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Creating a Web App for Creating and Displaying Posts.

Instructions: (3 pts each).

1. Create a table named ‘blogposts’ with 5 fields in your database
2. The following are the fields and the attributes:
a. id INT 32 primary key/auto increment
b. title VARCHAR 255
c. body VARCHAR 255
d. username VARCHAR 255
e. date_created TIMESTAMP default: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
3. In your views folder, create a new folder named ‘blogposts’ and inside that
folder create a file named ‘posts.php’ .
4. In your posts.php file, create some html code with a form that will display
the following(you can put design if you want):
a. 1 textbox for title
b. 1 textarea for body
c. 1 textbox for username
d. 1 button for submitting the form.
5. Inside you models folder, create a new file named ‘Posts_model.php’ and
inside that file create a model and the necessary functions to insert and get
data to and from the database.
6. Update autoload.php to load the model automatically.
7. In your Controllers folder, create a file named ‘Posts.php’ and inside that
file create a controller and the necessary functions to manage the view file
and control the model.
8. Edit the action attribute of the form in your posts.php file.
9. Edit your view file ‘posts.php’ display all the posts from the database. You
will only display the title, body, username and the date created (design is of
your choice).
10.The application should be able to create and display posts.

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