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J Agro Crop Sci (2016) ISSN 0931-2250


Redox halopriming: A Promising Strategy for Inducing Salt

Tolerance in Bread Wheat
H.F. Maswada1 & N.I.K. Abd El-Kader2
1 Agricultural Botany Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt
2 Soil and Water Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt

Keywords Abstract
halopriming; nitric oxide; salinity tolerance;
wheat New strategies to enhance growth and productivity of food crops in saline soils
represent important research priorities. This study has investigated the role of
Correspondence certain priming techniques to induce salt tolerance of bread wheat. Wheat grains
Dr H. F. Maswada were soaked in 0.2 mM sodium nitroprusside as nitric oxide donor (redox prim-
Tanta University
ing), diluted sea water (halopriming) and the combination of both (redox halo-
Tanta, 31527
priming). Grains were also soaked in distilled water (hydropriming); in addition,
Tel.:+20 10 11 48 65 80 untreated grains were taken as control. Our results indicated that priming treat-
Fax: +20 40 34 55 570 ments significantly improved all growth traits and increased leaf pigments con-
Email: centration as compared to the control. Priming treatments markedly enhanced
membrane stability index, proline, total soluble sugars and K+ concentration with
Accepted December 22, 2014 simultaneous decrease in the concentration of Na+ and malondialdehyde
(MDA). Furthermore, yield and yield-related traits such as plant height, spike
length, total number of tillers, 1000-grain weight, straw and grain yield consider-
ably affected by priming treatments. Moreover, the grain yield of both genotypes
was positively affected by redox halopriming treatment. However, the extent of
enhancement was more prominent in Gemmiza-9 (salt sensitive) than that in
Sakha-93 (salt-tolerant). Overall, this study clearly indicated that redox halopri-
ming treatment is a promising and handy technique to induce salinity tolerance
of wheat genotypes.

Cl. Moreover, the rate of Na+ uptake from the soil is con-
sidered to be the major cause of salinity toxicity and ion-
By the end of year 2050, it is expected that world popula- specific damage (Maathuis and Sanders 2001, Tester and
tion will increase to reach about 10 billion. On the other Davenport 2003). The availability of many essential nutri-
hand, food productivity is decreasing due to the effect of ents for plants was decreased due to high concentration of
various abiotic and biotic stresses which cause losses worth Na+ in the soil. In addition, Na+ may directly compete with
hundreds of million dollars each year. Thus, it is important many essential ions such as K+, Mg2+ and NHþ 4 on uptake
to minimize these losses to cope with the increasing food sites (Shabala and Munns 2012). Therefore, it has been
requirements (Mahajan and Tuteja 2005). reported that reducing Na+ accumulation in crop plants is
Salinity is one of the major constraints to crop produc- considered to be one of the important mechanisms to
tivity due to the negative effects on plant growth, ion bal- improve their tolerance to salt stress (Kingsbury and
ance and water relations (Munns and Tester 2008). The Epstein 1986, Zhang et al. 2010).
negative impact of soil salinity on the crop yields is related There are several practical ways to minimize the con-
to the abundance of Na+, where excess of Na+ is toxic to straints of salt stress on crop plants, such as seed priming
plants (Zhang et al. 2010). Results that have been reported (Shabala and Munns 2012). Seed priming is one of the
previously by Kingsbury and Epstein (1986) indicated that effective seed invigoration methods to ameliorate the envi-
solutions with high concentrations of Na+ were more toxic ronmental stresses, such as water deficit, high salinity,
to bread wheat than those contain high concentrations of extreme temperature, submergence, etc. (Jisha et al. 2013).

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Maswada and Abd El-Kader

It is a pre-sowing seed management technique that partially (Afzal et al. 2008, Jamal et al. 2011, Abbasdokht and
hydrates seeds without radicle emergence (Chen and Arora Edalatpisheh 2013).
2013). In other words, seed priming, a controlled hydration Standard sea water contains, Cl, Na+, SO2 2+
4 , Mg ,
2+ + 
process, involves uptake of water by seed followed by dry- Ca , K and HCO3 (Aldesuquy and Ibrahim 2001, Mille-
ing to initiate pre-germinative physiological and biochemi- ro et al. 2008), with high concentrations of sodium and
cal activities (Manonmani et al. 2014). The risk of poor chloride ions in particular. Up to date, no studies have
stand establishment of plants under drought and salt stress been conducted to illustrate the influence of using sea
can be reduced by seed priming that permit more uniform water in seed priming to promote salt tolerance of crop
growth under saline soil conditions (Kaya et al. 2006). species. Thus, it is worthy to investigate the potential role
Rapid seed germination and stand establishment are critical of priming technique with diluted sea water (halopriming);
factors for crop production under salt-affected soil condi- nitric oxide (redox priming) and both together (redox
tions (Ashraf and Foolad 2005). Therefore, the adverse halopriming) to induce salt tolerance of wheat. Halopri-
effects of salt stress can be alleviated by seed priming (Chen ming, redox priming and redox halopriming are consid-
and Arora 2013). However, there are different types of seed ered to be types of defence priming. Defence priming
priming such as hydropriming, halopriming, thermopri- describes a process that immunity-like responses to a stress
ming, biopriming, redox, nutrients and hormonal priming are accelerated or enhanced by a prior stimulation (Molas-
(Ashraf and Foolad 2005, Imran et al. 2013, Jisha et al. siotis et al. 2010).
2013). To investigate the ability of halopriming or redox prim-
Over the past decade, the effect of nitric oxide (NO), a ing treatments, individually or in combination, as a prom-
reactive nitrogen species (RNS), on the biological systems ising technique to induce salinity tolerance of bread wheat,
has been investigated for its biological importance, which the main objective of this study is to improve grain yield of
has been termed the ‘molecule of the year’ in 1992 (Kosh- bread wheat under salt-affected soil via simple and handy
land 1992). The dual role of NO role of NO has been estab- technique that could be used by farmers in Egypt and other
lished either as a protective or a toxic factor depending on similar countries suffer from salt-affected soils.
its concentration in the plant cell (Lamattina et al. 2003).
NO may act as pro-oxidant, as well as an antioxidant in
Materials and Methods
plants (Corpas et al. 2011). In addition, it was reported
that NO has a physiological role in regulation of plant
Plant material and experimental site
growth and development (Kopyra and Gw ozdz 2004).
Recently, NO plays a crucial role in plant resistance to vari- Two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes, Sakha-93 as
ous abiotic stresses such as salinity, drought, heavy metals, salt-tolerant and Gemmiza-9 as salt sensitive, were selected
heat and chilling (Siddiqui et al. 2010). For example, seed based on the previous studies of El-Hendawy et al. (2005)
priming or foliar spray with SNP, as NO donor, enhanced and El-Lethy et al. (2013). The tested genotypes were
tolerance of rice plants to drought stress (Farooq et al. obtained from the National research centre at Dokki, Giza,
2009). Recent studies revealed that exogenous NO, as foliar Egypt. The experiment was conducted at Agricultural Fac-
spray or pre-sowing (redox priming), plays systemic signal- ulty Farm, Tanta, Egypt during 2012–2013. Data on the
ling roles (Molassiotis et al. 2010, Jisha et al. 2013) in alle- weather during the whole course of study are given in
viating the oxidative damage caused by salinity in various Table 1. In addition, EC, pH and the concentration of
crops such as barley (Li et al. 2008), chickpea (Sheokand cations (Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+) and anions (Cl, SO2 4 ,
et al. 2010), cucumber (Fan et al. 2013), maize (Zhang CO2 
3 and HCO3 ) in the experimental soil are shown in
et al. 2006), rice (Habib et al. 2010), soya bean (Simaei Table 2.
et al. 2012), tomato (Wu et al. 2011) and wheat (Ruan
et al. 2002, Zheng et al. 2009, Kausar and Shahbaz 2013).
Halopriming refers to pre-sowing seed soaking in solu-
tions of high ionic strength. Seed halopriming was fre- Priming treatments included halopriming (diluted sea
quently conducted with inorganic salts such as NaCl, CaCl2 water, EC = 9.00 dS m1), redox priming [0.2 mM sodium
and CaSO4, KNO3 with concentrations ranging from 50 to nitroprusside (SNP) as nitric oxide (NO) donor] and redox
200 mM (Shabala and Munns 2012). Several studies were halopriming (diluted sea water +0.2 mM SNP,
performed to investigate the effect of seed halopriming on EC = 9.25 dS m1). In addition, hydropriming (distilled
imparting salt tolerance of various crop plants such as water) and untreated dry grains were taken as a control.
canola (Farhoudi and Sharifzadeh 2006), maize (Ashraf Sea water (EC = 62.03 dS m1) was taken from the Medi-
and Rauf 2001), melon (Sivritepe et al. 2003), mung bean terranean Sea in Baltim town (Kafr El-Sheikh Governorate,
(Saha et al. 2010), tomato (Nawaz et al. 2011) and wheat Egypt). Sea water was diluted with distilled water to the

