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Learning  Area:     Physical  Education         Topic:   Warm-­‐up  Cricket  Exercise  

Students’  prior  knowledge  and  experience:  

Students  must  have  basic  fundamental  movement  skills  involving  throwing  and  catching  
Preparation  and  Resources:  
• 8  Tennis  Balls  
• 5  Cones  

Timing:   Learning  Experiences:  
1. Introduction:    
Call all students into a group and keep them standing. Introduce the 2 warm-up games you
will be teaching the students briefly as you will explain both games later. Get all students to
collect 1 tennis ball each and return back to the group.
2. Sequence  of  learning  experiences:  
Warm-­‐up  game  one:  Copy-­‐Cat  (tennis  ball  edition):  All  students  should  have  a  tennis  ball  and  should  
all  be  moved  into  a  circle  so  all  students  can  observe  each  other.    
The  teacher  can  start  by  performing  an  act  that  involves  the  use  of  the  tennis  ball  (for  example  
throwing  the  ball  up  and  clapping  before  catching  the  ball  again.  The  teacher  will  start  as  the  leader.  
All  students  must  copy  the  teacher,  and  once  completed,  the  leader  will  move  onto  the  next  person  
in  the  circle.  
Cone  and  ball  warm-­‐up  exercise:    
1. Lay  out  all  5  cones  in  a  line  and  another  4  cones  in  a  parallel  line.  The  uneven  cone  in  
the  ‘5  cone  line’  is  the  starting  cone  for  all  students.  
2. Place  8  tennis  balls  on  all  cones  except  the  starting  cone.  
3. All  students  should  be  lined  up  at  the  starting  cone.  
4. When  the  teacher  says  go;  the  first  student  will  run  to  the  first  cone,  pick  the  ball  up,  
throw  the  ball  up  in  the  air,  clap  once,  catch  the  ball  and  place  the  ball  back  on  the  
5. The  student  must  run  to  the  next  cone  and  perform  the  same  action  on  all  8  cones,  
following  the  straight  line  of  the  cones  so  the  last  cone  completed  is  next  to  the  starting  
6. The  next  student  at  the  starting  cone  will  follow  the  same  process  and  start  as  soon  as  
the  student  in  front  placed  the  second  ball  back  on  the  cone.  
All  students  must  follow  this  process.  The  aim  of  the  game  is  to  catch  up  to  the  person  in  front  of  

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