Aula Ahmed Naji Third Stage/structural - A-: What Is The Difference Between Mass and Weight?

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Aula Ahmed Naji

Third stage/structural –A-

What is the difference between mass and weight?

Mass is the measure of the amount of matter in a body. Mass is denoted using m or M.

Weight is the measure of the amount of force acting on a mass due to the acceleration
due to gravity ,Weight usually is denoted by W. Weight is mass multiplied by the
acceleration of gravity. W = m * g

Comparing Mass versus Weight

For the most part, if you're on Earth and not moving, the values for mass and weight will be the
same. If you change your location with respect to gravity, mass will remain unchanged, but
weight will not. For example, your body's mass is a set value, but your weight is different on
the Moon compared with on Earth.

Mass is a property of matter. The mass Weight depends on the effect of gravity. Weight varies
of an object is the same everywhere, according to location.
Weight can be zero if no gravity acts upon an object, as
Mass can never be zero.
in space.
Mass does not change according to Weight increases or decreases with higher or lower
location. gravity.
Weight is a vector quantity. It has magnitude and is
Mass is a scalar quantity. It has
directed toward the center of the Earth or other gravity
Mass may be measured using an
Weight is measured using a spring balance.
ordinary balance.
Mass usually is measured in grams and
Weight often is measured in Newton’s, a unit of force.

So Why Do People Say Weight instead of Mass?

People often use "weight" to mean "mass" Because gravity is pretty much the same everywhere
on Earth, we don't notice a difference.

 They do not mean the same thing, and they can have different measurements.

Here are some conditions where the Weight might change:

 In space (can be weightless!)

 on the moon (a 100 kg mass would weigh 16.6 kg)
 You can even get very slight differences in weight in different locations on earth!
Aula Ahmed Naji
Third stage/structural –A-

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