38 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 37–50

Inducing Salt Tolerance in Bread Wheat

Table 1 Meteorological data for El-Gharbyia area during the course of study

Monthly temperature (°C)

Total monthly Mean relative
Month Maximum Minimum Mean rainfall (mm) humidity (%)

November 2012 24.68 14.2 19.44 2.0 57.72

December 2012 21.75 11.27 16.51 18.0 53.67
January 2013 19.68 7.01 13.35 5.0 55.76
February 2013 22.42 8.39 15.41 2.9 46.16
March 2013 27.75 10.96 19.36 1.1 37.30
April 2013 27.72 11.87 19.80 0.0 39.86

Source: Meteorology station at Kotour, El-Gharbyia Governorate, Egypt, lat. 30°470 N and long 31°070 , elevation 15 cm.

Table 2 EC, pH and concentration of cations and anions of experimental soil and diluted sea water

Cations (meq l1) Anions (meq l1)

EC (dS m1) pH Na+ K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl SO2

4 CO2

Diluted Sea water 9.00 6.62 39.46 0.81 27.56 22.17 46.52 38.42 0.00 5.06
Experimental Soil* 2.78 8.09 9.31 0.23 11.14 7.12 14.17 10.19 0.00 3.44

Soil analysis for pH based on soil: water extract (1 : 2.5), while EC and ions based on soil: water extract (1 : 5).
Soil texture was clay loam.

required concentration (EC = 9.00 dS m1). The chemical field was kept weed-free by hoeing and manual weeding.
analysis of diluted sea water used in this study is given in The wheat crop was harvested manually on April 2013. The
Table 2. For each priming treatment, a weighed quantity experiment was designed in completely randomized block
(200 g) of wheat grains was soaked in 1.0 l of distilled design (CRBD) in a factorial arrangement with three repli-
water/respective solution for 10 h. After soaking, grains cations.
were removed, rinsed thoroughly with distilled water and
redried near to their original weight with forced air at
Growth analysis
27  2 °C under shade (Farooq et al. 2013). The treated
and untreated grains were sealed in polythene bags and Ten plant samples from each plot were collected at 30, 60
stored in a refrigerator until use (Jafar et al. 2012). and 90 days after sowing (DAS), in other words at tillering,
stem elongation and flowering stages, respectively, then
divided into roots, leaf blades and aerial non-leaf blades to
Crop husbandry and experimental design
estimate growth parameters. The dry mass of roots and
Prior to seedbed preparation, the experimental soil was shoots (stems and leaves in addition to spikes at 90 DAS)
ploughed twice and randomized soil samples were taken was determined at 70 °C for 48 h, while leaf area (LA) was
for analysis. After a week, the soil was levelled and divided estimated using the equation LA = 0.75 9 leaf length 9
into three sections (blocks). Each block was divided into leaf width as described by Chanda and Singh (2002). In
more than 10 plots with a net plot area of 2.0 9 2.0 m. addition, relative growth rate (RGR), unit leaf rate (ULR),
Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers were leaf area ratio (LAR) and specific leaf area (SLA) parame-
applied at the rate of 180, 75 and 120 kg per hectare in the ters were calculated according to Hunt et al. (2002).
form of urea (46 % N), mono super-phosphate (15.5 %
P2O5) and potassium sulphate (48 % K2O), respectively.
Physiological and biochemical attributes
All phosphorus and potassium and one-third of nitrogen
fertilizers were applied as basal dose during land prepara- At flowering stage, 10 plant samples were collected from
tion, while remaining nitrogen was applied with the first each plot, and flag leaves of the main stem of each plant
and second irrigation in equal splits. Wheat genotypes were were separated to estimate physiological and biochemical
sown manually on November 2012 using seed rate of parameters. Leaf pigments, membrane stability index
125 kg ha1 (50 g per plot). In addition to soaking irriga- (MSI), lipid peroxidation, proline and total soluble sugars
tion, five surface irrigations were given during the whole (TSS) were determined spectrophotometrically using
growing season at tillering, jointing (stem elongation), UV-VIS Spectrophotometer (Model SM1200; Randolph,
booting, flowering and milking stages, respectively. The NJ, USA).

