of the
current research is qualitative design. The technique of analyzing data
used the t-test, whereas in the current research using the qualitative
descriptive method. The steps of analyzing qualitative data consist of 1)
data reduction, 2) data display, and 3) conclusion.

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