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Year 12 SL Maths VECTORS Book 2 Part B Questions Name: r Do not write solutions on this page. [Maximum mark: 15] Aline £ passes through points A(-3, 4, 2) and B(~1, 3, 3). 2 (2) () Showthat AB=| - 1 (i) Find a vector equation for Z. The line L also passes through the point C(3, 1, p). (b) Find the value of p. (©) The point D has coordinates (g°, 0, 4). Given that DC is perpendicular to Z. find the possible values of q. NBEPI2 ~12- N4T/S/MATME/SP1/ENG/TZOIXX 3) 15) m _l r -1- MATISIMATMEISP(JENG/TZ1XX Do not write solutions on this page. Section B ‘Answer all questions in the answer booklet provided. Please start each question on @ new page. 8. [Maximum mark: 17] Aline L, passes through the points A(0, 1,8) and B(3, 5,2). (@) @ Find AB (i) Hence, write down a vector equation for L, (4) 1 P (0) Asecond line Z,, has equation r=| 13 |+s] 0 -4) \1 Given that L, and L, are perpendicular, show that p Bl (©) Thelines Z, and Z, intersect at C(9, 13,2). Find z 5 (4) () Find a unit vector in the direction of Z, (i) Hence or otherwise, find one point on Z, which is V5 units from C. 5) [Maximum mark: 14] ‘Aquadratic function f can be written in the form f(x) = a(x—p)(x—3). The graph of f has axis of symmetry x=2.5 and intercept at (0, -6). (2) Find the value of p. a (0) Find the value of a. fo (0) The line y= kx~5 isa tangent to the curve of /. Find the values of k. (8) L IMI ‘om | r =14- MA7/SIMATME/SP4/ENGITZ2IXX Do not write solutions on this page. [Maximum mark: 16] Note: In this question, distance is in metres and time is in seconds. Two particles P, and P, start moving from a point A at the same time, along different straight lines. 4) (1 After ¢ seconds, the position of P, is given by r=|~1|4+/] 2 3) 2 (2) Find the coordinates of A. 2 Two seconds after leaving A, P, is at point B. (b) Find AB; (| AB). 5] 3 Two seconds after leaving A, P, is at point C, where AC =| 0 4 (c) Find cosBAC. (5) (a) Hence or otherwise, find the distance between P, and P, two seconds after they leave A. (4) BER TA _Ik NisisMATMEsPrENcmzanx | Do not write solutions on this page. | Section B ‘Answer all questions in the answer booklet provided. Please start each question on a new page. 8. {Maximum mark: 16] 1 4 0 | and OB=] 1 4 3 (@) @ Find AB | (i) Find | AB 4] | A The point C is such that AC=] 1 |. -L | (©) Show that the coordinates of C are (-2, 1, 3) tt The following diagram shows triangle ABC. Let D be a point on [BC], with acute angle ADC = 4 diagram not to scale A B (©) White down an expression in terms of 8 for = () angle ADB; (i) area of triangle ABD. a = (@) Given that 22 SABD _ 5 show that BO _3 8) area AACD BC 4 s(@) Hence or otherwise, find the coordinates of point D. (4) r L -12- MA6/S/MATME/SP2/ENGITZ2IXX Do not write solutions on this page. 10. [Maximum mark: 15] Consider the points A(I, 5,—7) and B(-9, 9, -6). (9) Find AB . - 6 Let C be a point such that AC =| ~4 0 (b) Find the coordinates of C. The line ZL passes through B and is parallel to (AC). (©) Write down a vector equation for L () Given that ee | find k. (©) The point D lies on Z such that | wi . Find the possible coordinates of D. 7 (2) [2] (2) (3) [6] tm WEP _t r a) -12- MA6/5IMATME/SP2/ENGITZ11XX Do not write solutions on this page. 40. [Maximum mark: 16] 3 6 The points A and B lie on a line L, and have position vectors | -2 | and | 4 | respectively. ~. 