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Soto, N. (2010). Coping with Stress: A Special Additon to Staying Healthy.

Florida: Workforce
Investment Act, Title II,.

Naomi Sotto, an author of the book Coping with Stress is a Heath Literacy Program
Coordinator, focuses on the effects of stress on thinking, behavior, and health. It discusses different
kinds of stressors and provides suggestions for coping with stress. Soto assumes that her audience
is somehow familiar on how to cope up with stress. Soto also states that there are two kinds of
stress which are the acute stress and chronic stress. She also pointed out that the acute stress can
turn into a chronic stress. Stress can occur in different places for people. She concludes in her book
by saying that it is impossible to avoid stress completely, however, one can learn what coping
strategies work best for them. Encourage the people around you to think about their behavior and
identify which coping strategies might work best given the situation. Sotto’s book is interesting
since it contains facts and researches to support her assertations. Therefore, the book is helpful as
a starting point for a critical view of coping with stress.

Smith, Gregory (2010). Coping with Stress A Special Additon to Staying Healthy: : A Guide to
Health Care and Healthy Living. Florida: Workforce Investment Act, Title II,.

Gregory Smith, an author of Coping with Stress A Special Addition to Staying Healthy: A
Guide to Health Care and Healthy Living, focuses on different ways to cope up with stress. It
emphasizes that people will always have stress. The key is how an individual will cope with it.
Coping helps take away the bad effects of stress. There are four basic ways to cope. The one use
depends on the stressor. It depends on the person, too. An individual can figure out what works for
him or her. If a person has trouble knowing what works for him or her, a mental health counselor
may be able to help them. The first way is to accept the stressor. Then, avoid the stressor. After
that the stressor must be changed and lastly change oneself or the way a person thinks about the
stressor. Smith also states that stress is the body’s response to a change or difficult situation. It is
a natural response. She concludes in her book that people can’t avoid stress. It is part of life. An
individual need to know how to cope with stress. Knowing how to cope with stress helps them
prepare for anything that comes their way.

McPheat, Sean (2010). Managing Stress. United Kingdom: Ventus Publishing.

Sean McPheat, the founder and Managing Director of management developmental

specialists, wrote the book Managing Stress. The book gives an information about the techniques
and strategies to manage one’s stress levels. People may not be able to control the events that
happen to them but they can certainly manage the meaning and the impact they have upon the
people. McPheat stated that stress is a natural, physical response to the perceptions of a stimulus.
The good thing to know about stress is that a person can learn to manage it so that it does not
become a serious problem. Various tools that can help to manage stress is to take responsibility
for how a person’s experience stress. This article is said to be credible because of all of the
supporting evidence it includes and the information seems to be well thought out.

Murff, Sharon H (2013). "The Impact of Stress on Academic Success in College Students."

Health News. Copywrite Tucker Publications.

On this website, its main focus is on the academic success that college students have
while stressed. It states that the purpose of this article is to provide a discussion on stress and
how it can prevent students from being successful in fulfillment of their educational goals. It also
says that “the writing is supportive of the fact that stress places demand on an individual, and in
response to the stress, the body attempts to adapt to the stressful experience to maintain a sense
of normalcy.” This article notes that college students come across many stressors that can be
harmful to their body and their wellbeing, and that it becomes difficult to cope with the stress in
these overwhelming situations. I believe this article to be credible because of all of the
supporting evidence it includes and the information seems to be well thought out.

Murff, Sharon H. "The Impact of Stress that College Students Experienced." Health News.

Copywrite Tucker Publications, Sept.-Oct. 2005. Web. 13 Mar. 2013.

On this website, its main focus is on the academic stress that college students experienced.
It states that the purpose of this article is to provide a discussion on stress and how they can cope
up with stress. It also says that “the writing is supportive of the fact that stress places demand on
an individual, and in response to the stress, the body attempts to adapt to the stressful experience
to maintain a sense of normalcy.” This article notes that college students come across many
stressors that can be harmful to their body and their well-being, and that it becomes difficult to
cope with the stress in these overwhelming situations. I believe this article to be credible because
of all of the supporting evidence it includes and the information seems to be well thought out.

Sutton, Amy L. (2007). Stress-Related Disorders Sourcebook. 3rd ed. Detroit, MI:

Omnigraphics, Inc. .

This book will probably be my most helpful resource. There are so many chapters and key
points pointed out in it that have given me so much information. This book talks all about how
stress can affect your health and body and what kind of disorders you could receive from being
too stressed and how you can cope up with this. A main topic in this book that jumped out at of
the warning signs of stress. It has listed so many signs that include cognitive signs, emotional
signs, physical signs, and even behavioral signs. It also includes many diagrams of the effects of
stress on your body that I think will be very helpful to my research. And at the same time, it
includes different ways to cope up with the stress they are experiencing. Everything found in this
book is new information to me, which is why I think it has intrigued me the most. I think this book
will be the most helpful to me because it has the most information I’ve found so far and seems to
have all of the information that I will need for most of my research. I believe this book to be
credible for my paper because it is the third edition. So that tells me that it has been updated from
time to time and has the best information there is for this particular time. It also has many other
books listed in the front, which tells me that the author did her research and is giving me other
sources that may be in help to my research as well.

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