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Maswada and Abd El-Kader

Total soluble sugars were estimated using anthrone

Leaf pigments
reagent (Watanabe et al. 2000) with slight modification. In
Fresh flag leaves (0.1 g) were cut into small pieces (approx- brief, flag leaf tissue (0.2 g) was extracted with 10 ml etha-
imately 1 9 1 mm) and put in brown glasses containing nol (95 % v/v) for 24 h and then filtered. The filtrate
20 ml of cold 80 % acetone for 24 h in a refrigerator (1 ml) was mixed with freshly prepared anthrone reagent
(4 °C) and then filtered. The absorbance of the filtrate was (3 ml) and the tubes heated at 100 °C for 10 min. The
read at 470 nm for the carotenoids, and at 646 and 663 nm reaction was terminated by quick cooling on ice. The
for chlorophyll a and b, respectively. Chlorophyll and absorbance was measured at 620 nm. The TSS
carotenoid concentrations were calculated using extinction (mg g1 Fw) were quantified using glucose as standard.
coefficient and equations described by Wellburn (1994).
The same protocol was carried out using cold methanol/
Sodium and potassium ions
HCl/water (90 : 1 : 1, v : v : v), instead of cold 80 % ace-
tone, and the absorbance of filtrate was read at 529 and At flowering stage, 10 plant samples from each replicate for
650 nm for anthocyanin determination (Sims and Gamon each treatment were collected and divided into roots and
2002). Anthocyanin was calculated using the corrected shoots (stems, leaves and spikes) and then dried in oven at
absorbance (AA = A529–0.288A650) and a molar absor- 70 °C for 48 h. Fine ground roots and shoots (0.2 g) were
bance coefficient for anthocyanin at 529 nm of digested with concentrated H2SO4 (5 ml) and 80 % per-
30 000 l mol1 cm1 (Murray and Hackett 1991). chloric acid (1 ml). Digested material diluted by distilled
water to 100 ml. Na+ and K+ concentrations estimated using
PFP7 Flame photometer (Temminghoff and Houba 2004).
Membrane stability index and lipid peroxidation
Membrane stability index was determined with previously
Agronomic and yield attributes
described protocols (Shanahan et al. 1990, Yang et al.
1996). Five segments (0.5 9 0.5 cm) of the flag leaves for Wheat plants were harvested after physiological maturity
each replicate were cut and put in test tubes each having (at Zadoks scale 92, Zadoks et al. 1974) according to
15 ml distilled water, vortexed for 3 s and kept at 4 °C for El-Hendawy et al. (2009). One m2 of each plot was manu-
24 h. The initial conductivity (EC1) was measured after ally harvested, and 10 plant samples were randomly chosen
bringing sample to 25 °C using CMD 830 WPA conductiv- from each plot to estimate plant height, number of total til-
ity metre. The samples were then autoclaved for 20 min, lers per plant, spike length, number of spikelets and grains
cooled to 25 °C, and final conductivity (EC2) was recorded. per spike. In addition, 1000-grain weight, grain and straw
MSI was calculated as follows: MSI (%) = [1  (EC1/ yields and harvest index were also estimated.
EC2)] 9 100.
Lipid peroxidation was determined by measuring the
Statistical analysis
amount of malondialdehyde (MDA) according to the
method of Davenport et al. (2003). Fresh flag leaves (0.2 g) All measurements were analysed using computer software
were homogenized with 2 ml of 5 % (w/v) trichloroacetic MSTAT-C (a computer based Statistical software packages
acid in an ice bath and centrifuged at 10 000 g for 10 min developed by the Crop and Soil Sciences Department,
at 4 °C. Two ml supernatant mixed with 2 ml of 0.67 % Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA). Mean
(w/v) thiobarbituric acid was incubated in boiling water for values and significance were determined by Duncan’s multi-
30 min, then cooled and centrifuged. The absorbance of ple range tests, at P ≤ 0.05 (Gomez and Gomez 1984). The
reaction supernatant was assayed at 450, 532 and 600 nm. mean values with different letters are considered signifi-
The MDA concentration was calculated based on the fol- cantly different.
lowing formula: MDA (nmol g1 Fw) = [6.45 9 (A532
A600)  (0.56 9 A450)] 9 V/W, where V = volume
(ml); W = weight (g).
Growth attributes
Proline and total soluble sugars
In both wheat genotypes, root dry mass (RDM) and shoot
Proline concentration of fresh flag leaves was estimated dry mass (SDM) at 30 DAS (tillering stage) were not signif-
using 3 % (w/v) aqueous sulphosalicylic acid and ninhy- icantly affected by priming treatments. While, at 60 DAS
drin reagent according to Bates et al. (1973). Proline con- (stem elongation stage) and 90 DAS (flowering stage),
centration (lg g1 Fw) was quantified using L-proline as RDM and SDM were significantly increased by applying
standard. seed priming (Table 3). However, this increase was more

40 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 37–50

Inducing Salt Tolerance in Bread Wheat

Table 3 Effect of priming treatments on root dry mass, shoot dry mass and leaf area of wheat genotypes at tillering (30 DAS), stem elongation (60
DAS) and flowering (90 DAS) stages under saline conditions

Root dry mass (g plant1) Shoot dry mass (g plant1) Leaf area (cm2)

Genotype (G) Priming (P) 30 DAS 60 DAS 90 DAS 30 DAS 60 DAS 90 DAS 30 DAS 60 DAS 90 DAS