2 =) Let O be the origin. This is shown on the following diagram. diagram not to scale Z B a 2 () Find AB. a The point C also lies on L, such that AC = 2CB. 3 (b) Show that OC =| 2]. BI o Let 0 be the angle between AB and OC (©) Find 8. (5) Let D be a point such that OD =kOC, where k> 1. Let E be a point on J such that CD. is a right angle. This is shown on the following diagram. diagram not to scale () () — Showthat [DE oc|sing. | 1) (i) The distance from D to line Z, is less than 3 units, Find the possible values of k. [6] L InN . REPIZ T a -1- MA5/SIMATME/SP1/ENG/TZ2IXX Do not write solutions on this page. 8 [Maximum mark: 15] Let P and Q have coordinates (1,0, 2) and (-II , 8, m) respectively (@ Express BQ in terms Of m2 Be 1 ad Let @ and b be perpendicular vectors, where a =| 1 | and b=| 2 n I (b) Find n iO) (©) Given that PQ is parallel to b, (express PQ in terms of b; (i) hence find m i} In part (@), distance is in metres, time is in seconds (@)Apatticle moves along a straight line through Q so that its position is given by r=c+ ta. (Write down a possible vector ¢. (i) Find the speed of the particle. a L {I = sett r -9- missmarmePuenamzin | Do not write solutions on this page. Section B Answer all questions in the answer booklet provided. Please start each question on a new page. 8. [Maximum mark: 16] ena ta 5 . 7 Aline L passes through points A(-2,4,3) and B(-1, 3,1) Jf (@ @ — Showthat AB=| -1]. 2 wo 1 (b) Find a vector equation for 1. 2 ‘The following diagram shows the line L and the origin ©. The point C also lies on L A B c — =~ 0 Point C has position vector | y -1 (0) Show that y=2 14) () @ Find OC+AB i (ii) Hence, write down the size of the angle between OC and L (al (©) Hence or otherwise, find the area of triangle OAB ral i Turn over L | r -2- NI4/S/MATME/SPI/ENG/TZO/XX Do NOT write solutions on this page. 10. [Maximum mark: 17] = 2 Let L, be a family of lines with equation given by cL } where x>0. det, be eats 22) ee > x (@) Write down the equation of Z,. 2] Aline L, crosses the y-axis at a point P. (6) Show that Phas coordinates (0.4) ; (6) The line L, crosses the x-axis at Q(2a, 0). Let d=PQ* (©) Show that daa +16 P] @ (@ There is @ minimum value for d. Find the value of a that gives this minimum value. [7] L Ima EPI2 r L -12- M14/5/MATME/SP1/ENG/TZ2/XX_ Do NOT write solutions on this page. % [Maximum mark: 15] Distances in this question are in metres. RyanearnJuck have model airplanes, which take off from level ground. Jack's airplanssiakes.~ 2. off after Ryan's. 5s) (4 The position of Ryan’s airplane 1 seconds after it takes off is given by r =| 6 |+2| 2 o) l4 (@) Find the speed of Ryan’s airplane. (b) Find the height of Ryan’s airplane after two seconds. 39) (4 ‘The position of Jack’s airplane s seconds after it takes off is given by r=| 44 |+-s} 6]. (©) Show that the paths of the airplanes are perpendicular. ‘The two airplanes collide at the point (~23, 20, 28). (@ How long after Ryan’s airplane takes off does Jack’s airplane take off? NOEPYZ 4 BY Py oy = 6) _! r -9- ML4/S/MATME/SPV/ENG/TZ1/XX Do NOT write solutions on this page. SECTION B Answer all questions in the answer booklet provided. Please start each question on a new page. 8. [Maximusesnark: 17] = = The line Z, passes through the points A(2, 1,4) and B(, 1, 5). 1 @ Showthat AB=| 0 ay 1 (b) Hence, write down (i) adirection vector for Z,; (ii) a vector equation for L, BI 4) (0 Another line Z, has equation r=| 7 |4s]—1]. The lines 2, and L, intersect at the point P. a) li (©) Find the coordinates of P. [6] (@) @_— Write down a direction vector for L,. (ii) Hence, find the angle between J, and Z,. v7) L {Mit rere | P L 4 -10- NI3/S/MATME/SP2/ENG/TZ0/XX, Do NOT write solutions on this page. %. [Maximum mark: 17] an) (4 1) (2 Consider the lings J, and Z, with equations Z,:r=| 8 [+s] 3 | and L:r=| 1 [+e] 1 |. 