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Matthew Part-is: the night I outed Peter Mandelson ®


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the ,c6te for war-.,

y°0~` ,1~~'YNS
N EWS q ;2~llS
N~R°db~lf B

ur luetunr,

No 67565 WLUNESDAY SLY`PEMBGR 25 2002 SL wwwtlnresanline ce ek

56 rebel against
Blaii-'s war policy
Bush cites evideji~e
lo urge regime change
0y Phllip Websler, plain tb,t Ihey ",o,ad In along
Reload Worse . ,11, M, Blio '. lorry 's h,
.ad Been ".,at stayed xdinn IA, anibd of tire
UN, where eRnrts ,r e
'I'ONY LtLAllt snRered one uf stepped up tenlay to s ~e
Ilm bigges[ revnlts of Ins leadet- a oew iesslntmn
yes requmng
ebp last nighl whcu SG IaLour Saddmn ro deromnnss~an he
MPs voted against his policy weepois wntbm months
on Iraq and tire ,.,,ad of If M r glau ]at,, breaks wdh
the IIN and goes alung Win,
nTlre rebellmn li n ., ,. Arre,,cytr led in. .. . . . . to
..u." al We end of oust the Itayt leader he seems
air all day yinefyIepty debate certain to face Ihe biggesl Iruu-
liner publiOnCir of the Guy ble of In, leadershlp
entS doaner on v, ravlent Mr 13 IV, reaclion yesler-
Saddern Hussein i arsenal rhy dluslraled the pmblems
"ILe dossmq based air secret aheod and ,,If he grasped by
intelhgence repuds, suggrsis labour NIP, aho dam, that
thl Iraq r.aid deploy cheml Mr lilmr, ~s lo" rlo" tu tire l75
Col nr boiogmal weapnns rvi W- Admmdrahon Speaking af-
in 45 mumtes of an -1 de, be- Ier a [.abmei meehng bet
ing gtven that d rs develapnlg right, Mr Rush urged by Seca-
InnBer range nusstlc that nty Conned to pass a strong

) 5s rebel against
31air's war policy
D Bush cites evidence
o urge regime change
yPhilip Websier, plain that they wo .ddgoalong
oland Watson w1Et Mr Bbnt so mng as he
Rd Greg Hurst stayea xstlun the ambit of the
'-- UN, where efio"s were
ONY BUIA suffered one of stepped +p vesterda; to seaure
reblggestrevo2so`huleader- a new resolubor req'.u~ng
hlpleast night mher" 56labour Saddam to deco:mmsston hat
,[Ps ~oted agamst bus panty weaponsvnthmmonths
m L2q and Use prospect or 1f Mt 81art late.' breaks with
va- the UN and goes along wrth
T- be tebelboo carte on a an Ante "aan-led campatqn to
°.chntcal mohon at the end of oust tee Iraq, leader he seea,s
un' v emergen~ deoate certaintcfacethebiggestirou-
dt robot of the GO,- bIe of ms Isomer-

en aessleronPresident Mr Bvsn's r-acbon yester-
iadm. . Husser s arsenal ma, illustrated Was ribushoo
lhe dossten basea on secret anead and will be grasped oy
intelligence reports, suggests Labour MPs who daun ttat
that Irag cmld deploy there, Mr Blatr is too dose to the US
a .orbiological weaponswiLS- Adrmnu°. .zbor" SpeaArrg as-
in 45 zmnutes of an Order be- er a Cabmet meebng last
ing gtven, met rt es de,erdPmg mgttt, Mr Both urged me Secu-
langer :ange mnsdes tnat ray Cocnd to pass a strong
.ad L'treateo EurapC and resolohm hofdmg Saddem to
that Sadcarn s agents are C;- accourt ad.L,g: 'If thry are
mg to buy At . .."ore to unable to do so, the Umted
make a nudear bamh 7he 5;ates and our 'tend, will a41-
Tvnes has Ieamt the' :hey because we heheve m peace
oave approached 13 countnes We wsnt to keep the peace
Iraq greeted me oovment YVe sent bvst-.hls man
xtth o=xlsron Art.rz a1,3aadr, In the Comments, Ivlt' pints
one of Saddams top aides, de- sa:d 'I defy cmYone to say that
so,bed it aa a "hotclrpotch of doe vial and soul &date,
hiF¢udts, uu, shott-stghte - shoa:dbeallowe,ianypess,b,t,-
an1 ra~ve alkgabom" and ty of getr-r,g his be, dr o0
urged Mr 3fau to semi itto the ;aore chem:caf, biologual or
UN so that the Weapons " n- even mode
. ;, .boa -,4Is
spectors COLIC check Its uattns weapons of treat inetsmston
it, themsel+es progrxtnme ts achve, detaded
Pres.dent B"uh sand n mn- and grawme"
bnteder,aughetrider"ceta xa'- He urged IMPS [n read the
rant the topobng ef Such. doseier for wluch be has asset-
That"', was nstamcnv off- ten a formvoro savlng ' ::nless
message m the eves of man, we face up to the tnrest not
Iabour MPs, Ecropean on-- only ao we rask andevrunmg
taws and me UN and it the authority of the UN,
brought bome the dlYattoes whose resafutons he nefies,
the r' -ie Muuster faces ur pt- but usore uopo-tantly and m
to tupartyandtnecaun- the longer te-m we prace at
trt Ipor[Uts approach to n&k the lives red prosperity of
Ira omr own People'
In the C.cuts, Mr 31 .r Mr Biau aLso prov,ued that
Iumted the sue Of Lbe famous the Commors wmud be cou . rker at the al-Qa'qa cbemtsI plant near Baghdad
sulted if later deanons were