Sakha-93 P0 0.015 a 0.184 c 0.291 c 0.135 b 1.119 b 5.420 cde 8.20 de 20.88 bc 21.52 b
P1 0.012 a 0.240 bc 0.344 c 0.139 b 1.235 ab 6.686 bc 8.53 cd 20.94 bc 21.95 b
P2 0.016 a 0.287 abc 0.439 abc 0.147 b 1.384 ab 6.949 bc 8.86 cd 24.72 a 24.73 ab
P3 0.014 a 0.381 a 0.537 ab 0.146 b 1.452 ab 9.169 a 10.16 a 22.91 abc 23.94 b
P4 0.015 a 0.297 ab 0.604 a 0.154 b 1.624 a 8.356 ab 9.90 ab 23.36 abc 24.08 b
Gemmiza-9 P0 0.013 a 0.239 bc 0.277 c 0.142 b 1.219 ab 4.339 e 7.56 e 20.13 c 22.65 b
P1 0.012 a 0.274 bc 0.286 c 0.153 b 1.479 ab 4.770 de 10.02 ab 23.50 abc 23.92 b
P2 0.016 a 0.307 ab 0.337 bc 0.178 a 1.328 ab 6.694 bc 10.62 a 22.30 abc 24.23 b
P3 0.014 a 0.340 ab 0.364 bc 0.145 b 1.352 ab 6.340 cd 9.24 bc 23.97 ab 24.25 b
P4 0.013 a 0.301 ab 0.365 bc 0.146 b 1.562 a 6.816 bc 10.44 a 25.77 a 27.56 a
F values and level G 0.468 ns 0.508 ns 10.45 ** 3.136 ns 0.111 ns 17.82 ** 7.014 * 0.731 ns 4.350 ns
of significance P 2.260 ns 5.820 ** 4.453 * 2.784 ns 3.181 * 9.303 ** 22.13 ** 4.291 * 4.406 *
G9P 0.324 ns 0.626 ns 1.217 ns 2.021 ns 0.721 ns 1.405 ns 10.36 ** 2.032 ns 1.258 ns

Values represent the means of three replicates of each treatment (10 plant samples of each plot). Means values within each column followed by the
same letter are not significantly different (P ≤ 0.05), according to Duncan’s multiple range test. ** and *: significant at 0.01 and 0.05 probability lev-
els, respectively. riming treatments include control ‘P0’, hydropriming ‘P1’, redox priming ‘P2’, halopriming ‘P3’ and redox halopriming ‘P4’.
ns, non-significant; DAS, days after sowing.

prominent in Sakha-93 (salt-tolerant genotype) than that anthocyanin, but the enhancement was higher in salt-toler-
in Gemmiza-9 (salt-sensitive genotype). Maximum RDM ant than that in salt sensitive (Table 5).
and SDM of Sakha-93 at 60 and 90 DAS were recorded by In both wheat genotypes, MSI % and the concentrations
redox halopriming and halopriming treatments. Priming of TSS and proline of flag leaves at flowering stage were sig-
treatment significantly affected leaf area (LA) of both geno- nificantly higher in primed plants than non-primed plants.
types at all tested phenological stages (Table 3). However, By contrast, priming treatments markedly lowered MDA
the significant difference between both genotypes appeared concentration compared to the control (Table 6). How-
only at tillering stage, where LA was higher in Gemmiza-9 ever, maximum MSI was recorded by redox halopriming,
than that in Sakha-93. Maximum LA of Gemmiza-9 tiller- and redox priming treatments, while maximum proline
ing stage was obtained by redox halopriming treatment. concentration was observed by redox priming treatment.
In both genotypes, RGR, ULR, LAR and SLA from 30 to Moreover, maximum TSS concentration was achieved by
90 DAS were significantly increased by seed priming, espe- redox priming and redox halopriming for Sakha-93, and
cially halopriming on Sakha93 and redox halopriming on Gemmiza-9, respectively. MSI %, TSS and proline concen-
Gemmiza-9 (Table 4). Furthermore, RGR and ULR were trations were significantly higher in Sakha-93 than those in
significantly higher in Sakha-93 than those in Gemmiza-9, Gemmiza-9, and oppositely in case of MDA concentration
but there was not significantly difference between both (Table 6).
genotypes in case of LAR and SLA. Application of priming treatments to wheat genotypes
resulted in a decrease of Na+ accumulation in the shoots
and roots as compared to the control plants, while K+ accu-
Physiological and biochemical parameters
mulation and K+/Na+ ratio were significantly higher under
The concentration of chlorophyll (Chl) a, b, carotenoids the same conditions (Table 7). In the shoots, the maximum
and anthocyanin in flag leaves of both genotypes was sig- decline of Na+ concentration and increase of K+/Na+ ratio
nificantly increased by priming treatments, especially redox were recorded by redox priming for Sakha-93 and redox
halopriming, in both genotypes at flowering stage. While, halopriming for Gemmiza-9. In addition, maximum K+
Chl a/b and Chl/carotenoids ratios were not significantly accumulation in the shoot of both genotypes was obtained
affected (Table 5). Despite of the lack of the significant dif- from redox halopriming, redox priming and halopriming
ferences in the concentration of leaf pigments between treatments. In the roots, the maximum decrease of Na+ as
untreated wheat genotypes, redox halopriming remarkably well as the maximum increase of K+ and K+/Na+ ratio was
increased the concentrations of Chl a, b and carotenoids in obtained by redox halopriming treatment. Na+
salt-sensitive genotype (Gemmiza-9) than those in salt-tol- accumulation in the root of salt-tolerant genotype was
erant genotype (Sakha-93). The same way was observed for higher than that in the root of salt-sensitive one, while K+

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Maswada and Abd El-Kader

Table 4 Effect of priming treatments on relative growth rate (RGR), unit leaf rate (ULR), leaf area ratio (LAR) and specific leaf area (SLA) of wheat
genotypes from 30 to 90 DAS under saline conditions

Genotype (G) Priming (P) RGR (g g1 month1) ULR (g m2 day1) LAR (cm2 g1) SLA (cm2 g1)

Sakha-93 Control 3.641 bcd 68.29 cd 29.31 bc 48.63 abc

Hydropriming 3.838 abc 82.18 abc 29.90 bc 48.64 abc
Redox priming 3.805 abc 79.78 abc 28.92 bc 47.19 bc
Halopriming 4.104 a 100.76 a 33.11 ab 56.02 a
Redox halopriming 3.963 ab 93.81 ab 30.68 bc 49.56 abc
Gemmiza-9 Control 3.392 d 55.27 d 26.93 c 42.27 c
Hydropriming 3.403 d 52.38 d 32.80 ab 50.34 abc
Redox priming 3.588 cd 70.41 bcd 29.01 bc 47.50 bc
Halopriming 3.735 bc 71.04 bcd 31.08 abc 49.98 abc
Redox halopriming 3.790 abc 68.06 cd 34.95 a 54.17 ab
F values and level G 20.63 ** 21.53 ** 0.485 ns 0.577 ns
of significance P 5.741 ** 3.577 * 4.928 ** 3.365 *
G9P 0.596 ns 0.868 ns 2.589 ns 2.045 ns

Values represent the means of three replicates of each treatment (10 plant samples of each plot). Means values within each column followed by the
same letter are not significantly different (P ≤ 0.05), according to Duncan’s multiple range test. ** and *: significant at 0.01 and 0.05 probability
levels, respectively.
ns, non-significant; DAS, days after sowing.