2) la -1) (un The lines intersect at point P. (@) Find the coordinates of P. [1 (b) Show that the lines are perpendicular. bs} (©) The point Q(7, 5,3) lies on Z,. The point R is the reflection of Q in the line Z,. Find the coordinates of R. 6) Va ‘E10 r 5 -9- MI3/5/MATMEJSPI/ENG/TZ1/XX Do NOT write solutions on this page. SECTION B Answer all questions in the answer booklet provided. Please start each question on a new page. 8. [Maximumnvmark= 14]. 2-2 meee oe = 7 Consider points A(l,-2,-1), B(7,—4,3) and C(1,-2,3). The line J, passes through C and is parallel to AB. @® @ Find AB. Gi) Hence, write down a vector equation for Z,. [4 marks] 1) (3 Assecond line, Z,, is given by r=] 2 |+s|-3 1s) lp (b) Given that Z, is perpendicular to Z,, show that p =—6 [3 marks} (©) Theline Z, intersects the line Z, at point Q. Find the x-coordinate of Q. [7 marks] L wg a r Do NOT write solutions on this page. SECTION B Answer all questions in the answer booklet provided. Please start each question on a new page. Consider the points A(5, 2, 1), B@, 5, 3), and C(7, 6, a-+1), where aeR @ Find @ AB; (i) AC. Let a be the angle between AB and AC. () Find the value of @ for which q 4 (© @ Show that cosq = oe r (ii) Hence, find the value of @ for which a = 1.2. 0912 ‘MI3/5/MATME/SP2/ENGITZ2/XX 8 :%0 (Maximum mark-15}-— = FSH adhering B marks] [4 marks] [8 marks] ‘Turn over Cr 1 -12- ‘NI2/SIMATME/SPL/ENG/TZO/XX Do NOT write solutions on this page. 9. [Maximum mark: 14] LetA and B be points such that OA (@) Show that AB=| 2]. [1 mark] Let Cand D be points such that ABCD is a rectangle. 4 (&) Given that AD =| p |, show that p=3 [4 marks] 1 (©) Find the coordinates of point C. [4 marks] (@ _ Find the area of reetangle ABCD. [5 marks] L mq | rc =10- ‘MI2/S/MATME/SP1/ENG/TZUXX Do NOT write solutions on this page. SECTION B Answer all questions on the answer sheets provided. Please start each question on a new page. 8. [Maximum marked 7] 20 90 met Aline £, passes though points P(-1, 6,~1) and Q(0, 4,1). 1 @ @ Show that PQ=| -2 |. 2 Gi) Hence, write down an equation for Z, in the form r=a-+b. 4) (3 Asecond line L, has equation r=] 2. +s} 0 4 (b) Find the cosine of the angle between PQ and Ly. (©) The lines Z, and L, intersect at the point R. Find the coordinates of R. " Hl 1012 B marks] (7 marks] [7 marks] Ir 4 MI2/S/MATME/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX, Do NOT write solutions on this page. SECTION B Answer all questions on the answer sheets provided. Please start each question on a new page. 8 = [Mexican itrk:=16) = Lm The following diagram shows the cuboid (rectangular solid) OABCDEEG, where O is the origin, and OA=4i, OC=3j, OD=2k. @ @ Find OB Gi) Find OF. Gili) Show that AG =—4143j+2k. [5 marks] (b) Write down a vector equation for (the line OF; (ii) the line AG. [4 marks} (©) Find the obtuse angle between the lines OF and AG. (7 marks] rn vee r -9- NLV/S/MATME/SP1/ENG/TZO/XX, Do NOT write solutions on this page. Any working on this page will NOT be marked. SECTION B Answer all the questions on the answer sheets provided. Please start each question on a new page. 8 - ae [Maximum mark: 18] eps come ‘The line Z, passes through the points P(2, 4, 8) and Q(4, 5, 4). @ @ Find PQ Gi) Hence write down a vector equation for Z, in the form r=a+sb. [4 marks} 3p ‘The line Z, is perpendicular to Z,, and parallel to | 2p |, where pe Z 4 (©) (Find the value of p. Gi) Giventhat Z, passes through R (10, 6, -40), write down a vector equation for [,. [7 marks] (©) Thelines 1, and £, intersect at the point A. Find the x-coordinate of A. [7 marks] : mn 7 r r =10- MII/S/MATME/SP/ENG/TZ1/XX Do NOT write solutions on this page. Any working on this page will NOT be marked. 