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tN (Pages : 4) Reg. No. Name : Fifth Semester B.Tech. Degree Examination, October 2016 (2013 Scheme) 13.504 : MECHANICS OF MATERIALS (M) Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100 PART-A Answer all questions. Each questiag carries 2 marks, 1 How many material property constants are required to define the stress strain relations of an isotropic material ? Name any four properties used to define the behavior of a linear elastic solid. The strain along x-direction on an elastic solid is given by ,- Alc, +6, +0,) +Bo,. What are the constants A and B ? Write the characteristic polynomial of a three dimensional stress tensor in terms of principal stresses. Apoint in an elastic solid displaces in the radial direction by a distance u,. What are the values of radial strain and tangential strain due to this displacement ? vi ) Let the components of stress at a point is related as 6, = 77 (6, +9, +9,} What is the corresponding value of normal strain along the x-direction ? Write down the equation for tangential stress as a function of radius of a pressure vessel subjected to an internal gauge pressure p and external atmospheric pressure. Take the inner radius and thickness of the pressure vessel as R and, respectively. From the equation of tangential stress of a thick pressure vessel, deduce an equation for the same for a thin pressure vessel. 8. Whatis the strain energy of a spring of stiffness k, subjected to a deflection of 5? 9. What is torsional rigidity ? What is its significance ? What is the governing equation of warping function for torsion of a prismatic bar ? Check whether function given by y= A (y3- 3x2y) is a valid warping function (2x10 =20) PTO. A- 6490 & ‘i PART-B Answer any one full question from each Module. Module —| 11. Given that x-component of the unit normal of a plane is 0.2 and its y-component is positive. The plane passes through the point (1, 2, 3) and the origin. Let the principal stresses acting at the origin be 2, 5 and-5 Mpa. Given that the outward unit normal vectors of the planes subjected to principal stresses 2 and 5 are along (10 0) and (02 1), respectively. a) Write down the first, second and third invariants of stress. b) Find the direction of unit normal of the third pxincipal plane. ) Find the resisting force per unit area of an infinitesimal element on the given plane around the origin. d) Find the magnitude of normal and shear stress acting on this plane. e) Find the x, y and z components of tangential (shear) stress on this plane. ) Write down the characteristic polynomial. OR 12. Infigure ZRPQ = 90 and /R’PQ'=90. The normal strain along PQ and PR are €,, and €,,, respectively and the angular deformation at P of the rectangle formed with PQ and PR as adjacent edges is y,, . Determine the following. a) The normal strain along the direction pq’ ? b) The normal strain along the direction pry ? ¢) Angular deformation at P of the rectangle formed with pq’ and pp’ as adjacent edges. y RAO 12 3 A- 6490 Module = 13. Given the following stress field in a thick-wall elestic cylinder : B B 0, = At 718w = A- Te, ty = Ty = Ty = 8, = 0. Where A and Bare constants, a) Verify that the given state of stress satisfies the equations of equilibrium in th absence of body forces. 4 ) If the surface traction on the inner surface r= r, is a uniform pressure p,and the outer surface r= rq is free of surface traction, find the values of A andB 10 ) Find the stress vector at cylindrical surface r 6 OR 14. A steel shaft 10 om diameter is shrunk inside a bronze cylinder of 25 cm outer diameter. The shrink allowance is such that the overlap of radii is 0.005 cm. Find the following. a) circumferential stress in the bronze cylinder at the inside radius. 6 b) circumferential stress in the bronze cylinder at the outside radius. 6 ) radial stress in the shaft. 5 d) circumferential stress in the shaft. 3 Module - III 15. a) A rod of cross sectional area A units and length / is subjected to an axial load, F in two different manner as shown as cases a and b in the following figure. Determine the strain energy in each case. 5 A - 6490 + CANE b) For the spring system shown in the following figure, the ends D and E are fixed. Axial forces F,and F, act at A and B, respectively. The stiffness of the four springs are k,, kp, ks and ky. by 4 Doty to 4 4 han Bn 2k Cl i) Compute the total strain energy of the spring system. 3 ii) By applying of principle of minimum potential energy, compute the * deflections at points A, B and C. 12 OR 16. a) The displacement field of an elastic body is given by U= (x +y)i+(34z)j +(x? + 2y)k - Use the small strain theory to compute the strain energy per unit volume at the point (2, 3, 1). Given that G = 80x106 kPa and E = 207x108 GPa. 20 Module -1V 17. a) Write down the governing equation of torsion of a bart with stress function as the dependent variable 2 b) Simplify this equation for a rectangular bar with very smalll thickness. State the assumptions made. 4 ©) Derive the equations for angle of twist, shear stress and maximum shear stress of a rectangular bar with very small thickness in terms of the torque transmitted, breadth, thickness, Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio. 4 OR 18. Acantilever beam of rectangular cross section is subjected to a load of 1000 N, which is inclined at an angle 30° to the vertical as shown. What is the stress due to bending at the point marked as P in the built-in-end ? 20 7

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