DM Notes - 01032018

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DM Channels

1. SEO - On page
- Meta Title (60 characters)
- Meta Description (160 characters)
- Key words (Density 2-3%)
- Images (Alt-Text)
- Internal Link Building
- Page Content
- Meta Robots
- Page Title

SEO - Off page

- External Link Building (through comments)
- Referrals (obtain links through PR – Paid or Barter)
- Guest Posting
- Ad Rank = Quality Score X Bid Amount
- Quality Score – Bounce Rate (end a session without interaction), Key
Words, Traffic, Avg. Time Spent, Exit Rate
- GDN on the Google’s partner websites
- Proximity Marketing (geography-based marketing using the IP address)
- Remarketing
3. Affiliate
- Selling the products on your website on behalf of another
4. Onsite
- Conversion Optimization: Heat Map Analysis (to gauge the intent of the
customer), Graphic Display (First fold display), Website load time,
5. CRM
- Push Notifications
- Email Marketing
- SMS Marketing
6. Content Marketing/PR/Referral
- Link Building on customer touch points e.g. Google, Community
Forums, Blogs
- Focus on long tail keywords for better optimization
7. Social Media
- Virality
- Organic SMM: Community Marketing (e.g. SWOTs etc.) and
business page management (engagement through likes,
subscription etc.)
- Paid SMM: Key Opinion Leaders, FB adverts, Tweet Deck,
Accelerated vs Standard.

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