4628-Sutardi-Assg No 1 MFD 2 - 06 - Mar - 18

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(Due date: Mar. 09, 2018, at 3 p.m.).

Each problem is written at a new sheet. Use A-4 paper, single-sided.
1). Consider the flow field given by

V  ax 2 yî  byˆj  cz 2 k̂ ,

where a = 1 m-2.s-1, b = 3 s-1, and c = 2 m-1.s-1.

Determine: (a) the number of dimensions of the flow and give the reasons;
(b) if it is a possible incompressible flow; and
(c) the acceleration of a fluid particle at point ( x, y, z) = (3, 1, 2).

2). Consider the pressure-driven flow between stationary parallel plates separated by distance
2h. Coordinate y is measured from the channel centerline. The velocity field is given by:
u = umax [1 – (y/h)2]. Maximum velocity umax is at centerline, y = 0.
Task : a) Sketch the problem statement.
b) Rates of linear and angular deformations as a function of y, umax and h.
c) Fluid element rotation.


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