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María Fernanda Grisales Ríos

Daniela Vanegas Arredondo

Carlos Pineda Castañeda

Terrorists, attack, heroes, airplanes, pentagon, people died, towers, run, remain, flight, firefighters,
dogs, ground zero, Pennsylvania, white house, the world trade center, medical personnel, police
officers, maritime community, evacuate, survivor, clone, disaster, brave people, help, rescue, inform

Simple sentences:
1. New York city was attack by terrorist
2. In the 9/11 there were many heroes such as firefighters, police officers and medical personal
3. One of the airplanes dropped in Pennsylvania
4. When The World Trade Center was attacked many people died by the fire of the explosion of
the airplanes
5. A lot of firefighters died for helping people to get out from the towers
6. the flight 93 was kidnapped by terrorist and almost 45 people died for the impact in
7. After the disaster the people evacuated the city by boat or by foot
8. when there was no more hope that there were survivors, they brought dogs to rescue or find
other survivors
9. when people tried to get out to the buildings the firefighters remained to help people that were
still in the buildings
10. the police officers informed to the press, radio, TV, etc., what had happened in the twin towers
11. for many people on the whole world now and in the past they think that the police officers
firefighters medical personnel etc. who stayed helping and rescuing people on 9/11 those
people were heroes
12. Heroes are not only those of the comics are also those who risk their lives to help others as
were medical personnel and firefighters who regardless of circumstances helped the few
survivors of 9/11.
13. Four planes were exploded in 9/11. two of them exploded in the twin towers and other fell in
Pennsylvania and exploded and the last one dropped into the Pentagon
14. Dogs were also heroes because they helped to rescue people and that was enough for one of those dogs
would become famous and be cloned although they rescued one person
15. On 9/11 after the emergency the medical personnel had to improvise stretchers to cure people who
were injured in the terrorist attack

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