9. [Maximum mark: 16] ‘The following diagram shows the obtuse-angled triangle ABC such that 3) (2 AB=| 0 }and AC=] 2] 7 * ~ ~ =} ~ A © diagram not to scale B (@) (@ Writedown BA. Find BC. [3 marks} (b) Find cos ABC. Gi) Hence, find sin ABC. [7 marks} 4 ‘The point D is sueh that CD =| § |, where p>0 P ©) Given that | Cd|=V50, show that p=3. Gi) Hence, show that CD is perpendicular to BC {6 marks] r Do NOT write solutions on this page. Any working on this page will NOT be marked. SECTION B 9 [Maximum mark: 12] ‘Two fair 4-sided dice, one red and one green, are thrown. For cach die, the faces are labelled 1, 2, 3, 4. The score for each die is the number which lands face down. (a) List the pairs of scores that give a sum of 6 ‘The probability distribution far ake sum of the scores on the two dice is shown below. Sum | 4 3 6 7 8 iti 3 4 3 1 Probability) p | a | ce | i | ig |r | ag (b) Find the value of p, of q, and of r. Fred plays a game. He throws two fair 4-sided dice four times. He wins a prize if the sum is 5 on three or more throws. (©) Find the probability that Fred wins a prize L O91 Answer all questions on the answer sheets provided. Please start each question on a new page. MII/S/MATME/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX Bee< {Maxims mark: 17] = sehen Line J, passes through points A(I,—1, 4) and B(2,-2, 5). (a) Find AB [2 marks] () Find an equation for Z, in the form r=a-+tb. [2 marks} 2 2 Line L, has equation r=| 4 }r-s] 1 |. 7 3 (©) Find the angle between f, and J, (7 marks} (@) Thelines £, and 1, intersect at point C. Find the coordinates of C (6 marks) 1B marks} B marks] [6 marks} ‘Turn over -9- ‘N1O/5/MATME/SPL/ENG/TZO/XX Do NOT write solutions on this page. Any working on this page will NOT be marked. SECTION B Answer all the questions on the answer sheets provided. Please start each question on a new page. 3. [Macximum mark: 17] Bama Re, ‘The diagram shows quadrilateral ABCD with vertices A(1, 0), BG, 5), C(S, 2) and D(4,-1). diagram not to scale @ @ Show that AC Gi) Find BD (iil) Show that AC is perpendicular to BD [5 marks] ‘The line (AC) has equation r=u+s¥ (©) @ Write down vector w and vector v. (ii) Find a vector equation for the line (BD). (A marks] ‘The lines (AC) and (BD) intersect at the point P(3, k) (© Show that k= [3 marks] (@ Hence find the area of triangle ACD. [5 marks] sstoron HILL ‘Tura over 0911 -u- M10/5/MATMEI/SPL/ENG/TZLXX Do NOT write on this page. 10. [Maximum mark: 18] 3 2 ‘The line Z, is represented by the vector equation r=] —1 |+p| 1 [25 -8 Asecond line L; is parallel to Z, and passes through the point B(-8, ~5, 25). (@) Write down a vector equation for L, in the form r=a+tb. [2 marks} 5) (4 ‘A third line Z, is perpendicular to Z, and is represented by r=] 0 |+g] -2 |. 3) |e (©) Show that & [5 marks] ‘The lines Z, and L; intersect atthe point A. (©) Find the coordinates of A. [6 marks] . (6 The lines L, and L, intersect at point C where BC=| 3. |. 24 @ @ Find AB Gi) Hence, find |AC| [5 marks] — i -10- ‘MI10/S/MATME/SP2/ENG/TZ2/XX+ Do NOT write on this page. 9. [Maxinsum mark: 16] In this question, distance is in metres. Toy airplanes fly in a straight ling ata constant speed. Airplane.