Table 5 Effect of priming treatments on leaf pigments of fresh flag leaves of wheat genotypes at flowering stage (90 DAS) under saline conditions

Carotenoids Anthocyanin
Genotype (G) Priming (P) Chl a (mg g1 Fw) Chl b (mg g1 Fw) Chl a/b ratio (mg g1 Fw) Chl/carotenoids (lmol g1 Fw)

Sakha-93 Control 1.703 d 0.670 de 2.495 d 0.396 c 5.995 ab 0.219 de

Hydropriming 1.882 cd 0.717 bcd 2.620 bc 0.434 bc 5.992 ab 0.220 de
Redox priming 2.042 bc 0.769 bc 2.654 abc 0.462 b 6.085 a 0.273 b
Halopriming 1.916 c 0.719 bcd 2.664 abc 0.445 bc 5.927 ab 0.247 c
Redox halopriming 2.055 bc 0.768 bc 2.678 abc 0.478 ab 5.909 ab 0.302 a
Gemmiza-9 Control 1.684 d 0.612 e 2.754 a 0.393 c 5.849 b 0.207 e
Hydropriming 1.942 c 0.710 cd 2.736 ab 0.457 b 5.798 b 0.238 cd
Redox priming 2.172 ab 0.786 bc 2.764 a 0.495 ab 5.978 ab 0.245 c
Halopriming 2.076 bc 0.801 ab 2.593 cd 0.472 ab 6.099 a 0.242 cd
Redox halopriming 2.339 a 0.873 a 2.679 abc 0.530 a 6.064 a 0.276 b
F values and level G 8.154 * 3.546 ns 12.69 ** 7.391 * 0.361 ns 5.065 *
of significance P 16.20 ** 17.57 ** 1.943 ns 14.26 ** 1.721 ns 29.90 **
G9P 1.391 ns 4.146 * 5.816 ** 0.869 ns 3.767 * 3.104 *

Values represent the means of three replicates of each treatment (five plant samples of each plot). Means values within each column followed by the
same letter are not significantly different (P ≤ 0.05), according to Duncan’s multiple range test. ** and *: significant at 0.01 and 0.05 probability
levels, respectively.
ns, non-significant; DAS, days after sowing.

accumulation followed an opposite trend. By contrast, K+ straw yield. However, priming treatments markedly
accumulation in the shoot of salt-tolerant genotype was increased these parameters in salt-sensitive genotype than
higher than that in the shoot of salt-sensitive one, while those in salt-tolerant one. In addition, salt-tolerant geno-
Na+ accumulation followed an opposite trend (Table 7). type possessed higher values of 1000-grain weight and har-
vest index than those in salt-sensitive genotype. Maximum
plant height was observed by halopriming and redox halo-
Yield and yield-related traits
priming treatment in Sakha-93, and Gemmiza-9, respec-
In both genotypes, priming treatments have significant tively. Redox priming was the best treatment for improving
effects on all agronomic and yield attributes except for har- number of total tillers for both genotypes, spike length for
vest index (Table 8). Under control conditions, there was Gemmiza-9 and straw yield for Sakha-93. While redox
not significantly difference between wheat genotypes for halopriming was the best treatment for enhancing number
plant height, number of spikelets and grains per spike, and of spikelets and grains per spike for genotypes, 1000-grain

42 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 37–50

Inducing Salt Tolerance in Bread Wheat

Table 6 Effect of priming treatments on membrane stability index (MSI %) and the concentrations of malondialdehyde (MDA), proline and total
soluble sugars (TSS) of fresh flag leaves of wheat genotypes at flowering stage (90 DAS) under saline conditions

Genotype (G) Priming (P) MSI (%) MDA (nmol g1 Fw) Proline (lg g1 Fw) TSS (mg g1 Fw)

Sakha-93 Control 21.61 e 9.27 de 11.38 g 22.88 de

Hydropriming 31.61 c 8.54 ef 14.20 f 24.99 c
Redox priming 36.05 a 8.30 ef 31.44 a 32.17 a
Halopriming 34.34 ab 8.54 ef 20.18 e 25.66 c
Redox halopriming 36.79 a 7.23 f 26.56 c 29.32 b
Gemmiza-9 Control 20.70 e 17.93 a 10.39 g 22.51 e
Hydropriming 27.72 d 16.21 b 11.57 g 22.89 de
Redox priming 34.53 ab 11.27 c 28.39 b 26.37 c
Halopriming 33.17 bc 15.98 b 19.87 e 24.69 cd
Redox halopriming 36.36 a 10.17 cd 24.14 d 32.43 a
F values and level G 9.457 ** 360.5 ** 24.74 ** 10.20 **
of significance P 117.3 ** 33.61 ** 364.1 ** 67.24 **
G9P 1.370 ns 15.62 ** 1.908 ns 13.99 **

Values represent the means of three replicates of each treatment (five plant samples of each plot). Means values within each column followed by the
same letter are not significantly different (P ≤ 0.05), according to Duncan’s multiple range test. ** and *: significant at 0.01 and 0.05 probability lev-
els, respectively.
ns, non-significant; DAS, days after sowing.

