Dhany Harli

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The Influence of Hip-Hop Culture on the Communication Skills for junior high school



1.1 Background of Study

One of the most important developments in American youth culture during the last 20

years has been rap music and hip-hop culture (Adjaye, 1997). This phenomenon has reached

today’s students, particularly those who are members of a community of oppressed people

(Adjaye, 1997). In these communities, hip-hop music is the instrument with which the

residents speak of their common social, political, and economic challenges (Adjaye, 1997).

Hip-hop culture is a highly accessible, quickly incorporative cultural form that presents

information through various forms of media (Rose, 1994). Because of its widespread

popularity, hip-hop culture has had a significant impact upon the language that is used by

today’s students(Rose,1994).
Statement of the Problem

Hip-hop culture has become one of the dominant cultures of today’s high school

students (Edwards, 2000). The presence of hip-hop is seen in the students’clothing and

also heard in their language. Because students are heavily influenced by this culture, it is

now necessary for educators to fully understand hip-hop. Those who do understand the

culture, have found effective ways to integrate hip-hop into education and are better able

to relate to their students. The use of hip-hop language is a major part of the culture.

Inner-city students use the vernacular of hip-hop almost every time they speak because

of the popularity that this language has in their community (Dyson, 1993). Students also

use this vernacular in written work on a regular basis. A full understanding of hip-hop

and its influence on communication can provide a valuable tool for better ways to

educate today’s students.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of hip-hop culture on

the communication skills of high school students. The study assessed the effect of hip-

hop culture on the communication skills of students at high schools . This study also

determined the degree to which hip-hop culture has an effect upon the language that is

used by high school students. The essential elements of hip-hop language were

analyzed to determine their effect on students’ language and communication as a

Research Questions

The study addressed the following questions:

How does hip-hop culture influence the communication skills of students as
perceived by teachers at selected high schools in Houston, Texas?

1. Can the influence of hip-hop culture on communication be used as an

educational tool for students as perceived by teachers at selected high schools

in Houston, Texas?


1. The study was limited to selected high schools in Houston, Texas.

2. This study was limited to the information acquired from the literature review

and survey instruments.

3. Findings may be generalized only to selected high schools in Houston, Texas.

Significance of the Study

The way that hip-hop is used to communicate is a topic that has significant

relevance in regards to communication and education (Adjaye, 1997). Judging from the

amount of hip-hop words that have entered the mainstream, hip-hop’sefectupon

language is clearly very powerful (Kochman, 1972). The language of hip-hop has spread

to all media forms and is now popular on almost every continent. The power of this

language gives those who invent and maintain it a high degree of commercial status.

Some major hip-hop artists are now estimated at net worth values of over $300 million
dolars.Thislanguagehasproducedurban“poets”thatrepresenttheworld’sgeneration of

young adults. Hip-hop culture was not expected to last very long, yet it continues to

thrive after over 20 years of existence (Adjaye, 1997). Hip-hop is well on its way to

becoming the undisputed dominant musical culture of the new millennium. This status

will further increase the effect that hip-hop culture has upon students and the way that

they communicate on a daily basis.

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