SaddarA's nuclear shopping tour i

rebelbon by hghhghhng the
dlHere ces between W asnmg- made about on a on
ban and London He bat at gave a deae hma drat
that dlsv.nemar.t rather than
insisted MPs would not be asked to
the ovcr~sln ow, of Saddest ,as give advance, approval fez an
but obiateave and promised to attarJ<
follow the UN route u, dealing He itaitted theGovernment By Michael Evans
and Rlchard Beeston
The Saddam ¢e' mre :Bgc+re, and refers-
only ganerdly to "Afnca" as a
with lrzq While regime was not seeking wan but said
charge wouJC be "wandeaul", that having mrsed the Issue of dOssi(Dr patsntzl souae of uratuutn, J
the Phone Minister made plain dtsetrnng Saddam, tire matter IR9QIagentshavebeer, scaur- passbly because o f Ihe fear
that that was not the oble¢ o " could not go a-"rresohred "If mg countries across Afnw for Mr Blair cames the heavy that too detaded an mslght l
he exernse the mtetrtatronal con" m,wty matter, to help Submit, Hus- responsibility cf persuading zntgh t eapose the sou rces The I
£vea so, war More, ielt sum- raving made the cab for his sean to budd nudear weapons, Arttencans that Europe 5 PnmeMtrusterhasssdthat a]-
oe "itly sRongly to force a d,,- duarmamenk acw, at motv .- though an un"ecode,t .e a_
T>', Trows bas lea= not bosRte to them P I
at.. on a primeduria. touch men[ a[ the Point o[ as=., The glossier re:eased by the -Leadlngartmle, 23 .mount ofmtell.gencemarm-
and xpose =,it divisions ah-ags Its shamders and walks Government yatetdav noted Oz puoushed m the documen; I i
Lee back bebches Flfiy-three on away,he will draw the condu- mpassing that $aghdadhadre- 9ranwen hladoat . 9 of the mast ."
.` in-
Labour MPs, withroad tigamit" the %ons dutbah.,s face . with ready med to acqtu:e "agru5- Iraq's JSmlnute threat .,-10 petition has bear exauded
Gavemtnenp tlaee more Weakening 4L i0way, draw cant gutmtrttes of mamurn Bagndad rsection ., , .11 The dossier statea that I--
acting as 'tethers' Quit 41 :7ntetn0bonat comm
.- from Afna" But what it 1'-ft Nuclear programme, - 12 ,s Producing brolosal and
Wlule the evoL was far nay will talk but not a :t, wdl out was evidence ablated 10 msrnttal weapons that can be
Palace hiding places _ . 77
an, n1)er than had been aredtct- use driplaval but mat torte, LheCablngOffice'sianlLntal- PV4N ~' ~ 4 aepmyed m 45 minutes, that it I
Parliamennary report 14, 15
ed by be leaders me weeks and we I"naw, agam &om our hgence Cotrurnttee (7IC) that, u developmg " rnssdc with a
ago, it was sbll too big for the theory. that dplomary not mg that Saadam's agents have "You7i(rnd tnc .rtujf Worldreacfion 16 range of 1000ktrt f600 mtlesZ
co=urt of the Iabaur'eacer- ,anted by the threat of force secretlyvtstted a ntanber afAb m.urh mnre e(fectva Samoa Jenkins, _= andthat Saddammayhave giv- I
scup and 7robably understated has aever warked with a=- ncan U of wmch then a sne"
ryr Bates pegged . . ,. ,-15 en hls son Qus a y Ne power to I
the magmtuee of concern loss, and ever will eark.' tfave as a output ze- order Ihe use of sucnweapon-
among the pasty's MPs Oth- The Govemmen^'s desster source What the dooument does
ers would have abatavned had but bad, dams the Iraq naa Uramatn Once cnnred, ,cold have smd so" one al years The mtme that pro, not do is Iml: Saddam to Osa-
they been indicated to vote by chemtcal weepons'.hat could muldfomr the rore af a nacle- Wlntenall a=-,- sod docent the uranmm tsed m the ma It. lader." al-Qaeda and
the whim out an the event be fired within an hour, bat ar asset, but there it no evn- The hiis me known to Atnenert bombs dropped on the Septemoer ll atmdcs . The
many potential tilisommers suit that ¢ s pressmig ahead denceye' that Seadam has so, ha etargetedthewar-ravaged Hiroslnma a,d Nagasaki a mtelhgeuce comml[tee kas
went home early wdh the develapme"1[ of a new needed it acquiring it -If Ion; Demoaatm Bepubhc o1 Cob- 1945 is in an area controlled by conduded t.hat Saddam has no ~
During she debate one la- gmeraha, of nussdes canable load succeededmb uym gumal- go, though no uramunm naa Zaebaowean boops rymoathy for Islaarc ftmda-
bour MP arm- anoder made Co. -ad on page Z m18 un hnm Afnca, re dose, best ecoacied inere far sever- The dosardraws on top,te- mentahsm

DE ~ Golf, Sven and the art of multi-ego M

Kl 11
Buyerrs market ~_sY~~4~yy mc
I ev Slmon games 12 .,mg mnfvtdualste to pa "1KOw man, Ive Just sussed after for me weekend ou" sit his usua, sacred tou- /̀r'(
' ' ---- - - - nut the Universe Bu: R's too Some lave It, others runt[ cope boas for pr.,G:a, gym work,
lso, trvne an new woolPes etc et. I I


~~ ~C18I~S ~

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