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Section A

[20 marks]
Questions 1 to 5
Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat berikut.
1 The policeman uses a ____________________ to catch the criminal.
A handcuff
B knife
C fork
D blade
2 These __________________ are sweet.
A oranges
B orange
C lemons
D lemon
3 Michelle : Aiman, is this bottle _______________?
Aiman : No, this is not _________________.
A his, mine
B her, yours
C mine, his
D yours, mine
4 My aunt is an ______________. She works in a bank.
A accountant
B clerk
C doctor
D manager
5 My aunt is an ______________. She works in a bank.
A accountant
B clerk
C doctor
D manager
Question 6
Choose the word that has the same meaning as the underlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang sama maksud dengan perktaan yang bergaris.
6 Kimora replied Wafiey’s email immediately.
A answer
B send
C write
D compose

Questions 7 to 9
Choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.
Pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisi pada tempat-tempat kosong dalam teks yang berikut.
Syahmi went to the supermarket with his mother last Sunday. They choose to buy some
____7_____ at the salebecause the offers were good. They bought two bottles of cooking
____8_____, a tub of yogurt, a litre of milk and ten apples. They also bought a tube of toothpaste
and four ____9_____. Syahmi’s mother was very happy because they saved a lot of money that
7 A thing
B think
C things
D thinks

8 A oil
B oils
C water
D waters

9 A toothbrushes
B toothbrush
C toothbrushs
D teethbrush
Question 10
Choose the word that has the opposite as the underlined word.
Pilih perkataan yang berlainan maksud dengan perktaan yang bergaris.
10 Can you please start your work now, girls?
A stop
B begin
C finish
D continue
Question 11
Choose the word with the correct spelling.
Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai ejaan yang betul.
11 Rayyan __________ the flash drive.
A invented
B inveted
C inventead
D invested

Question 12 to 15
Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that follows.
Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yang terbaik untuk diisi pada tempat-tempat kosong dalam
teks yang berikutnya.

It is recess time. The pupils of SK St Anne are in the hall. Three boys are sitting on a
__12__. One of them is wearing a pair of __13__. He is offering a __14__ to his friends. The
girls are eating noodles and fried rice. The girl with a pony tail is using for to eat the noodles.
The tray of muffins is placed on the counter. Darrie buys some muffins and __15__ the canteen
operator. The pupils are enjoying their recess time.

12 A invented
B inveted
C inventead
D invested

13 A invented
B inveted
C inventead
D invested

14 A invented
B inveted
C inventead
D invested

15 A invented
B inveted
C inventead
D invested

Questions 16 to 18
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca cerita di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya.

The Shoemaker and the Elves

Ricky was a shoemaker who lived with his wife Margaret. They were very poor. One
day, there was no more leather left. Ricky had no more material to make shoes. Hungry and
miserable, they went to bed.
When they woke up the next day, Ricky and Margaret found a shining pair of beautiful
shoes. They wondered where these shoes had come from. A man, who was passing by, saw the
shining shoes and bought them at a good price. Ricky was very happy. Margaret and Ricky had a
heart meal that night. The next morning, when Ricky went to his work shed, he saw another a
pair of new shiny shoes. He told his wife the good news. Margaret was surprised and happy but
very confused. The two decided to keep a watch that night to find out who was being so kind to
In the middle of the night, when everybody else was asleep, Ricky and Margaret waited
secretly in the working shed. At midnight, they saw two elves! The elves were deep in their
work, making shoes for them. By morning, they had made many new shoes. Ricky and Margaret
were filled with gratitude. When they saw the elves had nothing to wear they decide to make
new, warm clothes for them as winter approaching. They kept their gift in the work shed the next
night and hid behind the door. At midnight, the elves came again and saw beautiful, tiny clothes.
The elves were so happy that they sang and danced all night. They now knew that Ricky the
shoemaker and his wife no longer need their help and went away to help someone else in need.

16 Who was helping the shoemaker when he was in need?

A Margaret
B The elves
C A man
D Nobody
17 How did the shoemaker found out who is helping him?
A By waiting at the working shed.
B By secretly waiting at the working shed.
C By peeking at the window.
D By hiding behind the door.

18 How the shoemaker thanked them?
A By saying thank you.
B By giving them clothes.
C By dancing with them.
D By celebrating Christmas together.
Questions 19 and 20
Read the notice below and answer the questions that follow.
Baca notis di bawah dan jawab soalan-soalan yang berikutnya/

Safety and Cleanliness Campaign

To all Year 4 pupils,
There will be a programme on safety and cleanliness by the Safety Committee.
Date : 30th March 2018
Day : Friday
Time : 10.00 am
Venue : Main hall
 Inspektor Nitishwaran Police Department and Pn Genevy from Health Department will
give a talk before gotong – royong.
 Food and drinks will be provided.
 Attendance will be taken by Cliffton, the prefect, at the entrance of the hall.
 Please be punctual.
Puan Alisha Anthony Dass
SK St. Anne
19 The prefect will
A give a talk during the programme
B take the pupils’ attendance
C provide food and drinks
D organize the campaign
20 The Safety and Cleanliness Campaign ______________________.
A will be held at 10.00 am
B will teach pupils to be punctual
C is open to all pupils of sk st anne
D is organized by puan alisah anthony dass

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