Table 7 Effect of priming treatments the concentrations of Na+, K+ as well as K+/Na+ ratio in the root and shoot of wheat genotypes at 90 DAS
(flowering stage) under saline conditions

Shoot Na+ Shoot K+ Root Na+ Root K+ Root K+/Na+

Genotype (G) Priming (P) (mg g1 Dw) (mg g1 Dw) Shoot K+/Na+ ratio (mg g1 Dw) (mg g1 Dw) ratio

Sakha-93 Control 6.017 cd 6.617 bc 1.100 ef 5.117 a 1.517 e 0.297 e

Hydropriming 5.617 e 6.883 b 1.227 d 4.817 b 1.727 e 0.360 e
Redox priming 5.110 f 8.117 a 1.590 a 4.667 bcd 3.183 c 0.683 c
Halopriming 5.543 e 7.967 a 1.437 c 4.550 de 3.183 c 0.697 c
Redox halopriming 5.500 e 8.250 a 1.500 b 3.767 g 3.617 b 0.963 b
Gemmiza-9 Control 6.610 a 5.450 d 0.823 h 4.733 bc 1.647 e 0.347 e
Hydropriming 6.300 b 5.567 d 0.883 g 4.583 cde 2.483 d 0.540 d
Redox priming 6.160 c 6.533 c 1.060 f 4.433 e 3.333 c 0.753 c
Halopriming 6.153 c 6.483 c 1.053 f 4.250 f 3.300 c 0.777 c
Redox halopriming 5.933 d 6.750 bc 1.140 e 3.533 h 4.717 a 1.337 a
F values and level G 530.2 ** 443.2 ** 1104.4 ** 79.89 ** 59.13 ** 66.78 **
of significance P 65.49 ** 82.29 ** 166.6 ** 196.3 ** 245.4 ** 239.3 **
G9P 12.25 ** 1.242 ns 13.245 ** 0.916 ns 11.94 ** 10.60 **

Values represent the means of three replicates of each treatment (dry shoot and root of 10 plant samples of each plot). Means values within each col-
umn followed by the same letter are not significantly different (P ≤ 0.05), according to Duncan’s multiple range test. ** and *: significant at 0.01
and 0.05 probability levels, respectively.
ns, non-significant; DAS, days after sowing.

weight and straw yield for Gemmiza-9. Similarly, maxi- (2008) reported that more than 45 million hectares of
mum grain yield of both genotypes was observed from irrigated land have been damaged by salt worldwide and
redox halopriming; where the enhancement of grain yields nearly 1.5 million hectares are taken out of production each
over control was 96.09 % and 36.61 % in Gemmiza-9 and year due to high salinity levels in the soil. Thus, it is worthy
Sahka-93, respectively. to enhance the performance of crop plants, especially food
crops, under saline condition. This study provides a prom-
ising strategy to enhance salt tolerance of bread wheat,
which is considered the main food crop worldwide.
Salinity is one of the most critical abiotic factors of the Seed priming with nitric oxide (redox priming), diluted
growth and productivity of crop plants. Munns and Tester sea water (halopriming) or the combination of both (redox

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Maswada and Abd El-Kader

Table 8 Effect of priming treatments on agronomic and yield attributes of wheat genotypes under saline conditions

No. total Spike No. 1000- Straw Grain

Genotype Priming Plant tillers length spikelets No. grains grain yield yield Harvest
(G) (P) height (cm) per plant (cm) per spike per spike weight (t ha1) (t ha1) index (%)

Sakha-93 P0 86.97 cd 4.10 bcd 8.35 cd 15.63 d 34.70 e 50.40 a 8.85 d 4.747 de 34.87 cd
P1 85.20 d 4.50 a-d 9.06 ab 16.27 cd 35.67 e 47.89 b 9.81 d 4.887 d 33.25 cde
P2 89.90 bcd 4.90 ab 8.07 d 16.81 bc 36.49 de 44.13 de 11.90 c 6.303 bc 34.66 cd
P3 92.00 bc 4.00 cd 9.02 ab 16.73 bcd 36.25 de 47.22 bc 9.63 d 6.067 c 38.68 ab
P4 90.50 bcd 3.70 d 8.69 abc 17.97 a 40.75 bc 48.71 ab 9.92 d 6.58 abc 40.33 a
Gemmiza-9 P0 86.93 cd 4.50 a-d 7.91 de 16.00 cd 36.67 cde 44.02 de 8.36 d 3.840 e 31.48 e
P1 89.07 bcd 3.90 cd 7.43 e 16.28 cd 37.10 cde 43.69 de 9.95 d 5.650 cd 36.23 bc
P2 91.10 bcd 5.10 a 9.23 a 17.52 ab 44.15 b 43.14 e 14.74 b 7.160 ab 32.68 de
P3 94.30 b 4.70 abc 8.94 ab 18.18 a 40.00 cd 44.00 de 12.75 c 5.950 c 31.80 de
P4 102.00 a 4.60 abc 8.64 bc 18.57 a 47.98 a 45.57 cd 16.97 a 7.530 a 33.47 e
F values and G 10.07 ** 3.765 ns 3.881 ns 8.558 ** 29.28 ** 66.04 ** 23.49 ** 2.502 ns 40.47 **
level of P 9.030 ** 3.493 * 8.549 ** 16.44 ** 14.82 ** 8.705 ** 24.29 ** 26.22 ** 2.345 ns
significance G9P 2.947 * 2.478 ns 17.84 ** 1.234 ns 2.544 ns 3.917 * 7.155 ** 3.369 * 13.13 **

Values represent the means of three replicates of each treatment (10 plant samples of each plot were harvested to estimate plant height, No. total til-
lers per plant, spike length, No. spikelets per spike and No. grains per spike, while 1000-grain weight, straw and grain yields were estimated from
plant samples that harvested from 1 m2 of each plot). Means values within each column followed by the same letter are not significantly different
(P ≤ 0.05), according to Duncan’s multiple range test. ** and *: significant at 0.01 and 0.05 probability levels, respectively. Priming treatments
include control ‘P0’, hydropriming ‘P1’, redox priming ‘P2’, halopriming ‘P3’ and redox halopriming ‘P4’.
ns, non-significant.