| passes through a point A. x) (3) (2 Its position, p seconds afier it has passed through A, is given by | y |=|—4 |+p} 3 |. z 0 1 (a) (@) Write down the coordinates of A. (ii) Find the speed of the airplane in ms. [4 marks] (©) After seven seconds the airplane passes through a point B. @)__ Find the coordinates of B. Gi) Find the distance the airplane has travelled during the seven seconds. [5 marks] (© Aimplane 2 passes through a point C. Its position g seconds after it passes x 2 =1 through C is given by | y [+] -5 }+q] 2 |,aeR. z 8 a ‘The angle between the flight paths of Airplane 1 and Airplane 2 is 40°. Find the ‘two values of a. (7 marks] am tn == ‘NO9/S/MATME/SP2/ENG/TZO/XX, Do NOT write on this page. 10. [Maximum mark: 17] Consider the points P(2,~1,5) and Q(3,~3,8). Let Z, be the line through P and Q. (@) Show that PQ =| 3 1 (b) The line L, may be represented by r=] -3 }+s} -2 |. 8 3 3 (What information does the vector | ~3 | give about Z,? 8 3 (ii) Write down another vector representation for Z, using | ~ 8 ‘The point T(-1,5, p) lies on L, (©) Find the value of p. x) (3) (1 The point T also lies on L, with equation | y |=] 9 |+«)-2 t}(2) la (@ Show that g (©) Let be the obtuse angle between L, and L,. Caleulate the size of 0. [1 mark] B marks] 3 marks] BB marks} 07 marks] _ wit wit —10— ‘MO9/5/MATME/SP/ENGITZ1/XX Do NOT write on this page. 9. [Maximum mark: 16] The vertices of the triangle PQR are defined by the position vectors, ans Pape OP =| -3 |, OQ=| —1 Jand OR =| 1 2 (@) Find @ PQ: (i) PR (b) Show that cosRPQ =i © @ FindsinRPQ. (ii) Hence, find the area of triangle PQR, giving your answer in the form a3 . be I 1011 B marks} [7 marks] [6 marks} == ‘MO9/S/MATME/SP/ENG/TZ2/KX Do NOT write on this page 10. [Maximum mark: 16] ‘The line L, is parallel to the z-axis. The poit 8 P has position veetor | 1 | and lies oO mms 5 se iene omen (@) Write down the equation of L, in the form r=a+1b. [2 marks] 2) (2 6 ‘The line L, has equation r=| 4 |+s|—1 |, The point A has position vector | 2 |. -} |s 9 (b) Show that A lies on Z, [A marks] Let B be the point of intersection of lines L, and L. 8 (© @ Show that OB=| 1 “4 (i) Find AB. [7 marks] (@) _Thepoint Cisat (2, 1,4). LetD be the point such that ABCD is a parallelogram. Find OD. B marks} os Mn ne -10- ‘N08/S/MATME/SP2/ENG/TZO/XX_ SECTION B Answer all the questions on the answer sheets provided. Please start each question on a new page. 8. [Maximum mark: 18] ~~>u> Tike diagram shows a parallelogram ABCD, a B diagram not to ‘scale a The coordinates of A, B and D are A(I, 2, 3), B(6, 4, 4) and DQ, 5, 5). 5 @ @ Show that AB=| 2 |. 1 i (i) Find AD. _ (6 ii) Hence show that AC=| 5 |. [5 marks] 3 (b) Find the coordinates of point C. [3 marks] © @ Find AB-AD. (ii) Hence find angle A. {7 marks] (@ Hence, of otherwise, find the area of the parallelogram. [3 marks] sua tN 1012 9- ‘M08/5/MATME/SP/ENGITZ2/XX SECTION B Answer all the questions on the answer sheets provided. Please start each question on a new page. 8 [Maximum mark: 13] = + Gonsiderthe points A(I, 5,4), BG, 1, 2) andslik@ ,k;2}, with (AD) perpendicularta. (AR); (@) Find @ ABS (i) AD, giving your answer in terms of & () Show that k=7. ‘The point C is such that Be=FAb. (©) Find the position vector of C. (@ Find cosABC. 9. [Maximum mark: 14] Let fsxt sin’ x (a) (i) Write down the range of the function /. (i) Consider f(@)=1, 0

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