halopriming) has a positive impact in improving growth NO might be due to the higher activity of antioxidant
traits including, RDM, SDM, LA, RGR, ULR, LAR and SLA enzymes (Wu et al. 2011). Moreover, Kausar and Shahbaz
of both wheat genotypes under salt-affected soil. However, (2013) indicated that growth attributes of wheat plants
applying redox halopriming has the major impact on have been increased by application of NO due to an
increase of RDM, SDM and LA in both genotypes as com- increase of photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance
pared to applying redox and halopriming, separately (Table 9). Our results indicated that salt-tolerant genotype
(Table 3). In addition, redox halopriming followed by has higher RDM, SDM, RGR and ULR than salt-sensitive
redox priming has positive effects on RGR, ULR, LAR and one. Similar results were obtained on salt-tolerant wheat
SLA (Table 4). Accordingly, seed priming with diluted sea genotypes, where the growth rate and shoot biomass were
water and/or nitric oxide have positive effects on improv- higher as compared to salt-sensitive ones (Rahnama et al.
ing growth traits of salinized wheat plants. In the line of 2011). The growth and net assimilation rates are reliable
our results, seed priming with inorganic salts (halopri- indicators to differentiate wheat genotypes for salt toler-
ming) had positive effect for promoting growth and dry ance (Kumar et al. 2012).
matter accumulation of several plants (Table 9) such as, Chlorophyll concentration was used as a sensitive indica-
canola (Farhoudi and Sharifzadeh 2006), maize (Ashraf tor of the cellular metabolic state of plants under salt stress
and Rauf 2001), melon (Sivritepe et al. 2003), mung bean (Chutipaijit et al. 2011). Moreover, grown plants in saline
(Saha et al. 2010), tomato (Nawaz et al. 2011) and wheat soils exhibit leaf chlorosis due to chlorophyll decay (Jiang
(Afzal et al. 2008, Jamal et al. 2011, Abbasdokht and Eda- et al. 1994), where salinity increases the activity of chloro-
latpisheh 2013). In addition, seed priming with 0.1 mM phyllase (Rao and Rao 1981) that degrades chlorophyll and
SNP, as NO donor, improved growth as indicated by an causing instability of pigment complexes (Singh and Dubey
increase in the dry matter accumulation of maize (Zhang 1995). In this study, redox halopriming treatment has a
et al. 2006) and wheat (Zheng et al. 2009). Moreover, Kau- positive impact on chlorophyll (Chl) a, b, carotenoids and
sar and Shahbaz (2013) mentioned that foliar application anthocyanin concentrations (Table 5). In line with these
of NO (0.05, 0.1 and 0.15 mM) on wheat plants was found findings (Table 9), the negative impacts of salinity on Chl
to be effective in enhancing shoot and root fresh weights a, total Chl and carotenoid concentrations, as well as Chl a/
and leaf area per plant under saline and non-saline condi- b ratio in Aegiceras corniculatum leaves (Chen et al. 2014),
tions. Accordingly, it is suggested that NO actively partici- and anthocyanin concentration in the leaves of soya bean
pates in growth regulation of plants. However, the (Simaei et al. 2012) were restored significantly by seed
improvement of plant growth as response to exogenous treatment with 100 lM SNP. Furthermore, exogenous NO

44 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 37–50

Inducing Salt Tolerance in Bread Wheat

could apparently counteract the decay of chlorophyll in environmental stresses (Ashraf and Foolad 2007). More-
wheat leaves caused by salt and osmotic stress (Ruan et al. over, the accumulation of proline is an adaptive mechanism
2002, Alavi et al. 2014). Moreover, treating maize seedlings that improves the plant performance under salt stress (Khe-
with 100 lM SNP remarkably increased chlorophyll con- dr et al. 2003). Redox and redox halopriming were the most
centration under salt stress (Zhang et al. 2006). Ali and Is- relevant treatments that significantly increased the concen-
mail (2014) reported that spraying salinized tomato plants tration of free proline and TSS in both wheat genotypes
with 10 lM SNP significantly increased b-carotene and compared to control (Table 6). The same findings, as a
anthocyanin concentrations in fruits. In addition, pre-trea- result of exogenous NO, were reported in wheat (Ruan
ted seeds of mung bean with NaCl (50 mM) overcame the et al. 2002, Zheng et al. 2009) and in tomato (Wu et al.
adverse effect of salt stress by increasing growth and photo- 2011). In addition, halopriming with inorganic salts
synthetic pigments (Chl a, b and carotenoids) of seedlings improved salt tolerance either by the accumulation of pro-
(Saha et al. 2010) (Table 9). In this study, our results shed line in canola (Farhoudi and Sharifzadeh 2006), melon
some light on the effect of seed priming on increasing the (Sivritepe et al. 2003) and mung bean (Saha et al. 2010), or
photosynthetic pigments in salt-sensitive genotype that by the accumulation of TSS as reported by Nawaz et al.
may help to improve plant performance under saline con- (2011) for tomato and Afzal et al. (2008) for wheat
ditions (Table 5). Consequently, we can deduce that (Table 9).
increasing photosynthetic pigments, due to seed priming, Increase of K+ uptake with decease of Na+ accumulation
might be one of the mechanisms that enabled salt-sensitive is amongst the important indicator of salinity tolerance
wheat genotype to tolerate salt stress. (Marschner 1995). Also, K+/Na+ ratio is considered as a
When plants are exposed to salinity or osmotic stress, good indicator to assess plant tolerance to salinity (Ashraf
ROS begins to accumulate and causes deterioration of et al. 2010). Zhang et al. (2011) reported that salt stress
membrane lipids, leading to an increase of MDA concen- markedly increased Na+ concentration and reduced K+
tration and membrane permeability (Gunes et al. 2007). accumulation and K+/Na+ ratio in wheat plants especially
Lipid peroxidation, as indicated by lower levels of electro- during the late filling stage. The higher K+ concentration
lyte leakage and MDA concentration, has been used as indi- and K+/Na+ ratio, with lower Na+ accumulation in the
cator of salt-induced oxidative damage to the membranes roots and shoots of both wheat genotypes (Table 7), shed
(Hernandez and Almansa 2002). Our results indicated the some light on the reliability of using redox halopriming to
effectiveness of redox halopriming on decreasing MDA and enhance salt tolerance. In line with our results, redox prim-
improving MSI (Table 6); accordingly, the membrane ing with NO (Zheng et al. 2009), as well as halopriming
integrity can be considerably maintained by applying redox with inorganic salts (Afzal et al. 2008, Jamal et al. 2011,
halopriming treatment. In line with our findings (Table 9), Jafar et al. 2012, Abbasdokht and Edalatpisheh 2013) main-
several studies have been conducted to investigate the effect tained the ion balance between K+ and Na+, where priming
of the exogenous NO on the salt tolerance in A. cornicula- decreased the Na+ uptake and increased K+ accumulation
tum (Chen et al. 2014), barley (Li et al. 2008), chickpea and K+/Na+ ratio in wheat plants grown under saline con-
(Sheokand et al. 2010), cucumber (Fan et al. 2013), maize ditions (Table 9). Moreover, priming with NaCl induced
(Zhang et al. 2006), soya bean (Simaei et al. 2012), tomato salt tolerance of canola (Farhoudi and Sharifzadeh 2006),
(Wu et al. 2011) and wheat (Ruan et al. 2002, Zheng et al. and melon (Sivritepe et al. 2003) via increasing K+ and
2009, Alavi et al. 2014) via reducing lipid peroxidation Ca2+ concentration, with decreasing Na+ accumulation.
and/or improving MSI. Similarly, halopriming with inor- Also, Simaei et al. (2012) reported that treating soya bean
ganic salts (NaCl) had a potential role in mitigating salt seedlings with 100 lM of SNP improved K+ uptake and
and osmotic stresses by increasing MSI or reducing MDA inhibited Na+ uptake of roots and shoots. The lower accu-
concentration in mung bean (Saha et al. 2010), or lowering mulation of Na+ in the shoots of the salt-tolerant genotype
electrical conductivity of seed leachate in tomato (Nawaz that accumulates higher Na+ in the roots (Table 7) pro-
et al. 2011). vided evidence for the reduction of Na+ translocation from
The accumulation of organic osmolytes (compatible sol- roots to shoots that is considered as a mechanism of salt
utes) as well as inorganic ions plays an important role in tolerance (Boursier and L€auchi 1990).
maintaining osmotic adjustment that enhances the growth The yield reduction of crop plants is most countable
of plants under salt stress (Chen and Jiang 2010, Patade effect of salinity in agriculture, where yield of most gylco-
et al. 2011). Compatible solutes acting as low molecular phytic crops declined greatly due to salt stress (Hasanuzz-
weight chaperones and play an important role in protecting aman et al. 2013). Seed priming with diluted sea water
cellular structures through scavenging ROS (Hasegawa and/or nitric oxide has positive effects on the agronomic
et al. 2000). It is suggested that proline serves as a selective and yield attributes of both wheat genotypes (Table 8).
element for the tolerance of most plant species to different Similar results were reported by Jafar et al. (2012)

© 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 37–50 45

Maswada and Abd El-Kader

Table 9 Effects of halopriming with inorganic salts as well as exogenous nitric oxide to induce salt tolerance of wheat or other crop plants

Plant Treatment Effects Reference

Wheat Priming with KNO3 (-1.2 MPa) Improved dry matter accumulation. Increased Abbasdokht and
K+ concentration and K+/Na+ ratio; and Edalatpisheh (2013)
decreased Na+ accumulation.
Priming with CaCl2, Improved root and shoot dry weight. Afzal et al. (2008)
NaCl and CaSO4 (50 mM) Increased K+ and Ca2+ concentration;
and decreased Na+ accumulation.
Increased total sugars.
Priming with CaCl2 (50 mg l1) Increased K+ and decreased Na+ accumulation. Jafar et al. (2012)
enhanced all agronomic and yield attributes
such as plant height, No. tillers, No. spikelets,
No. grains, 1000-grain weight, grain yield,
biological yield and harvest index.
Priming with NaCl (30 mM) Increased root and shoot dry weight Jamal et al. (2011)
increased K+ concentration and K+/Na+
ratio and decreased Na+ accumulation
Canola Priming with NaCl (14 dS m1) Improved seedling dry weight increased Farhoudi and
accumulation of proline increased K+ Sharifzadeh (2006)
and Ca2+ concentration and
decreased Na+ accumulation
Maize Priming with NaCl, KCl and Increased germination percentage Ashraf and Rauf (2001)
CaCl22H2O (200 meq l1) and dry weight of seedlings
Melon Priming with NaCl (18 dS m1) Increased dry weight of seedlings Sivritepe et al. (2003)
enhanced total sugar and proline
accumulation increased K+ and Ca2+
concentration and K+/Na+ ratio and
decreased Na+ accumulation
Mung bean Priming with NaCl (50 mM) Increased growth and photosynthetic Saha et al. (2010)
pigments (Chl a, b and carotenoids)
of seedlings decreased MDA concentration
increased accumulation of proline
Tomato Priming with NaCl and Increased dry weight of seedlings lowered Nawaz et al. (2011)
KNO3 (25 and 50 mM) electrical conductivity of seed leachate
enhanced accumulation of total sugars
Wheat Seedlings exposed to 100 lM SNP Increased amounts of chlorophyll a and b Alavi et al. (2014)
improved MSI (%) and reduced MDA
Foliar application of NO Enhanced shoot and root fresh weights, Kausar and Shahbaz (2013)
(0.05, 0.1 and 0.15 mM) leaf area and photosynthetic rate
Seedlings treated with Counteract the decay of chlorophyll Ruan et al. (2002)
SNP (0.1 and 1 mM) decreased MDA concentration and
plasma membrane permeability elevated
the concentration of proline
Seed priming with 0.1 mM SNP Increased germination rate and weights Zheng et al. (2009)
of coleoptile and radicle increased total
soluble sugars, K+ concentration and
decreased MDA content and Na+
accumulation of germinating grains
Barley Seedlings treated with 50 lM SNP Decreased ion leakage and MDA Li et al. (2008)
Chickpea Foliar spray with 0.2 and 1 mM SNP Decreased membrane injury and lipid Sheokand et al. (2010)
peroxidation (MDA concentration)
Cucumber Seed soaking in 50 lM SNP Decreased seedling contents of MDA Fan et al. (2013)
Maize Seedlings treated with 100 lM SNP Increased dry matter accumulation Zhang et al. (2006)
increased chlorophyll content
decreased electrolyte leakage


46 © 2015 Blackwell Verlag GmbH, 202 (2016) 37–50

Inducing Salt Tolerance in Bread Wheat

Table 9 (continued)

Plant Treatment Effects Reference

Mangrove Seedlings treated with SNP (100 lM) Increased Chl a, b, total Chl and Chen et al. (2014)
(Aegiceras carotenoid concentrations,
corniculatum) as well as Chl a/b ratio decreased
MDA concentration
Soya bean Seedlings treated with SNP (100 lM) Increased anthocyanin concentration Simaei et al. (2012)
of leaves decreased LOX activity
of leaves (as indicator of lipid
peroxidation) Improved K+
uptake and inhibited Na+
uptake of roots and shoots
Tomato Foliar spray with 10 lM SNP Increased b-carotene and anthocyanin Ali and Ismail (2014)
concentrations in fruits
Plants (60 DAS) treated Improved of shoot and root dry Wu et al. (2011)
with SNP (100 lM) weight decreased MDA concentration
increased the concentration of
proline and total soluble sugars

DAS, days after sowing; SNP, sodium nitroprusside.

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